Friday, March 29, 2019


Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree


Let me start off by telling you right off the bat that man doesn’t know a damn thing about God. That’s why we speak of “having faith”. We don’t have to have “faith” in God. We have an entire universe to attest to God's existence. So when we speak of faith, we’re not talking about having faith in God, but having faith in what some delusional lunatic is TELLING us about God. God gave us a mind. It was man who gave us the Bible.
I was raised in the church, and I’m a firm believer in God. I pray before every meal, and every night before I go to bed. But I do that for ME, and the comfort that it brings ME, not because God demands it. So I’ve got to be honest – I can’t stand preachers. The reason for that is simple - I consider preachers to be arrogant, self-absorbed lunatics who have deluded themselves into thinking they’re superior to others.
Their attitude is, you’re not good enough for God to speak to directly, "so he anointed me to tell you what’s on his mind." But I have a number of immediate problems with that. First, there are over 4200 different religions on Earth, so why is God telling everyone something different? Secondly, a loving God would never curse man with anything that is at the very root of all the hatred, bigotry, murder, and mayhem on Earth. Third, if God had anything to do with man’s religion, there’d only be one.
In addition, the mere fact that over 81% of all White Evangelicals support the evil machinations of the corrupt, ignorant, and inept Donald Trump is clear evidence that their "God" only tells them what they want to hear - and more often than not, what they want to hear is why they should hate other men who don't look, think, and act like themselves. Yeah, they're TOLD that they should love thy neighbor, but the underlying message is always about why their neighbor is evil, and not approved of by God. Think about that, and also the fact that the Nazis were "Christians".


So people really need to wake up. God communicates with man through common sense, not by trying to convince us to believe in walking dead men and talking snakes. God has shown us through what he has DONE that snakes don't talk and dead men don't walk. So what we call "faith" is faith in MAN, and in what man TELLS us, not faith in God, and what he has SHOWN us.
God doesn't do magic tricks for man. You either believe in him or you don't. God doesn't care what you believe. Why should he? God doesn't need it. The need for praise is a shallow-minded ego trip that smacks of the manipulation of man. God doesn't have anything to gain by what you believe, but man does. Only weak-minded Trumplodyte-like men crave your worship, not God. Would you tap dance in front of your toilet to try to impress the germs under your toilet seat to worship you? Of course not. That would be stupid, and God's not stupid. It's only MAN who has an interest in influencing our thinking through putting on a magic show, because that’s the only way he can manipulate us, by convincing idiots that he speaks for God. So man's not trying to get you to worship God, he's actually trying to get you to worship HIM. That's how he manages to control other human beings to promote his interest.


So for exactly those reasons I have a very simple response to these self-proclaimed Godologists, and that's, “Who the hell do you think you are, you delusional lunatic?” Then, in spite of all the Hell and brimstone they preach from the pulpit, my response renders them completely speechless, because I strip them of all of their "Godly" vestments and holy pretenses. Then I go on to repeat my question again. "Who the hell are you!!!? - and how did God choose you to be of such superior character that he needs you to communicate for him? It certainly couldn't be due to your intelligence, because if you think I'm a big enough fool to believe you speak for God, you don't have any. And one other thing - why can’t God speak to me directly like he’s supposedly speaking to you? You can't answer that, can you? Well, I can. He does speak to me. He gave me a conscience, so whenever I decide to do anything un-Godly, he tells me immediately.
So I don't have any more need for a book written by man to tell me how to live my life than a bird needs a calendar and a compass to know when to fly South in the winter. What man so solemnly refer to as "The Holy Scriptures", are nothing more than the superstitious rantings of 3000-year-old dead men. They were written by the Pat Robertsons and T.D. Jakes of their time. So, get your mindless, Voodoo-worshiping ass out of my face - and the next time you have lunch with God, you tell him what I told you." 

You see, I feel perfectly free to challenge organized religion in complete comfort, because I'm not challenging God, I’m challenging the silliness of man. So when he asks me, “Where’s your faith?”, my response is, I’m not required to have faith in one word you say. Because again, it all boils down to what you say, as opposed to What God's done - and what God has DONE, is blessed me with a mind for the expressed purpose of challenging your silliness.

