Saturday, February 29, 2020


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree

I have a friend out there in the either, let’s just call him “Hutch”. He’s a brilliant man – one of the reasons I decided to become a writer was I used to read his articles when I was a young man. But I have one bone to pick with him. He has a radio show where he discusses politics and the Black experience, but during the breaks and interludes in the show, for some reason he feels inspired to play so-called “classical” music.
Now, each to his own, and far be it for me to try to tell a person what they should enjoy in their private lives, but he’s a public person, and I think that playing classical music after discussing Black people having their brains blown out by racist cops on the street is highly inappropriate. It’s reminiscent of Hitler playing the music of Richard Wagner as they marched Jews off to the gas chamber.
There’s also the problem of promoting what has come to be called “classical music” as what it really means to have “culture” and “class”. It sends the subliminal message that Black culture is less so, and that what it means to have class is to follow in the tradition of people who wore powdered wigs and pedal pushers.

These subliminal messages are toxic on many levels, but most importantly, it negates the fact that Black people have a highly creative and complex intellect that requires much more stimulation than what most “classical music” brings to the table. What we so casually and dismissively refer to as "Soul", for example, is nothing short of intellectual brilliance straining to be unleashed, but most Black people are completely oblivious of that fact because we've been taught that it's nothing more than a Black idiosyncrasy, so we simply take it for granted. But it's much more than that. 
The kind of music that an individual craves says much about their intellectual acuity. That's why as we get older and our minds begin to mature we're no longer quenched by "Mary had a Little Lamb". The mind craves nourishment, so as our minds expand we begin to seek more complexed stimulation. That's the role that jazz was designed to provide, but the establishment has gone out of its way to block that at all costs. They can't afford to have an entire country filled with intellectually mature Black people running around, so they've inundated us with hard thumping semi-melodic Pablum to take its place. 


So the brilliance of a Charlie Parker, Ray Charles, or Aretha Franklin is not just confined to music, it can also be applied to other areas of knowledge, like science, philosophy, and mathematics. I was fortunate enough to have a father with the insight to recognize that fact, and I’ll be forever grateful to him for it. As a result of his insight, while I'm far from an intellectual giant, I've learned to leverage what intellect I do have most effectively.
From the time I was a baby, my father weaned me on jazz – people like Bird, Miles, John Coltrane, and Dexter Gordon. Then when I was 12 he bought me a tenor saxophone and moved a dope fiend in the back house to teach me to play (that was Jimmy, who turned out to be one of the most impressive men, and musicians, that any of us had ever known, but that's another story that I deal with elsewhere). But thanks to Jimmy, by the time I was 14 years old I knew as much about jazz as any adult - and much more than most, and I have an artistic skill that stimulates my mind and brings me joy to this day. My horn is sitting here next to me as I write.
So I’ve never been into anything else, not because I’m closed-minded, but because my mind has always craved the rapid chord progressions and complexed harmonies that other forms of music don't provide, and as a direct result of that craving for complexity, I’ve always shunned frivolity in other areas of life. So music is much more than just a form of entertainment, it’s an intellectual stimulant, and it’s used extensively by the establishment to control the thinking (or the lack thereof) of society.
The music that's promoted by the establishment is designed to distract us, dim our wits, and delude us into thinking that we're happy. It's more conducive to shaking our asses than stimulating our minds, and the lyrics are pure and unadulterated brainwashing. No, they don't control what a song writer writes, but they do control the distribution and marketability of their output. So while the Black community may think that they control their own taste in music, we're actually being spoon-fed what the establishment has decided is in it's own best interest - and anything you're fed often enough, you'll begin to crave. But the bottom line is, jazz is conducive to thought and intellectual development, so that's the very last thing they want Black people to listen to.


When Jackie McLean first appeared on the scene he swung it like nobody else;
He stood all alone, with that bittersweet tone, owing nobody, only himself.
With his furious attack he could take you back to the beauty of Yardbird’s song,
but that solemn moan made it all his own, as burning passion flowed
lush from his horn.

Hearing “Love and Hate” made Jazz my fate, joyous anguish
dripped blue from his song. 
He both smiled and cried and dug deep-down inside,
until the innocence of my childhood was gone.
He took me to a place that had no face, I was so young when I heard his sweet call,
but he parted the fog and in no time at all, a child of bebop sprung fully enthralled.

