Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree

In spite of the fact that Bernie doesn't have a chance in hell of winning the nomination, instead of coming to help support the effort to get rid of Trump - a man who is so corrupt and delusional that he approached a German firm trying to buy the EXCLUSIVE rights to a cure to a world pandemic - Bernie is stomping his feet and complaining that he's the victim of voter suppression. How is that helping the people? That's fanaticism and an overwhelming interest in self.
I previously supported Bernie, but during this national emergency (Trump), Bernie needs to take his ass home and pout in private - THAT'S what's in the interest of the American people. If Bernie can't see that, everything else he's spewing is just political rhetoric designed to promote his own interests.
Our primary objective is to get Trump’s ass out of office, and Bernie staying in the race and promising “pie in the sky” and free unicorn rides is not going to accomplish that objective. If Bernie really cared about the American people and all of the rhetoric he’s spewing, he’d stop being so divisive and place the interest of the American people above his hurt feelings and wounded ego.
That’s why about a month ago I turned my back on decades of support for Bernie. I believe in following truth wherever it leads and regardless of who’s ox it gores. So after taking a fresh look at Bernie, I began to recognize that demagogues aren't new in American politics, and we've got to learn to spot them, regardless to how painful it is to accept. After all, I owe my greatest loyalty to myself.


Now that Bernie Sanders is losing in the primaries he’s showing his true colors. We're beginning to see, just like with most politicians, that it's all about him, not the country. Let's be real. While we all want to believe that our latest object of political affection is different, it's not patriotism or the need to do us a favor that motivates most politicians, it's ambition and self-interest, and Bernie is revealing himself to be no different. So as a person who has admired Bernie for decades and supported him in 2016, I'm greatly disappointed with his behavior. And being a person who tends not to become fanatical over any politician, I have no problem in doing a complete reassessment of who he actually is based on the new evidence, and what I see, I'm not the least bit happy with.
I don't think Joe Biden would be throwing a tantrum like Bernie is if he were losing the primaries. If Biden lost, he'd simply walk away and then return to support the team, because that's his nature, and his ego is not involved. That alone speaks volumes about the relative character of the two candidates, and it perfectly explains something that I've wondered about quite a bit in the past - why does Bernie draw so many fanatics? Now I know - because
Bernie is fanatical himself. 
It was some of his more fanatical supporters that caused me to recognize that fact about Bernie. Why does he draw such people, so many "Bernie bros"? Many of them are the flipside of a large number of Trump supporters - mindless zombies. So in spite of my previous support and continuing admiration of many of Bernie’s political ideals, I’ve always felt uneasy over being aligned with such fanatics, because I consider all manner of fanaticism based on mindless emotion rather than objective thought, and such people render themselves susceptible to being herded like cattle. That's why even though I'm very spiritual and a firm believer in God, I'm totally against ALL religions, because God gave us a mind, but it was man who gave us religion, in order make us easier to manipulate, and the same is true of political alignments. It's merely a secular form of religion, but just as fanatical. 
Bernie tends to believe that only his vision of reality counts, and whether or not he can be successful in promoting that vision is secondary. From Bernie’s perspective, it’s only fighting the good fight that counts, and the good fight is an end in itself. That's fanaticism. That's why he's been so isolated over the years in congress, and so ineffective. He’s a “pie in the sky” kind of guy. But life doesn’t work that way - it’s fighting the WINNING fight that counts. Life is not about all or nothing; life is about achieving your goals incrementally and gradually moving towards your ultimate objective. If Bernie hasn’t learned that simple lesson in life at his age, he’s not equipped to be president. So while he's the flipside of the political coin, and what motivates him may be different, his thinking is just like Trump's. And while, unlike Trump, Bernie's heart may be in the right place, his mind is lagging far behind.
As Sen. Elizabeth Warren pointed out, “This crisis demands more than a senator who has good ideas”, but Bernie’s “30-year track record shows he consistently calls for things he fails to get done and consistently opposes things he nevertheless fails to stop.” According to Congress.gov, in Bernie’s 30 years in congress he has been the lead sponsor in 422 bills, and only three of them have become law – and of them, two was to name post offices. So what is there to be so fanatical about? 

