Friday, August 31, 2018



Black history is a wonderful thing to know, and we should all teach it to our children so they’ll have an understanding of who they are. But it irritates the hell out of me when adults start throwing it in my face within the context of entirely different subjects. We can be discussing the importance of Black people remaining focused, and some people will bring up Cleopatra, completely outside the focus of the discussion.
Personally, I don't get into such issues at all, because what's important is what Black people are doing now - TODAY!  I only deal in contemporary history, because that's verifiable. When you start getting into the issues of antiquity you're left with the dilemma of having to explain what the hell happened. If Black people were so great during antiquity, what the hell happened that caused us to end up in the situation we're in today?  I can't explain that, so I leave that for the apologists to explain.
I do understand the significance of what it means to be Black in contemporary terms, however, so that's what I focus on. I leave the past in the past. It's gone, and I don’t consider Black people the people of the past in any event. I see Black people as the people of the future, because as a direct result of the adversity we've faced over the past 400 years, we've evolved. The very same adversity that we've been forced to endure over the centuries has made us more, rather than less. What we call "soul" is actually intellectual creativity, we've simply got to recognize it as such.  We've got to embrace that fact and stop wasting our creativity on meaningless frivolity, trying to be cool, and walking around reciting vulgar nursery rhythms - or at least, rap about something forward-looking instead of calling the very womb of our culture "bitches" and "hoes" and constantly regurgitating every dysfunction in the Black community. And we can start that process by getting out of the habit of always looking backward and starting to look forward. If we're gonna rap, we should rap about what we aspire to as Black people, and the changes we have to make in our lives to bring those aspirations into reality
There are many very simple principles in life, and we need to observe those principles and incorporate them into our lives in general. When we pull out of our driveway to head to work - at least, those of us fortunate enough to have a job - we glance over our shoulder to avoid any obstacles that may obstruct our path. But after that fleeting glance, if we want to reach our destination we must then look forward.  Common sense dictates that we can't get anywhere by constantly looking backward. We developed that propensity by emulating the White man - he’s always worshiping his past in an attempt to justify White supremacy, so we go running in behind him eager to prove that we have a history too. That's a bad habit. If we ever want to develop a true sense of self, Black people must get away from always trying to prove ourselves to the White man. That's a tendency motivated by feelings of inferiority. You don't feel the need to prove yourself to people you feel equal to, so we should never go out of our way to try to prove how exceptional or intelligent we are to the White man. In fact, we should never let him know what's going on in our mind, period.  Keep your mouth shut, and let him find out the power of your mind the hard way.
So no, we should never try to the prove who we are to the White man by digging back into history, because what's important is who we are now, and when we begin to recognize that fact it'll give us an incentive to constantly work to improve ourselves. In addition, the fact is, most history, regardless to who's history it is, is a lie anyway.  When we look back on history it's much like a preacher reciting the life of the deceased at a funeral - you have to wonder who the hell he's talking about because the glowing terms that he's using to discuss the deceased doesn't sound anything like the heathen we've known in life.  It's all a whitewashed fairytale, and that's exactly how every culture relates their history. When discussing history, man invariably puts Mother Goose to shame. How long do you think it would have taken Noah to gather-up two of everything on Earth and put them on one boat? And where in hell is he gonna find two kangaroos in the Middle East?
And have you ever noticed that in history everybody seems to be more impressive, more noble, and more intelligent than the Trump-like idiots we have to deal with today? That's because history is based on a lie - "A lie agreed upon." People were just as idiotic in the past as we are today - in fact, even more so, because they knew less. I discussed that issue in an article I wrote several years ago. When we rely on history to claim our greatness, it relieves us of the responsibility of being great today. So if we want to be great, we must make ourselves great today, and leave antiquity to Mother Goose.
I read a snippet in an old article in Essence Magazine indicating that researchers have uncovered new information suggesting that Cleopatra may not have been Black. The article brought back to mind a piece I read by Earl Ofari Hutchinson many years ago entitled, Whose Black History To Believe? In his very insightful article Hutchinson points out that black history tends to be given either short shrift by traditional historians, or is exaggerated beyond all recognition by historians of a more Afrocentric persuasion. His premise is that both approaches do a disservice to African American history. His analysis shows that African Americans would be better served by a more balanced interweaving of African American history into the fabric of American history as a whole.
