Monday, January 23, 2017


Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree

I'm a firm believer in God - but for intellectual reasons that I can defend, not because I believe in talkin' snakes.  God is whatever force is responsible for creating nature, what we call reality, and the universe. But I realize that organized religion, with all of its walkin' dead men and talkin' snakes is THE most evil force on this planet. It's more responsible for all the hatred, murder, mayhem, wars, bigotry, and ignorance and greed than any other force on Earth - and when I say religion, I mean ALL of them!!!  Religion is what terrorism is all about.  Would a loving god bestow that upon humanity?  I don’t think so.
NOBODY can speak for God, and anyone who believes that ANY man - including Jesus - can, is a damn fool. Jesus didn't "die for your sins"; he died just like any other man, because he was stabbed. If he’d been God - or even the son of God - when they stabbed him he would have just laughed at ‘em. But since Christians were claiming he was "the son of God," they had to find a reason to justify how he could be killed, so they came up with this nonsense. It’s also a loophole that allows Christians to think they can cut people’s throats all week and then pray for forgiveness on Sunday and think they can erase what they’ve done. Well, you can forget it. You may be fooling yourself, but you’re not fooling God. If you commit a sin, it’s with you forever, regardless to what you do - and that includes being dipped in water and trying to pray it away.
So if you're waiting around for Jesus to come back and "save" you, you can forget that as well. Dead men don’t come back. That’s why God blessed you with a mind, so you could handle your own problems. Believing in the Bible and believing in God are two different things. To believe in the Bible is to believe in the word of man - and ignorant, self-serving, and superstitious men at that - to believe in God, is to believe in the common sense that God bestowed upon you. So to go around worshiping man’s nonsense is the source of your misery, not your salvation.  If God blesses those he loves, he must love White folks much more than he does Black people.  So wake up! God helps those who help themselves.  That’s why your preacher has a much bigger house than you do - and he worked a whole lot less to get it.
There are only three commandments, and you don't have to read a user's manual to find them any more than birds need a calendar and a map to know when to fly south - God instilled them in you when he created you:
1). Live the best life you can.
2). Help others whenever you can.
3). Mind your own business.
That came directly from God.  It’s called common sense.

So when I saw all of the "Amens" on a Black site lauding Christian dogma I was absolutely disgusted.  No wonder Black people are in such bad shape. We've been completely brainwashed, and it makes me sick to my stomach to see so many Black people so passionately embracing the White establishment’s version of God and what they claim  he wants.  How do they know what God wants!!!?  The fact is, they don’t.  All they know is what they want, and that’s to maintain the status quo, with White folks on the top and unchallenged as God’s “favorite” people - and I want to make it clear that when I say "White people," I'm not referring to all White people, I'm referring to the White establishment.  But Black people, and America as a whole, have been convinced to believe in walkin' dead men and talkin’ snakes in order to maintain that agenda.  They taught us that nonsense from birth so we casually accept it and never question it, but what we were taught is no different, and just as ridiculous, as Voodoo.  So if you dismiss Voodoo as laughably ridiculous, take a moment to think about the Christian belief in talkin' snakes.  How are they any different?
And we're just looking in one direction