As I heard this new sound, and embraced the profound, childish eyes now saw as a man; 
I stood totally perplexed, but I couldn’t step back, from the hunger of my mind to expand.
I saw Charlie and Lester, and a smiling young Dexter, as I peered into Jackie’s sweet horn;
It was a place that I knew, though I’d never been to, but a place that I now call my home.


Promoting Hip-Hop, flooding the Black community with Crack cocaine, and mounting an assault on our educational system are all a part of the very same effort - the White establishment's desperate attempt to see to it that the Black community never produces another generation like the one that came out of the 60s.
When I was in college it cost me $6.50 a term – and that included parking. Now a young person has to go in debt for life just to afford a degree. There’s two reasons for that. The first involves class. The White establishment wanted to establish a class system that keeps the “Haves” on top by ensuring that the “Have Nots” wouldn’t be able to get an education, because with an education, the White “Have Nots” began to realize that Black people weren’t the only ones being oppressed, so they became a part of the struggle. But now, due to a lack of education, the ignorance of many lower-class Whites keep Donald Trump in office and help to maintain the viability of the Republican Party.
Secondly, when the White establishment began bringing Black people here in 1619, they thought they were merely importing dumb beasts of burden. But as the Africans began to adapt to the White culture our intellectual brilliance began to reveal itself and the White establishment began to recognize that the very same intellectual creativity that led to what today is commonly referred to as Black “soul”, could very easily be applied to other areas of intellectual pursuit, like math, science, engineering and politics. That made us a clear and present threat to their status in society. 

It was a Black slave who introduced inoculation to the White society, which all but wiped out Smallpox and many other virulent diseases that plagued their society for centuries and that had completely eluded their great institutions of "higher learning".
And beyond that, a Black school teacher did the math that made it possible to send man to the Moon – or, at least, made it possible for man to go there and get back safely without being lost in space – and later, a Black man made personal computing possible. In addition, Black music (jazz) serenaded this nation through the “Roaring Twenties” (or what’s commonly referred to as “The Jazz Age”). It made the Roaring Twenties roar. Jazz also helped to inspire this nation's victory over Hitler during WWII.

So, for generations the White establishment has made it their top priority to keep Black people dumbed-down, and prevent us from unleashing our powerful and creative intellect – they even made it illegal to teach us to read. But in spite of their most valiant efforts, after the Civil War former slaves walked right out of the fields into the halls of congress, and Frederick Douglass, a self-educated escaped slave, became a confidant of President Lincoln, and one of the most celebrated and sought-after intellectuals of the 19th Century. He was way ahead of his time, and was one of the first prominent intellectuals to address the issue of women's rights.
But in spite of that, the White establishment wasn’t about to give up on their efforts to convince the Black man that he was inferior, so they instituted “Jim Crow” laws and traditions, and promoted anti-intellectual schemes that continue to this day, and the promotion of Hip-Hop is a big part of that effort. But they're fighting a losing battle, because what we call "soul" is nothing less than Black intellectual brilliance straining to be unleashed. So the Black community should dedicate all of our efforts to demolishing all of their efforts to dumb-down our people, and not allow the pursuit of instant wealth and fame make us stupid.

The technique currently being used to obstruct Black intellectual development is brilliant in its simplicity. The White establishment clearly recognized that we are what we think, so they're attempting to influence young Black minds during their early development. Through the use of the corporate media the White establishment is making it possible for a handful of underinformed Black individuals to gain wealth and fame by denigrating our people and referring to the very womb of our culture as “bitches” and “hoes”. They’re also keeping many of our Black youth distracted from developing their intellect through the simple use of vulgar nursery rhymes. In short, they’re indoctrinating many of our youth into believing that being dumb and self-destructive is cool, and that's the Black man's place.
The establishment has convinced many young Black people that ignorance is what it means to be Black, and that trying to embrace intellectual development is "bougie", selling out, and trying to be White. So instead of helping to promote this nonsense, it's the responsibility of the older generation of Black people to help our young people to understand that knowledge and intellect are not synonymous with White.