When we place the universe in perspective, and think of the actual enormity of God, it shows us just how silly man's little provincial beliefs really are. Our galaxy alone has over 200 billion stars, and the Sun is only one of them. It takes the Sun, along with Earth, and it’s other 8 hitchhikers, traveling at 828,000 mph 230 million years to orbit around our galaxy just one time.  Yet, our solar system, with its 9 planets, is only a microscopic dust particle in our galaxy, and our galaxy itself, in terms of the universe, is nothing more than a microscopic dust particle in space.
To make sense of the distances we’re talking about, on January 19, 2006 we launched the space probe, New Horizon, for the planet Pluto in our own solar system. It was the Fastest man-made object ever launched from Earth.  It sped through space at 36,400 mph. That’s 24 times faster than an AK 47 military rifle bullet. Yet it took New Horizon until July 14, 2015 (9 years, 6 months) to reach Pluto.
Thus, if the Earth was your house in Los Angeles, Pluto would be a flea in San Diego, and Alpha Centauri, the closest neighboring star to the Sun, would be an elephant in China - and that's just within our galaxy. There are over 200 billion stars, equally as far away from one another, in just our galaxy alone, and there are more galaxies in the universe than there are grains of sand on every beach, every desert, and every ocean floor on the planet Earth – and that’s just in the observable universe that's still expanding in every direction at the speed of light (186,282 miles per second). Yet, man thinks he can tell other men about God!!!?
Man is way too full of himself.  In terms of the universe, man is trillions of times less significant than a colony of germs under a toilet seat in Uzbekistan. It’s only man’s incredible arrogance that causes him to think that we’re important enough for God to even remember who we are. After all, does God remember every germ that he created?  So every time I hear a preacher preaching “the gospel” I have to laugh. I ask myself, "Will you listen to this fool! I wonder does he actually believe this nonsense!!!?"

Do you believe that God sent Jesus to all the hundreds of trillions of worlds in the universe? Or do you believe that we're so special that we're the
only speck of dust in the universe with life on it? Both assumptions are ridiculous. It may seem like we're alone, but the only reason we don’t see other beings is because even if they lived right next door to us (which they do), even traveling at the speed of light, it would take them 137 thousand years to get here, because the next closest star to the Sun, Alpha Centauri, is over 24 trillion miles away.  So, think about that – in order to just drop in for a cup of coffee they would have had to leave home 135 thousand years before Jesus was born, and they won't get here for another 133 thousand years - and again, that’s just our closest neighbor!
So, whenever I think about the universe that God has created, it helps me to place the concept of God in perspective. The limited intellect of man is much too puny to even conceive of the nature of God, and much less, know what's on his mind - that explains atheism. But that alone gives me more than enough reason to worship him. I worship God for what he’s done, and what I can see, not because of the superstitious rantings of 3000-year-old dead men - and that's exactly who wrote the so-called "Scriptures". They were no closer to God than we are today. They were the Pat Robertsons of their time, and just as clueless. These same men claimed that the universe revolved around the Earth until Galileo proved them wrong - and then they placed him under arrest for educating them.

Thus, for exactly that reason, I feel absolutely no obligation to force myself to believe in walking dead men or talking snakes, nor do I feel any obligation to get all dressed up every Sunday morning and pay to be screamed at for two hours. And there's another important benefit - I don't have to be bothered with Bible-thumping lunatics. 
So, whenever I want to commune with God – and I do quite regularly - I simply pour myself a drink, sit out in my backyard, and gaze out at the night sky – and I can do that for free, except for the price of a shot of gin.
Eric L. Wattree 
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does. 

Monday, March 25, 2019


Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree


It is unclear whether Robert Mueller’s reputation for competence and credibility has been greatly overblown, or if there’s much more to his report than is being publicly revealed, but as it stands, the report clearly opens up many more questions than it answers. I could go into this matter in great detail, but that would require a book, so I've decided to provide just a snapshot of what Barr, Trump, and the GOP expect us to accept.
They obviously think the American people are complete idiots. In spite of all of the smoke emanating from Trump's corruption, Attorney General Barr is trying to tell us, "Aw, it wasn't nothing. Trump's been completely vindicated. While I can't show you the entire report, just take my word for it." He must think we're crazy. 

