Sunday, May 27, 2012


Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree

to the magnificent underdog,
majestic--just look at that face;
who struggle each mile, yet, manages a smile,
while the powerful spits in his face.
a toast!
To the illustrious underdog,
whose courage holds chaos at bay;
for the unshakable steel, which makes up his will,
to stand-up through yet one more day.
Let’s hear
a cheer!
For the tireless underdog.
His heart firmly girdered in place;
who finds just enough to survive when life's tough,
while the "powerful" stands in disgrace.
Let us
the heroic underdog,
who walks water routinely each day;
who braves lion Jaws and shun all applause,
then quietly goes on his way.
Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mitt Romney: A Monument to American Gullibility

Mitt Romney: A Monument to American Gullibility

Every time the American people look at Mitt Romney they should get angry, because he’s the walking, breathing, personification of the biggest scam ever perpetrated on America, "trickle down" economics. Romney is the very embodiment of trickle-down economics returning to rub our stupidity in our face, right down to his cynical pauses . . . and sideways half-smile that seems to say, "Now, let’s see if you’re dumb enough to swallow this load of crap, yet again." He’s such a cynical, insincere, and obvious con man that if he didn’t exist Saturday Night Live would have created him. He’s as stiff and emotion free as Max Headroom, and just as contrived: "Yes, my good friends, and what I love most about your fair city is the height of the trees." What!!!?
Trickle Down, or Supply- Side Economics, which came to be known as "Reaganomics," was a scheme hatch by U.S.C. economist Arthur Laffer and the Reagan crowd which was supposed to cut the deficit and balance the budget. The theory behind Reaganomics was ostensibly, if you cut taxes for business and people in the upper tax brackets, and then deregulated business of such nuisances as safety regulations and environmental safeguards, the beneficiaries would invest their savings into creating new jobs. In that way the money would eventually "trickle down" to the rest of us. Sound familiar? According to the scheme, the resulting broadened tax base would not only help to bring down the deficit, but also subsidize the tremendously high defense budget. When the plan was first floated, even George Bush, Reagan's vice president to be, called it "voodoo economics."
Reaganomics, for the most part, sought to undo many of the safeguards put into place during the Roosevelt era and create a business environment similar to that which was in place during the Coolidge Administration. What actually took place, however, was even more like the Coolidge era than planed. Instead of taking the money and investing it into creating new jobs, the money was used in wild schemes and stock market speculation. One of these schemes, the leveraged buy out, involved buying up large companies with borrowed funds secured by the company's assets, then paying off the loan by selling off the assets of the purchased company. This practice cost the citizens of this country millions of jobs, and the country itself, its industrial base. In addition, the bottom fell out of the stock market. On Monday, October 19, 1987 the Dow-Jones Average fell 508.32 points. It was the greatest one-day decline since 1914 - fifteen years before the Great Depression.
Even though this scheme has brought economic disaster to the American people several times in the past thirty years, the Republican party continues to repackage it and trot it back out every eight years or so. They tend to wait until after the Democrats have rescued the nation, and their previous disaster has retreated from the collective memory of the American electorate.
Clear evidence of that is in spite of Ronald Reagan's grandiose promise to balance the budget and lower the deficit, by the time he left office he was not only the most prolific spender of any president in history, but he also added more to the deficit than all of the other presidents from George Washington to his own administration combined.
Reagan tripled the national debt. It went from $712 billion in 1980 to $2,052 billion in 1988. And what was the Republican Party’s plan to deal with that disaster? In it’s "contract with America" (Republicans are real good with slogans), Newt Gingrich’s Republican-run congress proposed a capitol gains tax cut, for the rich.
It took Democrat, Bill Clinton, to rescue the nation. David Greenberg, a professor of history and media studies at Rutgers University, said the following regarding Bill Clinton’s presidency:
"The Clinton years were unquestionably a time of progress, especially on the economy [...] Clinton's 1992 slogan, 'Putting people first,' and his stress on 'the economy, stupid,' pitched an optimistic if still gritty populism at a middle class that had suffered under Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. [...] By the end of the Clinton presidency, the numbers were uniformly impressive. Besides the record-high surpluses and the record-low poverty rates, the economy could boast the longest economic expansion in history; the lowest unemployment since the early 1970s; and the lowest poverty rates for single mothers, black Americans, and the aged."
On September 27, 2000, CNN reported:
President Clinton announced Wednesday that the federal budget surplus for fiscal year 2000 amounted to at least $230 billion, making it the largest in U.S. history and topping last year's record surplus of $122.7 billion. ‘This represents the largest one-year debt reduction in the history of the United States."
Then came George W. Bush, with his huge tax cuts for the rich, and reinstituting the Republican philosophy of trickle-down economics and reckless deregulation. That led to the 2008 economic crash, bringing the nation within a hair’s breath of a second Great Depression, and creating the conditions under which we are currently suffering.
The primary reason that the American people continues to be stiffed by the Republican Party is because the average American fails to understand that we don’t have just one economy, we have two. We have one economy that governs the prosperity of the investor class, and yet another that governs the prosperity of working class. And both classes are in direct competition for their part of the same economic pie.
Thus, the problem is, in order for the investor class to prosper, they must squeeze every penny and concession out of the working class. So when Wall Street is celebrating a robust economy, that means they are producing more product with fewer jobs, fewer work hours, and lower pay for the workers. That’s how they make their profit.
You see, in the past when the United States had a strong internal industrial base, the investor class and the working class complimented one another. The corporate community provided the working class with, essentially, lifetime jobs with solid security and a living wage. As a result, the working class could afford to purchase the goods and services that the corporations produced. So the working class and investor class had a symbiotic relationship. One insured the prosperity of the other.
But now, in the new global economy, where what used to be considered American corporations have become international conglomerates that have to compete with countries that are paying their workers less per week than most Americans spend on lunch per day, the American worker has become a liability. Thus, the corporate community has a vested interested in lowering the standard of living of the American middle class.
In order for them to make ever greater profits, they feel that they must squeezing every concession that they can get out of America, and the American worker. That accounts for the aggressive assault on our educational system. They need more worker bees and fewer thinkers - or trouble makers. It also accounts for the assault on collective bargaining, and all manner of corporate regulations and employee rights. In short, they’re on a mission to convert America from a democratic republic, to a corporate sweatshop.
Now enter Mitt Romney. If we elect Romney, we’ll not just be electing an Republican politician who is highly sympathetic to the investor class, we’ll be electing, indeed, the poster child of the investor class, and the old trickle-down economics crowd. In fact, the Chairman of the Board, as it were. It would be like entrusting our child to one of the most infamous child molesters in the country.
The New York Post reported in the Josh Kosman article, "Romney’s Past is More a Working Class Zero," "Romney's private equity firm, Bain Capital, bought companies and often increased short-term earnings so those businesses could then borrow enormous amounts of money. That borrowed money was used to pay Bain dividends. Then those businesses needed to maintain that high level of earnings to pay their debts." But of course, the businesses generally couldn’t manage that, so workers were laid off and the businesses would go into bankruptcy.
The article goes on to list some of the businesses that Mitt Romney squeezed the profits from, then sent into bankruptcy:
"* Bain in 1988 put $5 million down to buy Stage Stores, and in the mid-'90s took it public, collecting $100 million from stock offerings. Stage filed for bankruptcy in 2000.

* Bain in 1992 bought American Pad & Paper (AMPAD), investing $5 million, and collected $100 million from dividends. The business filed for bankruptcy in 2000.

* Bain in 1993 invested $60 million when buying GS Industries, and received $65 million from dividends. GS filed for bankruptcy in 2001.

* Bain in 1997 invested $46 million when buying Details, and made $93 million from stock offerings. The company filed for bankruptcy in 2003."

