Monday, December 25, 2017


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree
The atrocities that the Israelis are currently committing against the Palestinian people is no less evil and unconscionable than what the Nazis committed against the Jews during WWII.  With that said, I’m about to engage in a discussion that I generally make it a point to avoid – discuss the collective nature of White folks.
The reason I make it a point to avoid this subject is because I don’t want to add to the disinformation disseminated by many Black racists (oh yes, racists come in Black too), and that is, that there is something more intrinsically evil in White people than there is in any other racial group. The tendency to be brutal and unjust is not race-based, it's all about greed and opportunity.  Clear evidence of that can be seen on the continent of Africa where Black people are committing some of the most brutal atrocities anywhere in the world against one another, and you also see it among other groups of people based on religion, greed, and politics, and we're now seeing it in Israel.
The fact is, as humans, just as intellect is distributed equally across our species, so is malevolence. We all have a tendency to be self-serving and corrupt given half a chance. The only difference between White people and any other group is that they have the power (for now, at least), thus the opportunity to reflect that side of their nature – and again, for anyone who wants to challenge my assertion in that regard, I invite you to witness the Black-on-Black mayhem that’s currently taking place on the continent of Africa, or take the police out of the Black, or White, communities of America and watch the level of enlightenment that prevails – it would be the survival of the fittest within a week.
So it seems that the common trait shared by all those who tend to be inhumane, brutal and corrupt is neither race, creed, nor color, as the state of Israel is currently making perfectly clear. What murderers, Nazis, and brutes all have in common is power, opportunity, and greed - and let there be no doubt about it, that’s the source of most of the turmoil in the Middle-East. The power, opportunity, and greed of Israel and the American military/industrial complex makes them no different than Hitler and his storm troopers.  But whenever anyone seeks to objectively examine the reality this issue they’re immediately met with hysterical charges of being either unpatriotic, anti-Semitic, or both. As a result, while everyone is aware of the problem, we tend to turn a blind eye to it.
But this is an issue that desperately needs to be addressed, because due to our failure to do so, American troops are dying, the United States Treasury is being looted, and the entire world is being placed at risk. So enough with all of the name-calling and accusations, Israel’s behavior needs to be scrutinized just like any other country in the world.
Pure, objective, and unadulterated truth is not nearly as complicated or elusive as we try to make it seem in this country. But since truth doesn’t lend itself to being Black, White, Jew, or Gentile, when the truth comes up less than a perfect fit to our carefully constructed comfort zone, we tend to beat, distort, and convolute it into a more comfortable fit. The entire rationale behind Zionism is a perfect example of that.
We do ourselves a gross injustice by failing to address Zionism in a straight forward manner, because no matter how you distort it, truth will always prevail in the end, and our attempt to elude truth is the source of most of our problems in this world. We all seek to distort the truth in a way that is most palatable to our special interest – and this problem is magnified by the fact that our writers, political pundits, and politicians have a natural tendency to seek applause and self-interest over truth. So if we’re indeed dependent on the truth to set us free, let us not doom ourselves to a life of death, carnage, and intellectual bondage by living a lie - and the truth is, regardless to what hardships the Jews have endured, that does not give them the right to rob others of their land.
Trying to live a lie has repercussions.  It leads to  poor and middle-class young people being wooed by slick government commercials to become cannon fodder in wars to sustain that lie. But take it from an old Marine, young people; it only leads to you giving up your life to accommodate the selfishness and greed of others. The government will woo you with the glamour of military life. They'll show you standing there proud and strong in your spotless uniform at home with all the girls looking at you with admiring eyes. But they won't show you the real picture - the picture that Trump, his father, and grandfather went out of their way to avoid. They won't show you lying in 110 degree heat in agony thousands of miles from home bleeding to death from the stub that used to be your leg, or looking at your foot in a bloody boot twenty-five yards away from where the rest of you lie dying. They’re being criminally remiss in not showing you that side of military life, and all in support of a lie.
Now, don’t get the impression that I’m a pacifist, or hate the military, however – I’m not. There IS a time when war is justified, but not to steal land from others based on a farce . You know it’s time to go to war when you’re prepared to see your own loved ones become its first casualty, but it’s abundantly clear that no one in our government has reached that point as yet. If they had, they’d be encouraging their kids to enlist.
Where is Liz Cheney, the Bush girls, or the Trumps? They can drive a truck. But no, not on your life – their idea of patriotism is cheering on the dying “little people” from the lobby of Mar-a-lago and exclusive tennis clubs, and demanding that everybody stand for a flag that none of them are willing to shed a drop of blood for - at this point, four generations of Trumps have avoided military service like the plague.  So be all that you can be, but don’t be a fool. You won’t be fighting for your country, you’ll be fighting for Exxon and Halliburton’s collusion with Israel to rob the people of the Middle East and gouge the American taxpayer.
The truth is, the dispute over Israel is nothing less than “The Manifest Destiny” being reenacted. When the Europeans came to America and began to strip the indigenous people of their land, they justified their unholy atrocities by declaring that it was "God’s will" that they settle and bring his word to this “uncivilized land”– it was their manifest destiny. So in true civilized, Christian fashion, they began to spread the Holy word of God through the hot muzzle of a Gatlin gun. It was a brutally unconscionable and gruesome event, but what could these good Christians do? After all, it was God’s will that they slaughter those “Godless savages.” That is the exact same scenario that's currently being played out in the Middle East today. It began with the “creation” of the state of Israel in 1948, and the campaign continues as I speak – but this time, it’s called Zionism, and just like with the Manifest Destiny, they've gone over there and stole the land of others, and then justified it by saying God gave it to them.  
In 1882, while Jews were being massacred throughout Russia, Leo Pinsker, the founder of the Zionist movement, published a small booklet entitled “Auto-emancipation”. It pointed out that Jews would never find equality in Russia, so it was necessary for world Jewry to establish their own homeland. At first he didn’t care where it was located – in fact, the area encompassing Zaire, Africa was even considered. But later, Pinsker recognized that in order to get Jews to immigrate in numbers large enough to establish a homeland, he needed a location that would inspire the Jewish soul, and no location in the world would suit that purpose like Palestine, the land of Zion – “the land that God had promised the Jews.” The fact that there were indigenous people already living in Palestine never even crossed his mind.
The American Heritage Dictionary defines Zionism as follows: “Zionism: An organized movement of world Jewry that arose in Europe in the late 19th century with the aim of reconstituting a Jewish state in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the development and support of the state of Israel.”
Thus, Zionism, by definition and design, is a doctrine dedicated to the taking of Palestine – and on May 14, 1948, European Jews did just that. Between 1944 and 1948, due to their experience with the Nazi’s, Eastern European Jews wanted to get off the European continent by any means necessary, so various Zionist organizations created the Bariha (escape) Organization that helped close to 200,000 Jews to leave Europe and settle in Palestine. Prior to that time, in July of 1922, the League of Nations (the progenitor of the United Nations) gave Great Britain a mandate to protect the people of Palestine, but on November 29, 1947 when the U. N. General Assembly passed a resolution to partition off Palestine between the Arabs and Jews, Great Britain announced that it was terminating its mandate. The end of the British mandate was to go into effect on May 15, 1948, but on May 14, 1948 the Zionists declared the creation of Israel, a Jewish state.
But in order for the new State of Israel to have any legitimacy, it had to be recognized by the United States. The U.S. State Department was less than enthusiastic about creating a Jewish state in Palestine, but shortly after President Truman took office, European Zionist, Chaim Weizmann, convinced the president that it was only just that the survivors of the holocaust would be given their own homeland. Truman agreed, and recognized the State of Israel on May 14, 1948, and all hell’s been breaking loose ever since.
The Israeli-American alliance was a match made in Hell from the very outset – they didn’t even trust each other. One of the largest units in the CIA is dedicated to the prevention of Israeli spying on the United States, and one of the biggest spy scandals in U.S. history involved an Israeli spy name Jonathan Pollard, an American of Jewish descent, born in Galveston, Texas. But in spite of that, Israel receives more U.S. foreign aid than any other country in the world, and we’ve made them one of the most formidable military forces in the world. The reason for that?–oil.
Israel stands as an extension of the United States in the Middle East, within easy striking distance of Middle Eastern oil fields. So what we have in the Middle East is an unholy quid pro quo -The United States will help the Israelis steal Arab land, and the Israelis will help the United States steal the oil beneath the land.
So the Israeli claim that their slaughter of the Arab people is simply an attempt to defend themselves is nothing but a farce. Granted, when someone invades your home you do have a right to retaliate against them, but Europeans have about as much right to call Israel their home as I’d have of tearing off a part of China simply because I converted to Buddhism.
Far be it from me, however, to say who’s a Jew and who’s not, but I think we can all agree that European Jews are not the same Jews that were spoken of in the Bible. But, of course, you're not supposed to even whisper such sentiments here in America. To say that European Jews don’t belong in Israel, or to speak out on any atrocity that the State of Israel might commit, is considered anti- Semitic in this country. But even that’s a farce. There’s a big difference between being anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist. To be anti-Semitic is to be against a people, while being anti-Zionist is to be against a philosophy. After all, all Jews are not Zionist. But there’s another issue here as well. How can you be anti-Semitic towards Europeans? They aren’t even Semites.
The situation above describes exactly why we’re in Iraq and Afghanistan today. Thus, all of the killing in the Middle East is about European hubris, injustice, and greed. The entire justification for Europeans being in the Middle East at all, is based on a lie – and that includes Europeans by way of the United States.
How can you go into your neighbor’s home and kill his family, then call him the aggressor? And now they’re talking about invading Iran! It’s all about racism and greed. Think about it– as bad as the Germans and Russians treated the Jews over the years, you’d think the Jews would have been given part of one of those countries. If they’d done that, European Jews wouldn’t have even had to leave home. But White folks don’t play that – no matter how much they hate each other, or what kind of atrocities they've committed.  "Oh, hell no. Not our land!  Go over there and take some land from those heathens." But what's so ironic about it is, they're using their abuse during the holocaust to justify doing exactly the same thing to the Palestinians. But they seem to think that's different, and not nearly as horrific, because the Palestinians aren't White.