of one galaxy in a universe that's filled with
hundreds of billions of them just like it. 
No, I'm not a fanatical fool. I was raised a Christian, and I remain a firm believer in God, but I'm not an idiot.  I believe in God for rational  reasons, so I have absolutely no need for the dogma, or mindless sermonizing of self-serving and backward-thinking men to justify that belief. God is whatever entity, being, or force that is responsible for setting the universe, nature, or what we refer to as reality into motion - period.  So it's the height of human arrogance to think that with our feeble and limited mentality that we're capable of even comprehending the mere concept of God, and much less know what's on his, her, or its mind.  Yet we have these arrogant men struttin'  around in fancy robes every Sunday as though they're experts.  What they actually are, are either con men, or delusional.
Our galaxy alone is over 100,000 light years across, and has over 200 billion stars that are light years apart - and there's over 10 TRILLION galaxies in the universe just like it.  If you go and look out at the night sky (as I do every night as part of my personal spirituality) some of the light you see, just from stars near by, left its respective stars traveling through time and space at 186,000 MILES PER SECOND (7 1/2 times around the Earth in one second), over 100,000 years before Jesus was born just to hit your eyeball tonight, and our galaxy is just a dust particle in the universe.  Again, there are thousands of billions of galaxies just like it, and billions of times more distant, and the universe is still expanding in every direction at the speed of light. There are a billion times more galaxies in the universe than there are grains of sand on every beach, desert, and beneath the sea - and yet, man claims to know what's on God's mind!!!?  That's utterly ridiculous.
In spite of man's narcissistic assumption, it's all but mathematically impossible for mankind to be the only sentient beings in the universe.  Stephen Hawking (the Albert Einstein of our time) suggested that one day beings from another solar system or galaxy may show up with a gigantic can of Black Flagg, and then we'll see how important we are.  So the bottom line is, man is completely delusional to think that he's so special that he, in particular, has God's undivided attention.
Yet, the very same people who compiled the Bible threaten Galileo for saying that the Earth wasn't the center of the universe.  But as the church finally acknowledged, Galileo was absolutely right.  Because, you see, Galileo didn't just depend on "faith," he utilized the intellect that God bestowed upon him to improve on Hans Lippershey's invention of the telescope and then used it to look out at the night sky.  If Galileo had continued to depended on "faith" instead of God's gift of intellect, preachers would still be running around here preaching that the entire universe revolved around man, just like they refuse to believe in global warming because it's financially inconvenient.  These people are ignorant, and their gross ignorance is a threat to the existence of all of humanity.  Yet we have "faith," and we continue to follow.
So while this may be hard on man's gargantuan ego, the fact is, in cosmic terms, man is no more significant in just this one galaxy than a colony of germs under a toilet seat in Uzbekistan.  Thus, man is on the mother of all ego trips to believe that God is sitting around kickin' it with either the Pope, Pat Robertson, or T.D. Jakes.  It's also pure lunacy to believe that man is so significant that "God sent his only begotten son" to suffer and die just to save man for his sins.  Just the thought of it is so childishly ridiculous it's laughable.  Even if we were that important, why would a loving God send his ONLY begotten son through all that agony and unnecessary hassle when he could just forgive us - after all, he is God, isn't he?  But if he did it to teach us some kind of lesson, it didn't work.
We can only know God's will by observing what he's done, so the one thing we do know about God is that he intended for man to be an intellectual being. He made that clear by blessing us with a logical mind, so we’re slapping him in the face by choosing to follow "the word of man" instead of following what he's clearly demonstrated was his will - for mankind to be logical thinkers, not to go around believing in talkin’ snakes, walkin’ dead men, and that God only speaks to White men - not all of humanity, but the White man in particular.  But by looking at the books in the Bible, that seems to be the case.  Didn't he ever speak to the Chinese, or Africans?   If he did, it's not reflected by books in the Bible.  Where's the Book of Chong, or Mumbulu in the Bible?  Even White women are relegated to second-class status.  There's not one book in the Bible that was written by a woman, but that's not surprising, because the bigoted men in the Catholic church don't even believe women are worthy of being priests, and Pope Damasus I of the Catholic church compiled the Bible.
So according to what we see in the Bible, the White man reigns supreme in the eyes of God.  In fact, he occupies a status just beneath that of God himself.  The Bible says, "Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.” - Ephesians 6:5   In other words, you should know your place, and stay in it.  But God didn't have anything to do with that stupidity.  That has man written all over it.  Yet, still we worship, and still we follow.  So our "faith" is not in God, it's in man - and no, I'm not "the Devil trying to lead you astray."
All you have to do to live a Godly life is to live the best life you can, help others whenever you can, and mind your own business.  But the Bible was designed and compiled by Pope Damasus I (nearly 400 years after the death of Jesus) to get you to believe in fairy tales, jump through a lot of hoops, and prepare you for brainwashing - and in that respect, it's served it's purpose well.  But in terms of enlightening mankind it's been an abject failure.  It's cause more hatred, bigotry, and dissension among man than any book ever written - and there's a good reason for that, because the only time man follows it is when he's looking for a scripture to justify killing other men who don't believe what he believes.  Clear evidence of that is there's going to be a lot of Christians who are going to hate my guts just for saying what I'm saying now.  But while that attitude is clearly ungodly, their attitude is, "It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does."  We're seeing that attitude reflected in Donald Trump right now - "Everyone who's a Mexican, or of the Muslim faith, is the enemy."
Black people were taught these Mother Goose tales by White folks while they had us tied up next to the mules, yet, now we’re more devoted to their nonsense than they ever were. Wouldn’t you think that if God had created religion to guide man that he would have created only one instead of multiple religions that caused man hate one another’s guts?  That defeats its purpose.  And if the religion that we were taught was true, wouldn’t the people who taught it to us follow it themselves?  But if a slave had walked out of the field to go “worship the Lord” and went into a White church and sat next to a White woman, the preacher would’ve stopped his sermon on “loving thy neighbor” mid sentence just long enough to lynch him.  Yet, we’re gorging ourselves on every word they taught us as though we heard it come directly from the mouth of God. 
We’ve been so brainwashed that many of us are like a man sitting on a rail road track and seeing an oncoming train.  Instead of using the common sense that God gave him and simply getting off the track, he decides to “test his faith” and get on his knees and pray that God stops the train. That kind of stupidity is gonna to cause the man to perish, and it does - the train didn't even slow down - because God did his part when he gave the man a brain and he failed to use it.  So the man wasn’t testing his faith in God, he was testing his faith in what another man told him about God.  The same is true of us.  If we don't learn to use the common sense that God bestowed upon us and stop having more “faith” in the White man’s fairy tales than in what God has done, we’re also gonna perish, because after God clearly demonstrated his will by giving us a brain, to allow ourselves to remain ignorant is a sin - and believing that a walking dead man is gonna appear to solve all our problems is just that - sinfully ignorant.  It hasn’t happened in 400 years, and it’s not about to happen any time in the future. 
While we’re on our knees praying, the White establishment is cutting our throats, because religion keeps us docile and thinking that “salvation” is right around the corner.  Think about it.  Did all of our prayers keep Trump out of office, or keep our children from being shot down in the street?  No they didn’t.  God’s not gonna stop that train either.  It’s up to us to save ourselves.  So we need to get up off our knees and get off the tracks - and in a hurry, if we haven’t already squandered away any time we might have had left - because the American Express is about to obliterate us, and God is just gonna sit there and watch, because we chose to believe in the White man’s religious dogma instead of the common sense that  he bestowed upon us. 
I've known intuitively that Christianity didn't make sense every since I was a child sitting up in Sunday school.  As I said, it makes no more sense than Voodoo.  I'd sit there (at 9 years old) and say to myself, "This stuff doesn't make sense.  If Adam and Eve were the first two people on Earth and they only had two sons, where did the rest of us come from, and where did the people come from who Cain went to live with after he killed his brother?"  But I was afraid to either say, or admit that I didn't believe it because I'd been threatened with demons, Hell, and brimstones if I refused to "believe" - and that's a very real fear for a child when even your protectors are scared to death.  That's why Christianity is so thoroughly ingrained in us, because it was threatened into us by authority figures when we were children, and that was a horrible thing to do to a child - in fact, it's ungodly.
So personally, I don't think that most Christians really believe that Christian nonsense for a minute, unless they're complete idiots, but they'll never admit it, because they too were threatened as children.  That's why you hear so many "Amens," "hallelujahs" and so much  testifying in church, because they know deep down inside that they don't believe that snakes can talk, but they're trying to convince God that they do, which is ironic, since it's God's gift of common sense and logic that's telling them NOT to believe it.  Yet they continue to try to lie to God, because they've been taught that any atrocity can be forgiven, EXCEPT,  not believing in what they've been told.  And Christians take full advantage of that loophole, because many are absolute horrors Monday through Saturday.  Pat Robertson is the most evil-spirited person I've ever seen - he even LOOKS like a demon - and if you'll notice, Christians tend to be some of the most closed-minded and bigoted people in the country.  Yet, we follow.
And many of these Black preachers better hope like hell that Hell is just a myth, because they should be educating the Black community on how to survive its adversities instead of getting rich off our misery by giving paid spoken-word concerts every Sunday morning.  So if Hell is real and not just a myth, God is gonna slam them in there so hard and fast that they’re gonna be bouncing off the walls.  They shouldn’t be preaching us a sermon, they should be living us one.