A primary example of the problem I have with some of Bernie's supporters is highlighted by those who say, “Bernie or Bust”. That alone is the height of hypocrisy and betrays the built-in bullshit of their philosophy. While they claim that they’re dedicated to moving society forward out of one side of their mouth, they’re also saying that if we don’t allow them to force their will down our throats, they're prepared to sit back and allow an aspiring dictator to win the election as punishment out of the other. That clearly demonstrates that their top priority is not the betterment of society, but to be dictators themselves – and Bernie obviously feels the same way, since he’s determined to stay in the race and continue to divide the Democratic effort in spite of the fact that he has next to no chance of winning the nomination. He's a professional foot-stomper and spoiler. That's why he has no fans in congress.
That should cause any thinking person to ask themselves whether Bernie is sincere in his pursuit of change, or is it just an attention-getting ploy to set himself apart?  It’s very important to look beyond what people say, and watch what they do, and it's equally important to maintain an objective state of mind and not allow yourself to become fanatical over any politician, regardless of who it is. It's a tendency to think like Bernie by many Black people that's served to hold the Black community down. We can only move forward through careful and efficient thinking, not through blind anger and raw emotion. That kind of behavior only serves to turn off potential allies. That's how Bernie lost me.
So I have  a simple response to Sanders supporters who claim that Joe Biden is a loser - if Biden is a loser, no Democrat can win. While until now, I've always admired Bernie (although, again, I’m currently rethinking that), I’m a realist, and his socialist tag means that I would have to place my bet on the fact that undereducated Americans - who have been brainwashed all of their lives by the corporate establishment to believe that socialism and communism are one - will have the intelligence to overcome that brainwashing, and I'm not willing to make that bet.
Anyone who has spent any time at all online have undoubtedly come across
people who consider the most scornful thing they can call you is not a murderer, or a rapist, but a Marxist. Many of these low-information people hate anyone tagged as a socialist with the passion of a religious conviction,  even though many of them don't even know what a Democratic socialist is. So my life experience has taught me to never bet on the intelligence of such people. If the American people were intelligent, we wouldn't currently have an idiot married to an illegal stripper and porn model living in the White House.
So this election is not about who's philosophy is most progressive, but who would be the best candidate to get Trump out of office. And in that regard, Hillary Clinton clearly demonstrated in 2016 that it doesn't matter how many enthusiastic fans you have in the big cities; what’s more significant is how many enemies you have in the boonies. The system was setup that way with the creation of the electoral college to protect the slave states. That's why in spite of the fact that Hillary won 3 million more votes, she still lost to Trump. The result of that election tells me one thing - Bernie is far too much of a gamble to bet on in an election that can determine whether or not America remains a democracy. He's even been a loser in congress for decades, and now he's a loser in the primaries. So the bottom line is, how badly do we want Trump out of office? If we fail to accomplish that, all of our other issues are meaningless, regardless of how high-falutin our ideals.
But in spite of the fact that Bernie doesn't have a chance in hell of winning the nomination, instead of coming to help support the effort to get rid of a man who is so corrupt and delusional that he approached a firm in Germany trying to buy the EXCLUSIVE rights to a cure for a world pandemic, Bernie is stomping his feet and complaining that he's the victim of voter suppression. How is that helping the people? That's fanaticism and an overwhelming interest in self. I previously supported Bernie, but during this national emergency (Trump), Bernie needs to take his ass home and pout in private - THAT'S what's in the interest of the American people. If Bernie can't see that, everything else he's spewing is just political rhetoric designed to promote his own interests. Demagogues aren't new in American politics, and we've got to learn to spot them.
Thus, while Joe Biden may not be as progressive as many of us would like to see in a candidate, for just that reason, he is undoubtedly the most acceptable candidate to the largest number of people – including disillusioned Trump voters who would never vote for a socialist. That’s why Trump is so afraid of him that he got himself impeached trying to smear him, and that alone speaks volumes. Trump knows the source of his biggest threat. That's why he's all but campaigning for Bernie. So no matter how tantalizing Bernie's vision of "pie in the sky" and free unicorn rides are to the imagination, if we want Trump out of office we’re going to have rely on clear thinking and common sense, not the pursuit of unfulfillable promises and emotional fanaticism. If we fail to recognize that simple fact, we might as well run Farrakhan. 
Eric L. Wattree
Religion: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does. 

