Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree

This cell  phone video shows a police officer, Brian Fowell, in Rancho Cordova, California, slamming a 14-year-old child, Elijah Tufono's, face and body into the pavement, and then punching him in the head repeatedly, after accusing him of being in possession of a cigar. The child has a heart condition, has never been in any trouble, and was later released without being charged with a crime.
This is a perfect example of how America is being converted into Trumpworld. The Rancho Cordova police department is already trying to downplay and justify this cop’s actions, so we need to stay on top of this situation. This fascist cop needs to be immediately fired and charged with a felony. We have enough problems in the community without being forced to pay the salaries of goons who think they have free rein to brutalize Black children on a whim.
Far too many of these cops are taking Trump’s illegal, un-American, and fascistic advice to heart when he told the cops of this land to rough people up during arrests. Trump has never been known for being a deep thinker, and in this case what he’s failing to consider is, simply being arrested doesn’t mean that the person is guilty of a crime. Trump is living by Russian standards, not America’s - or at least, what we profess to be American standards of justice - but he doesn't seem to know the difference, so it's up to the people to educate him, and his dimwitted followers, what it means to live under a Constitution.
“Please, don’t be too nice,” he said, to laughter from the crowd.

It is clear that the police department has already gone into full damage control. Sgt. Tess Deterding, spokesperson for the Sheriff’s Office, stated the following:
The officer was on patrol in the area of Mills Station Road and Mather Field Road because of complaints of hand-to-hand sales of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs to minors. “The deputy saw what ‘he believed to be a hand-to-hand exchange’ between an adult and juvenile. As the deputy turned around, he lost sight of the adult, who left the area. When the deputy approached the juvenile, the juvenile was uncooperative and refused to give the deputy basic identifying information”. Thereafter, the officer tried to detain Tufono and he was “physically resistive”, and that led to the beating.
In plain English, the spokesperson is saying the officer was patrolling the area due to unspecified public complaints. When the deputy saw what he ‘assumed’ was an exchange between an adult and a juvenile he turned around, but he didn’t keep track of the adult - who should have been the prime suspect. So he approached the child. The child refused to give him any identifying information, which any inexperienced child might do – kids tend not to carry ID. In response the officer tried to arrest him, but the child was “physically resistive” (resistive, how?), and that led to the a full-grown man's brutal abuse of a child one-third his size over the unchildlike possession of a cigar. The child was never charged with a crime.
This cop not only followed Trumps advice, but he looked like he was getting far too much pleasure out of abusing this child. So we know without a doubt that if he's allowed to get away with this atrocity with impunity, it's not likely to be the last time he'll indulge in this kind of behavior. In fact, he might even find a way to justify killing a Black person in the future - and God forbid that he should run across a Black child with an open container! So, enough is enough. We must make this moment of personal joy for this officer be a moment that will define the rest of his life.
The community must stay on top of this, and all such matters, and we must remain focused on this particular incident until this rogue cop is out of a job and behind bars. It's important for the community to make an example of this brute. We've got to make this bully a poster child for every rogue cop in the country who might even consider committing a crime of brutality against one of our children. We must make it abundantly clear that wearing a badge doesn't make a person a judge, jury, and executioner, and it's important that we drive that point home with perfect clarity. That's the one, and only way, we can protect our children, and keep them safe from abusive predators with a badge.
So we've got to make it abundantly clear to these people that their badge doesn't represent a hunting license, and that going into law enforcement is not an avenue designed to vent their bigotry with impunity. 

