Thursday, December 24, 2015



Can a woman become a great president? Anyone who can't answer the above question in the affirmative couldn't have been raised in the Black community. As ashamed as I am to have to admit it, it should be clear to anyone with eyeballs that the African American culture is matriarchal by it's very nature. That said, now I'm supposed to start explaining all of the conditions beyond the Black man's control that led to this state of affairs, but the fact is, I'm not predisposed to lying, so I refer you to Black Entertainment Television (BET) and you can be the judge.
Okay, had enough?
Now that you've viewed the misogynistic subculture that has all but seized the soul of the young Black male, it has to be clear that any woman who can manage to raise well rounded, productive, and stable children - by herself - in such an environment can do anything.

So, of course a woman can be a good, and even great, president, but I don't count Hillary Clinton among those women. Hillary, and many other so-called "feminists" of her generation suffer from seriously misguided views on what it truly means to be a strong and independent woman. They actually diminish the meaning of womanhood by embracing the position that the only way a woman can truly be strong and independent is by being more like a man, and Hillary has spent her entire life doing just that - trying to show America how much like a man she can be - and to the point where all vestiges of femininity are now nonexistent. 
That doesn't promote the competence, intelligence, and insight of  the female character; it suggests that women should abandon the "inferior" qualities that make them innately special, and take on the "superior" qualities of men. That's backward thinking.  That's like a Black man thinking that the only way he can be equal to a White man is to become Archie Bunker. But Barack Obama has clearly shown that a Black man can be equal to a White man, and more, while remaining true to his nature; and Michelle Obama has demonstrated the very same point with respect to female competence. Let us not forget, Michelle used to be Barack's boss and mentor, but she has no problem with being highly feminine, and highly home oriented. Michelle doesn't feel the need to prove that she's as competent as a man, because she's comfortable in her womanhood, so she knows she is.
But Hillary is an ideologue, and all ideologues (regardless of stripe) are dangerous, because they tend to give ideology priority over truth, and intrinsic to every zealot's passion for justice lies the seeds of tyranny. So with a feminist ideologue like Hillary Clinton as president, I'd be afraid that she might send thousands of young Americans to a needless death just to prove that she can be "just as strong as a man" with respect to wreaking havoc and destruction all over the world. 
Hillary Clinton, and many other modern women, seem to have dedicated their entire lives to the proposition that the traditional role that women have played in society is something less than what a modern woman should aspire to. I firmly disagree with that position. While I think that a woman should be free to compete with a man in any and every area in this society, I also think the role of the traditional "housewife" has been severely undervalued in this society. What our society looks upon as a "mere housewife" is actually a mother, a psychologist, a nurse, a chef, an economist, an interior designer, and in many cases, a sex therapist for a philandering husband--and society has been going downhill every since these women were convinced that what they did wasn't worthwhile. 
Remember Donna Reed? Women of Hillary's ilk tend to look down their nose at women like that, but consider this - there was no such thing as drive-bys on Donna's watch. She created a stable home environment that served to stabilize society as a whole. She did more for society from her family's house, than a Hillary clone could ever do as president from the White House. The problem with the Hillary kind of women is that they fail to recognize that fact. They see women like Donna as "quaint," and out of touch with the new feminist reality:

"One of the things that made me drop the feminist label was how cruel they were to women who said they weren't feminists, I had no problem with women who supported equality even if they didn't use the same label as me and I didn't understand WHY they [feminists] had to act like they [non-feminists] just said 'No, I hate my rights and I wish it was the 1900's again'. They just said they didn't labeled themselves as feminists, big f..king deal, it's like asking someone if they believe in God and then saying 'If you believe in God you MUST be a Catholic' when that person says they're an Orthodox Christian.

"They believe feminism is the truth and if someone is against it they're obviously wrong and deserve to be shunned until they convert, almost like religion. They're like the religious nuts that say that atheists have no morals or worship the devil, the only difference apart from politics and the like is that feminists are taken waaay more seriously than those guys. I used to laugh at the people who said it was a cult and now I think that yes, It's kinda cult-ish, If you say 'wrong stuff' they shun you and treat you like shit, they just lack a 'Feminist Overlord' or any kind of leader and initiation rituals."

Many feminists completely fail to realize that women like Donna are directly responsible for who, and where they are today. So it's not Hillary that I dislike, or her chosen path in life; it's the condescending attitude of Hillary-type women towards homemakers - and I don't think I'm alone. Hillary hasn't personally done a thing to deserve the hostility that she engenders in many Americans. But while much of that hostility is directed at her, it's not about her, it's about what she represents - the degradation of America.