So say what you will about President Obama, but it seems to me that the credentials of Mitt Romney and his Republican cohorts’ as job creators makes the president look like Santa Claus. If you agree, go tell a hungry Republican. He might be Black, but that IS a pork chop in his hand.
Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that - God does.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Dr. Boyce Watkins on Gay Rights

Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree
Dr. Boyce Watkins on Gay Rights

"If gay is the new black, then black must have been the old gay . . . I don't really know what that means either . . .
I support gay marriage, but it's mainly because I just don't care one way or the other."
The author of the "enlightened" quotation above is Dr. Boyce Watkins of Syracuse University. He presents himself as a public intellectual and a dedicated civil rights advocate. He’s also the driving force behind "Your Black World," a popular website that seeks to keep Black people politically enlightened. Dr. Watkins goes on to say the following:
"I wonder what it means to simply say that everyone deserves civil rights, and to use that as a blanket justification for gay marriage. So, if I wanted to marry my sister and someone said I couldn't, would that be a violation of my civil rights? I support gay marriage, but it's mainly because I just don't care one way or the other. But if I were deeply religious and considered marriage to be a spiritual union solely designed to be between a man and a woman, I might be offended by someone asking me to support the notion of same sex marriage. Civil rights doesn't mean that every person can do whatever they want, whenever they want with whomever they want. If that were the case, then a mother could decide to terminate her child's life after the baby was born....after all, it's her baby, right[?]"
So-called public ‘intellectuals’ of Dr. Watkins’ ilk never cease to amaze me. I can’t help but wonder how he could possibly have obtained a PhD without ever learning to think? Shouldn’t we be able to expect a Phd, at the very least, to have the intellect to formulate an argument that’s not totally filled with irrelevant non sequiturs?
Equal civil rights mean that gays deserve the right to marry the one that they love just like straight people. But his response implies that gays are asking for MORE rights than straight people. Watkins' comments would only be valid if gays were demanding the right to marry their sisters. No one can marry their sister, so that represents equality.
So in response to his question, yes, it would be a violation of his civil rights if he wasn’t allowed to marry his sister, but only if others WERE allowed to marry their sisters. The fact that this guy has a PhD and can’t see that the issue of equal rights under the law, and his right to marry his sister are far from analogous is a serious indictment against our educational system - after all, he's charged with the responsibility of educating others. But much more important, it’s also clear evidence of the dire need of Americans to become independent and self-sufficient thinkers.
Again, Dr. Watkins presents himself as a public intellectual and a fierce advocate of civil rights. Yet, when it comes to the civil rights of gays he’s using the very same kind of irrational argument that racists used to try to block Black civil rights legislation of the past. They’d say things like, "Okay, if we allow a change in the law to allow White people to marry Black people, what’s to stop us from passing laws in the future saying that people should have the right to marry their dogs?"
Both are equally stupid analogies, and although I’ve heard Watkins say outrageous things in the past, for some reason I’m totally shocked to hear him say something as dumb as this, not only because it's a ridiculous attempt at syllogistic logic - "All dogs have fleas, and my cat has fleas, therefore, my cat is a dog"- but it is equally shocking to see that he fails to recognize the racist history of such a stupid argument.
But what his attitude clearly illustrates more than anything else is that Black people are the product of the very same racist and socially bigoted environment as White people, and as a result, we can be just as racist and socially bigoted toward other Blacks and minority groups as any racist Hillbilly. That accounts for much of the flak that Obama is getting from some of Dr. Watkins’ Black colleagues, namely, Tavis Smiley and Cornel West.
While many of these so-called Black "intellectuals" try to cloak their hostility toward President Obama in the language of Black activism, they’re actually upset with Obama for the very same reason that many conservative Republicans are - they consider him ‘Uppity.’ What they’re actually saying is, "Who does this spook think he is, struttin’ around like he thinks he has as much sense as White folks? He’s just another ignorant nigga, just like me." So in short, it’s self-hatred and "bligotry" (Black on Black bigotry).
For this reason, I’ve dropped all pretense of journalistic detachment on this issue, and I’ve gone on a single-minded mission against these people, as should every journalist, but Black journalists, in particular.  We need to recognize that some things are much more important than some arbitrary rule of journalism about not getting personally involved in a story. White journalists routinely recognize that fact every time this country goes to war, and the fact is, the Black community is now literally in a state of war. It’s currently being besieged by a group of Black, self-serving demagogues that constitute a severe threat to its survival, and we shouldn’t just sit back and let it happen, any more than we would sit back and simply chronicle the events attendant to a drowning child.
In this case, Watkins, this so-called Black "intellectual," has betrayed an attitude toward gay minorities that parallels that of a member of the Tea Party. That should be a call to arms to all Journalists in the Black community who feel a vested interested in the principle of equal rights under the law. At the very least we must start alerting the community of the importance of  Black people to start thinking for themselves, instead of relying on self-professed intellectuals to help them formulate their view of reality.
The Black community needs to understand that they should NEVER give anyone else’s ability to think priority over our own, regardless to the hype that precedes the person, or the academic credentials that supposedly attests to the person’s ability to think. Because in many cases, as we saw in the 2000 election that brought George W. Bush into our lives, the credentials of many ‘intellectuals’ only attest to the fact that they’ve spent so much time learning to regurgitate the thoughts of dead White folks that they’ve never taken the time to learn to think for themselves.
Thus, Black people should always seek to educate themselves, because that’s the only education that we can, unfailingly, depend upon.

Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.

Friday, May 11, 2012


Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree

I got up thinking about Anthony Thomas this morning, yet another dumb, Republican-leaning Black man that I ran across on Facebook the other day. I cut off communication with him after I lost patience with all of his obfuscation and evasions to avoid recognizing facts that were splattered all across his face. I’m sure you know the type - the kind of person who would rather engage in logical contortions to embrace a lie than to modify their clearly erroneous beliefs.
People like Thomas seem to feel a vested interest in remaining blind, so I don’t waste my time with them, because it’s counterproductive. They tend to give their ideology priority over truth, so if you tell them the Sun is hot, they’ll say something like, "Well, it depends on what you mean by hot." So it’s just a complete waste of time trying to have a rational discussion on any issue with such people.
But I’ve come to the conclusion that the internet has the potential to be the most powerful educational tool that man has ever known, so I’ve set upon an agenda of trying educate the people who may not follow politics to what’s going on behind their backs. I also take advantage of the opportunity to allow myself to be educated by others regarding the erroneous beliefs that I may hold. After all, I’ve long since recognized that I don’t corner the market either wisdom, knowledge, or intelligence.
So I’ve decided that it’s a mistake to ignore people like Anthony. I’m making the very same mistake that the Democrats continue to make with respect to responding to Republican nonsense. Democrats often assume that the many gross misstatement of the facts made by Republicans are so stupid and counterintuitive that it’s not necessary to respond, because anyone with any sense should be able to see through them. But that’s both an unwarranted, and unwise assumption, because there are many people who do not - far too many people, in fact. So even though it may seem like a fool’s errand to argue back and forth with people like Anthony, we should always take the time to do it, or at the very least, take the time to cut the legs off their basic premise before we dismiss them.
In that regard, while Anthony CLAIMS not to be a Republican, the basis of his argument seems to hinge on the fact that being partisan is never a good thing, and it’s unwise to take sides with one political party over the other. That’s become a basic Republican talking point. They have to push that position - particularly among the poor, middle class, and minorities - because they know that their scorched earth policies toward these groups are antithetical to everything America stands for. They are out to recreate the very kind of society that America’s forefathers left Europe to get away from - an aristocracy, in this case, based on corporate feudalism. If they have their way, instead of living in New York City, you’ll be living in New Halliburtia. You won’t have the right to vote, and Blackwater will enforce what will be called ‘the law.’
What many anti-government people are failing to realize - due to the brutal assault on educational system - is when you get rid of government it’s going to create a vacuum of power, and vacuums are never left dormant. So that void is going to be filled by the most ruthless and powerful international corporations. Thus, we’ll be left with a form of corporate feudalism where we won’t have the right to vote, or have any say-so in the way we are governed. Oh, did I say governed? There will be no government, which means no rules, no laws, and no protection against our abuse. That’s exactly what the Republican anti-regulation propaganda is about. They are currently conditioning us to be open to such a system, in fact, they have some clamoring for it.
That explains their stance against organized labor and their assault our educational system. They don’t want any entity in place that has the potential to organize the people against them. And they want to privatize our educational system so they can gain control and condition the minds of our children - sort of like the old Nazi youth camps, where the children are so severely brainwashed that they’re informing on their own parents (
So the Republican Party’s goal is to destroy our educational system’s ability to produce independent thinkers. They also intend to handpick students they deem most susceptible to promoting the corporate agenda, while leaving the majority of students so undereducated that they only have two options - either sheepishly accept the crumbs that the corporations decide to throw their way, for what will essentially be slave labor, or go into the military and become cannon fodder in an endless series of mercenary assaults on the national resources of other countries. Anyone who doubts this should consider the fact that even at this writing the children of the rich are no longer even expected to go into the military to fight America’s wars. Dying is for the ‘little people.’
So Thomas’ position on the need for bipartisanship is a laughably ridiculous position to take in this current political environment. If the Democratic Party was in a political battle against the Nazi Party, would we try to be nonpartisan and politely listen to the Nazis Party? Of course not. That would be stupid. Well, it’s just as stupid to listen to anything coming from the Republican Party, because they are just as insidious as any political group in modern history. They're out to completely revise our American ideals, and undermine the American way of life.
Clear evidence of that is the Republicans are currently obstructing any and all legislation that has anything to do with protecting the interest of poor and middle class people in this country. In addition, they’ve mounted an aggressive effort to undermine everything that President Franklin Roosevelt put in place as the ‘New Deal’ to save the American people from the ravages of the Great Depression. And further, they are trying to reverse everything accomplished during the Civil Rights movement that Martin Luther King and millions of others fought so hard for during the sixties, including taking away the people’s right to vote.
Now this guy, Anthony, is trying to put forward the position that we should feel obliged not to take sides in pursuit of our own interest. He must be out of his Goddamn mind - as is Tavis Smiley, Cornel West, and Boyce Watkins. They have to be either dumb, or duplicitous. These people don’t seem to have sense enough to realize that the coming election has absolutely nothing to do with our love for either Obama, or the Democratic Party. This election is about keeping corporate fascists from gaining power, and their most potent weapon against us is getting us to hate one another more than we love ourselves. Thus, it is essential for us to understand that anyone who promotes division among the people, be they Black or White, is the enemy - and that includes Tavis Smiley, Cornel West, and their new recruit, Boyce Watkins.