(916) 362-5115

Religion: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree

Donald Trump Has Proven To Be Much More Incompetent Than Even His Most Severe Critics Recognized
Donald Trump is an idiot, and getting rid of that guy must be considered a matter of national survival. At first many of us thought that he was merely clueless and he didn’t realize just how inept he really was, but it is now becoming increasingly clear that he not only knows that he’s in over his head, but due to his ego, he’s prepared to do absolutely ANYTHING to prevent his incompetence from becoming common knowledge. So with Trump it’s like having a pouting and insecure 8-year-old in the White House. While many of us knew from the very first that he was grossly incompetent, at this point he's even scaring his most severe critics, because it’s now beginning to sink in just how profoundly stupid he really is. And between his idiocy, his arrogance, and his desperation to save face, the man is a threat to the entire world.
And what makes things even worse is, due to a combination of his huge ego and gross insecurity he can’t stand to have anyone in his circle who outshines him. That limits him to having to dig to the very bottom of the barrel to staff his administration. As a result, at a time like this when we’re in the midst of a national emergency, there’s no one around to steer the ship. We’re stuck with a bridge full of idiots. So we’re in deep, deep, trouble.
During times like these a normal president would be leaving no stone unturned to get the very best advice and enlisting all of the talent he could muster to save the American people, but not Trump. Trump considers this a personal emergency which threatens to reveal what he’s been trying to hide his entire life – his gross ineptitude. So instead of hiring anyone who can help him save the American people, he’s firing everyone whose actions could reveal his gross incompetence during the initial weeks and months of this crisis.
That’s Trump’s mode of operation. That’s why he’s had such a huge turnover in his administration, because Trump’s world is not about competence and saving the nation, it’s about hiding his incompetence and protecting his personal image. That's also why the more intelligent an individual is, the lesser chance they have of coexisting in Trump's orbit, and everyone who leaves is always replaced by someone of lesser quality. Trump cannot stand competence, because it's a constant reminder of his own incompetence. Trump views competence in others as a disrespectful affront to himself as a person. He's so insecure that he actually resents intelligence.

But ignorance aside, there’s another reason that Trump is such a horrible leader - he’s both selfish and has a lack of empathy for others. He’s so consumed by the effort of protecting his own interests that he has neither the time, nor inclination, to consider anyone else. That explains why he didn’t swing into action to protect America when he first became aware of the Coronavirus in January of 2020.
Like most things Trump has benefited from throughout his life, he’s been riding high on the crest of a thriving economy that he inherited from President Obama. He didn’t want to threaten that because he'd claimed it as his own, and that’s all he has to justify his 2020 re-election. So from his point of view, what’s the lives of a few thousand people compared to the danger of disturbing the stock market and threatening his re-election? Thus, he suggested allowing the Coronavirus to wash over the nation and depending on effect “mass immunity” to combat the disease. That explains his comment that “It’ll go away like magic.”
Trump’s lack of concern for the people and tendency to put his interests ahead of the people is also revealed in his rush to reopen the nation. With Trumps hotels and golf resorts closed down he’s losing millions of dollars during the Coronavirus shutdown, and the shutdown is also devastating the economy that he was counting on to help him be re-elected, so Trump wants the shutdown to come to an end, and as far as he's concerned, to hell with how many American lives it places in jeopardy. Because in his own words, "We don't want the cure to be worse than the problem", and certainly losing a few thousand American lives is nowhere near as bad as the rich losing millions of dollars in the stock market - right? 

The New York Times recently reported, “Late last month, Mr. Trump’s representatives contacted their relationship managers in Deutsche Bank’s New York private-banking division, which caters to wealthy customers. They wanted to discuss the possibility of delaying payments on some of the hundreds of millions of dollars of outstanding loans that the Trump Organization has from the bank, according to a person briefed on the talks. The discussions are continuing.” So the national shutdown is hitting Trump directly in the pocket, and he lacks both the character, and maturity, to separate his personal interests from what’s in the best interest of the American people. So again, we’re in big, big trouble.
And we must also remember that Donald Trump is the ultimate loser – he didn’t even win the presidency, Hillary lost it. Trump just happened to be standing in the wings - it could have just as easily been Mr. Magoo.  And he’s never had a friend in his life. No one can stand to be around him and his constant need to prove himself. He was even an outcast among the movers and shakers in New York; the banks wouldn't have anything to do with him, and he’s filed bankruptcy six times, so again, America is in very shaky hands.
Trump has always been the kid looking in through the window that nobody would let in – the ultimate outcast. The reason for that is his father gave him everything, so he never had to develop the character, social skills, or intellect to succeed among others. Everything he’s ever gotten has been given to him, or he obtained through lying and deceit. 
Now Trump's smearing America with that very same image among world leaders – the bratty rich kid who no one either likes, or want to be around. So in just a mere three years Trump’s managed to drag America down from a position of honor and respect around the world, to being viewed as a nation of classless and unsophisticated Hillbillies. It’s a sad state of affairs, and one of the lowest periods in the history of the United States. But we can't expect anything more from Dubious Donnie - if his daddy hadn’t been rich, he’d be homeless.

Eric L. Wattree
Religion: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.