Frederick Douglass had this to say about the jackleg preachers of his time -  ". . . the church of this country is not only indifferent to the . . . [bad treatment of] the slave, it actually takes sides with the oppressors. It has made itself the . . . [defender] of American slavery, and the shield of American slave-hunters. Many of its most eloquent . . . [preachers], who stand as the very lights of the church, have shamelessly given the sanction of religion and the Bible to the whole slave system. They have taught that man may, properly, be a slave; that the relation of master and slave is ordained of God; that to send back an escaped bondman to his master is clearly the duty of all the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ; and this horrible blasphemy is palmed off upon the world . . . [as] Christianity."
So I’m sorry for having to be so brutally blunt regarding an issue that is obviously so close to your heart, but our current circumstance calls for exactly what I'm saying, and since God made me arrogant enough to say it, I feel like I'm simply following his will - and I didn't make up one syllable, or ask you to believe in one magic trick in order to hold my words together.  So just remember this - your religious beliefs are merely an accident of birth.  If you’d been born in Israel, chances are, you’d be a Jew, if you’d been born in Iran you’d be a Muslim, or China, a Buddhist, so you’ve been SOCIALIZED  into believing what you so passionately believe is the word of God.  And again,  regardless to what man says, you can only know God’s will by what God has done, and what he’s done is blessed us with logical minds.  So when that mind tells you that snakes don’t talk, and dead men don’t walk, that’s God speaking to you, just like he's speaking to me right now. And his word is self-evident, so you don’t have to have “faith” in it.  You only have to have “faith” in the word of man, but for some reason, he always wants to be paid for it.
So put your "faith" aside for just one moment  and use the common sense that you KNOW that God bestowed upon you and ask yourself one question - How can you claim to hate White supremacy and then get all dressed up on Sunday morning and go PAY  a man to tell you that God is White? 