While I'm in total agreement with both his premise and analysis, I think it's important to take this issue one step farther. We need to explore why so many of us feel the need to exaggerate our history in the first place. We also need to understand how this game we find ourselves involved in distracts us from the bigger picture.
The importance of cultural history is that it contributes to the collective self-esteem of a people. It brings cohesion by giving the members of a given group something in common to rally around as their own. A culture, much like an individual, is so much in need of a feeling of self-esteem that it invariably manufactures its own history, which often bears little or no resemblance to reality. For those very reasons, therefore, much of history is a lie. In fact, history itself has been defined as "A lie agreed upon."
A concrete example of that process at work can be seen by looking back at the Vietnam War. Having never lost a war at that time, upon entering the Vietnam War the United States had already geared up for manufacturing a history to justify its presence in Vietnam, much like we're struggling with today in Iraq and the Middle East. The U.S. Finally came up with what was called "The Domino Theory". According to this theory, the North Vietnamese were merely fronting for Communist China, and if the United States allowed South Vietnam to fall to the North Vietnamese, people in that part of the world would be slaughtered, and all the rest of the countries in the area would fall like "dominoes" to Chinese communism.
If the United States had won the Vietnam war that lie would have become an official part of world history. Young children all over the world would have read it as gospel for eons. But since the United States didn't win, this would-be "historical fact" has been left without a home, and now, over forty years later, the lie stands as a glaring example of how nations manufacture lies to justify their conduct.  Thus, ALL of history must be consumed with a box of salt, and looked upon as the dubious accounts, glorification, and whitewash, of ordinary men engaged in routine atrocities.
The United States is not unique in fabricating history, however. All nations and all cultures do it. If Germany had won WWII the history of that war would have been written from an entirely different perspective; if Great Britain had won The Revolutionary War, the esteemed forefathers of the United States would have been remembered as a group similar to the way the United States currently view The Black Panther Party, or Cinque and the Symbionese Liberation Army.
An example of this principle at work on a cultural level can be found in the White culture's touting of Benny Goodman as "The King of Swing", or Elvis Presley as "The King of Rock n Roll." We know that's not true today, but as time passes, and there's no one left to attest to the inaccuracy of such claims, eventually it'll become a "historical fact"-- or factoid (something repeated so often that it is seen as a fact).
So it is clear that the history game is just that - a game. But it's a game that Black Americans should only play quite sparingly, if at all, since due to the unique position of the African American in legitimate modern history, we come to this game with a decided disadvantage.
The African American culture is a relatively new culture, thus, our history is verifiable. Therefore, African Americans don't have the machinery in place to effectively promote the hype necessary to fully participate in the history game. But since, in any event, the game only serves to divert our attention from what is really important - getting on with the business of building true viability as a people - black participation in the game is nothing more than an exercise in me-too-ism.
But it seems that whenever I hear a discussion on Black pride, someone always brings up the issue of Egypt, and whether or not Cleopatra was Black. Black people have got to understand that the issue is not important – in fact, it's academic. While it is always good to stay in touch with one's roots, the fact is, the African American culture has long since ceased being purely African - even though the continent of Africa will always define the core of our being -and any connection that we may, or may not have had with Egypt and/or Cleopatra is remote at best, at least, in a strictly cultural sense. It's as though we're going around, hat in hand, desperately searching for a piece of history to call our own. We shouldn't place ourselves in that position – it's undignified, pathetic, and wholly unnecessary.