And I’m not spewing a conspiracy theory here. The evidence is clear. Look at the video below of Miles Davis and John Coltrane. Notice how dead serious every member of this band is in representing their culture. There’s no struttin’ around, bouncin’ their heads, or acting like damn fools for the benefit of the television audience. They simply put on, without any fanfare, an incredible display of pure artistic genius - and without bustin' one sweat bubble.
Unlike today, Miles and Coltrane simply represented the dignity of their people. They didn’t try to tell the White man who we were, they showed ‘em what Black people represent, and in a very matter-of-fact way. 
This video was recorded in 1959 when you rarely even saw Black people on television, yet, they weren't fazed a bit. None of them even bothered to look into the camera - in fact, at one point you can see Coltrane even turn away from it. They were so solemn, dedicated, and dead-serious about what they were doing, in fact, that Robert Herridge, the White man who introduces them, whispers their introduction in complete awe, and the White musicians who were fortunate enough to be on stage with them obviously considered it a great honor - and check out their effortless groove! They were laid-back and completely in their zone - their Black zone.
So young people, don’t buy into the bullshit. In the introduction Robert Herridge points out that "There are many ways of telling a story." Well, Miles is telling you yours. He's telling you who you really are, so listen and take heed. You’re not the product of idiots and clowns who have to tap dance, denigrate your culture, and put on a minstrel show for the White man. You’re the product of masters, and true creative and intellectual giants.


We knew him as Miles,
the Black Prince of style;
His nature fit jazz to a tee.
Laid back and cool,
a low threshold for fools,
he set the tone
of what a jazzman
should be.
Short on words,
and unperturbed, about
what the people thought;
frozen in time, drenched
in the sublime,
of the passion
his sweet horn
had wrought.
Solemn to the bone,
distant and torn,
even Trane could
scarcely get in;
I can still hear the tone
of that genius who mourned,
that precious note
that he couldn't
quite bend.

Eric L. Wattree
Religion: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act
like me - it's just that God does. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree


“Men, please stop calling women hoes. All human beings deserve respect. She is a child of God, she is your sister. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. .
“You degrade yourself by using that epithet.”

No, Kim, she degraded HERSELF by carrying herself like a hoe. Now don't get me wrong. I have much too much respect for women to casually refer to sisters as bitches and hoes, but there is such a thing as a hoe, and I believe in calling a hat, a hat. While I fully understand your position, I'm a writer. Words are my trade, and as such, there's only one "bad word" in my vocabulary, and that's any word that doesn't accurately express my thoughts. In that regard, this woman has defined herself. Did this lady bring her intellect or lady-like proclivities to the table? No she didn’t. What has she literally brought to the table? Let me answer that - her tiddies. So putting all euphemisms and political correctness aside, from a man's point of view, she's neither a lady, nor an intellectual giant - she's a hoe.
Women can't want both equality, and then expect a pass for being female. Truth comes as a part of the deal. A true equal gets the response they deserve. Now, men can lie to you and hide their true feelings, but that's not treating you as an equal - that's being condescending and manipulative.
Men talk to one another (locker room talk), and below is a snapshot of how 99.9% of ALL men think. Women should understand this, and it will bring them the equality they deserve when dealing with men.