Israel orders African refugees to leave country within three months or prison › News › World › Middle East

Jan 2, 2018 - The Israeli government has ordered thousands of African refugees and migrants to leave the country within three months or face prison. ... Israel calls them "infiltrators" and says they are mostly economic migrants whose numbers threaten its Jewish character. ... Israel’s Prime Minister ...


You and I are much in common. Different perspective here. If want to talk sometime, let's arrange a time. Was listening to McCoy's Peresina in car, WBGO Newark. Brought back memories, concert at UC Berkley, 1972. Common ground in the music, Israel is minimally complex as is/was Zionism

Jonathan, this issue is not debatable. Zionism is bigotry - period. There's no justification for it, and there's nothing the least bit complex about it. Donald Trump wants a White homeland too.

Will send an email. Historical rape and plunder? 1948, 1938, 1860, 1066? Jews have always been the scapegoats. Still reading your comments. Looking for Ottoman Empire, Crusades, Spanish Inquisition. We agree on much, but culpability and man's inhumanity to man is far reaching, as is pockets of decency and better within Israel.

Jonathan, all of that what you're talking about doesn't justify bigotry. The world is sick to death of giving Israel a pass based on this bullshit whining. One hundred million Native Americans were slaughtered right here in RECENT history. So the only people that's listening to that nonsense you're spewing are other Zionists. Everybody else is sick to death of listening to it - including many Jews.

Will write. Too much to address with few words.

Jonathan, save your breath. You'll never be able to convince me that Jews have been treated so badly over the centuries that they should be allowed to take other people's land and get away with murder and bigotry. That's complete and utter bullshit, and my mind is not wired to tolerate bullshit. The rules of conduct should be the same for EVERYBODY, regardless to WHAT they've gone through in their history. They should just get over it, just like every other group in the world. God doesn't have any "chosen people."

Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree

If you hate Donald Trump, now’s the time to go out and get some popcorn, because he’s about to be sacrificed by the GOP.  The GOP is a ruthless bunch, and now America’s going to get a ringside seat to see just how ruthless they can be with one of their own.
The minute Trump signs the Republican tax cut he’ll become a liability to the GOP.  He will have served his purpose, and thereafter he’ll instantly become an albatross around the GOP’s neck heading into the 2018 and 2020 elections.  He’s reckless and unpredictable, he has absolutely no idea how to even pretend to be president, he’s nearly universally hated (even by Republicans), and he’s the most unpopular president in the entire history of the United States, hands down. So the Republican Party can’t afford to have him around going into the coming two elections because he’s dragging the entire party down.  While his agenda is in perfect sync with their own - to cut America’s throat and drag the poor and middle-class way of life back to the days of Jim Crow and the Great Depression - he doesn’t have sense enough to keep that agenda a secret, which is an absolute must in order for the Republican Party to remain viable. He gets out and brags about it in order to appease his bigoted base.
So when we hear that the Republicans are turning up the heat on Mueller in order to bring the Russia investigation to an end, that’s a farce.  What they’re actually doing is stirring up enough criticism toward Mueller to give Trump a false sense of security and to make him think that he has the backup to let Trump be Trump. That will embolden him to do something stupid, like when he fired FBI Director Comey.  Once he does that, or something similar, the GOP will claim that they don't  “have any choice” but to "cave-in" to the resulting cries for impeachment.  After all, why would Trump even consider firing Mueller or pardoning Flynn and others if he wasn’t guilty of wrongdoing?  The GOP knows that, and the American people will also know it, so the GOP's hands would be tied, like in the case of Richard Nixon.
Mueller is undoubtedly already in possession of enough evidence to impeach Trump with just what we know publically - obstruction of justice, violation of the Emoluments Clause, and violation of the Logan Act by negotiating with Russia prior to entering office, and that’s without even addressing their attempts to establish “back-channel” communications with the Russian government.  But Mueller is being thorough in his investigation and the clock is ticking, so the GOP wants to hurry up and bring this process to a head before the elections, because the oligarchs who run and finance the GOP know that if they lose the coming elections the Democrats are going to walk right in and repeal everything the GOP worked so hard for, and they should triple the corporate tax to 60% to make up for the tax fraud that took place under Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush - and according to the polls, the Democrats will do it with the complete blessing of the American people.
So Trump, and his family, are in serious trouble and he’s too dumb to realize it. And another thing he doesn’t realize is that he’s in this fight alone. He doesn’t have any allies, with the possible exception of a handful of Hillbilly supporters who can barely read - and according to the polls, he's even hemorrhaging their support. So, again, Trump is in serious trouble, because as we've just seen with this Republican tax mugging, the GOP is the most ruthless group in this nation, and they hate Trump just as much as the rest of America.
I mean, let’s face it, Trump is so self-absorbed and narcissistic that it's next to impossible to feel any kind of loyalty toward him, or even to like him, because he has absolutely no loyalty toward anyone else. It's all about Donald.  Look at any picture of him and his wife together. She looks like she’s so disgusted by him that she can barely hold down her lunch, or even pretend to like him. Her eyes seem to say, "Will you just look at this idiot!" So if his wife feels that way about him, one can only imagine how disgusted the Republican Party is with this strutting, bloviating, credit-hoarding egomaniac. The GOP establishment didn't want him as the nominee in the first place, but the alt-right Hillbillies shoved him down their throats. So now they have the chance to correct that problem.
And for those of you who think Mike Pence is just as bad, but in a creepy, theocratic way, he may be in hot water as well, because Paul Manafort, who is currently under indictment, brought Pence into the administration at the last minute. Chris Christie of New Jersey was set to become Trump's vice president, but for Paul Manafort. Thus, Pence has a direct connection to one of the biggest alleged criminals in the entire Russian investigation, and it's all but certain that Mike Flynn is singing like Pavarotti about Pence to save himself and his son.
So again, I'm convinced that once Trump signs the Republican tax bill, the GOP is going to set him up for impeachment. It's all but a certainty. In fact, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they've started leaking to Mueller already, like many in his White House have been leaking to the press since day one. Mueller didn't get those tens of thousands of emails by accident. So mark my word, Trump has served his purpose and has now become an ugly and hated liability, so he’s about to be sacrificed by the GOP. It will only take six Republican votes to impeach him, and he's bullied and lambasted more Republican senators than that - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell can't stand Trump - and  likewise, many in the GOP can't wait to see Trump swaying in the wind, because nobody likes a self-serving bully who thinks everyone else is beneath him - including his own wife.
Remember where you heard it first.
Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.