Saturday, March 28, 2020


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree


Trump claims that he wants the churches full and the country back in business by Easter Sunday. But the truth is, Trump doesn’t care anything about the churches, or Easter Sunday, he doesn’t even go to church. What Trump is actually concerned about is all the money he’s losing as a result of his resorts and hotels being under shut-down, and the impact that the hit on the economy is having on his chances of being re-elected. So now, all of a sudden, he’s found Jesus.
The Guardian reported, "As US coronavirus cases and deaths continued to soar, the president said on Tuesday he wanted to reopen “large sections of the country” by Easter Sunday – 12 April – when there would be “packed churches all over our country".
Trump undoubtedly picked Easter Sunday as a target date to reopen the
country in order to get Evangelical support. The ploy has obviously worked with some of Trump's more rabid Evangelical supporters. Jerry Falwell Jr. has announced that Liberty University, which he heads, will reopen. But with thousands, and possibly millions, of lives at stake, many Christians are seeing through his ploy and recognizing that God's most precious gift to humanity was common sense.

The Guardian quoted pastor and activist, the Rev William J Barber II, as saying, “It is the height of hypocrisy for Trump to suggest that Easter is a time to defy public health recommendations and ‘reopen’ America. Jesus challenged oppression and cared for the poor, while Trump ignored the pandemic of poverty and tragically dismissed intelligence about the coronavirus. We need a resurrection of Jesus’s concern for the most vulnerable, not a capitulation to corporate greed that could cost millions of lives.”
But according to the Washington Post, “six of Trump’s top seven revenue-producing clubs and hotels, bringing in about $174 million total per year, according to Trump’s most recent financial disclosures”, are shut down. “That works out to $478,000 per day — revenue that is likely to be sharply reduced with the clubs shuttered. The disclosures provide self-reported revenue figures but not profits.”
So at first, the Republicans wrote the bailout bill in secret, and wrote it in a way where Trump was given $500 billion to pass out any way he liked – and in secret. But the Democrats weren’t having that. That’s why Mitch McConnell tried to complain that the Democrats were obstructing money going out to the American people. He was lying, of course. What the Democrats actually did was prevented Trump from getting a slush fund for him and his cronies to divide up.
So it's no wonder Trump doesn’t care if a few people have to die for him to reopen business. To Hell with the people, he’s losing money – and the House saw to it that his businesses (and the businesses of anyone in his administration) are banned from getting any money from the bailout. But now that he’s signed the bill, he had his lawyers write a letter saying that they’re not taking that prohibition seriously. So congress just might have to impeach him again, and this time send his ass to jail. The man is selfish, greedy, and as ignorant as they come.

Eric L. Wattree
Religion: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does. 