I want to preface this article by assuring everyone that I’m no prude, nor am I some kind of Bible-thumper trying to force my religious agenda down anyone’s throat. In addition, I don't think there's anyone on the planet who enjoys sex more than I do. I’m merely giving my honest opinion of what I think is contributing to the break-down of the family unit, and it all boils down to one thing - sex.
Women talk to me all the time about how useless and irresponsible many men have become, which I pretty much agree with. But what women don’t seem to understand is the pivotal role that they're playing in bringing about their own frustration.
Women have made casual sex far too readily available in our society, and that has resulted in two things that place them at a decided disadvantage. First, women have allowed sex to become so easy to obtain that men no longer have to become real men to get it. As a result, there’s no incentive for men to become responsible adults and father figures. That’s why you see forty year-old men still living with their momas and hanging out on the block wearing sideway-tilting baseball caps. That image doesn't lend itself to being a father figure or a good role model, but unlike in the past, they don’t have to be, because if they can come up with a couple of joints and a pint of gin they can get all the sex they can handle regardless to how dysfunctional they seem to be as men.
Things were different in the past. As a rule, in order for our grandfathers to obtain sex during their generation, they had to prove their manhood, jump through a series of hoops, and wine and dine our grandmothers for months and even years - and in many cases, they even had to marry them first. But now all a young boy has to do is walk into a club with enough pocket change to buy a drink or two. That gives him no incentive whatsoever to become a responsible adult, and all the incentive in the world to continue hangin’ out in the clubs instead of focusing on what's going on around him and becoming a man.
Women used to know how to handle their business. Even with my late wife, Val, while she wasn’t as stingy and strict as some of the ladies from the old school, when we were going together, even while secretly keeping in regular touch with my mother, she stopped speaking to me for an entire year until I caved in and adopted the kind of lifestyle that she approved of - and, thank God, she kept me jumping through one hoop are another until the night she died. If she hadn’t, I wouldn’t have been capable of writing this article. So in a very real sense, this article represents a letter to sisters from Val's grave. If she were here she’d say, "Girl, what you have beneath your dress is the only leverage you have with these turkeys, so use it wisely" - and anyone who reads this article who knew Val will tell you, I’m not lyin’.
The second way that the sexual mores of our society is hurting women is, even among the men who are responsible - and who are looking forward to heading families - they're finding it increasingly difficult to find the kind of woman who they feel comfortable about starting a family with.
The problem is, women don't understand men, and the reverse is also true. That's why most men and women can only relate to one another on a sexual level. Men think that women are impressed by what THEY think is "cool," and women think that men are impressed by what a woman finds impressive in a man - swagger, confidence, and assertiveness. But both are wrong. In many cases, what men consider "cool," women consider silly and simply put up with. And most men don’t consider swagger and assertiveness attractive in a woman at all. Those qualities boil down to aggressiveness, and that’s a male characteristic, so why would a man find a woman who acts like a man attractive? Do women find men who act like women attractive? Not really. So the very same thing is true in the reverse. Men and women have different needs. So many times, when men and women try to impress one another they either turn each other off, or make fools of themselves.