Saturday, December 16, 2017


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree

W Gabriel Selassie I:
December 14 at 9:12am ·
Them: Michelle Obama for President.
Me: What qualifies her other than sleeping with a President?
Them: You ignorant. Stop being fake Black Person. You think you so smart, but you dumb.
Me: Please tell me what she has done that qualifies her to be President.
Them: "silence"

Dr. Selassie, you recently posted a comment to one of my posts where I suggested that Michelle Obama be drafted for president.  In your post, you said, “I don’t vote for people based on who they slept with. Tell MO to go get a day job.”  Then you went on to ask, what qualifies Michelle Obama to be president? You said, “Tell me what MO has done concretely that qualifies her to be President of the United States?”
That was THE most uninformed, sexist, and bigoted comment that I’ve heard coming from any Black man since I’ve been posting to the internet, and I’ve been posting to the net since it was called a bulletin board. What makes you assume that Michelle’s only significance as a human being is the fact that she slept with Barack Obama, because she’s a woman?  So, once again, Selassie, you've managed to shock me beyond belief with one of your blindly bigoted, and recklessly unwarranted assumptions. The last time I heard anything even approaching your level of cluelessness was in 2008 when Hillary Clinton betrayed a similar kind of condescension against Barack Obama.
In her 2008 run against Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton said, “He’s [John McCain] never been the president, but he will put forth his lifetime of experience. I will put forth my lifetime of experience. Senator Obama will put forth a speech he made in 2002." In other words, what kind of life experience could an ignorant coon possibly have that would qualify him to be President of the United States?  That's exactly the kind of attitude you're bringing to the table with respect to Michelle Obama. The irony of the Hillary Clinton episode was, in the end, it turned out that it was Hillary herself, with all of her "lifetime of experience," that ended up being the only smudge on President Obama's record after eight years in office. But in spite of that glaring irony, I'll respond to your question anyway, because you're obviously in dire need of an education.
Michelle LaVaughn Robinson-Obama attended Princeton University and graduated cum laude in 1985. She then went on to earn a degree from Harvard Law School in 1988. Thereafter, she went to work for the Chicago office of the Sidley Austin law firm, where she met Barack Obama and was assigned as his mentor. She also worked as an assistant to Mayor Richard Daley, and later as the Assistant Commissioner of Planning and Development for the city of Chicago. So based on just those qualifications alone, even then - before she became First Lady - Michelle was twice as qualified to be President of the United States as Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was only self-taught as a lawyer, while Michelle Obama graduated from both Princeton and Harvard. In addition, she didn't just sleep with the president, she was his mentor - she was responsible for SCHOOLING him right after he graduated from law school.  And another thing, she’s certainly more qualified than either George W. Bush, or, Donald Trump. Charles Ogletree, a Harvard professor who taught both Michelle and Barack Obama, said recently of Barack, "you know his wife should have been president, absolutely." So tell me, Selassie, what in your eyes makes Michelle any less qualified than any one of these gentlemen, the fact that she’s a woman, or because she’s a Black woman?
Your comment clearly demonstrates that your perception is based more on Michelle Obama's race and/or gender than the facts, and there's a phrase for people who go around recklessly spewing such flawed and unwarranted assumptions as you've done here - the phrase is "narrow-minded bigot," whether you're cognizant of your bigotry or not.  It's not as though you initially asked whether or not Michelle was qualified, you simply made the assumption that she wasn't, just like Hillary Clinton did in the case of Barack Obama - and by the way, you can't be trained to become President of the United States, you simply have to have the knowledge and intelligence to learn on the job as you go along, and Michelle has more than proven that she has everything it takes in that regard, and more.  Look at what we currently have in the White House - a man who is both unqualified, and untrainable, because he has an inability to grasp complex ideas, and has the attention span of a tick.  Yet, you question the fact that this highly educated Black woman could do his job.  That's unbelievable.
Black women are now the most educated group in the US, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Between 2009 and 2010, black women earned 68 percent of associate's degrees, 66 percent of bachelor's degrees, 71 percent of master's degrees and 65 percent of all doctorates awarded to black students. › News › World › Americas Jun 3, 2016
 And in another thoughtless comment, you said, “I am not sure if Black people were ever behind neoliberalism. Can you explain?”
That’s yet another ridiculous statement.  It was Black people who got behind Hillary Clinton to get her the Democratic nomination during the 2016 primaries, and it was also Black people who were running around calling Bill Clinton “Our first Black president” - even as he was creating the Prison/Industrial complex which ended up negatively impacting the lives of more Black people than there were slaves in all of America in 1850 - and the Clintons virtually INVENTED neoliberalism.  So how can you say Black people weren’t behind neoliberalism?  Most Black people are into personality politics rather than movements, so they're into whatever their favorite politician is into, a flaw in our thinking that we're going to have to correct, because the Clintons were the very face of neoliberalism due to their closet conservatism.  The fact is, I’m still fighting many Black people over their mindlessly unwarranted love of the Clintons for that very reason:
Whenever Clinton cultists try to point their finger at those of us who refused to vote for Hillary Clinton it makes me want to throw up. They shouldn’t point their finger at those of us who refused to vote for this woman, but look to themselves for being so delusional that they thought they could force the most hated and distrusted Democratic nominee since the Civil War down the people’s throat.
The Democrats didn’t lose to Trump on election night, Trump became the President-Elect during the Democratic primaries due to the unrealistic, short-sighted, and uninformed stupidity of Clinton cultists during the Democratic primaries. They didn’t have sense enough to realize that trying to force America to choose between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was like trying to force INFORMED Americans to choose between cyanide and strychnine. In addition, they failed to realize that conservatives who claimed not to like Trump, secretly loved everything he stood for, so when they went into the voting booth, they secretly voted for him.
On the other hand, trying to get INFORMED progressives to vote for Hillary Clinton - who, again, was the most lying, distrusted, and hated Democratic nominee since the Civil War - they were asking progressives who were much more informed than themselves to vote for David Duke, since the Clintons have done a hundred times more damage to the American middle class, minorities, and the Black community than the Klan has ever done. So they need to put that dumb-ass bullshit to rest. We have Trump as a direct result of Clinton cultists’ closed-minded lying, deceit, corruption, and uninformed determination to shove Hillary Clinton down America’s throat in spite of the fact that we said we didn’t want her.
The Clintons walk like liberals and talk like liberals but they always seem to leave conservative policies in their wake. They've been more successful in promoting the conservative agenda and destroying the American middle-class way of life than any administration in American history, including Ronald Reagan's. They're responsible for NAFTA, which allowed $20 an hour jobs to be sent out of the country to be performed by people who make less per week than many upper-middle-class Americans spent on lunch per day, and they gutted Glass-Steagall (which President Roosevelt put into place to prevent Wall Street greed from plunging the nation into a second Great Depression), which led directly to the 2008 Wall Street crash. Clinton also abolished the Fairness Doctrine (no, it wasn't Reagan as many people think. Reagan simply prevented it from being elevated from a regulation to a law, but Clinton abolished it outright). That led to the creation of the corporate media culture and propaganda machines like Fox News that were then allowed to spew conservative propaganda and disinformation with impunity.