 That's easy for these brothers to say. They get paid to tell starving people how hungry they are, so the hungrier YOU are, the more THEY get paid.

Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Beneath the Surface of a Lifelong Friend

Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree

Beneath the Surface of a Lifelong Friend

She walks alone, sweet woman-child, her sobs flow warm against the dark; Her need is love, not merely passion, a mighty fortress, her broken heart..
Quivering bodies, and breathless moans,
she remembers with great delight,
but the heat of love is the only flame,
her lusting soul craves late at night.
Hungry arms yearn for her shuddering body,
to embrace her tenderly with all their might;
shivering lips lust for her succulent passion,
as she cries out desperately into the night.
But only true love can quench the thirst
that burns red hot inside,
so she faces the pain, again and again,
and late at night she cries.
Masculine shadows of delusion and lust
caress their egos more than her pain,
for her convulsing body quivers
not for them, but for the fantasy
of a gentle and earnest man.
Thus, head held high, by light of day,
yet, mournful eyes, that do betray,
unspent love, a breaking heart,
and the fear of sobs, when day turns dark.
Eric L. Wattree
Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Wattree Defending Tavis Smiley and Cornel West - What is this World Coming to?

Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree

Wattree Defending Tavis Smiley and Cornel West - What is this World Coming to?

Okay, so maybe Hell can freeze over. If someone had told me yesterday that I’d be sitting here defending Tavis Smiley and Cornel West today I would have assured them that such a thing would only happen the day after Adolph went snowboarding through the pits of Hell.

