Friday, October 28, 2016


Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree

I'm going to be voting third party for the first time in my life, but I consider it the most important vote that I've ever cast. Even though I know that Jill Stein is not going to win, I consider my vote for her a vote for democracy, and against corruption. It's going to send a clear and unequivocal message to the Democratic Party to never, EVER try to play with my right to choose again. And if Donald Trump wins, oh, well.  Maybe that'll have the unintended consequence of waking people up - and besides, Hillary is no better, and could very likely be much worse.  We can only speculate about what Trump might do, but we've already experienced the kind of destruction the Clintons are capable of bringing upon us.  We're still suffering from their last stint in the White House.
If Trump wins, he won't be able to bust a grape. If you think Barack Obama hit a brick wall when he became president, just imagine what Trump will face. He’s a buffoon and one of the most hated politicians in the history of American politics, so he has absolutely NO support worth mentioning. Where Obama only faced a hostile Republican congress, Trump would be facing both a hostile Republican and Democratic congress, and a hostile American public as well. So all he’d be able to do is sit up in the Oval Office and play with himself. As a result, the worse thing that he would bring to the country is continued gridlock, and make us the laughingstock of the world, which we deserve.
Yes, most Republicans secretly believe in everything Trump is spewing.  The only thing they don't like about him is he's a loose cannon and he's saying what they believe out loud. That's why I think he could very possibly win this election. Although many claim to be against him, once they get into the secrecy of the polling booth they may very well vote for him, but the Republican Party can't afford to support him if he gets into office, because then they would take on his baggage, incur the hostility of the American people, render themselves a renegade party, and be voted out in droves in the next election.
On the other hand, Hillary has a political machine in place within the Democratic Party and the support of essentially ALL of Wall Street, so she'd be in a position to do serious damage.  It has been reported that the Clintons' net worth is well over $200 million. They also control the $2 billion Clinton Foundation, so they're comfortably entrenched in the very corporate culture that has the American people virtually enslaved. Their daughter, Chelsea, is married to Marc Mezvinsky, an American investment banker, co-founder of hedge fund, Eaglevale Partners, and was formerly an investment banker at Goldman Sachs. Thus, the Clintons and Wall Street are, literally, in-laws. So Hillary would continue the process that they began the last time they were in the White House - robbing the American people blind, and turning our democracy into a corporate plutocracy. So Hillary, her reckless greed, and corporate allies are the greater threat to America.
The Clintons walk like liberals and talk like liberals but they always seem to leave conservative policies in their wake. They've been more successful in promoting the conservative agenda and destroying the American middle class way of life than any other administration since the Civil War, including Ronald Reagan's.  They're responsible for NAFTA, which allowed $20 an hour jobs to be sent out of the country to be performed by people who make less per week than many upper-middle class Americans spent on lunch per day, and they gutted Glass-Steagall (which President Roosevelt put into place to prevent Wall Street greed from plunging the nation into a second Great Depression),  which led directly to the 2008 Wall Street crash. Clinton also abolished the Fairness Doctrine (no, it wasn't Reagan as many people think. Reagan simply prevented it from being elevated from a regulation to a law, but Clinton abolished it outright). That led to the creation of the corporate media culture and propaganda machines like Fox News that were then allowed to spew conservative propaganda and disinformation with impunity.
Clinton's "Welfare Reform" led to the undue suffering of millions of poor Americans. And then, after colluding with Ronald Reagan to flood the Black community with crack cocaine while governor of Arkansas, after becoming president, even as Black people were running around calling him our “first Black president,” Clinton signed the most draconian crime bill in United States history to incarcerate on a massive scale the very victims of the crime that HE committed, just to prove to Republicans that he wasn’t “soft on coons”  - and he actually paid states EXTRA to give those victims longer sentences. As result, today there are more Black people under the control of the prison industrial complex than were enslaved in all of America in 1850, a decade prior to the Civil War, and that very same prison industrial complex became one of Hillary Clinton's largest and most prolific political contributors.
Thus, as a direct result of Clinton’s unconscionable actions the lives of hundreds of thousands of Black people have been completely destroyed - and it’s still having a negative impact on Black people today. There's currently a huge part of an entire generation of young Black people who don't know anything about their culture, and don't really know what it means to be Black, because the people who were responsible for teaching them were either dead, in prison, or mentally disabled by the affects of crack cocaine. As a direct result, instead of developing their potential and preparing for the future, many of these young people, who were literally raised by the corporate media, has been conditioned to believe that their role in life is to be criminals, drug addicts, and at the very bottom of society. In addition, they're being mesmerized by the media by being fed a constant diet of music that celebrates drug use, killing one another, and referring to the very womb of their culture as "bitches and hoes." So their fate is all but sealed. And worse, they're unfit parents for the generation that's coming up.
So when anyone even suggests that I should vote for Hillary Clinton, I'm absolutely insulted, because it clearly demonstrates that they are, at the very least, completely indifferent to the atrocities that the Clintons committed against the Black community - and unbelievably, this includes many Black people!!!  These people will say, "Okay, okay, so they destroyed a generation of Black people and herded others into concentration camps, but what else have they done wrong?" Give me a break!!!