Thursday, March 26, 2020


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree

My educational background is in psychology, so ever since Donald Trump has been in office I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about Black conservatives, or what I call Black bigot huggers. While these people are relatively rare among Black people, I’ve run across a significant number of them online. Some are high-profile, like Ben Carson, “Diamond and Silk”, and Candace Owens, and others are more obscure, like a gentleman I ran across by the name of CJ Goode III, but what they all have in common is a rabid devotion to White bigots.
At one point I thought their dysfunction was the result of a traumatic experience in their lives, but that explanation didn’t hold up, because most Black people have endured negative experiences in life, yet it didn’t disrupt their capacity for logical thought and simple common sense. So I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s a mental illness. They were born that way, and I call their pathology “The White Idolatry Complex”.
Most Black people know by nature that White bigots suffer from a severe insecurity which causes them to desperately embrace a delusion of superiority in order to comfort their lack of self-esteem, so recognizing that fact, the average Black person simply work around them, much like when they’re dealing with a child. But not Black bigot huggers. Bigot huggers not only accept a bigot’s delusion of grandeur, but encourages it, and then they become hostile with any other Black person who refuses to join them in their idiocy, as though refusing to kiss the White man’s ass is an arrogant act of unholy heresy.
The primary reason I concluded that such people are born with a mental disorder is because we can see signs of the tendency in some children before they know anything about racism and bigotry. We’ve all known that child in school who would always suck-up to the teacher and stay after class to spit-shine the blackboard of a teacher that everyone else in the class hated. Then on the playground he would brag, “Mr. Cummings is mean to you guys, but he likes me.” That’s your future bigot hugger.
Now, we were all taught to be conservative as children, because we lacked experience and judgment, so we were taught to rely on the guidance of adults to do our thinking for us for our own protection. But as most of us gained intellectual maturity, we began to think for ourselves and became independent and progressives thinkers. But bigot huggers never mature to that point, so all of their lives they continue to spit-shine Mr. Cummings’ Blackboard. But later, Mr. Cummings is replaced by Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Donald Trump, or their local preacher, and they never learn to think for themselves.
The primary reason for that is they’re born weak-minded and with a lack of self-esteem, so they don’t have the confidence to think for themselves. As a result, they remain intellectual children all of their lives - and just like actual children, they yearn for that pat on the head and nod of approval from those they consider authority figures, because they rely on stronger personalities as an extension of themselves. So they literally need these people to make themselves whole, to replace that part of their self-reliance and sense of competence that’s missing in their own character. That explains why they become so hostile when we refuse to join them in their ass-kissing festival. When we’re critical of their heroes, they consider it a personal attack on themselves.
Deep inside, these people know there’s a flaw in their character, because they’ve always felt insecure and they’ve spent their entire lives trying to avoid thinking about it. So that too contributes to why Black conservatives are invariably so hostile. When they’re confronted by other Blacks regarding their political beliefs, they’re forced to confront their insecurities, and they don’t appreciate that worth a damn. So in response, they'll begin to spew bigoted and stereotypical claims about the thinking of normal Black people, and then use White propaganda to spew what it means to be a "true American", and then they erect a false façade of superiority and walk away claiming that it’s the rest of the world that’s flawed. So such people are completely delusional. Much like Trump, they use self-delusion as a defense mechanism that allows them to live with themselves.

I know, folks, it looks like a Saturday Night Live skit, but it’s REAL! How is it possible for the Black community to produce an idiot like this!!!? They couldn’t give me $300 million to put out a video like this. This bigot-huggin’ lunatic is a perfect example of Donald Trump's view of a Black man's place - orgasmic over a pat on the head, and goofy and ignorant as hell. This guy even LOOKS like an Uncle Tom. This grinnin’-ass cotton seed makes Stepin Fetchit look like a Black Panther. This is the perfect personification of a Black conservative. How in the hell can an idiot like this POSSIBLY have any friends? And as for my contention that it's a mental disorder, I rest my case.


Eric L. Wattree
Religion: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does. 