The American people don't have a problem with women seizing the opportunity to express their creativity and potential as human beings, but what they do resent is a handful of ambitious women attempting to further their personal goals by convincing a generation of housewives that they're being less than productive by not entering the workforce to take up arms against men. Prior to these women entering the workforce, one income was sufficient to comfortably support a family. Now, a woman must work, whether she wants to or not, just for most families to survive. The reason for that is, once women went to work and put more money into circulation, the business community simply doubled the cost of living. So what we're left with as a result of this mass exodus of housewives into the workforce is a rise in the of the cost of living, women being forced to juggle family and a full-time jobs, latchkey children, a hoard of incorrigible teenagers, a rise in workplace indiscretions, failed marriages, and skyrocketing crime - a net loss anyway you look at it.  This is the culture that women like Hillary Clinton represents - the very mindset that's destroying America.
But of course, now I'm going to be accused of wanting women to remain barefoot and pregnant, but that's not at all the case. Women should be free to go into whatever profession they choose, but if they choose homemaker as their chosen profession, they shouldn't be denigrated as "barefoot and pregnant," because as our current situation clearly demonstrates, they are actually the backbone of this society.
This country is falling apart because we allowed the "feminists" of the sixties to sell us a bill of goods. When these women chose to pursue professions and then ran into sexism in the workplace, instead of addressing the problem within the workplace itself, they decided to hitch their wagon to the civil rights movement in order to sop up some of the gravy that the eloquence of Martin Luther King had stirred. But in order for these White, middle and upper class women to make an effective case - many of whom, living comfortably, and supported by husbands - they had to convince all of the housewives across America that they, as a class, were just as victimized as Black civil rights activists, who were not allowed to vote, couldn't find jobs, and were being attacked by police dogs.
So while these women did have a just cause, they addressed that cause in a fraudulent manner for no other reason than to promote their own ambition - and in the process, convinced women across this land that raising a family and laying the foundation that everything else in our society is built upon was something less than a desirable pursuit. They also convinced many women that the only things that are of value in this world are those things that men do - in fact, focusing on being a lady, in itself, was a frivolous pursuit. The message was, the only way to compete with men was on a man's terms - a message that places women at a gross disadvantage.
I have a good friend who happens to be an Asian. She's so beautiful she doesn't look real -  she looks like someone drew her. In addition, she's brilliant, and one of the sexiest women I've ever laid eyes on - and she knows it. Her only shortcoming is she's bought into the nonsense that it's against the rules to use her femininity to help her get ahead. She told me one day that her boss wouldn't allow her to move up any farther in management. When I asked why, she said, her boss always tries to flirt with her and she doesn't want to play that game. So I asked her, doesn't your boss use his deep voice and intimidating personality to get what he wants? And she told me that he did. I then asked, so why shouldn't you use your beauty and feminine wiles to get what you want? You don't have to give in to your boss, just make him think you might - right after the next promotion, then the next, and the next. You don't have to give up a thing. Just keep hope alive. There's nothing immoral about that. You're simply manipulating him with your feminine beauty in the same way that he manipulates you with his masculine ability to intimidate.  That was a few years back.  Today she's his boss.
So, absolutely a woman can become a great president--and quite possibly, one of the greatest presidents we've ever had. But I don't want one who thinks she has to act like a man to be successful. I want to vote for a female who's intelligent, charismatic, and well educated, yet, not afraid to stick her hands in dishwater. Yes, I want her to be professional and dignified, yet, also know the value of a short skirt and silk shiny stockings. I don't want any president who's going to try to be effective with one hand tied behind his or her back. A president should be prepared to bring every resource to bear. So if the president happens to be a woman, sure I want her to know how to be firm when she needs to be, but she should also know how to work it like it's hot.
If a man's strong suit is intimidation, the illusion of power, and brute force, a woman's is insight, subtlety, and finesse. Once a woman loses sight of that fact, she's tying one hand behind her back.

Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattre

Donald Trump is an ignorant, mean-spirited, xenophobic, and self-serving racist who's willing to tell any lie he can conjure up to promote his own interest. That makes him the quintessential Republican, and that's exactly why he's leading the Republican polls. 
So the Trump phenomenon says it all.  While the GOP establishment claims to be distancing themselves from him - and they are - it's not because they disagree with what he's saying, it's because he's either too dumb, or too self-serving, to realize he's not suppose to be saying it out loud.  The Republican establishment has been saying the exact same things for years, but in code and with a wink.  So if America is perceptive, this Trump episode should bring down the Republican Party for decades, or at least get them out the way long enough for the country to get back on it's feet, because while they're constantly giving lip-service to wanting to help the average American, an unequivocal historic record clearly demonstrates that has never been the case, and not only that, it has never even been a part of the GOP's agenda.
So it's time for America to come clean.  Do we really want the kind of America that we're always bragging (or lying) about and profess to believe in, or do we actually want a fascist nation that subjugates and demonizes minorities, and supports a Gestapo that kills innocent Black children on the street with impunity?  For those rabid conservatives who feel that they could live with the latter, they should think long and hard, because as your current living conditions suggest, this time it's not about simply establishing an Aryan nation, it's about establishing a corporate feudalist oligarchy where you and your family are just as meaningless as any minority.  Think about it - did they just send Black jobs out of the country?  I don't think so.
The reason for that is, many fiscal conservatives are not just racist, they're also class bigots. One of the founding fathers of conservative thought was Alexander Hamilton. He was an aristocrat who advocated that poor and middle-class Americans should be relegated to second-class citizenship, and the GOP has fully embraced his agenda. Hamilton said the following:
“All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are the rich and wellborn, the other the mass of the people.... The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right. Give therefore to the first class a distinct, permanent share in government. They will check the unsteadiness of the second, and as they cannot receive any advantage by a change, they therefore will ever maintain good government.”
Debates of the Federalist Convention (May 14-September 17, 1787).
While Hamilton’s position was resoundingly rejected by the vast majority of the founding fathers - whose primary reason for coming to America in the first place was to get away from the European class system - there were many of Hamilton’s ilk who chose not to recognize the American ideal that “All men [and women] are created equal.” Then they were later joined by Southern Dixiecrats, or social bigots, who also rejected the ideal of human equality. 

These are the people who currently run the modern day GOP - corporatists and their army of social bigots, who tend to believe that America belongs to them, and the rest of us are simply tolerated due to their “good will and Christian charity.” This is the primary reason that the Republican party’s platform is fiercely hostile to education (‘elitism’), labor unions ('socialism'), and ‘big government (or anything capable of curbing their excesses - bigotry, and their right to poison our food, environment, etc.). That’s also why they’re such strong advocates of state’s rights, so they can have an entity small enough to corrupt and allow them to engage in such practices. 
In an article that I wrote several years ago,
 The Republican Agenda: Keep America Ignorant and Miserable, at any Cost , I point out the following:
The Republican Party is a coalition of three separate constituencies with confluent interests. The first group is made up of traditional conservatives. These are highly patriotic Americans who believe in limited government, the primacy of the people over government, and fiscal responsibility. But the other two groups that have coalesced within the GOP are much more malevolent – international business interests, and social bigots.
It is the former of these two, international business, that controls the GOP. It’s made up of highly educated individuals with huge resources and plenty of clout – and they use every bit of their resources and clout to manipulate what has become their citizen army – the social bigots. The social bigots are the people we see armed to the teeth at presidential speeches, disrupting townhall meetings, and fighting against their own interests. In short, these are the Joe the Plumbers of the world.
While the traditional conservatives are legitimately concerned about the direction of the country and assuring that the nation remains fiscally sound, big business could care less about the condition of the American people, because for the most part, they’ve become international in scope. That should be clear to anyone with eyeballs, considering how they first, created an economic crisis in this country, then used the very crisis that they created to gouge the American people.
So all big business is concerned about is making money at our expense, and more often than not, to our detriment. These are the very same people who have gouged America dry, given themselves huge bonuses, then rented post office boxes in other countries to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.
And if that isn’t bad enough, these corporations then used the very money that they avoided in taxes to buy politicians, who are suppose to be representing us, to feather their nest even further. They also use the incredible wealth that they’ve managed to maintain, again, thanks to our tax dollars, to clog our airwaves with propaganda in order to incite every under-educated social bigot within earshot to near insurrection. They use these people to distract us from examining the true issues, that would serve to protect us from their greed.
And the social bigots are easy targets – not only because they have less than a tenuous grasp on reality, but in many cases, they’re willing stooges. These are not true victims. Due to their bigotry – and I don’t mean simply racial bigotry, but bigotry against anyone who doesn’t happen to share their beliefs – and anger over losing the last election, they’re willing to accept any manner of nonsense disseminated about the government, and President Obama in particular. Due to that blind anger they’re perfectly willing to not only accept the most blatant nonsense, but they’re also willing to cut their own throats, and that of their families, if it means striking a blow in the name of hatred.
So there you have it. The Republican Party - or maybe I should say, the Donald Trump Party - is poised to bring America completely down to its knees. They know the demographics in this country are changing, and not in their favor. So should they win the 2016 election, America will never be the same, because the Corporate/GOP Alliance can't afford to ever give up power again.
Retired Army General said He’s Willing to Mount A Military Assault on the White House and Congress.
Retired army general, and FOX News analyst, Paul Vallely, is quoted as telling the Arizona Tea Party Patriots, "I had a call this afternoon from Idaho. The gentleman said, ‘If I give you 250,000 Marines to go to Washington, will you lead them?’" Vallely said as the group laughed and gasped. "I said, ‘Yes, I will, I’ll surround the White House and I’ll surround the Capitol building, but it’s going to take physical presence to do things." 
That’s chilling, and it's just as chilling that the remark isn’t front page news and this retired general is walking around free.  While I'm no conspiracy nut, I think I'm on firm ground in suggesting that the situation boggles the mind, and that serious considerations must be taking place that the public isn't privy to that's preventing the government from taking action against such people.