Racism is not just the aggressive hatred of Black people, it's also the complacent acceptance of atrocities committed against them. If the Clintons had committed a fraction of the atrocities against Jews as they have Black people, Hillary wouldn't have even been able to run for office. But American's casual indifference toward the suffering of Black people is about to come back to bite 'em, because the new paradigm in this country is not just about racism.  We're currently knee-deep in a class war against people who don't care any more about poor and middle class White people than they do Blacks or other minorities - and Hillary's one of them.    The New York Times reported the following:
“In lucrative paid speeches that Hillary Clinton delivered to elite financial firms but refused to disclose to the public, she displayed an easy comfort with titans of business, embraced unfettered international trade and praised a budget-balancing plan that would have required cuts to Social Security, according to documents posted online Friday by WikiLeaks . . .
“In the excerpts from her paid speeches to financial institutions and corporate audiences, Mrs. Clinton said she dreamed of ‘open trade and open borders’ throughout the Western Hemisphere [NAFTA on steroids]. Citing the back-room deal-making and arm-twisting used by Abraham Lincoln, she mused on the necessity of having ‘both a public and a private position’ on politically contentious issues [in other words, sometimes it's necessary to lie to the people]. Reflecting in 2014 on the rage against political and economic elites that swept the country after the 2008 financial crash, Mrs. Clinton acknowledged that her family’s rising wealth had made her ‘kind of far removed’ from the struggles of the middle class [or in other words, I’m one of you].”
New Democrats, also called Centrist Democrats, Clinton Democrats or Moderate Democrats, are a relatively conservative ideological faction within the Democratic Party that emerged after the victory of Republican George H. W. Bush in the 1988 presidential election. Describing themselves as "centrist", they are an economically conservative and "Third Way" faction which dominated the party for around 20 years, starting in the late 1980s after the US populace turned much further to the political right. They are represented by organizations such as the New Democrat Network and the New Democrat Coalition.


How Clinton Donor Got on Sensitive Intelligence Board


So, what do I like most about Jill Stein?  That's easy - she's not Hillary Clinton. And finally, I’d like to respectfully suggest to the American people that they're being played by the Clintons . . . again.
. . . Oh, and for those of you who are prone to give your genitals priority over your intellect, in the video below, notice the condescension and distain in which Hillary Clinton treats NPR correspondent Terry Gross as opposed to the respect she gives Terry's male colleagues like Anderson Cooper and others, in spite of the fact that they were asking much more biting questions. Hillary is not a woman, she's a political robot who's only dedicated, or loyal, to one thing - Hillary Clinton.

Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.

Wednesday, October 05, 2016


Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree


It's hard to believe that in 2016 Black people are still engaged in hot debate over which bigot we should support. Because the fact is, regardless to whether either Hillary Clinton, or Donald Trump, wins this election, Black people are going to be up Shit Creek.
Even as we were running around calling him our “First Black President” Bill Clinton was paying states EXTRA to give the victims of mass incarceration, due to the crack cocaine that HE was hugely responsible for flooding into the Black community, longer sentences. So the fact is, we can only speculate about what Trump might do, but we've already SEEN the atrocities that the Clintons are capable of.
While admittedly, Trump looms as an ominous figure over this election, the Black community is still suffering from the atrocities that the Clintons have ALREADY committed against us the last time they were in the White House. So even a blind man should be able to see that since we’ve already experienced the Clintons' deceit and malevolent disregard for the Black community up-close and personal, we don’t really know WHAT they might do once in office for a second time.
The Clintons are renown for three things - political manipulation, lying, and circumventing the law.  They think of average Americans as the “little people,” and that the laws designed for the rest of us to follow don’t apply to them. Yes, the Republicans have had them under constant investigation and they keep slipping through the cracks, but that doesn’t mean that the allegations aren’t true. If you were robbed, even though the robber escapes conviction, he’s a criminal nevertheless, because a criminal is one who commits crimes, whether he’s been convicted or not.  We’ve seen that scenario at work in the recent FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton. If you or I worked for the State Department and put Top Secret information on our home computer we’d be thrown UNDER the jail, but the Clintons have connections, and having connections powerful enough to place a person above the law is a threat to our democracy. 
In that regard, even as I write, an indictment against arms dealer, Marc Turi, is being dropped in order to protect Hillary Clinton. According to a report by Politico, “A Turi associate asserted that the government dropped the case because the proceedings could have embarrassed Clinton and President Barack Obama by calling attention to the reported role of their administration in supplying weapons that fell into the hands of Islamic extremist militants [ISIS].” So again, we don’t know what the Clintons might do if returned to the White House. Clinton supporters try to justify their support by claiming, they'll save us from Trump.  Okay, but who's going to save us from them?
So it's really amazing to see so many Black people (including the Congressional Black Caucus) jumping up and down and rallying behind people who's already cut our throats. This situation clearly demonstrates that the number of Black people who have a tendency to be self-serving, distracted, and/or uninformed is a serious threat to our culture. It's enough to make one more than just a little concerned over the ultimate fate of the Black community as a whole.  Because if we don’t wake up - and in a hurry! - we’re lost. We’re already being dismissed as a people; that’s why society is completely ignoring our children being poisoned with lead contaminated water, the inner city being poisoned with crack cocaine just so the powers that be could raise a little extra cash, and Black people are being shot down in the street with complete impunity. We’re allowing ourselves to become totally meaningless.