Clinton's "Welfare Reform" led to the undue suffering of millions of poor Americans. And then, after colluding with Ronald Reagan to flood the Black community with crack cocaine while governor of Arkansas, after becoming president - even as Black people were running around calling him our “first Black president” - Clinton signed the most draconian crime bill in United States history to incarcerate on a massive scale the very victims of the crime that HE committed, just to prove to Republicans that he wasn’t “soft on coons” - and he actually paid states EXTRA to give those victims longer sentences. And again, as a direct result, today there are more Black people under the control of the prison/industrial complex than were enslaved in all of America in 1850, a decade prior to the Civil War, and that very same prison industrial complex became one of Hillary Clinton's largest and most prolific political contributors.
Thus, as a direct result of Clinton’s unconscionable actions, the lives of hundreds of thousands of Black people have been completely destroyed - and it’s still having a negative impact on Black people today. There's currently a huge part of an entire generation of young Black people who don't know anything about their culture, and don't really know what it means to be Black, because the people who were responsible for teaching them were either dead, in prison, or mentally disabled by the effects of crack cocaine. As a result, instead of developing their potential and preparing for the future, many of these young people, who were literally raised by the corporate media, has been conditioned to believe that their role in life is to be criminals, drug addicts, and at the very bottom of society. In addition, they're being mesmerized by the media by being fed a constant diet of music that celebrates drug use, killing one another, and referring to the very womb of their culture as "bitches and hoes." So their fate is all but sealed. And worse, they're unfit parents for the generation that's coming up.
So if a new election were being held tomorrow and my vote alone would determine the outcome, I'd still vote against Hillary, Trump, or noTrump. It’s much easier to fight a bloviating idiot than it is the insidious treachery of a Hillary Clinton, because she's more subtle, and not in your face. We have the entire country up-in-arms against Trump, but with Hillary it would have been business as usual, because she would cut our throats with a scapel instead of a hacksaw.
"New Democrats, also called Centrist Democrats, Clinton Democrats or Moderate Democrats, are a relatively centrist ideological faction within the Democratic Party that emerged after the victory of Republican George H. W. Bush in the 1988 presidential election. Describing themselves as "centrist", they are an economically moderate to conservative and "Third Way" faction which dominated the party for around 20 years, starting in the late 1980s after the US electorate turned to the political right. They are represented by organizations such as the New Democrat Network and the New Democrat Coalition."
New Democrats - Wikipedia
So Dr. Selassie, if you profess to be an educator, you really should bone up on what’s going on around you, or at the very least, put more thought into what you say before you say it.  Because, again, the comments you’ve made above are absolutely ridiculous, and as a so-called educator, you’re not only embarrassing yourself, but you’re embarrassing the Black community as a whole. Many in this White supremacist society already think we’re ignorant, so please don’t add to that perception, because as we should be able to see, such perceptions are deadly. We can't out-scream 'em, because they control the media, and we can't outfight 'em, because they control the military and police, so our only alternative is to out-think 'em.  That's where our educators should come in, but you're absolutely worthless until you train yourself to think efficiently, and I'm not seeing that here. What I see is a lot of very sloppy thinking.
So I’m keeping a list of some of the more outrageous comments being made by politicians, ministers, and so-called Black intellectuals for a book on “THE PRICE OF ANTI-INTELLECTUALISM,” and I can see now that you're gonna be featured quite prominently, because it's very important for the Black community to understand that the primary reason that Black people can’t find justice is because we aren’t respected, and the reason we’re not respected is because far too few of us are using our creativity and powerful intellect for anything other than singin’, dancin’, and running with a ball.
Due to a system filled with shallow-minded, uninspired, and tribalist educators, our educational institutions are conferring advanced degrees upon people who are actually moderately educated 9th graders who fail to understand that no one can educate you. You must educate yourself. For that reason Black people can't afford to just think as a hobby, we must make thinking a way of life.
But unfortunately, many of us in the Black community would rather be seen as cool, than knowledgeable - we're not as interested in actually seeking knowledge as we are wearing the robe across the stage to get a receipt from the White man attesting to the fact that we've been through his brainwashing  academy- and we’re paying a heavy price for that.
So do the Black community a favor - if you choose to be an educator, dedicate yourself to being a real educator. Don't just stand before a class and regurgitate the words of dead White men, teach students to think for themselves; and don't just collect a check for keeping our young people ignorant and uninspired, teach them to be careful, thoughtful, and creative thinkers.  If you're not doing those things, regardless of what you're being paid for, you're not an educator, you're a fraud - just another Cornel West, with his "prophetic tradition" and advanced degrees in talkin' snakes. 
"The Prophetic tradition?" That's laughable. Prophecy and all other unfounded beliefs are the very antithesis of knowledge. It translates into Voodoo. Truly learned individuals believe in efficient thought, not prophecy or any other unfounded beliefs, and what seems to be your trove of unexamined assumptions fall right into that category.  Instead of examining the facts, you indulged your sexist and/or racist mindset to simply assume that Michelle Obama doesn't possess the wherewithal to be  President of the United States.  But if you were truly a man of knowledge and wisdom (putting your PhD, receipts, and all other accoutrements of alleged knowledge aside for the moment), immediately after making such a baseless assumption, your very next thought should have been, "What evidence do I have of that?" That, in turn, would have led to your doing at least a minimal amount of research, which would have helped to inform you, and it would have prevented you from making a public fool of yourself.
You once told me that you didn't answer one of my questions because since I didn't have a PhD in psychology you thought it would be a waste of time.  But as I told you on that occasion, Socrates was a mere stonemason, yet, by many, he's considered the father of modern thought, and he educated some the greatest minds of his time, including Plato. So you should never confuse education with intelligence.  While I haven't been anointed by the White man with one of his PhDs, nevertheless, I'm something of an educator myself, so I sincerely hope you have the innate intelligence to embrace the following axiom: Arrogance betrays itself. If you possess the kind of brilliance that warrants arrogance, you should also possess enough wisdom to avoid it.
And let me leave you with this bit of knowledge.  It involves two very simple concepts. First, never rely on a receipt from the White man to attest to your intellect. That's a form of worship, because you can't worship a document without worshipping the man who conferred it upon you. Your PhD has absolutely no value unless you assume that the man who conferred it upon you is superior to yourself.  Thus, you're relying on the fact that the man who conferred your receipt upon you is not an idiot himself. There are enough advanced degrees in congress to be used as toilet paper, yet congress is undoubtedly among the most dysfunctional institutions in America. Think about that. It speaks volumes regarding the relative value of credentials as opposed to intellect.
And second, always make sure you know what the hell you're talking about before you start shootin' off your mouth.  That'll prevent you from embarrassing yourself in the future. Always avoid the tendency to jump on your high horse, because it's inevitable that you're going to come across people capable of dragging you off of it. Instead, you should always think of yourself as a student of knowledge, intent on sharing what you've learned with your peers, because in the final analysis, that's what we all are - students.


Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.

Saturday, December 09, 2017


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree
When I was a kid growing up in the Los Angeles area called Watts, we lived large. That was in my pre-political days, so I didn’t even know there was a race problem, because we lived in our area, and the White folks lived a few blocks across Alameda in theirs, and we rarely came into contact with one another. The only time I even saw White kids was when I was watching Sheriff John or the Mickey Mouse Club on television.
My grandparents owned three homes in their lifetime, and my grandfather worked around the corner from our house at Berg’s Pipe and Steel.  He worked so close to our home that he used to come home for lunch every single day.  During those days there was nothing I didn’t have, and the family rode around in a brand new car. The neighborhood seemed to be solid middle class, and all of my friends had a mother and father in the home. When I first heard the word “ghetto” I wondered what the hell they were talking about. I thought the only difference between Black people and White people was that White folks looked funny, like they’d been dipped in bleach. But all that began to change in 1965 after the Watts riots.  I didn’t even know what the riots were about, because all the people I knew were living well.
But I was recently sent a very insightful video where a Black psychologist alleged that the White man was responsible for the deterioration of the Black family. Now, I don't think that the brother was purposely lying, because as I said, most of the video was very insightful, and the brother seemed very learned and credible. But in this instance I think his assessment was inaccurate, and while I'm not one to defend the White man, I'm a firm believer in following truth wherever it leads and regardless to whose ox it gores, because in order to move forward we must base our assessments on truth - and the truth is, while the White man undoubtedly controls most things in this White supremacist society, he cannot control our character. So there are some things that we have to take responsibility for ourselves, and this is one of them.

What caused the deterioration of the Black family was Black people themselves. It wasn’t the White man who caused the deterioration of the Black family, it was integration. The Black family survived slavery, the Great Depression, and Jim Crow, so why is it falling apart now?  I'll tell you why, because once Black people were given the opportunity to get the best jobs and date White women, many brothers went crazy. They started buying expensive cars, moved out of the neighborhood, and started flo-showin’ by driving through the community with White blonds decorating their passenger seats. They also started treating sisters like they were second-class citizens who were only put on Earth to be used and abused - and we still see evidence of that today, with rappers runnin’ around callin’ sisters “bitches” and “hoes.” 
Now I'm not saying that Black men shouldn't fall in love with White women and marry them - people should marry whoever becomes their soulmate - but these brothers didn't want to marry these women - they didn't want to marry anybody - they just wanted to use them as trophies to say, "Look what I got!" So it was all about ego, flo-showin', and gorging themselves on something they were once denied. They were like hungry kids in a candy store.
It is that attitude that's killing both Black families, and the Black community, because it was sisters who used to keep brothers in check and forced them to become men. So it’s no accident that we now see forty-year-old males running around in tennis shoes and baseball caps like they’re still fifteen years old.  They can get away with that now, but back in the day, a brother couldn’t even get a date with a sister unless he brought some manhood to the table.  Now all he needs is a couple of joints and the price of a bottle of Hennessy. So sisters have caved in. Instead of forcing brothers to work and become real men in order to get them, they’ve become so desperate to get a man (make that a male) that they do whatever they have to do to get one - including selling themselves cheap.
You see, sisters are not as prone to step outside of their race to find companionship as a brother.  Over the centuries sisters have been taught to remain loyal to Black men come hell or high water. As a result, they’ve made themselves so available that a brother no longer has to become a man to get what he wants. He can get all of the sex and companionship he needs for just a few kind words and a couple of joints, and, from a different woman every night. So why should he even think about becoming responsible or getting married and raising a family - he's already living the good life, and without any responsibilities.
.I wrote the piece below for a friend who was actually giving classes to sisters, teaching them how to satisfy their "men."  She was teaching sisters the best way to give head, and how to use their vaginal muscles to bring their deadbeats the most pleasure - and this was a dynamite sister who, if she became stingy enough, any real man would do a headstand just for the opportunity to kiss her. This situation clearly points out that the problem with single-parent households in the Black community is brought about by the fact that far too many sisters have lost their old-school value of self-worth, so ironically, most of their misery is being brought about by their predisposition to be loyal to Black men. So what's needed is for them to take a page from their grandmothers' book. They need to come together and make a man work to get them. If they did that, once a brother did get them, he'd be much more appreciative - sisters would be treated like the gold they are, and their man would work to make sure that no other man could turn their head.
Black women are precious, and the most valuable asset that the Black man has ever had, but they're allowing Black men to forget that, so they must begin to recognize their value and remind these turkeys of what they have to lose. My late wife was an old-school sister. We were married for 34 years, and every day of those 34 years I had to prove that I was worth her holding on to. That’s the way our grandmothers worked it, and they had no problem with hanging on to their man.
My grandfather use to come home every Friday after work and hand his uncashed paycheck over to
my grandmother. That’s why they were so prosperous and I was able to live such a carefree life. They had the money to allow me to live like any White kid, and in many cases, better - because my grandmother on my father's side lived directly across the street, and they use to compete to see who could spoil me the most. That’s why I don’t “know my place" to this day, because as far as I’m concerned, my place is on top, and White folks are just another group of people with straight hair.