Saturday, March 21, 2020


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree

DOJ Wants to Suspend Certain Constitutional Rights During Coronavirus Emergency
Being President is the only thing keeping Trump out of prison. That's what makes him so dangerous. He'll do ANYTHING not to be put out of office - including declaring martial law. So we can just standby.
The primary danger of a man like Trump is not only that he’s so self-serving that he’s willing to test the limits of democracy to promote his own interests, but he’s also so uninformed that he doesn’t recognize that there are any limits. That’s why he’s so enamored of the world’s most brutal dictators. He not only admire them, but he envies their unfettered and absolute power. What makes that so dangerous in a man like Trump is he’s also undereducated and not very bright.  Trump’s former Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, is reported to have called him a “moron,” and the late William T. Kelley, who taught Trump at the University of Pennsylvania, said, “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.”
Thus, Trump is so uninformed regarding the underpinnings of America’s democratic traditions, and so self-serving, greedy, and in fear of the revelations in the Robert Mueller Report (and no, it's not over; that's why he's so desperate to stay in office) that he’s completely untethered to the democratic principles that most of us take for granted. As a result, as we speak, he’s currently testing the limits of America’s willingness to defend our Constitution - and yes, it can happen here.

Trump has casually announced that he intends to change by executive order the 14th Amendment of the Constitution that declares anyone born in the United States a U.S. citizen. He claims he wants to change the amendment to prevent undocumented immigrants from sneaking into the country and creating “anchor babies.” But it was also the 14th Amendment that declared citizenship for former African American slaves, so if his Republican-stacked Supreme Court allows him to tinker with the 14th Amendment, who’s next?  If he could declare all African Americans non-citizens, that would certainly solve the GOP's demographics problem, wouldn’t it?
Any other president in United States history would immediately recognize that just the thought of trying to override the United States Constitution with an executive memo is crazy. But not Trump, and that’s exactly the problem with a dangerous demagogue like him - he’s such a blindly narcissistic and pathological sociopath that he doesn’t view reality like a normal person. We’ve been warned about him by more than one group of professionals who are ordinarily disinclined to criticize the President of the United States in such a blunt and pronounced fashion, but Trump’s behavior is so glaringly dysfunctional that they felt compelled to speak out. In its article reviewing the book, “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump,” Psychology Today pointed out:

“John Gartner, Ph.D. is the founder of ‘Duty to Warn’ an organization intent on warning our country that we are in dire trouble due to our president’s mental instability. More than 60,000 mental health professionals have signed John’s petition, which states:
‘We, the undersigned mental health professionals, believe in our professional judgment that Donald Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States. And we respectfully request he be removed from office, according to article 4 of the 25th amendment to the Constitution, which states that the president will be replaced if he is ‘unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.’”
But as deadly serious as that is, that’s not the worst of it. When you combine Trump’s mental instability with his blind narcissism and fear of going to prison if he's thrown out of office, and then add to that the fact that he’s being enabled by a Republican Party that’s in a panic over the loss of power due to a rapidly changing demographic, it becomes clear that the very viability of American democracy is in severe jeopardy.
The Republican party has clearly demonstrated that they’re just as recklessly unstable as a group as Donald Trump is as an individual, and they have no limits. They’ve already broken all of the rules of democratic normality to literally SHOVE what all the credible evidence shows is a criminal felon down our throats as the newest Supreme Court justice - and when I say “felon” I’m not just engaging in hyperbole. Newly elected Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh clearly committed several instances of perjury before the United States Senate, and beyond that, the Republican-controlled Senate literally left no stone unturned to ensure that the credible evidence of Kavanaugh’s alleged attempted rape of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford was blocked from being thoroughly investigated - just as they did in Trump's impeachment trial. So essentially, the GOP has gone to ridiculous lengths to place a criminal on the highest court of the land.
So now all of the chips are in place. The GOP controls two branches of the government, including a reliably conservative Supreme Court to protect Trump from the Mueller investigation. They are now in a position to validate any and all of their radical assaults on the Constitution. So now the final phase of the conservative conspiracy to take over America begins:
Trump is already talking about an “immigrant invasion” of the United States, and he’s already predicted “there will be violence” if the Democrats win the coming election - which they did. So now, all the conservatives have to do is send in Trumplodytes to incite violence. That would give Trump all the justification that he needs to declare martial law and suspend the Constitution. He then instantly becomes the Vladimir Putin of the United States - possibly for life. 