Eric L. Wattree
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.

Thursday, January 19, 2017


Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree

I’m so sick of hearing Clinton cultist trying to hold the people who refused to vote for Hillary Clinton responsible for Trump’s win that I could throw up.  The DNC lost the 2016 election in the Democratic primaries when they used lying, deceit, and corruption to deprive the people of their right to choose, and then shoved the most hated, corrupt, and insidious Democratic nominee since the Civil War down our throats. What did they expect to happen?  So they shouldn’t blame the people for refusing to be blackmailed out of their vote, they should blame themselves for failing to stand up for democracy and trying to push Hillary into the White House through hook or crook.

So I’m proud of the role I played in revealing Hillary Clinton's flaws.  Yes, I'm disgusted that Donald Trump is now the President-Elect, but I'd be just as disgusted if it were Hillary Clinton, because she's no better than Trump, and quite possibly, worse.  Hillary is sneaky and insidiously corrupt. In addition, she has a political machine in place that would give her the support she'd need to cut our throats covertly just like Bill Clinton did when he was in office. On the other hand, Trump is a mindless buffoon whose goal is to put ALL poor and middle class people back on the plantation - Black and White.  So at least this time Black people will have allies to help them fight back.
In addition, Trump's election may have unintended consequences.  The Republican don't have a sense of limits, so chances are they're going to go over the top and wake the people up to who they really are and sabotage themselves as a party.  And further, if the intelligence community finds that Trump had any covert contact with the Russians during the election, that’s treason - and mark my words, the intelligence community (17 agencies) is looking into that as we speak - because they cannot allow the nation to have a “Manchurian Candidate” as President of the United States.  If it's true, even if he wanted to go straight, the Russians could blackmail him.  So Trump is entering office on very shaky ground, because the CIA doesn’t engage in spitball fights over twitter.



Eric L. Wattree
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.