We must begin to understand that we are a new culture. We ceased being Africans when it became necessary to adapt to the fields and ghettos of America.  Neither are we simply Americans - we became something more than simply Americans when it became necessary to become more than simple Americans for our very survival. We are a brand new culture - a culture conceived in pain, delivered into turmoil, baptized in deprivation, and weaned on injustice. And since adversity is experience, and experience translates into knowledge, we don't have a thing to be ashamed of. The uniquely pointed adversity that we have experienced makes us more, rather than less. Thus, we are a culture that is only now in the infancy of its development. For that reason, we cannot hope to compete, lie-for-lie, with ancient cultures relative to history, since our history is only now being written. But for that very same reason, we don't have to try to compete.
The fact that we are a new culture doesn't mean that we are anything less than the older cultures; it simply means that our greatest contribution to man lies before us. We don't have to look back to antiquity to find a source of pride, all we have to do is study the life and times of our parents, our grandparents, and that generation of black people born between the turn of the century and WWII.
In less than 50 years, the Black people of that generation went from housekeepers and flunkies to the boardrooms of multinational corporations. In less than 50 years, they went from playing washboards and tin cans on the side of the road, to becoming some of the greatest musicians the world has ever known. In less than 50 years these people have gone from the defenseless and nameless victims of public lynchings, to laying a foundation, along with their White supporters (who must not be forgotten), that led directly to Barack Obama becoming the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth - and that is a chapter in history that is verifiable.
The most cursory glance demonstrates that there is something unusually unique about this new culture. While social scientists have postulated that all minority cultures must assimilate, dilute, and subordinate themselves to the dominant cultural soup, there is clear evidence that the African American culture has had a much greater impact on the dominant culture than is the reverse.
Members of the dominant cultural group under fifty years of age have more in common with the African-American culture in terms of attitudes, style, and personal taste, than they have with their own grandparents. Black music - Jazz, Blues, Rap, and, yes, Rock n Roll - is the predominate music, not only in the United States, but in the entire world. Every time a Rock group goes on stage, they sing a tribute to nameless slaves moanin' in the fields - and just to turn on a radio or television set anywhere in the Western world, is to pay a tribute to Duke, Bird, Miles, and Diz.
In addition, the United States of America has honored only four men in history by declaring the day of their birth a national day of celebration - Jesus Christ of Nazareth, widely accepted by many as the father of all mankind; President George Washington, the father of this nation; Christopher Columbus, the man credited with discovering the Americas (along with the native Americans who were already a part thereof); and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a man whose forebears were brought to these shores in chains.
That says a lot about that humble black man - and it says just as much about his people. In spite of the fact that Dr. King began his life burdened by the inherent disadvantages of being blessed with black skin in a Jim Crow environment, his words, his intellect, and his deeds so inspired the heart and soul of humanity that America saw fit to set aside a day for this nation - this world - to thank God that he was allowed to walk among us. His was a soul with such strength that it served to lift the rest of mankind to a higher level of humanity. That's not only a testament to one black man's ability to pull himself from the dust of his humble beginnings, it's also a testament to the capacity of his people to meet the test of greatness - and that's a history that is verifiable.
So, we must also take pride in our own personal journeys, and realize that in our own journey through life, history is also being made. You don't have to be a world conqueror to have an impact on the history of mankind; you simply have to make decisions in your personal life that helps to enhance and move your people forward towards their appointment with destiny. And every time you face life's obstacles with courage and perseverance, you meet that challenge. After all, you don't make decisions in a vacuum - every decision that you make in life becomes a public decision. People are watching, your children are watching, and if you nurture your children properly, they will make the character of your decisions an indelible part of the public record.
Thus, the character that you reflect in your daily conduct carries the seed that your children will carry with them for generations. For that reason, I don't regret one moment of my youth that I spent stumblin' through Watts on whatever drug happened to be convenient. Those years were part of a personal journey that stands as a monument to who I am today. Of course, I related those struggles to my children as stumbling blocks to be avoided at all costs, but they were also related as examples of perseverance, and the determination to overcome the obstacles in my life, and by overcoming those setbacks, it allowed me to relate those experiences with just as much pride as the White culture relates the experiences of General Patton to their children. George fought his battles, and I fought mine, and as far as my children are concerned - as far as I'm concern - one was no less heroic than the other. Thus:
Neither scholar nor the head of state,
The most common of men seems to be my fate;
A life blistered with struggle and constant need,
As my legacy to man I bequeath my seed.