As I’ve pointed out several times in previous articles, when Bill Clinton was the governor of Arkansas, he colluded with the Reagan administration to flood the Black community with crack cocaine in order to fund Reagan’s illegal war in Nicaragua. Then when he became president he signed the most draconian crime bill in the history of the United States and created the prison industrial complex that led to the mass incarceration of the victims of HIS crime - Black people. There after, that very same prison industrial complex became one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest political contributors.
So many Black people either don’t understand, or don’t care, that as a direct result of Clinton’s unconscionable actions the lives of hundreds of thousands of Black people have been completely destroyed - and it’s still having a negative impact on Black people today. There's currently a huge part of an entire generation of young Black people who don't know anything about their culture, and don't really know what it means to be Black, because the people who were responsible for teaching them were either dead, in prison, or mentally disabled by the affects of crack cocaine. As a direct result, instead of developing their potential and preparing for the future, many of these young people, who were literally raised by the corporate media, has been conditioned to believe that their role in life is to be criminals, drug addicts, and at the very bottom of society. In addition, they're being mesmerized by the media by being fed a constant diet of music that celebrates drug use, killing one another, and referring to the very womb of their culture as "bitches and hoes." So their fate is all but sealed. And worse, they're unfit parents for the generation that's coming up. So due largely to Bill Clinton’s actions, much of the Black community has gone from Miles Davis and John Coltrane, to THIS . . .

Yet, in spite of the horrendous atrocities that Bill Clinton committed against the Black community, when he wanted to get Hillary and himself back into the White House, he had the audacity to go to the NAACP and try to apologize. But what’s even more amazing is that Black people were foolish enough to accept it!!! The Black Congressional Caucus couldn’t wait to endorse Hillary Clinton, and Black people were falling all over one another as they flocked to the polls to help her win the primaries. The absolute ignorance of the Black community in this matter is beyond sad, it's disgusting. Due to our own cluelessness - our failure to remain informed, and our tendency to vote name-recognition and/or genitals over intellect - we’ve now placed ourselves in a position of having to choose between cyanide or strychnine. So no, I'm not voting for either one of those demagogues. I’m simply not going to allow them to force me to play the pick-a-bigot game. If I did I would never be able to live with myself.
As I mentioned earlier, if we keep allowing them to play us by having to choose a "preferred bigot," that gives them carte blanche to cut our throats whenever, and however deep they choose, and then just trot out one of their Bogeyman cronies - who they might have just had lunch with 10 minutes earlier -  to scare us into re-electing them every election (“Yeah, I know I haven’t always treated well, but you don’t want him, do ya!!!?”). They've been playing Black people like that every since we've had the right to vote, and I'm shocked that today’s modern and so-called “sophisticated” Black people are naïve enough to go for that tired-ass bullshit game.
Black people need to take a page out of the Jewish handbook - once you show them you're their enemy, you're their enemy FOREVER, and under ANY and ALL circumstances. That's the only way to protect yourself in this highly manipulative political environment. All Jesse Jackson had to do was say “Hymietown” and the Jews ran him out of politics. In contrast, Bill Clinton is hugely responsible for more Black people being under the control of the prison industrial complex than there were slaves in America in 1850, so the Clintons have done a hundred times more harm to the Black community than the Klan. If the Clintons had committed a fraction of the atrocities against the Jews as they have to Black people, Hillary wouldn't have even been able to run for office, and the Jewish attitude is absolutely right in that regard. They learned that lesson from hard and bitter experience, but Black people seem to be kinda slow in seeing the light.
So while I'm not one who's very big on organized religion, in this case, I think I'll place my faith in God instead of the Democratic Party. Since my right to choose was stolen from me by the Clintons, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, and the DNC, I'm certainly not gonna reward them for that undemocratic treachery with my vote. I'm just gonna follow the advice of the old folks and "put it in the hand's of the Lord." So I'm gonna to vote for Jill Stein and the Green Party and then let God sort out the consequences. After all of the other atrocities the Clintons have committed against Black people, I am definitely not gonna allow them to rob me of my vote, come Hell or high water; it would set a horrible precedent, and far too many people have fought and died to give it to me.

Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.