Even at first glance it looks like the American people are being hoodwinked. While Mueller was preceded by an admirable reputation, he is a lifelong Republican, and the entire Republican Party is now being threatened by Donald Trump’s corruption. So flawless reputation or not, Robert Mueller’s failure to resolve the matters below leaves the unmistakable smell of funk in the air.
The investigation not only seems to have been prematurely truncated, but grand jury issues and trials have been left completely unresolved. It almost seems as though someone told Mueller, "Okay, that's it. You're out of here." How can Mueller abruptly declare that there has been no collusion before the connection between Russian agent Maria Butina, the NRA, and the GOP have been resolved, for example? Something is very wrong here.
Here are just a few other examples of the issues that have been left dangling in mid air:

          1). Why wasn’t there a sealed indictment against Donald Trump, or any member of his family based on the following?

                   a. The Trump Tower meeting.

                   b. Trump Jr lying before congress. 

                   c. The Trump connection with Manafort and Russia.

                   d. Trump’s public request for Russia to reveal Clinton email.

                   e. Russian sanction quid pro quo.

                   f. Trump Moscow Tower discussions during the campaign.

                   g. The NRA connection between Trump, Russia, and the GOP.

                   h. The significance of so many Russians attending Trump’s inauguration.

                    i. Erik Prince's attempt to back-channel Russia.

                   j. Jared Kushner's attempt to back-channel Russia.

                   k. Erik Prince lying to congress.

                   l. What did Pence know about Michael Flynn?

                   m. Where did all of the inauguration money come from, and where did it go?


          1).The Comey firing.

                   a. Trump's seeming attempt to obstruct Flynn investigation.

                   b. Trump's comment to Russians in Oval office that firing of Comey was Russia related.

                   c. Trump's comment on national television that firing of Comey was Russia related. 

                    d. Trump's threat to congress during his State of the Union address.

                   e. The Attorney General shuffle.

                   f. Trump's attempt to intervene in New York DOJ personnel assignments.

          2). Witness tampering

                   a. Trump's comments about Michael Cohen on Twitter.

                   b. Trump's comments about Manafort on Twitter.

                   c. Pardon dangling.

          3). Jeff Sessions firing.

While I'm not happy about having to cast suspicion upon an honorable public servant like Robert Mueller, under the circumstances, unless one is a complete idiot we have no choice. Mueller's flawless reputation is not only based on his credibility, but also for being thorough, but what's being presented here by Attorney General Barr as Mueller's findings can be called many things, but thorough is not among them. So, again, something is terribly wrong here.

Maybe Mueller's intent was to approach this investigation with complete integrity, but one of his many virtues is his tendency to be a team player. In such a case, his flawless reputation would make him the perfect Republican for the party's intent to perpetrate a snow job. But we should reserve judgment on this matter until we can see the document in it's entirety. That's what makes seeing the Mueller document in its entirety an absolute must, because we'd foolhardy to forget that Attorney General Barr literally auditioned for his job, which speaks volumes regarding Trump's intent to obstruct.
So the Republicans are undoubtedly going to accuse the Democrats of trying to move the goal posts, but the goal was to have a thorough and exhaustive investigation, and that's certainly not the case here. Thus, they can say what they will, but the questions above need to be answered, and until they are, this investigation is far from over, Mueller or no Mueller. We simply cannot allow the Republicans to "Kavenaugh" this investigation (which is another issue that needs to be revisited), because the current circumstance clearly demonstrates that matters such as these are far too important.
But with respect to Robert Mueller, there's always the possibility that President Richard Nixon's White House counselor, John Dean, was right when he tweeted the following:
“Trump and his minions think they dodged a bullet. I have a notion — only recurring though — that Mueller delivered a bomb to AG Barr, who is now trying to figure out how to tell Trump in a way that doesn’t cause him to start World War III.  Barr knows he works for a psycho.”


Eric L. Wattree 
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does. 