More fertile, more sturdy these ones than I,
This withered old vine left fallow and dry;
The nectar of their roots lie dormant still,
But through their fruit I'll be revealed.
And that, is verifiable.
Eric L. Wattree
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree 

In spite of the fact that I was raised to be a Christian, I never go to church, because even as a kid I couldn’t buy into talkin’ snakes, and all of man's other attempts to introduce me to Mother Goose.  I wanted to believe it, because I was taught that if I didn’t the Bogey Man was gonna get me. But try as I might, the common sense that God bestowed upon me wouldn't allow it. God would always whisper in my ear,  “No, my child - you don't have to embrace nonsense to prove your love for my creation."
So I was faced with a dilemma - was I going to have "faith" in the word of man, or follow the common sense that God was whispering in my ear?  He then went on to whisper that if “Satan” didn’t need to write a book to get man to do his bidding, why would God? Was Satan more powerful than God?  So when I began to think about these things, and then looked at the preacher standing there all decked out in his fancy sharkskin fugadoo suit, there was no contest. So at 14 years old I left the church, just like I left the sandbox when I was 7,  and never looked back. And it was on that day I cut out the middleman.  I completely dropped man as my translator of the will of God, and I establish my own relationship with the creator. And from that day until this, I've been free. I've been free to think clearly, and unencumbered by the shackles of stupidity.
Yes, so, from that day forward it became just me and God, and without any ignorant translator trying to indoctrinate me into believing the ridiculously superstitions of 3000 year-old dead men. And I was freed in another way as well - I was freed from the selfishness and greed of man, because God doesn't beg. You see, God doesn't need money, so unlike man he doesn't have to lie to you to get it. Man uses religious books to try to put his own words in God's mouth. That's why there are so many of them.  Again, there are over 4200 different religions on Earth, and they all claim to speak for God. Man will say, for example, "God wants you to give me 10% of everything you earn, plus a Love offering and a Building fund - See, he said it right here in chapter 5."  But the fact is, God doesn't want your money, man does. It's right out of the book of "Trick Baby," written by Iceberg Slim.
It's only man's tremendous ego that makes him think that God is fixated on him. In that regard he's a lot like Donald Trump - he thinks the entire universe revolves around him. But actually, in terms of the universe and creation as a whole, man is no more significant than a germ under a toilet seat in Uzbekistan. God made them both, and with equal precision.
So today, many years later, I sit out in my backyard and worship the wonders of God in awe every single night. I look out at the night sky and gaze upon what seems to be a completely silent universe at complete rest. But due to my decision to follow knowledge instead of the word of man, I know better. I know that the Earth is rotating at 1000 MPH, and it’s orbiting around the Sun at 67,000 MPH. I also know that the Sun is orbiting the galaxy at 515,000 MPH, and it takes the Sun 230 million years to orbit just one time around our galaxy. And if that’s not amazing enough, it’s not the whole story. I know that our galaxy is hurling through the universe at 1.3 Million MPH, and it’s 100,000 light years across, so if I could travel at 186,000 miles per SECOND, it would take me 100,000 years to cross it. I also know that within the universe our galaxy represents only one grain of sand on all of the beaches and deserts on the planet Earth, and  there are over 200 Billion galaxies just like our own in just that minuscule sliver of the universe that we can see with man’s weak and feeble technology. 
Yet, in spite of all that, I’m routinely insulted by delusional idiots who get all dressed up in flamboyant robes and try to insist that they know what’s on God’s mind, even as they molest thousands of children, rob the poor of a 10th of their earnings, and support every manner of bigotry, hatred and mayhem on Earth. And here’s the incredible part - because I refuse to embrace the superstitious cave-dwelling pronouncements of these cretins over the mind that the creator of the universe bestowed up me, they call ME a heathen!!! They insist that God wants me to ignore the mind that he took such great pains to bestow upon me, and believe in talkin' snakes instead.  Go figure it.