Let me give you an example. Many women think they can get a man by acting sensuous, sexually provocative, and assertive. In a sense, that’s true. A woman, any woman, can get a man that way, but only as a sex partner, not as her man. Because men classify women in three different categories. The first category is hoe, or someone to use instead of having to masturbate. The second category is sex partner and road dawg. Men like the women in this category as friends, someone to party with, and to have as a sex partner. Unlike the women in category one, however, men actually like and respect the women in category two women, but not enough to marry - that is, unless they fall in love by accident. Men generally choose a woman who is sexually stingy as a wife. The reason for that is quite simple, so he won't have to worry about her cheating once they become a couple.
Men will die to protect their manhood. Nothing is more important to us, and there’s no greater assault on a man’s manhood than a cheating woman, because it sends a message that says two things - first, that he wasn’t man enough to keep her in line, and secondly, that the man she’s cheating with is more of a man than he is. So women should understand that if they ever get caught cheating, that’s it. The man may not leave them immediately, but from that point on, he’s just waiting for the right "lady" to come along so he can replace them.
Men are not like many women, who'll forgive and move on with the simple assurance that it will never happen again, because you’ve assaulted his manhood, and that's an unforgiveable offense. You've fallen off the pedestal that a man requires his woman to stand upon, so he'll never look at you in the same way again.  So generally speaking, the women that men like to party and have fun with, are not the women that they choose for a wife, because even though he may like them, they’re perceived as being much too casual in their sexuality.
When a man decides to marry - unless he falls in love with a category two woman by accident as a result of having repeated sex with her - he chooses a wife from the third category. These women are generally very protective of their sexuality, low-key, and feminine. Men not only feel that these women are more apt to be loyal, but there’s also a psychological component to it.
Category three women are harder to get, and it’s human nature to want most what’s hardest to obtain. That’s why a Bentley is more valuable than a Ford. While both cars will get you where you want to go, a Bentley is more prestigious because it’s harder to obtain. The same is true of a woman. A man wants a woman that other men can't get, and once he gets such a woman, he not only gets uncorrupted sex, but also a boost to his ego in knowing that he’s lying next to a women that other men can’t have. He also knows that if she didn’t think he was special, she wouldn’t be lying next to him. That’s a huge boost to his sense of manhood, and 99% of a man’s sexual pleasure is mental. Thus, a man is not as interested in having a sex expert for a woman as he is in having a woman who is loyal.
On the other hand, many women do want a sex expert - or, at least, a man who has sense enough to consider her needs - because far too often in casual sexual encounters women end up with men who are just interested in satisfying themselves, and then leave the woman hanging and sexually frustrated when they're done. So a woman wants a man that she knows has the sexual expertise to provide for her sexual needs. But a man doesn’t have to worry about that, because all he needs to obtain satisfaction is a warm, wet, vagina - any warm, wet, vagina.
Thus, all a female sex expert means to a man is “hoe”. Because the assumption is, in order to obtain her sexual expertise, she had to have made herself available to a lot of men. Therefore, she doesn’t see him as special; he just happened to be in the right place at the right time - and if it wasn’t him, it would be someone else. Now don't get me wrong, he’ll PRETEND that the "expert" is rockin’ his world, and doing something for him that can’t be done by any woman with a warm and wet vagina, but that’s just to stroke the woman's ego so he can have sex with her whenever he feels the urge.
So personally, I’d rather be with a woman who’s simply capable of enjoying the lust of the sexual experience, than I would somebody who’s trying all kinds of techniques on me, any day. Because the "expert’s" head is not in the right place. I want a woman focused on how good SHE'S feeling, and fixated on that tingling sensations that’s building up within her loins, not on how to contract her muscles to impress me with how good she is in bed. After all, a man’s biggest challenge is NOT to climax too soon, so why would he want somebody who’s gonna defeat that purpose? That’s also why men indulge in oral sex, because there is nothing sexier to us than a woman who’s out of her mind with lust and sexual passion. So if there’s any expert in the bed, I want to be the one.
So when a woman starts talking sex to a man, or try to be overly sexy, she’s not doing herself a favor. All she's doing is ringing the dinner bell that brings out the predator in a man, but he automatically starts thinking in terms of fun and games with a woman of either category one or two. So just because a woman can get a man’s attention in that way - and any woman can - she shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking that she’s going to hold his attention. He’s just gorging himself on hamburger until he can find him a steak - a category three woman - wife material, a woman who’s not gonna even consider the possibly of sex until he jumps through a lot of hoops to get there. She's the prize that most men are after.
Now, I want to emphasize that I’m not advocating any position on this issue. If you’ll notice, the title of this article is a question, not an assertion. My intent is to simply give women insight into how the vast majority of men think.
How do I know how most men think? Because from the time we're little boys we spent an inordinate amount of time discussing women and girls. So whether or not what I'm saying is perceived as sexist is not my concern. I’m simply relating the truth - a truth that is common knowledge among most men.
While many women may consider what I’ve said here old fashion, men have assessed women in the same way since the beginning of time and across cultural boundaries, and it’s very unlikely to change anytime soon. But the problem with truth, and the primary reason that so many people object to it is, it doesn’t always conform to either ideology or fashion. It simply is what it is. So efficient thought requires that we ALWAYS give truth priority over ideology. But much too often we try to give ideology priority over truth. Then when truth comes into conflict with our ideology, we try to contort the truth to fit more comfortably into what we want to believe. and unfortunately, that's what many women do when it comes to the subject of sex.
As a result of that tendency, modern women are living under the mass delusion that because their attitudes have changed, the attitudes of men have changed along with them, but they are horribly mistaken. You see, men simply pretend to have changed because it’s to our advantage. The modern female mind-set makes casual sex much more available, and we love it - I certainly do, because I’m just as predatory regarding sex as any other man. But that doesn’t mean that I’m so accommodating to that new mind-set that I want to marry the women that I’m having sex with - and I’m very comfortable in saying that MOST men feel the same way - and that’s a major contributor to the dysfunction of the modern family structure, which is the point of my article.
I want to emphasize that I'm not suggesting that women should remain celibate until marriage, but I'm sure many women are going to read that into it. I'm simply saying that men prefer women who are "protective" of their sexuality, and women need to understand that, regardless of what a man may say.  Women need to keep in mind that a man will say anything, and take any position, that allows sex to be readily available. But if you want to see a man’s true attitude toward female sexuality, all you have to do is even suggest that his mother, sister or daughter is less than protective of their sexuality. You’ll end up with an extremely hostile individual on your hands. Thus, a man's attitude toward sex is very complex - while we love it being easily available, we don't want the women in our lives involved in contributing to the ease of availability.
So the bottom line is, the new female mind-set towards sex not only creates a disincentive for men to step up to the plate to become responsible husbands and fathers, but once they are husbands and fathers, the attitude of many women outside of the marriage creates constant pressure for men to cheat.
Thus, the attitude of the modern women regarding casual sex often serves to create the very Hell that many women often complain about. So the modern women is her own worst enemy. Since women are generally superior in character to men, trying to be more like men causes them to lower themselves to the level of men. As a result, the very glue that holds society together is diluted. So while men and women are equal, they're also different. That's the way nature intended it to be. Men are reckless predators, or hoes. Nature created us that way to insure the perpetuation of the species, while women were created to be stable and responsible nurturers in order to maintain the stability of the family structure. So when women try to be more like men, in the mistaken belief that, that constitutes equality, they only succeed in throwing nature out of balance. "Equality" doesn't mean exactly alike, it means that a woman's character and intellect serves to compensate for a man's physical strength and aggression.
So it is a woman's character and intellect that makes her equal, and a parent should instill that in their daughters from birth. The other night I wrote the following note to my granddaughter, Taylor, who just obtained a Bachelor's degree in Biology from Jackson State University:


You and Eric III have both just graduated from college and are about to move on to the next phase of your lives. So I just wanted to let you know how proud I am of you, and what an inspiration you are. That means a lot to me, because, as you know, chasing knowledge defines my entire life. Even as a child, my mind was always my favorite toy. That's why I'm so reclusive, and always at home playing with my thoughts. So continue to fill that beautiful head of yours with knowledge, and show me how it's really done.
I see both your mother and Nani in you. That means that you have a unique kind of intellect that's just straining to be unleashed. Your Nani dropped out of college, went to work and insisted that I quit my job and get a serious education. But in spite of the fact that I ended up with the formal education, she made $35,000 a year more than I did until the day she died, and I now live debt free, due to what she left behind. Because she was the very best, at what she did. She didn't have to shout, "I am somebody!" Generals and corporate heads shouted it at her - and paid her for it.
She was a Property Administrator for Rockwell International, then stolen away by Hughes Aircraft, and then went on to work for the Raytheon Corporation. And in spite of the fact that she left college prior to obtaining her degree, she commanded the respect of both, Air Force generals and the people who ran some of the largest corporations in this country. In fact, I suspect that’s one of the reasons that your Uncle Eric moved up in the Air Force so fast – he was Airman of the Year two years in a row, and went all over the world with the President of the United States.
And your mother is just as impressive. While I was in college, in spite of the fact that some of the top math professors at the university couldn't get me to wrap my head around the simple concept of factoring, your 11-year-old mother was able to get the concept across to me by drawing little trees with numbers hanging from their branches. So even though she was a little girl, she understood EXACTLY why I was missing the point, while highly educated university professors couldn't. I was missing such a simple principle that it was embarrassing. But after that experience I never looked at your mother in the same way again. She not only taught me a lesson in math, but also in life. I learned that while I had more experience than she did in life, I should never assume that I could outthink my child, because I had the mind of the past, while she had the mind of the future - that’s why we’re not still rolling around in covered wagons. So I’ve considered her an equal ever since – in fact, MORE than equal - and I see that very same intellectual creativity in you.
When you were just in high school, I retrieved one of your papers from the trash and had to scratch my head trying to figure out what caused you to throw such a powerful piece of writing out. I’m a writer, and I couldn’t figure it out. It was flawless. I wanted to ask you, but I didn’t want you to know I was snooping on you. And when I was in college, I was scared to death of science, but you just seemed to coast through school to obtain your degree – and in Biology, no less. So, I know the power of your intellect. You’re every bit the intellectual as both your mother and Nani, and that’s sayin’ something. You casually take for granted, the intellectual acuity that most people struggle all their lives to obtain.
While I wasn't great at math, I'm a whiz in psychology, and that's always gotten me over in life. Having that knowledge has allowed me to recognize that you and your mother have a very special kind of intellect. So use it. Don't settle for just allowing it to allow you coast through life, and with your intellect and beauty you could very easily do that. Use your intellect aggressively, and don't settle. Find yourself a mate who's just as focused and as special as you are, in both intellect and character. Then always push yourself, and always ensure that your reach exceeds your grasp. You should always reach beyond what you can easily obtain. Shoot for the stars, and if you come up short, you can always land on the Moon.
I'm telling you these things not just for me, but for your Nani. She would be so very proud of you. I can hear her speaking to me as I write - "Now, THAT'S what I'm talkn' about! That's my baby girl!"