Monday, March 18, 2019


Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree


While White supremacist terrorism is exploding in America and all over the world, and there is relatively no terrorism on our Mexican border, Donald Trump doesn't see the increasing incidents of murder and mayhem by White nationalists as a serious problem, yet he declared a "National Emergency" on men, women and children on our Southern border. And while brushing off terrorist acts by White supremacists as just a small group of "people with a problem", he characterizes Hispanic immigrants looking for a better life as “an invasion” requiring a military response. That says it all about Donald Trump. But it goes far beyond that. This admitted nationalist and clueless aspiring dictator has actually threatened America with violence by his own supporters!!!
During an interview in Breitbart News Trump threatened, “It Would Be ‘Very Bad’ if my police [and] biker gang fans decided to get ‘tough’ on my opponents .” He went on to brag to Matthew Boyle of Breitbart, "I can tell you, I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump - I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough - until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”
Decoded - since Michael Cohen, Trump's former attorney and "fixer" for over a decade, testified to congress that Trump tends to speak in code - Trump's words seem to say, if you don't leave me alone and stop investigating me, I'm gonna tell my big brother and he'll bring his gang to beat you up. 
It's horrifying when you consider that you're listening to the President of the United States. He doesn't even sound like a responsible adult, much less the leader of the free world. Trump sounds like a sniveling 8-year-old playing in a sandbox and angry because the other kids won’t play by his rules - and both mentally, and intellectually, that's exactly what he is. But the problem for humanity is, he’s a very dangerous 8-year-old, both to American democracy, and to humanity as a whole. So the entire world is holding its breath, because everyone can see that Trump is clearly unstable and fully unprepared for the awesome responsibility that's been laid at his feet. The pressure could cause him to crack at any given moment before our eyes.

America under Donald Trump is like having the pilot of a 747 leave his 8-year-old son in the cockpit while he goes to pee. While the plane may be on autopilot, anything could happen. In addition, Trump is under the gun in multiple areas, he's severely lacking in the maturity and intellect to handle the pressure, and he'd do anything to keep the world from knowing that. He's such a malignant narcissist that he's desperate to maintain the image he's cultivated over the years, and at any cost. So he'd rather kill us all than to have to face his shortcomings. Thus, what we have in the Oval Office is a clueless and cowardly actor who's fully unqualified to fulfill his role.
And beyond that (if that's not bad enough), there's ample evidence that Trump's instability is affecting the nation as a whole. Admittedly, I’ve never been in love with the GOP, but I never thought I’d see the day when Republicans would support a cowardly draft dodger who slanders a dead American hero, sucks up to a Russian dictator, and refuses to honor our war dead due to rain. So he's making complete idiocy the norm among a sizeable segment of both the self-serving, and undereducated parts of our population.

Trump said that he loves the poorly educated. Of course he does, because they're just like him. They lack historic perspective and live by emotion rather than common sense, so they're easily manipulated and easy to convince that his narcissistic view of reality is what America is all about.  He's convinced them that he is America, so to oppose Trump is to oppose America as a whole. He's building a personality cult. That's why he doesn't hesitate to demand personal loyalty among those around him, instead of loyalty to our national institutions.
Many evangelicals even claim that God sent Donald Trump among us. Maybe he did, but they must

remember that God works in mysterious ways, so maybe he sent Trump among us to bring down the evangelicals and GOP as grossly disingenuous self-servers, because that's exactly what their unwavering support of Trump clearly demonstrates - that they're willing to follow anyone, no matter how evil and incompetent, who will cater to their bigotry, hypocrisy, and greed.   
As a former Marine I can say, without a doubt, that Trump is pathologically delusional. While he's calling the United States military his military, he's too blind to see that he's in way over his head. Since he dodged military service himself, he doesn't have any understanding of the mindset of the people who are dedicated to protecting our institutions and keeping America, America.  As a draft dodger, suspected traitor, and a rich little spoiled brat with autocratic tendencies, he's the epitome of everything our military and intelligence community despise - a rich snob with a delusional sense of entitlement. And worse, he's calling the very people who have been protecting our liberty for generations "the enemy of the people" because they refuse to pledge their loyalty to him instead of the nation. So he's not only seen as a wimp, but a threat to the very democracy that these men and women have dedicated their lives to defending.
That's why Trump has been bumping heads with the FBI and other intelligence agencies; that's also why they're being forced through necessity to limit the information that he's being provided. Think about that for a minute - the President of the United States can't be trusted with our most sensitive information. It's an unbelievable situation, and that fact has not been lost on our intelligence professionals.
But Trump is far too self-absorbed to realize that these are not the kind of self-serving political minions who will pledge their loyalty to a lunatic; they're selfless and clear-thinking career professionals who have dedicated their lives to protecting America. They've already pledged their loyalty, and not to a fly-by-night tinhorn dictator wannabe, but to our democracy and the American people, but that fact is blowing right past Trump. He lacks the common sense and insight to realize that everyone doesn't think like him. Everybody is not up for sale, for either money, or power, and they're well aware of both his mental instability, and lack of intellectual comprehension.