What such people fail to understand is much as man likes to think of himself as special, he’s not the center of the universe. He's simply drenched in delusional narcissism. In terms of the universe, what man considers the universe may be no more than a speck of dust under the toenail of some gigantic being who’s a part of an even greater universe. So in the larger scheme of reality, man is no more significant than a germ under a toilet seat in Uzbekistan. God created them both with equal precision.  I know these things, so man can spare me his tales of walkin’ dead men, talkin’ snakes, and all of his other forms Voodoo.  
Christians are always talking about how the Bible is “the word of God.” That’s ridiculous. God doesn’t write books, he doesn’t have to. When God speaks to you, he speaks to you directly, through your mind, your heart, and your conscience. That’s why he created you with these things, and he doesn’t make mistakes. He didn’t create you requiring a Users Guide any more than he created birds requiring a calendar and a compass to know when to fly south, or a text telling whales that they had to come up for air. God created all things with everything they needed to live a successful and Godly life - even plants. So why does man require a User's Guide?  The fact is, he doesn't. And another thing, if Satan doesn't have to write a book to get you to do his will, why would God?  Is Satan more powerful than God?
So what Christians refer to as the "Word of God" is actually the word of man. He uses it to control other men. He uses it to say, "God wants you to give me a 10% cut out of everything you make; see, he says right here." The "Holy Bible" is a scam that was compiled by Pope Damasus I nearly 400 years after the death of Jesus, and they didn't put anything in it that the Pope disagreed with - In fact, back then you could be tortured and killed for even saying anything he disagreed with. If God wrote a book it would be filled with truth. It would tell you that snakes don't talk, dead men don't walk, and no woman has EVER had a baby without having sex. But God didn't have to say that, because he DEMONSTRATED it by what he has done. And consider this - according to the Bible God didn't even speak to anybody that wasn’t a White male. Open it up and try to find St. Willie, St. Debbie, or St. Chong. You won't find them, because the Bible is the word of the White man, and it was written to keep you in your place.
God has absolutely nothing to do with religion. Religion is the "word of man," not God. So anyone who chooses to believe in walking dead men and talking snakes over the common sense that was bestowed upon them by nature (God), has chosen to give the word of man priority over God.
God is whatever force, entity, or process that’s responsible for what we refer to as existence. So if we exist, God exists, regardless of whether God is a he, she, it, or the universe itself.  When the concept of God is viewed from that perspective, simple logic suggests that the mere fact that we’re here to even question God’s existence, proves God’s existence. That’s all we know about God, and that’s all we NEED to know.
One doesn’t HAVE to have “faith” in God. Just look up at the night sky and you have an entire universe to attest to his existence. You only have to have “faith” in the words of man, because that’s all he has to bring to the table - words.
Man can only know God by what God has done, and to show you just how meaningless the concept of faith is to God, try getting on your knees on a railroad track in front of an oncoming train and use your “faith” to pray that God stops the train before it hits you. If you test your faith in that manner you’ll end up dog food, because God made birds to fly, fish to swim, and man to THINK. So he did his part when he gave you a brain; the rest is up to you. The very same thing is true when you have “faith” in the words of ANY man. God didn’t bless you with your own mind so you can let another man think for you - or even tell you how to think. God didn’t “anoint” ANY man to speak for him. Such men anoint themselves to rip you off. Clear evidence of that is that it ALWAYS boils down to money with these men, but God doesn’t need money.  When YOU are in need these so-called “anointed men” tell you to “pray on it,” but when THEY are in need, they pass you a collection plate.

A guy name Anthony contacted me after reading the above and said the following:
Eric, you are so lost.
You were raised in the Christian religion which is not the actual doctrine, philosophy, ideology nor practice of the Messiah. It is rather the watered down, white-washed, oppressive version with enough displaced, twisted and misplaced to control the masses. Just because you could not believe a serpent would talk, that did not mean it did not happen. If you are using your reasoning as a child to understand the mysteries of scripture, you were in fact lost from the word Go.