Women talk to me all the time about how useless and irresponsible many men have become, which I pretty much agree with. But what women don’t seem to understand is the pivotal role that they're playing in bringing about their own frustration.
Women have made casual sex far too readily available in our society, and that has resulted in two things that place them at a decided disadvantage. First, women have allowed sex to become so easy to obtain that men no longer have to become real men to get it. As a result, there’s no incentive for men to become responsible adults and father figures. That’s why you see forty-year-old men still living with their mamas and hanging out on the block wearing sideway-tilting baseball caps. That image doesn't lend itself to being a father figure or a good role model, but unlike in the past, they don’t have to be, because if they can come up with a couple of joints and a pint of gin they can get all the sex they can handle regardless to how dysfunctional they are as men. 
Things were different in the past. As a rule, in order for our grandfathers to obtain sex during their generation, they had to prove their manhood, jump through a series of hoops, and wine and dine our grandmothers for months and even years - and in many cases, they even had to marry them first. But now all a young boy has to do is walk into a club with enough pocket change to buy a drink or two. That gives him no incentive whatsoever to become a responsible adult, and all the incentive in the world to continue hangin’ out in the clubs instead of focusing on what's going on around him and becoming a man.
Women used to know how to handle their business. Even with my late wife, Val, while she wasn’t as stingy and strict as some of the ladies from the old school, when we were going together, even while secretly keeping in regular touch with my mother, she stopped speaking to me for an entire year until I caved in and adopted the kind of lifestyle that she approved of - and, thank God, she kept me jumping through one hoop after another until the night she died. If she hadn’t, I wouldn’t have been capable of writing this article. She's been gone since 2005, but even today when I'm facing a challenge I can hear her whisper in my ear, "You can do this, Eric."  So in a very real sense, this article represents a letter to sisters from Val's grave. If she were here she’d say, "Girl, what you have beneath your dress is the only leverage you have with these turkeys, so use it wisely" - and anyone who reads this article that knew Val could tell you, I’m not lyin’.
The second way that the sexual mores of our society is hurting women is, even among the men who are responsible - and who are looking forward to starting families - they're finding it increasingly difficult to find the kind of woman who they feel comfortable about starting a family with.
The problem is, women don't understand men, and the reverse is also true. That's why most men and women can only relate to one another on a sexual level. Men think that women are impressed by what THEY think is "cool," and women think that men are impressed by what a woman finds impressive in a man - swagger, confidence, and assertiveness. But both are wrong. In many cases, what men consider "cool," women consider silly and simply put up with. And most men don’t consider swagger and assertiveness attractive in a woman at all. Those qualities boils down to aggressiveness, and most men see that as a male characteristic, so why would a man find a woman who acts like a man attractive? Do women find men who act like women attractive? Not really. So the very same thing is true in the reverse. Men and women have different needs. So many times, when men and women try to impress one another they either turn each other off, or make fools of themselves. But of course, most men will put up with anything as long as it will lead to a woman opening her legs, and then get around the fellas and talk about like a dog thereafter - "Oh, yeah, I had a piece of that . . . "
Let me give you an example. Many women think they can get a man by acting sensuous, sexually provocative, and assertive. In a sense, that’s true. A woman, any woman, can get a man that way, but only as a sex partner, not as her man. Because men classify women in three different categories. The first category is hoe, or someone to use instead of having to masturbate. The second category is sex partner and road dawg. Men like the women in this category as friends, someone to party with, and to have as a sex partner. Unlike the women in category one, men actually like and respect the women in category two women, but not enough to marry - that is, unless they fall in love by accident. Men generally choose a woman who is sexually stingy as a wife. The reason for that is quite simple, so he won't have to worry about her cheating once they become a couple.
Men will die to protect their manhood. Nothing is more important to us, and there’s no greater assault on a man’s manhood than a cheating woman, because it sends a message that says two things - first, that he wasn’t man enough to keep her in line, and secondly, that the man she’s cheating with is more of a man than he is. So women should understand that if they ever get caught cheating, that’s it. The man may not leave you immediately, but from that point on, he’s just waiting for the right "lady" to come along so he can replace you.
Men are not like many women, who'll forgive and move on with the simple assurance that it won't ever happen again, because you’ve assaulted his manhood, and that's an unforgivable offense. You've fallen off the pedestal that a man requires his woman to stand upon, so he'll never look at you in the same way again.  So generally speaking, the women that men like to party and have fun with, are not the women that they choose for a wife, because even though he may like them, they’re perceived as being much too casual in their sexuality.
When a man decides to marry - unless he falls in love with a category two woman by accident as a result of having repeated sex with her - he chooses a wife from a third category. These women are generally very protective of their sexuality, low-key, and feminine. Men not only feel that these women are more apt to be loyal, but there’s also a psychological component to it. Category three women are harder to get, and it’s human nature to want most what’s hardest to obtain. That’s why a Bentley is more valuable than a Ford. While both cars will get you where you want to go, a Bentley is more prestigious because it’s harder to obtain. The same is true of a woman. A man wants a woman that other men can't get, and once he gets such a woman, he not only gets uncorrupted sex, but also, a boost to his ego in knowing that he’s lying next to a woman that other men can’t have. He also knows that if she didn’t think he was special, she wouldn’t be lying next to him. That’s a huge boost to his sense of manhood, and 99% of a man’s sexual pleasure is mental, or ego driven. Thus, a man is not as interested in having a sex expert for a woman as he is having a woman who is loyal.
On the other hand, many women do want a sex expert - or, at least, a man who has sense enough to consider her needs - because far too often in casual sexual encounters, women end up with men who are just interested in satisfying themselves, and then leave the woman hanging and sexually frustrated when they're done. So a woman wants a man that she knows has the sexual expertise to provide for her sexual needs. But a man doesn’t have to worry about that, because all he needs to obtain satisfaction is a warm, wet, vagina - any warm, wet, vagina.
Thus, all a female sex expert means to a man is hoe. Because the assumption is, in order to obtain her sexual expertise, she had to have made herself available to a lot of men. Therefore, she doesn’t see him as special; he just happened to be in the right place at the right time - and if it wasn’t him, it would be someone else. Now don't get me wrong, he’ll PRETEND that the "expert" is rockin’ his world, and doing something for him that can’t be done by any woman with a warm and wet vagina, but that’s just to stroke the woman's ego so he can have sex with her whenever he feels the urge.
So personally, I’d rather be with a woman who’s simply capable of enjoying the lust of the sexual experience than I would somebody who’s trying all kinds of techniques on me, any day. Because the "expert’s" head is not in the right place. I want a woman focused on how good SHE'S feeling, and fixated on that tingling sensation that’s building up within HER loins, not on how to contract her muscles to impress me with how good she is in bed. After all, a man’s biggest challenge is NOT to climax too soon, so why would he want somebody who’s gonna defeat that purpose? That’s also why men indulge in oral sex, because there is nothing sexier to us than a woman who’s out of her mind with lust and sexual passion. So if there’s any expert in the bed, I want to be the one.
So when a woman starts talking sex to a man, or try to be overly sexy, she’s not doing herself a favor. All she's doing is ringing the dinner bell that brings out the predator in a man, but he automatically starts thinking in terms of fun and games with a woman of either category one or two. So just because a woman can get a man’s attention in that way - and any woman can - she shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking that she’s going to hold his attention. He’s just gorging himself on hamburger until he can find him a steak - a category three woman; wife material, or a woman who’s not gonna even consider the possibly of sex until he jumps through a lot of hoops to get there. She's the prize that most men are after.
Now, I want to emphasize that I’m not advocating any position on this issue. If you’ll notice, the title of this article is a question, not an assertion. My intent is to simply give women insight into how the vast majority of men think. How do I know how most men think? Because from the time we're little boys we spent an inordinate amount of time discussing women and girls - like when Donald Trump was bragging to the fellas about grabbing women by the genitals. So whether or not what I'm saying is perceived as sexist is not my concern. I’m simply relating the truth - a truth that is common knowledge among most men, because when it comes to sex, and a man's exploitation of women, men are far from politically correct, unless they're trying to keep that SPECIAL WOMAN to themselves. You never hear a word about those women. But if a woman is just a casual "piece of ass," every brother he knows know about you, right up to how you act and/or beg when you're having an orgasm.  That's why "hoes" are generally so popular.
While many women may consider what I’ve said here old fashion, men have assessed women in the same way since the beginning of time and across cultural boundaries, and it’s very unlikely to change anytime soon. But the problem with truth, and the primary reason that so many people object to it is, it doesn’t always conform to either ideology or fashion. It simply is what it is. So efficient thought requires that we ALWAYS give truth priority over ideology. But much too often we try to give ideology priority over truth. Then when truth comes into conflict with our ideology, we try to contort the truth to fit more comfortably into what we want to believe, and unfortunately, that's what many women do when it comes to the subject of sex - "Things have changed." No, when it comes to men and sex, things will never change.
As a result of that tendency, modern women are living under the mass delusion that because their attitudes have changed, the attitudes of men have changed along with them, but they are horribly mistaken. You see, men simply pretend to have changed because it’s to our advantage. The modern female mind-set makes casual sex much more available, and we love it - I certainly do, because I’m just as predatory regarding sex as any other man. But that doesn’t mean that I’m so accommodating to that new mind-set that I want to marry the women that I’m having sex with - and I’m very comfortable in saying that MOST men feel the same way - and that’s a major contributor to the dysfunction of the modern family structure, which is the point of this article.
I want to emphasize that I'm not suggesting that women should remain celibate until marriage, but I'm sure many women are going to read that into it. I'm simply saying that men prefer women who are "protective" of their sexuality, and women need to understand that, regardless to what a man may say.  Women need to keep in mind that a man will say anything, and take any position, that allows sex to be readily available. But if you want to see a man’s true attitude toward female sexuality, all you have to do is even suggest that his mother or daughter is less than protective of their sexuality. You’ll end up with an extremely hostile individual on your hands. Thus, a man's attitude toward sex is very complex - while we love it being easily available, we don't want the women in our lives involved in contributing to the ease of availability.
So the bottom line is, the new female mindset towards sex not only creates a disincentive for men to step up to the plate to become responsible husbands and fathers, but once they are husbands and fathers, the attitude of many women outside of the marriage creates constant pressure for men to cheat. Thus, the attitude of the modern women regarding casual sex often serves to create the very Hell that many women often complain about.
Think about it. What incentive does a man have to limit his sex life and take on the responsibility of settling down with one woman when he can have all the sex that he can handle - with multiple women - and without having to take on any responsibility at all? Not much. And what cultural incentive does a married man have to remain faithful? Again, not much. So I'm not advocating that women reverse their newfound sexual freedom, but rather, to consider carefully how that freedom is used, because every male you come into contact with certainly is. So while I'm not advocating any position, I am suggesting that women learn the rules of the game and not allow themselves to be played, because having that knowledge gives women options on how they want to play the game.
In that regard, what's important for every woman to remember is, while many women's attitude toward sex has changed tremendously over the years, men are still very old fashion when it comes to their woman - they have to be, because the way a man’s woman carries herself is reflective of his manhood - and that's very important to a man. While I know this may sound kinda old-school to contemporary women, with all of the sexual opportunities out there for your man, how you carry yourself may be the determining factor on whether or not your man is willing to make that extra effort to be the kind of man you want him to be. And women should also remember this - as old fashion as your grandmother was, she didn’t have any problem hanging on to her man.
Love, Pain, Passion, and Lust