So America shouldn’t take this threat lightly. It’s time for Americans to stand up and fight this attack on our democracy with just as much passion as we fought WWII, because while the battle we currently find ourselves in is not against the guns and bombs of an outside invader, we’re now fighting the guns and bombs of a domestic enemy, and the threat to our way of life is just as severe. Could that be why Trump is currently disrupting the operations of Homeland Security?  Think about that for a moment.
I've written extensively about how conservatives tend to be mindless followers, and we saw a perfect example of that in the NFL controversy. The American flag is a symbol of American values, and the freedom of expression is the very FIRST Amendment of the United States Constitution. And as a former United States Marine I can tell you for a fact that the Marines who died for this country didn’t die for either a piece of cloth, a song, or the opinion of a cowardly draft dodger like Donald Trump. They died for what that beautiful  piece of cloth represents - the right for Colin Kaepernick to do exactly what he did. Without that right both the American flag, and the National Anthem, would be totally meaningless. But most conservatives don’t possess the intellect to see that.
As a result, Donald Trump has convinced his mindless conservative minions that it's wrong and unpatriotic to exercise the rights guaranteed under the Constitution - it's fine to brag about them, but it's grossly disrespectful to actually act upon them - and his mindless minions obediently follow his lead.  But the fact is, those who follow Draft-Dodging Donnie and who are jumping up and down about patriotism and how the flag is being disrespected, these are the people who are actually disrespecting our flag and the troops, not Colin Kaepernick. These people are trivializing the very values for which our Troops gave their lives. They’re allowing a dummy like Trump to manipulate them into promoting bigotry and stupidity in an attempt to tear this nation apart, and thereby, escape the consequences of his own criminality.  So to allow themselves to become complicit in that effort is what’s actually un-American, and it takes a complete idiot not to see that.
With regard to the recent spate of domestic terrorism that has been overtaking the country of late, Trump claims that it's not due to his hateful rhetoric, but the unfairness of the press in asking about it. Well, ABC news did a little research into the matter, and here's what they found:

So if all of this sounds far-fetched, according to a 1990 Vanity Fair interview, Ivana Trump once told her lawyer, Michael Kennedy, that Donald Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches near his bed - and as we all know, Trump doesn’t ordinarily like to read, but he's finding both the energy and time to read Hitler.  Thus, as has been repeatedly stated, when fascism comes to America it will come wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross, and considering that over 81% of White Evangelicals "Christians" support Trump's criminality, that seems to be exactly what is happening.  So yes, it can happen here, and let there be no doubt about it, anyone who supports Donald Trump is the domestic enemy of the United States, regardless to how much they claim to love Jesus.

Eric L. Wattree
Religion: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does. 