So the fact is, Trump didn't have to go limping into the draft board lying about having a bone spur. The Marine Corps uses boot camp to rid themselves of people like Trump routinely, because they know that such people are all mouth and bluster with very little backbone - as he proved conclusively when this nation called upon him to serve. The Marine Corps looks for character, and if you don't have it and they can't instill it in you, they get rid of you. They call it, "drumming you out of the corps." That's what makes the marines such an effective fighting force. They have experience with characters like Trump, and they know that such people can't be depended upon when the chips are down, because they're invariably cowards. That's why the military told him to "shove it" when he tried to demand a military parade.
But Trump's pathological narcissism is blinding him to the fact that he's a weasel trying to command a pride of lions. Our military doesn't see him as a Commander in Chief, that was President Eisenhower; they see him as a draft-dodging idiot that they're being force to tolerate.
And another thing Trump fails to realize is, these people don't play. They're the consummate professionals who take our national security dead seriously. On the other hand, Trump is so self-serving and clueless that he ignores condition reports in order to watch Fox news coverage of himself for hours on end, give away state secrets to Russians visiting the Oval Office, and pass out security clearances to family and friends like poker chips to be used as business assets, and now we've even gotten down to his doing business with message parlors. If the current reality under Trump had been submitted as a possible James Bond script it would have been rejected as far too unbelievable. That's why I jump out of bed every morning and turn on my computer to see if Trump is still around, because I'm convinced that our career professionals are only going to wait on Mueller and our congress for so long. 

Trump is placing our national security on the line, and that makes him the enemy of the people. But he's too busy playing self-serving games to recognize that fact. He's like a geriatric child playing with toy soldiers, but these soldiers are real, and again, they're deadly serious. The American people are kept in an innocent bubble, but in order to keep them safe, on a practical level, our government has to have contingency plans to deal with such matters. They simply cannot allow one greedy, self-serving, and narcissistic lunatic to bring this nation down. Yet Trump continues to strut around, shoot off his mouth, and is completely oblivious to the position he's placing himself in. That alone demonstrates how clueless he is.

You won't read what I'm saying here in the Washington Post or the New York Times, because it's far beyond what's considered politically correct, but what I'm engaging in here is complete and unvarnished truth. Do you think our intelligence community is just going to sit around and allow Trump to turn the United States over to Putin, China, or the highest bidder? I don't think so. But if Donald Trump has demonstrated anything during the short time he's been in office, it's that he places self before country, and that he lacks limits. Those two facts alone have placed the powers that be in this country on full alert.  They're not about to let Trump's greed, stupidity, and aspiration to be an international oligarch bring this nation down, regardless to what they have to do to stop it - and believe me, they're watching.

Retired Major General Paul Eaton penned what some have referred to as a "jaw-dropping" response to Trump's call for a military parade. The general said the following:
“Donald Trump has continually shown himself to have authoritarian tendencies, and this is just another example. For someone who just declared it was ‘treasonous’ to not applaud him, and for someone who has, in the past, admired the tactics of everyone from Saddam Hussein to Vladimir Putin, it is clear that a military parade isn’t about saluting the military — it’s about making a display of the military saluting him.
“The military is not Donald Trump’s to use and abuse in this way.” The retired major general went on to say that the military would not be “reduced to stagecraft to prop up Donald Trump’s image. Unfortunately, we do not have a commander in chief, right now, as much as we have a banana republic strong man.”