So these people are dangerous - and yes, it can happen here.
Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA) 

Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.

Sunday, December 20, 2015


Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree

President Obama,
As you prepare to leave the Oval Office, I just want to take a moment to say that you've done your people, and America, proud.  You've proven that a Black man can be one of the greatest presidents this country has ever known, and history will undoubtedly reflect that fact.
You've faced bigger challenges than any president in the history of this nation, and with less congressional support.  Yet, in spite of that, you've not only endured, but excelled.  You've pulled this nation from the jaws of certain disaster, and you've had no scandals, no loss of faith, and you and your beautiful wife and family have perfectly represented everything that America professes to hold dear.  That says it all.
Because of you, Black people will never have to defend either their worth, or their intellect, ever again. You represent everything that Black people need to say to this country, the world, and to our children. So thank you so much, good brother.
Regardless of what your detractors say, you are a great man - one of this nation's greatest - and again, history will document that. In light of how horribly Black people have been treated by this country over the centuries, how ironic is it that it took a Black man to save it?  Thus, I see you as a message from God, and if America is wise, it'll listen.
People like Tavis Smiley, Cornel West and other envious haters of their ilk claim that Black people only dismiss their criticisms of President Obama because he's Black, but that's not the case at all. The anger that they see coming from the Black community regarding their criticism of President Obama is Black outrage over their indulging in the crabs-in-a-barrel tradition that was inbred in us as slaves. Black people recognize that many of President Obama’s Black critics, including Cornel West, aren’t really interested in policy; they’re just using public policy as a pretext for attacking the President himself, and they’re so steeped in their Willie Lynch mentality that they either don’t realize, or don’t care that they’re doing a grave disservice not only to the African-American community, but to Black people all over the world.
And the fact is, many of Obama’s White conservative critics aren’t really interested in policy either. Like Obama’s Black critics, they have an ulterior motive as well, but their motive has nothing to do with crabs-in-a-barrel. Their primary motive is defending their claim of White superiority, and President Obama, in his soft-spoken and laid-back way, is dragging that claim through the mud. That’s why racists and conservatives hate him so.
Conservatives recognize, as we all should - and especially Black people - that President Obama is not just another president. President Obama is the most high-profile symbol of Black competence in the world. In addition, what he has accomplished is the perfect equivalent of a conquered slave rising to become the emperor of Rome - and, one of its greatest emperors. So Barack Obama is going to be remembered by posterity as one of the greatest men in ALL of human history, and his story will be inspiring Black children a thousand years from now.
Racists and conservatives recognize that fact, so naturally, they’re desperate to tear down Barack Obama’s image, and build up the image of criminals like Ronald Wilson Reagan, and there is no excuse for Black idiots like Tavis Smiley, Cornel West, and Boyce Watkins not to recognize that fact. That’s what makes them so detestable. Instead of trying to help racists tear down this Black icon, they should be offering RESPECTFUL suggestions in an attempt to ensure that Barack Obama is remembered as one of the greatest Presidents that this nation has ever know, even if they have to drag him up Mt. Rushmore kicking and screaming. But instead, they’re allowing themselves to be pointed to by racists who are claiming, "See, even Black people know he doesn’t live up to the standard of White presidents."
Thus, people like Smiley and West are giving their own egos, self-service, and their Willie Lynch-inspired need to tear-down a Black historic icon priority over Black history, and the role that history is going to play in helping to raise the self-concept of the Black culture. In short, they’re trying to sabotage the self-esteem of Black children who are yet unborn. The mere thought of that kind of ignorant selfishness is absolutely disgusting - and especially when clothed in faux scholarship.
So Cornel West and the others like him are not Black leaders, they’re clueless Black cultural afflictions, and if I wanted to take even more time (maybe I'll do it in a book), I could methodically take apart every argument that they've put forward against President Obama. But the short version is, there are some things we have to do for ourselves - and with good reason.
As alleged "educated" men, they should all realize that Obama is merely President Obama, not King Obama.  The United States Constitution is very specific in giving SOLE power over spending to the House of Representatives, which is controlled by Republicans (that’s why they could refuse to pay the light bill and shutdown the government). So President Obama can’t do a damn thing for us without getting the Republicans to go along with him. That’s why he has to slip us everything on the down-low, because if the GOP knows it’s for us, they’re going to dig-in, and if Obama goes to war against them over the issue, they're not going to allow him to do anything for ANYBODY, and as President of ALL of the people, he can't allow that to happen, so he has to wrap Black interests in the interest of ALL the people.