You have bits and pieces of data all lumped together and you are trying to make sense of it all but in doing so, you are missing the truth completely. I would love to answer and correct you point by point but I am not going to type all that tonight. Feel free to contact me via for the facts and the truth that you are missing. You have not even scratched the surface in this article. And know this, I deal in hard evidence, facts and verifiable truth. You are very much in error throughout your article.
I challenge you to contact me. Leave a phone number on my email and I will call you.

The minute you said, “Just because you could not believe a serpent would talk, that did not mean it did not happen,” I wrote you off as a mindless lunatic. I can’t even begin to take anyone seriously who ignores common sense. If you have more “faith” in the word of man - that snakes can talk - than you do in the common sense that God (Nature) took great pains to bestow upon you, you believe in man, not God.
What kind of fool doesn’t have sense enough to realize that snakes don’t talk, dead men don’t walk, and you can’t get two of everything on Earth on one ship - everything from the smallest insects to largest elephants? The weight of the shit alone would sink the boat. And another thing - how long would it have taken Noah to gather up two of everything on Earth in the first place, and where in the hell is he gonna find two kangaroos in the Middle East!!!?  The Bible said God brought them, but that’s nonsense; why don’t we see anything like that today?  And why was God only focused on the Middle East - what about Africa, Asia, and other places around the world? So let's just call your brand of "enlightenment" that you're so anxious to "explain" to me just what it is - pure, unadulterated, bullshit.
So spare me your offer to “explain” away my common sense.  I left the church to get away from people like you, because I was convinced, even as a child, that ignorance is contagious - and since I don’t believe in Mother Goose, I need my common sense to survive.  
And finally, people like yourself are the very antithesis of my mission in life. I’ve dedicated my life to teaching Black people to distance themselves from people like you, because you’ve obviously been completely robbed of your mind, and as such, you play a major role in holding Black people down. Black people will only thrive through the pursuit of knowledge, not stupidity. So your offer to “instruct me” is not only grossly ridiculous, but laughable. Even Donald Trump has sense enough to know that snakes don’t talk, and they never did, no matter what the White man told you.

Eric L. Wattree
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.


Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree

Legal scholars all over the country are debating whether or not Trump has the power to pardon himself. The answer should be clear but it seems that the experts are looking in the wrong place. Most legal scholars keep looking at Article II Section 2 of the Constitution which says, "The president “shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment." But they’re overlooking another part of the Constitution that overrides that - the Presidential Oath of Office.  Article VI, Clause 3, of the Constitution requires the President to "be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution."  And the Presidential Oath of Office says the following:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Thus, based on the Presidential Oath of Office, Trump cannot pardon himself, or any member of his extended crime family, because the case involves himself and it's a possible cause for impeachment. It's also a direct violation of the Presidential Oath of Office. He cannot pardon crimes in pursuit of self-service because it violates his oath of office in which he swore to “faithfully, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution ."  In addition, his successor cannot come in and pardon him later for the very same reason - he'd be failing to "faithfully, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” as well. 
Yes, a precedent has been set by previous Republican presidents of pardoning their cohorts and beneficiaries in crime  - Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush - but because we’ve been stupid in the past doesn’t mean that we should continue to be.  
Continuing to adhere to such a corrupt policy is exactly what has led to the illegal abuse of presidential power that presidents have engaged in ever since Richard Nixon, so it is time to challenge that policy in the courts and make it clear that it’s illegal.
Allowing  a president, or his successor, to pardon either himself, or his fellow conspirators, in order to protect and/or absolve himself of crimes committed in office is a corruption of the intent of the United States Constitution, and it’s a direct violation of his Oath of Office.  Failing to recognize that fact will eventually lead to despotism, if it hasn’t already.  George W. Bush and Dick Cheney had no compunction against lying the nation into Iraq, torturing prisoners of war, are outing C.I.A. agent Valerie Plame because they knew they had a "get out of jail free" card in their back pocket, and Donald Trump seems to be acting on the same assumption. So both, the legal need, and justification for addressing this issue is clear and simple, and anyone who can't see that is either dumb, or simply doesn’t want to see it.
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.