In a previous article, Donald Trump's Brand of Mental Illness, I responded to a commenter that made the following statement online:
“Is what we are seeing actually mental illness, or is it a result of being born into a family that requires nothing from the child? Trump was a millionaire at age 7. He was given everything, worked for nothing and learned how to con. I am struggling to see this as mental illness.”
In response, I pointed out the following:
Being rich can contribute to mental illness just as easily as poverty. The very conditions you described can lead to a bratty and dysfunctional personality so pronounced that it led to Trump never having a real friend or anyone who really cared about him in his life. The loneliness and desperation to prove himself worthy resulting from that can lead to his becoming the narcissistic sociopath that he is.
All through life Trump's had to convince himself that people hate him because he’s so brilliantly special that the average person is incapable of understanding him. He HAD to indulge in this delusion just to maintain his self-esteem. That’s why he’s always bragging, lying, and promoting himself – “I was the top student in my class at Wharton”; and “I had the largest inaugural in American history.” Both lies were easily debunked. With respect to being at the top of his class at Wharton, a simple glance at the Honor Roll showed that his name was nowhere to be found, and his claim of having the biggest inaugural crowd ever was debunked by aerial photos that clearly showed that the crowd at his inaugural was a mere fraction of that at Barack Obama’s inauguration. There was such a contrast between the two that the White House tried to pass off doctored photos of the two events to avoid embarrassment.  

                            TRUMP                                                                     OBAMA

But for Donald Trump, the only thing important in life is trying to get the world to embrace his delusion of grandeur, even if he has to bring down America, and the entire world, to do it - and that's exactly what we're seeing play out in his administration. That’s what makes Trump so dangerous.  He wouldn’t hesitate to start WWIII just to save face and to prevent the world from seeing the failure and absolute fraud that he is, and that he's always been.   
So it’s not the first time that Trump has threatened the nation.  While testifying before congress, Trump’s former fixer for over 10 years, Michael Cohen, told the panel two things about Donald Trump that particularly stuck out – first, that Trump speaks in code, and secondly, which was really chilling, that Trump wouldn’t leave office peacefully. When we consider those comments, along with Trump’s remark about his biker friends, and then an earlier comment that Trump made to Reuters when asked about the possibility of impeachment, that “I’m not concerned, no. I think that the people would revolt if that happened,” we have to ask ourselves, was that coded speech to his renegade supporters, or was it simply the deranged rantings of a man steeped in delusion? Either way, it's not good news for America.
There's always the possibility that President Richard Nixon's White House counselor, John Dean, was right when he tweeted the following:
“Trump and his minions think they dodged a bullet. I have a notion — only a recurring though — that Mueller delivered a bomb to AG Barr, who is now trying to figure out how to tell Trump in a way that doesn’t cause him to start World War III.  Barr knows he works for a psycho.”

And America shouldn’t take this talk of Donald Trump's instability lightly. This is the man who’s walking around with the nuclear football, yet he's so immature that his greatest joys in life is watching television news coverage of himself, playing golf, and getting into childish spitball fights on Twitter – and don’t forget, this is a guy with extremely thin skin, and the sky is falling in on him as a result of multiple investigations. And worst of all, again, and this cannot be overemphasized, this is the man walking around with the nuclear codes, and who told Kim Jong-Un, "My button is bigger than yours."
And Trump's demand for a military parade for himself clearly shows that he's not interested in what he can do to improve America or the world at all; it's all about Donald Trump. Through his narcissistic eyes all America represents to him is a powerful extension of his own ego.  So we're in a precariously dangerous situation. Absolutely everything that Trump has done since he's been in office has been designed to make himself look good to his mindless supporters, and this can't continue.  Donald Trump is about to implode, so it is absolutely imperative that we take the necessary steps to ensure that he can't take America, and the world, down with him.  This man doesn't belong in the White House, he belongs in a state hospital - and if we continue to just sit on our hands and do nothing, maybe we belong there with him.


“John Gartner, Ph.D. is the founder of ‘Duty to Warn’ an organization intent on warning our country that we are in dire trouble due to our president’s mental instability. More than 60,000 mental health professionals have signed John’s petition, which states:
‘We, the undersigned mental health professionals, believe in our professional judgment that Donald Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States. And we respectfully request he be removed from office, according to article 4 of the 25th amendment to the Constitution, which states that the president will be replaced if he is ‘unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.’”



Eric L. Wattree 
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me -
it's just that God does.