In addition, as a thinking man (unlike many of them), Obama realizes that he has to think about precedents. If he grandstands like many of them suggest and say, "This is what I'm going to do for Black people," what are you going to do when the next White president says, "This is what I'm going to do for White people?"  And he'll justify it by calling it "The Obama Doctrine." 
So Cornel West, Tavis Smiley - and also the others who share their backward-thinking proclivities - they need to use some of that alleged brain power to think, instead of burning it up trying to maintain their image, or attempting to hide their true motivations for attacking this President. I didn’t hear them saying a damn thing when Bush was in office. So they can try to clothe their true motivations in a tux, but it still has the funky smell of Willie Lynch all over it. 

Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA) 

Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Wattree’s Pearls of Limited Wisdom - Update

Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree

Wattree’s Pearls of Limited Wisdom - Update 

God made birds to fly, fish to swim, and man to think, so the pursuit of knowledge should be a lifelong endeavor and used as a primary assessment of all men. But we should never confuse credentials with knowledge, because some of the greatest minds I’ve ever known held court while sitting on empty milk crates in the parking lots of ghetto liquor stores, while some of the weakest minds I’ve ever known roamed the halls of academia in pursuit of credentials over knowledge.

*Knowledge is free, so one must choose to be ignorant.
Always remain consistent in speaking and living the truth, regardless to who you might offend, because those who are overly sensitive to truth, have dedicated themselves to living a lie.
*Never try to pursue greatness. Always focus on excellence, and allow greatness to pursue you.

*Self-Esteem: Never Doubt Yourself. You should always dedicate yourself to truth, and be free of  ugliness, mean-spiritedness, and spite.
Then when others hate you, you know it's due to their ugliness and aversion to truth, not your own.
*Never become so wedded to your ideology that you become blind to truth - because it is truth that is going to sustain your children, not ideology.

*Never be afraid of failure. The only reason you can walk is because you got tired of falling down.
*The greatest lesson in wisdom, intelligence, and class is the understanding that one doesn't corner the market on any of them.
*Intrinsic to every zealot's passion for justice lies the seeds of tyranny.
*An efficient thinker gives truth priority over ideology, while ideologues give ideology priority over truth.
*The contemplative must always endure the pestilence of mediocrity.
*The petty is forced to view life through a microscope in order to find their virtue.
*Wit without wisdom is a waste.
*An unexamined life is a waste of skin.
*Seek to become your own hero, and never allow anyone to remove your cape.
*History: The romanticized account of ordinary men engaged in routine stupidity.
*American History: The often exaggerated, and invariably sanitized account of ordinary men committing unconscionable atrocities in the name of God.
*To Black people: The establishment doesn't recognize the power of your intellect. Use that to your advantage, because your history lies before you.
*The very rules designed to curb the excesses of irresponsibility, also tend to restrict genius within the boundaries of mediocrity.