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree

Everyone knew from the very beginning that Donald Trump was grossly unqualified to be President of the United States, but several factors merged to cause the American people to completely ignore that fact. As a result, America’s hatred, bigotry and greed has finally caught up with us. The nation is now facing the biggest threat in human history and we’re caught flat-footed with the most incompetent and ill-equipped President in the history of this nation to address it. Essentially, we’re onboard a sputtering 747 with a man who has the character and intelligence of an 8-year-old at the controls. The situation is so stark in its irony, it almost seems like an act of God.
Many bigots saw their vote for Donald Trump as payback for their anger over the election of Barack Obama. They were literally furious over the nation’s election of a Black man – so much so, in fact, that they tried to delegitimize his presidency by claiming that he wasn’t born in the United States, and ironically, that conspiracy theory was led by none other than Donald J. Trump. That’s one of the things that makes the current situation seem like an act of God. Trump seems to be reaping what he's sewn. Every since he was elected he’s been struggling mightily with the issue that his own presidency is illegitimate due to Russian interference on his behalf in the 2016 election. He's so sensitive to that fully substantiated charge that his staff can't even mention the controversy in his presence.
But the mere election of President Obama wasn’t the only thing that rubbed bigots the wrong way. They were also angry over Obama’s excellence as President. Just prior to Obama coming on the scene there was a raging debate going on in this country regarding the competence of Black professionals. Due to their own insecurity, there were many racists, like Trump, who claimed that Black professionals were professionals in name only. It was their contention that due to Affirmative Action, Black professionals didn’t have to pay the dues to obtain their credentials that their White counterparts had to pay, therefore, they were less qualified. As a direct result of that attitude, many highly qualified Black professionals were being passed over for upward mobility in their chosen professions.
But when Barack Obama stepped up to the plate and played them like a fiddle, he not only demonstrated that Black people were up to tackling the most arduous tasks with ease and grace, but in many cases, possessed the intellectual creativity to perform their task better than most - and without trickery, scandal, or anyone being indicted. As a result of his excellence, Obama was voted by presidential historians to be the 8th greatest president in American history. Now, all we hear from the bigots are crickets.
But the bigots never forgave America for that – for allowing President Obama to strike that devastating blow against White supremacy - so in retribution, bigots, along with the greedy, the self-serving, and faux Christians, elected Donald Trump, who has been voted by those very same historians as the nation’s worst president in history, and we’re all now paying the price for their selfish idiocy.

Now, I’m not simply spewing petty partisanship on this issue. The facts fully substantiate my contention.  Let’s take a look at Donald Trump’s character. He’s ignorant, petty, childish, selfish, petulant, irresponsible, narcissistic, dishonest, insecure, divisive, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, racist, thin-skinned, boastful, uninformed, greedy, a pathological liar, anti-intellectual, stubborn, sneaky, treasonous, cowardly, and undignified. What more needs to be said?
It’s next to impossible to even fathom a human being with so many flaws, and without even one saving grace - he's accused of raping a 13-year-old child, 
and raping another woman in a department store dressing room! It takes an act of divine intervention just to find a person as flawed as Donald Trump. It's almost as if God is using an ironic sense of humor to rub our gross hypocrisy in our faces.
Conservatives screamed to the high Heavens when Michelle Obama wore a sleeveless dress in public, yet, now a nation whose motto is "In God we Trust" has a First Lady who's an illegal porn model who got into the country on an Einstein Visa of all things. Just think about that. Can you see the irony in it!!!? Everything about Trump is a fraud, yet . . .

So maybe Trump was right about being “the chosen one” – maybe he was chosen by God to punish America for all of its many sins – for the slaughter of 200 million Native Americans (wiping out 10 generations over 200 years) to steal their land, the enslavement of 12.5 million African Americans to work the stolen land, the countless lynchings during Jim Crow, the internment of Japanese Americans, the dropping of not one, but two, atomic bombs on the innocent noncombatants of Japan, for killing millions of Vietnamese and people in the Middle East, and for tearing Hispanic families apart at the Southern border and placing their children in cages.
There’s no other nation on Earth that’s better at cherry-picking laudable events in its history to celebrate, but the fact is, for the short time we’ve

been in existence, we’ve been the most brutally evil nation in the history of humanity, and that’s an undeniable fact - we condemn Hitler for killing 6 million Jews - which was indeed a horrible act of brutality - but we killed TWO HUNDRED MILLION Native Americans alone after being welcomed to their land - wiping them out for over 200 years (10 generations) - and for nothing more than rampant greed. That goes a long way towards explaining why we don't trust immigrants.
So while we can fool one another by proclaiming how honorable and God-loving we are, we can’t fool God. Thus, now the chickens have come home to roost with the worst plague in human history, and accompanied by none other than the Son of Satan himself, Donald J. Trump. May God have mercy on our souls.


Eric L. Wattree
Religion: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.