So, women should think of themselves as more than just a pretty piece of meat trying to get a man, and they should never try to compete with a man's  recklessness and irresponsibility, because you'll never win. Because the fact is, and just between you and I, most men by their very nature, are emotional 10-year-olds with whiskers. So women should use their knowledge, insight, and intellect to bring stability to the family unit, and to shine in their chosen profession. That's what my late wife did. While she allowed me to raise our children, she focused her attention on helping to forge my mind, while remaining subtle enough not to challenge my fragile manhood. And I listened to her, because we were equals, and I had a tremendous amount of respect for her, not only as my woman, but as a human being. She was a good and beautiful friend, who I could also make love to. 
On the other hand, when a woman dedicates her life to trying to be a sex kitten for a man, you not only reduce yourself to being a junior partner in the relationship, but you waste your potential. Think about it. What incentive does a man have to limit his sex life, and taking on the responsibility of settling down with one woman, when he can have all the sex that he can handle - with multiple women - and without having to take on any responsibility at all? Not much. And what cultural incentive does a married man have to remain faithful? Again, not much. So, if you want your man to respect you as an equal partner, you've got to bring more than thighs, ass, and boobs to the table.
Now, I'm not advocating that women reverse their newfound sexual freedom, but rather, to consider carefully how that freedom is used, because every male you come into contact with certainly is. And I'm not moralizing in any way. I'm simply suggesting that women learn the rules of the game, and not allow themselves to be played. Having a knowledge of how men think, gives a woman options on how they want to play the game – and let there be no doubt about it, without a working knowledge of a man’s true nature, that’s exactly what life becomes, a game. 
In that regard, and what's important for every woman to remember is, while many women’s attitude toward sex has changed tremendously over the years, men are still very old fashion when it comes to their woman - they have to be, because the way a man’s woman carries herself is reflective of his manhood - and that's very important to a man. While I know this may sound kind of old-school to contemporary women, with all of the sexual opportunities out there for your man, how you carry yourself may be the determining factor on whether or not your man is willing to make that extra effort to be the kind of man you want him to be.
And all women should also remember this - as old fashion as your grandmother was, she didn’t have any problem hanging on to her man.

She walks alone, sweet woman-child,
her sobs flow warm against the dark;
Her need is love, not merely passion,
a mighty fortress, her broken heart.
Quivering bodies and breathless moans,
she remembers with great delight,
but the heat of love is the only flame,
her lusting soul craves late at night.
Hungry arms yearn for her shuddering body,
to embrace her tenderly with all their might;
Shivering lips lust for her succulent passion,
as she cries out desperately into the night.
But only true love can quench the thirst
that burns red hot, and deep inside,
so she faces the pain, again and again,
and late at night she cries.
Masculine shadows of delusion and lust
caress their egos more than her pain,
for her convulsing body quivers not for them,
but for her fantasy
of a warm and gentle man.
So, with head held high, by light of day,
but, mournful eyes, that do betray,
unspent love, and a breaking heart,
and the fear of sobs, when day turns dark.

She's dark, she’s passionate, and she's lovely,
but she doesn't know herself:
She doesn't know
the extent her smiling eyes
devastate this love-sick heart;
The way they dance in the moonlight,
subtly beckon,
and betray the depth
of her sultry passion.
She doesn't know
the ecstasy of pleading moans
on a humid, Summer night, or
the maddening pleasure of glistening bodies
entwined in erotic flight.
She doesn't know
the hot breath of passion,
as it whispers between her thighs;
The gentle kiss, the sting of bliss,
the pain of pleasure
that burns inside.
She doesn't know
the agony of lust
while suspended in endless time,
as she yearns for sweet release,
while desperately clinging to
the sweet sublime.
She doesn't know
of frantic begging
for that of which she's run,
of the animal that leaps inside of her,
as flowing chills
begin to come.
She doesn't know
the embrace of madness
as her trembling loins
begin to spill . . .
doesn't know of love,
but on this night,
her pleading eyes,
say she will.


Eric L. Wattree
Religion: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.