She walks alone, sweet woman-child,
her sobs flow warm against the dark;
Her need is love, not merely passion,
a mighty fortress, her broken heart.
Quivering bodies and breathless moans,
she remembers with great delight,
but the heat of love is the only flame,
her lusting soul craves late at night.
Hungry arms yearn for her shuddering body,
to embrace her tenderly with all their might;
Shivering lips lust for her succulent passion,
as she cries out desperately into the night.
But only true love can quench the thirst
that burns red hot, and deep inside,
so she faces the pain, again and again,
and late at night she cries.
Masculine shadows of delusion and lust
caress their egos more than her pain,
for her convulsing body quivers not for them,
but for her fantasy
of a warm and gentle man.
So, with head held high, by light of day,
but, mournful eyes, that do betray,
unspent love, and a breaking heart,
and the fear of sobs, when day turns dark.

She's dark, she’s passionate, and she's lovely,
but she doesn't know herself:
She doesn't know
the extent her smiling eyes
devastate this love-sick heart;
The way they dance in the moonlight,
subtly beckon,
and betray the depth
of her sultry passion.
She doesn't know
the ecstasy of pleading moans
on a humid, Summer night, or
the maddening pleasure of glistening bodies
entwined in erotic flight.
She doesn't know
the hot breath of passion,
as it whispers between her thighs;
The gentle kiss, the sting of bliss,
the pain of pleasure
that burns inside.
She doesn't know
the agony of lust
while suspended in endless time,
as she yearns for sweet release,
while desperately clinging to
the sweet sublime.
She doesn't know
of frantic begging
for that of which she's run,
of the animal that leaps inside of her,
as flowing chills
begin to come.
She doesn't know
the embrace of madness
as her trembling loins
begin to spill . . .
doesn't know of love,
but on this night,
her pleading eyes,
say she will.


Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.