*Ask not, what your country can do for you. Ask, what YOU can do for yourself.
*Hostility is a sign of a weak and frustrated mind.
*There are only two kinds of people in this world - good people, and bad people - and ignorance is the dividing line between the two.
*The only true road to perfect fulfillment is dedicating your life to becoming your own hero.
*Without mistakes we would never grow; so we shouldn't mourn our mistakes, we should celebrate our growth. 
*You must recognize who you are, to visualize what you can become. 
*The difference between a discussion and a debate is in a discussion both parties have the maturity to understand that since neither corners the market on either wisdom, knowledge, or intelligence, the point of the encounter is to share their respective points of view - not to win, but to learn.
*Money is the root of small people.
*Never seek recognition. Always seek excellence, and recognition will seek you out.
*What an individual says is meaningless - always watch what they do.
*When you choose to live in a fantasy, you're forced to view reality as a myth.
*You can either speak the truth for the sake of humanity, or be popular. You cannot do both.
*Efficient thought requires that we first, see life as it is, and only then, as we would have it.
*There is no status more lonely than that of an exceptional Black man - he’s hated by the White establishment because he’s a threat to the status quo, and he’s hated by the Black "aristocracy"  because he’s a pie in the face of their delusions of grandeur.
*The subconscious mind doesn't deal in self-assessment, so what you tell it you are, it believes, and begins to work on that assumption.
*You are what you think, so if you refuse to think, you're nothing.
*We all have a burning desire to impress others with who we are, but more often than not we try to express that need through what we have, and there's a huge difference between the two.
*Pseudo-intellectual: One who imparts common knowledge like he's telling you something new.
*American Exceptionalism: "Of course we believe in the Bible, EXCEPT when it's in conflict with our greed, prejudice, and self-interest."
*It's one thing to feel superior, that's merely high self-esteem, but when you begin to believe it, that's arrogance.
*Guns are a metaphor for penises, and "American exceptionalism" is a sexual fantasy.
*Waiting on happiness to make you happy will insure an unhappy existence. Be happy now!
*Never confuse hedonism with happiness.
*The only mature form of competition is against you're last best effort.
*God made birds to fly, fish to swim, and man to think - but fish have sense enough to adhere to their nature.
*Never give anyone else's ability to think priority over your own.
*It's not the system that's dysfunctional, we are - we're so apathetic that we're allowing the craziest among us to control the system.
*Heroes are for kids - they don't have bills to pay.
*Poverty Pimp: One who has an overwhelming need to buy a homeless man a sandwich - but feels an even greater need to bring a camera crew along to record the event.
*Conservatism: 21st Century pretexts for 19th Century thinking.
*Demagogue: One who's quick to give you all he's got - but all he's got is a passionate desire to manipulate you.
*Compassionate Conservative: A Christian conservative who's morally, and fundamentally, opposed to lynching - so he'll starve you to death instead.
*Donald Trump: Hitler in a wig.
*Never fully trust ANY politician - after all, they've dedicated themselves to a life of crime.
*Political Rule of Thumb: Trying to find a politician who's not self-serving is like searching for a homosexual who's not gay. 
*In order for ANY politician to get the majority of votes from people who disagree, he must lie to at least some of them - so if your favorite politician is holding office, he's a liar by definition.
*One's intelligence rises to accommodate one's level of curiosity.
*Ninety-nine percent of the people are petty, self-serving hedonists. I only hope the remaining one percent can save me from myself.
*When you feel obliged to lock out differing points of view, you incarcerate yourself in a prison of ignorance.
*Never become so enraptured by other people's thoughts that you fail to formulate your own.
*Soaring rhetoric is only as meaningful as the backbone that sustains it.
*We often confuse literacy with intellect. Intelligence is the capacity to assess and creatively manipulate information that the literate merely regurgitates.
*Indulging in name-calling is a waste of both time and energy, because fools have a tendency to do all the heavy lifting for you.
*Some of the best money I've ever spent was on the gratitude in the eyes of a homeless man.
*Truth was the very first victim of American Exceptionalism.
*Politicians are not our leaders; they're our employees - and we're grossly neglecting the business.
*Friends are at their best when rewarding our failure to succeed.
*True love is always having your lover's back, and knowing you don't have to worry about your own.
*Some of the greatest minds I've ever known held court while sitting on empty milk crates in the parking lots of ghetto liquor stores.
*Some of the weakest minds I’ve ever known roamed the halls of academia giving the pursuit of credentials priority over the pursuit of knowledge.
*Before you point your finger at another, you should smell it first.
*The only difference between Arab terrorism and American terrorism is the cost and efficiency of the delivery system.
*The great institutions of learning can only certify that one was present in an environment where knowledge was shared. But no institution can confer either intelligence, character, or common sense, nor can it certify that the knowledge shared was absorbed.
*Man's innate thirst for knowledge will someday overwhelm his passionate lust for stupidity.
*Show me a man who believes that Moses parted the Red Sea, and I'll show you one whose grip on reality can't be relied upon.
*More often than not, the happiest moments in your life won't cost you a dime.
*The only difference between you and Socrates is that you're still capable of correcting your erroneous beliefs.
*The key to Black liberation is to practice excellence as though it's a jump shot.
*State's Rights: We demand our constitutional right to lynch whomever we wish.
*Libertarian: I demand my individual right to abridge the rights of whomever I please.
*The GOP: Liberals are un-American - they're engaged in a socialist plot to protect your family.
*Religious Bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.
*We accept the Bible as the word of God because the Bible says it is. Go figure it.
*Question: When we're asked to "have faith," are we being asked to have faith in God, or to have faith in what man tells us about God?
*Question: Can one believe in God, yet have no faith in man?
*Question: If we can only be "saved" though Christ, did God condemn everyone born in non-Christian nations before birth?
*Question: If God knows all, and he knows before Billy is born that Billy is going to Hell, can Billy do anything in life to make God wrong?
*Every experience is a source of knowledge, so having to endure adversity makes one more, rather than less.
*One should take great pride in being the product of adversity, because your mere survival provides you with unassailable credentials.
*Unfortunately, man is most generously rewarded for his collusion in the conspiracy against mankind. 
*If one can’t find happiness in poverty, wealth will prove to be an ineffective mentor.
*It is always gratifying to win a debate, but losing one is of much more value.
*We’re Black and we’re proud - right up until we escape.
*Question: Why is it that we allow our children to watch murder and mayhem all day long, but if a woman's breast is exposed we feel they've been irretrievably corrupted?
*We must buy a license to marry, but we're free to hate with impunity. Go figure it.
*I love you madly, my brother - until you succeed.
*Black people are the product of the very same racist environment as White people. Thus, we're just as racist toward other Blacks as any Hillbilly.