But one must learn to prioritize one’s demons. While Tavis and West constitute a bitter threat to the poor, middle class, and Black communities in their effort to enrich themselves through yet another tour featuring self-service, demagoguery, and disinformation, it seems that the Washington Examiner has found themselves another grinnin’ young deludetant in the person of Ms. Star Parker, so we thought we'd nip this distraction in the bud.

In her article, "How to Keep the Poor Poor," she says, "Media personality Tavis Smiley and Princeton philosophy professor Cornel West have just published their latest contribution to American poverty propaganda, ‘The Rich and the Rest of Us: A Poverty Manifesto’ . . . To the extent this book is taken seriously by anyone, the result will only be more entrenched poverty."

While I make it a point to never go anywhere near any of Tavis and West’s personal enrichment pamphlets, if they’ve remained true to form, I find no reason to doubt any part of what Ms. Parker has said above. But then she goes on.

"Smiley and West's message is simple. America today consists of a few powerful, rapacious rich people and a lot of unfortunate, exploited poor people. The rich are rich because they are lucky. The poor are poor because they are unlucky. And the only way to solve the problem is for an activist government to manage the economy and redistribute wealth."

That’s where the red flag went up. Even though I consider these two hustlers the quintessential demagogues, unless they’ve made a radical change in their bamboozlery, they never say that the rich are rich because they’re lucky and the poor or poor because they’re unlucky. In order for their flimflam to capture the imagination they have to be accurate in their premise, so they rightly point out that many of the rich are rich due to corruption, and many of the poor are poor due to social manipulation.

You see, Tavis and West understands that it’s very important that they maintain accuracy and not overgeneralize during the setup, so when they drop their false resolution on you they’ll seem like reasonable men, not clumsy and transparently idiotic like Ms. Parker does when she voices her corrupted version of their corruption of reality.

Ms. Parker’s spin on the Tavis/West resolution is, "the only way to solve the problem is for an activist government to manage the economy and redistribute wealth." We know that’s a lie because liberals don’t talk that way. The entire sentence is nothing more than a string of conservative talking points tied together - ie, ‘activist government,’ ‘manage the economy,' 'redistribute wealth.' Liberals have more finesse than that - even duplicitous liberals. The kind of gross inarticulation that Ms. Paker has engaged in has the glaringly obvious print of conservative clodhoppers all over it. So we know they didn’t say that, or even allude to it.

Tavis and West would say something more like, the majority of the rich (except for ourselves, of course) got that way through corruption and social manipulation, and the poor are poor because Barack Obama (that jive, Johnnie-come-lately-sucka who butted before us in line and won’t invite us to the White House or return our phone calls) won’t do nothing to help you. But for you Obama-lovin book-buyers, we want to point out that we love our dear brother.  So we're not saying vote Republican - just don't vote for Obama, and let the Lord decide the election." Then they’ll proceed to tell us everything that’s wrong with the country (primarily, Obama), but fail to tell us what’s wrong with us, or them.

Then Ms. Parker goes on to criticize Tavis and West for saying, "The 150 million Americans in or near poverty are there as result of unemployment, war, the Great Recession, corporate greed, and income inequality." What? Is she denying that? That’s one of the few things they’re saying that’s true.

One of the things that drives me up the wall about ultraconservative ideologues is how they can look you dead in the eye and spew hordes of total nonsense, inaccuracies, and flat out lies, then look at you like you’re the one that’s crazy. How can anyone with a brain say that we’ve got to keep the rich on a national welfare program because they're the one’s who are creating the jobs? Can’t they see that the only way that people are going to be hired to make tennis shoes is if the poor and middle class have the money to buy them? No one is going to hire anyone to make tennis shoes that they can’t sell. So it's the poor and middle class who create jobs.

So while Tavis and West might be greedy and self-serving bogeymen, the Republican Party is the Devil, and if Ms. Parker can’t see that, she’s a fool.

Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)

Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.