Tuesday, December 05, 2017


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree

Faith is about giving “the word of man” priority over the common sense that god bestowed upon us. So I don’t believe in any kind of religion or “supernatural” phenomena, because everything that takes place in the universe is natural; we may not understand it, but if it happens in this universe it’s a natural occurrence. So there is no such thing as anything that's either a "miracle," or, "supernatural."
But some things people are told to have “faith” in just don’t happen, so I don't take anyone seriously who claims to believe in walking dead men or talking snakes.  Snakes don’t talk and dead men don’t walk, and we all know it, because God created us with common sense. So anyone who even claims to believe in such nonsense is either delusional, or just flat-out lying.  They’ve simply been socialized, or coerced, into accepting such ridiculous nonsense by being threatened as children that if they didn't accept and believe what they’ve been told the Boogey Man was gonna get them. They’ve been taught that all their lives, so now that they're adults they’re afraid to admit they don't believe in these Mother Goose tales, and they’ll lie about it to the end, because man told them to believe in it, and they've accepted man as God's surrogate.  But the fact is, man is insignificant in terms of the universe. For all we know what we consider our universe could be nothing more than a subatomic particle under the toenail of some gigantic being.
So the bottom line is, man only believes in the Bible - or whatever happens to be his cultural book of choice - because he's been told to, and he obediently accepts it the same way that he obediently accepted that America was, and is, the "Land of the free," even though they were abusing slaves as they said it, and is currently shooting down children in the street; and that Roy Moore is “a man of God,” even as he molests little girls. Thus, whenever "the word of God" interferes with business as usual, man finds a way to justify circumventing it - and so-called God-loving Christians fall right in line, and not only that, they cheer him on.  Thus, religion is nonsense.
So anyone who has “faith” in man and his belief system, even a little bit, is a fool,  because man only believes in God as long as God says what he wants him to say, and as long as God doesn’t interfere with his lust for greed, bigotry, and self-service - and again, we currently see an excellent example of how that works in the case of Roy Moore, and in Trump's admission, in one of his rare moments of candor, that he could shoot a person down in the street and the people would still follow him, and that was absolutely true.  Because man doesn't believe in God, he believes in what he's told to believe in by other men.  That's why man has different beliefs and religions in different parts of the world. It's called socialization.
Thus, due to my early awareness of the nature of Christian self-delusion, manipulation, and gross hypocrisy, I decided as a child to base my life on ethics and the conscience (that I KNOW God gave me), and completely ignore all of man's manipulative fairytales. So I decide what I believe on a case-by-case basis - and that not only goes for religion, but politics and everything else in life. I live my life as though I just woke up on Earth alone and I have to figure out reality as I go along - and without relying on the word of dead White men. Thus, while I'll listen to the opinions of others, and consume the knowledge and wisdom they have to offer, in the final analysis, I never give anyone else's opinion priority over my own. Therefore, I have absolutely no interest in becoming a part of any kind of religious knitting circle. 
I view all of man’s various religions in the very same way that I look upon Voodoo.  And I view all of his ministers, Popes, and so-call "men of God" as witch doctors and soothsayers.  So for me, EVERYTHING must stand up to the test of logic. I examine every issue on it’s own merit, and anything that doesn’t stand up to logical examination, I unceremoniously shit-can it, on the spot.
As a result, I'm not a "believer" in anything that can't be logically proven. Even as a child in Sunday school, when they tried to tell me - with a straight face - that a man walked up to the Red Sea. and essentially, told it to scoot over and let him pass, I, literally, told them to please be serious, and I haven’t been back since. Because I don’t believe in having "faith" in the word of man, or the concept of God jumping through hoops to impress man, and I never have.  I believe in thought, and that's served me well over the years. It keeps life simple. It prevents me from being bamboozled by demagogues, and it also keeps me from having to pay for somebody else’s Cadillac in the name of God. 

My grandparents were devout Christians, but based on the questions they began to ask me, I think they were jumping onboard my ship just before they died. My grandfather had a story he used to tell people about how the pastor sent his assistant to try to council me, and according to my grandfather, “We ain’t seen the man since.”  He thought that was so funny. You see, my grandparents weren’t fools either. They just hadn’t put any serious thought into what they'd been taught, and I’m sure there are many other people in the world just like them.  That’s why I’m currently broaching this issue. But I’m not an evangelist, so it’s not my intent to convert anyone to my point of view, because I recognize that faith plays an important role in the lives of many people, but this issue is much too serious to simply be ignored - and especially in the Black community, because our tendency to embrace nonsense is doing serious damage to our ability to be efficient and logical thinkers, and it is exactly those skills that are essential to our liberation as a people.
The point that I'm trying to make is this - you don’t have to believe in Voodoo to believe in God and be a Godly person. I don't think there's anyone any more Godly than I am, but God has absolutely nothing to do with man's religion. Again, religion is the "word of man," not God. So anyone who chooses to believe in walking dead men and talking snakes over the common sense that was bestowed upon them by nature (God), has chosen to give the word of man priority over God.  They don't believe in God, they believe in man.
God is whatever force, entity, or process that’s responsible for what we refer to as existence, so if we exist, God exists, regardless of whether God is a he, she, or it. And the mere fact that we’re here to question God’s existence, proves God’s existence - not talkin’ snakes.  If you want to commune with God, you don't do it in a building as you drop badly needed money into a collection plate - just go out at night and gaze upon God's creation, and consider the fact, that you're a part of it.  I do that every night, and it never fails to make my eyes moist.  But on the other hand . . .

"Come here nigga and let me teach yo crazy, animal ass about the Lord. The first thing you got to learn is to Love thy Neighbor . . . especially me."
"Yes sir, Massa. Why would anybody not love you, Sir? You so good to me, Massa. Anybody don't love you needs to have dey ass beat real good, Massa.".
"Shut up, nigga. I'm talkin'."
"Listen, you been blessed already, and you don't even know the Lord. The Lord made it where you don't have to worry 'bout a thing. I feed you, I put clothes on yo nasty ass, and I give you a shed to sleep in, and all you have to do is whatever the hell I tell you to. Do you know how blessed you are?"
"Oh, indeed I do, Massa. You take good care of me. I's so happy."
"Now, listen real good 'cause dis impotant. God said, thou shalt not steal from me, thou shalt not kill (unless I tell you to), thou shalt not stick another coon's wife (unless we tryin' to make some mo niggas), and nigga, whatever you do, thou shalt not even look like you want to stick a white woman, or we gon lynch yo black ass. You here me, nigga?"
"Oh yes, Massa. We know dat! But Massa, I thought you said thou shalt not kill?"
"Dat means people, fool - real people! Dat don't go for niggas. God wants us to keep you in yo place."
."Dat's right, Massa. We sho gotta keep niggas in dey place. No tellin' what a happen if we let dese niggas git loose. God so smart."
"I said shut up, nigga, and listen to the word."
"The next thing you got to learn is, whatever happens on this plantation is God's will bein' done. And if you listen to me, you'll get to live like I do when you die and go to Heaven."
"Live like you, massa? A nigga ain't got no business livin' dat good. What a Po nigga like me gon do with all this? You know I ain't got sense enough to run nothin' like this."
"Just shut up, nigga!" When you dead you gon get some sense - the lord gon give it to you. The Lord can do anything, even give sense to a nigga. And he gon give you all the other niggas you gon need to help you in the fields, too."
"Massa, you so good to me! Thank you for tellin' me all dis. I'm gon be a good nigga - the best nigga you ever seened. Look, I'm gon pray for you right now, and thank the Lord for givin' me so good a massa."
"Shut up and get up off your knees, ya dumb nigga! The fields need tendin'! You pray to the Lord on your own time. God don't won't you talkin' to him when you s'pose to be workin'."
"A couse, Massa. What I been thinkin'? I's so dumb. I don't know why you put up with me, Sir."
"How many times I got to tell you to shut the hell up, nigga?"
"Yes Sir, I's a shuttin', Massa. I's a shuttin', right now."
"Now get yo ass out there in that field and let's get some work done around here . . . Oh, and Toby, have yo woman meet me in the barn. I need to tell her 'bout the Lord too."
"Yes sir, Massa."
"And another thing, Toby, if my momma come a lookin', tell her I'm playin' in my tree house."
"Why you gon go fibbin' to yo momma, Mr. Tommy? She knows you like to sit wit Lou Ann."
"Just shut up, nigga, and do what I said! And tell Lou Ann to wear that pretty dress I like, cause we gon be talkin' 'bout the Lord, so it's gon be like chuch."
"Yes Sir, Mr. Tommy!  . . . Whaaaaaaat a friend we have in Jeeeeesus . . ."


Hmmmmmmmm . . . No shit?

Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.