*Corporatists: It is always a delight to take so much credit for what so many others have done.
*Always follow truth, regardless to where it leads, or whose ox it gores.
*Older women aren't quite as frisky as young ones, but at least I have someone to talk to when I'm done.
*The perfect woman: One who only tells me to go to Hell half the time.
*An epiphany: The triumph of common sense over wishful thinking.
*A personal epiphany: Never publish without running spellcheck.
*Truth: You know you're aging when you've got the hots for the lady in the Depends commercial.

Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA) 

Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree
Symbols play a very important role in our society, because uniforms, badges, robes and such help us to identify the various roles that people play to hold our society together. That's why it is so important that people who are given symbols of authority represent those symbols well, and it's also important for the public to always remain aware of the psychological impact that symbols have on our psyche. 
We've become so accustomed to responding to symbolism that we tend to often respond to the symbol alone, and that's not always a good thing, because when a flawed individual lacks the character, demeanor, or intellect to live up to what he or she is suppose to represent, we often fail to recognize those flaws. So far too often we have severely flawed people hiding behind respected symbols of authority. That doesn't serve society well, and that seems to be exactly the case with respect to United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.  
During oral arguments in the Fisher v. University of Texas case before the United States Supreme Court, Justice Antonin Scalia said, "There are those who contend that it does not benefit African Americans to get into the University of Texas where they do not do well, as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced school, a slower-track school, where they do well." Scalia went on to say, "Most of the black scientists in this country don't come from schools like the University of Texas. They come from lesser schools where they do not feel they're being pushed in classes that are too fast for them."  
In response to that thoughtless, unwarranted, and presumptuous comment, it should be pointed out to the "Honorable" Justice Scalia that Barack Obama went to Harvard and he didn't seem to have any problem keeping up at all, and he doesn't seem to have any problem keeping up with the White establishment today - in fact, just the reverse seems to be the case. 
It should also be pointed out to Scalia that life itself is an affirmative action program for White people, so why shouldn't colleges, universities and other institutions be allowed to level the playing field? And as for being able to keep up, African Americans are forced to compete against White folks after spotting them 50 yards and having to run in lead boots all of their lives, so what makes Scalia assume that these Black students may not be able to keep up?  With all of the advantages that White people are given in this country, just the fact that the relatively dimwitted (by Black standards) Clarence Thomas is sitting next to him strongly suggests that Thomas is, at the very least, as smart as Scalia, and quite probably, much smarter. One indicator of that is at least Thomas has the good sense to keep his mouth shut on the bench. 
Scalia's heinous propensity to continually self-promote, grandstand, and play to his conservative audience from the bench is absolutely outrageous in what is suppose to be an august, contemplative, and deliberate body. It betrays an underlying ignorance and immature need to give himself priority over the solemn deliberations in which the court is suppose to be engaged. Justice Scalia has single-handedly made the United States Supreme Court a joke.  Instead of wearing a black robe Scalia should be wearing a court jester's costume ( "Wait a minute, folks. If you liked that one, here's one you'll really like!"). He's, literally, a conservative clown (Low IQ And Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice).
Here's a fact reported by that obviously slipped passed Scalia's presumptuous radar:

Black Women Are Breaking Barriers But Still Not Getting Compensated For It

"After they leave high school, black women have begun to dominate college. 'Though all women lead their male counterparts in college enrollment and degree attainment,' the report says, “Black women do so at higher rates than any other group of women in America.' In 2010, they were 66 percent of all blacks who finished a Bachelor’s Degree, 71 percent with a Master’s, and 65 percent with a Doctorate.
"And they keep excelling after they graduate. 'As they have from the beginning of their experience in America, Black women lead all women in labor force participation rates,' according to the report. Their labor force participation rate is higher than all other women, and that continues to be true even after they become mothers. They are also very entrepreneurial, starting businesses at six times the national average and representing the fastest growing segment of women-owned businesses. Black women own more than 1 million firms, employ 272,000 people other than themselves, and generate an estimated $44.9 billion in revenue." ( 
What presumptuous White conservatives fail to recognize is that Black people are generally much smarter than they reveal.  Hiding our intelligence has become a cultural trait that the Black community is going to have to address, but there are several factors that contribute to that cultural inclination. One, is survival - there's no faster way to lose a job than letting your White boss find out that you're smarter than he is.
When I was a kid, one of the first things my grandfather taught me was to "Never let others know what you know, because then they know everything you know, plus what they already knew, and that will make them more knowledgeable than you."  What he was actually trying to relate to me in his own fashion was, in order to survive in a racist environment you have to let the White man think he's smarter than you are.  He needs that, so give it to him, and then use it to manipulate him in order to get by.  That explains the demeanor of many Black people like Clarence Thomas.
Jack Benny and Rochester once did a skit where Rochester is carrying a long plank on his shoulder and Jack Benny is behind him and on his right. Then Jack said, "Turn left," but Rochester turned right instead. Jack then said, "I said left, you idiot!" With that, Rochester did a hard left and knocked Jack out with the back of the plank. That's how Black people routinely deal with White racists - by playing dumb and out-thinking them. 
And consider this - if  all of America had followed the good sense of the Black community in refusing to vote for Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush in droves, this nation wouldn't be in the dire shape that it's in today. And in spite of how horribly Black people have been treated in this country, isn't it completely ironic that it took a Black man, Barack Hussein Obama, to save this nation from the disastrous consequences of their misguided, and yes, idiotic policies?  In addition, if the White conservative establishment hadn't been childishly obstructing President Obama at every turn, this nation would be thriving like it never has before at this very moment.
So what about Black men?  Why aren't they moving forward like Black women?  The answer is simple. Many of us (but far from all) are being crippled by our macho mentality and our tendency to hide our intellect due to the experiences of slavery and the very same kind of anti-intellectualism that's sweeping the the entire nation.
Another reason that Black men tend to hide their intelligence is because during slavery the only Blacks that field slaves knew who spoke anything close to proper English were the house slaves, and house slaves were often looked upon with disdain, because domestic slaves tended to look down their noses at the slaves who worked the fields. As a result, even though many Blacks fail to realize it on a conscious level, a negative attitude has been passed down through the years towards anything that reminds us of the house slave–and that includes articulate speech, any outward display of exceptional intelligence, or an obvious desire for academic excellence.  It's considered "Trying to act White."  That's why you will often hear young Black men saying things like "What it is?" or "What it be like?"  They know that's improper English, but that's what makes it cool - they're being as un-White as they can possibly be.
The above also explains one of the reasons you hear so many Black PhDs on national television quoting Tupac Shakur instead of Frederick Douglass or Langston Hughes. Essentially, it's a public apology for being a seeker of knowledge. The message is, "Yeah, I've got an education, but don't worry about it - I'm still one of you." The anti-intellectual attitude of some Blacks also explains why some Blacks, like Cornel West, was questioning whether Barack Obama was "Black enough," and why there was so much pressure on Obama to attend functions like Tavis Smiley's "State Of The Black Union" and Jesse Jackson's "Operation Push" - they wanted him to prove that he hadn't been "tainted" by his pursuit of excellence.
But partially due to the pride the Black community has taken in the excellence of President Obama, those attitudes are rapidly changing.  Obama has made it "cool" to be an intellectual, but obviously, Scalia has seen fit to miss that memo:

Harvard Has the Highest Black Student Graduation Rate in the Ivy League

"The eight Ivy League colleges are generally considered to be among the most prestigious institutions of higher education in the nation. All of these institutions have graduation rates for African Americans of 85 percent or better. Nationwide the college graduation for African Americans is 44 percent.

"At Harvard, 96 percent of all African-American students earn their degree within six years. The graduation for African Americans at Princeton and Yale is 94 percent. Columbia University trails the Ivy League with a still very respectable 85 percent graduation rate for African Americans."
So with regard to Scalia's supposed concern that if they leveled the playing field Blacks might not be able to keep up, that's an a suggestion that's literally drenched in mindless presumption and racist condescension.  Black people have benefited from having to maneuver their way around both overt and covert racists like himself every day of their lives.  That has served to give many of them an intellectual muscularity that Scalia could never match. 

Christopher Hitchens vs Playthell Benjamin - 2006 Debate on Iraq


 Eric L. Wattree
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.