Thursday, January 12, 2017


Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree
A friend of mine was hired to sing at an "old folks" home, and she said, "I was shocked!  Those old folks were the best audience I've ever had!" And I told her, of course they were. They know more about jazz than you do.  To them, you were just a talented kid trying to imitate what they created. Those old folks were everything that we try to pretend, and hope, to be. They had more class, more talent, and much more style than any of us do today.  The tunes that we call "standards," they (or their contemporaries) actually wrote, and what we call jazz, speaks to the lives that they actually led.
John Coltrane would be 90 years old today, Dexter Gordon 94, Bird 96, and Thelonious Monk would be 100 years old this year.  So t
hose "old folks" could do everything we do today, and much better.  Just being asked to perform for this great generation of people should be considered the highest compliment that you could be given, because your host obviously felt that you brought the kind of feeling, talent, and excellence to the table that these old-school steppers could appreciate - you're just lucky one of them didn't decide to limp up on stage to show you how it was really done, because I'm sure that many of 'em still got the chops to do it.
Most of the people who Slow Dragged to the piece below are dead today, but they lived their lives to the fullest.
The piece below shows how they rolled during the Great Depression and the Harlem Renaissance.  Many of them were thriving.  While most of America was starving to death, in bread lines, and some jumping out of windows in desperation, it was business
as usual for these steppers, because they knew how to deal with adversity.


We’re children of ____the night______
Our souls___ come alive___ at Sunset_____
We sing of jazz___ beneath the moonlight____
 to a song___ that’s often mis-understood____
We sing of pain____ and bitter sorrow_____
And known_____ to cry out_____ into the night______
We sing our song _____ a Harlem Noctune______

A song that soothes____ 
the Harlem Moon____ tonight________
But we
swing and we sway___
And sleep through the day___
and live a life
that the squares don’t understand____

Though misunderstood___
we always look good___
forget about
our sorrows
when the horns
start to play___
We’re children of ___the night_____
Our souls___ come alive___ at Sunset_____
We sing of jazz___ beneath the moonlight____
 to a song___ that’s often mis-understood____
We sing of pain____ and bitter sorrow_____
And known_____ to cry out_____ into the night______
We sing our song _____ a Harlem Noctune______

A song that soothes___ 
my Harlem Moon___ tonight________

©2017 Eric L. Wattree

Claude McMay, a Harlem Renaissance writer that was senior to Langston Hughes, would have been 129 years old now, but his words have the kind of sentiment and insight that would allow him to speak for many of us today.
So whenever I see an "old person" passing by, I always wonder what they were like in their youth, because they could show us a thing or two about what it really means to be a stepper.

Eric L. Wattree
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.

Monday, January 02, 2017


Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree


The video above was a share from Roslyn Russell and Perman Wilson on FaceBook, and it made my eyes moist, not only because of the beautiful message it sends, but because of what this great lady represents. When I listened to it the years melted away and the memories began to flood in on how the beauty, grace, and excellence of this fabulous lady has enhanced my life over the years. 
The first time I heard Nancy Wilson it was on an album that my mother bought called “Nancy Wilson and Cannoball Adderly.”  When my mother played it I was on my way outside to play, but when the bittersweet passion of Nancy's flawless voice filled our livingroom, it stopped me dead in my tracks, even though I was a mere child of 11 years old at the time. I sat down and listened to the entire album - including the alternating tracks of Cannonball’s group doing instrumentals.

When the album was done I went to look at the album cover to see who this supremely talented lady was.  Then when I picked up the album and laid eyes on her, I instantly fell madly in love, and even though she’ll be turning 80 years old in February, it’s a love affair that I still haven’t managed to overcome.

For me Nancy was, and is, the embodiment of the perfect woman. She’s the reason that I’ve always loved women, and over the years it’s turned out that all of my best friends are woman, because for me, they all have some element of Nancy Wilson in them. Nancy’s beauty, eloquence and class helped to put me in touch with a part of myself that many men don't like to visit due to our predatory nature. Yes, we love women, but our outlook is often very superficial - we like what they look like and what we can do to, and with them, but we often don’t see them as real human beings with the same needs and desires that we have in life.  But Nancy gave me an affinity for women, and helped me to view reality through their eyes. She opened a door to their world that gave me a unique view of the beauty, tenderness, and strength that women have to offer.  And listening to her lush and sophisticated serenades over the years helped me to understand very early in life that there was nothing “soft” or “unmanly” about walking through that door and joining them in their world - a world of children, love, and sincerity.  She taught me to trade in machismo for passion, and as a direct result, I’ve enjoyed a life of maturity, tenderness, and pure romantic joy.

A demure little Black girl from Chillicothe, Ohio
who showed the world how it's suppose to be done


Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.