Thursday, May 28, 2020


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree

That murderous cop, Derek Chauvin, who decided to kill George Floyd in living color on the 6 O’Clock News is up Shit Creek. In spite of the fact that Donald Trump cheered the police on when he needed them by telling them, “Please, don’t be too nice” to the people when you’re arresting them, now he needs Black votes, so the cops are on their own.
You see, while Trump is a bigot just like many of his supporters, he’s not just your run-of-the-mill bigot – he’s a super-bigot, and a snob. Trump's bigotry is not just limited to race, but also to sex and class. So Trump is also bigoted toward uneducated and lower-class White folks who support him. Trump's poor White supporters don’t mean a thing to him, they’re just a means to an end, and he’ll sell ‘em out in a Minnesota minute. Even as we speak he’s trying to use their kids for guinea pigs by opening up the schools to see how many of them die before he opens up the country as a whole.
For Trump, all this saving lives stuff can be a good thing, as long as you don't have to go broke to do it, but it’s costing him a fortune. Having his golf courses and hotels shut down is causing him to lose over a million dollars a day. In addition, the country has lost over 41 million jobs, and the economy that he inherited from President Obama - and he had planned to help him cruise into a second term and keep him out of prison - is now going down the drain. So Trump is in a panic, and he should be, because he has a very determined young Black woman waiting right outside the White House gate to take him to jail.
The sister’s name is Letitia James, and she’s the Attorney General for the state of New York. Ms. James walked through the door pledging to burn Donald Trump, and she’s filed one case against him every two weeks since she’s been in office.

So at this point, Trump may try anything to be re-elected, because he’s running scared. If he's thrown out of office, New York Attorney General Letitia James is gonna be waiting right outside the White House gate to lock his ass up. That sister means business, and she's already laid the groundwork.
Letitia is a sister on a mission. She’s the one who burned Trump and his family on the charity fraud. And as part of the settlement Trump was required to admit to several counts of wrongdoing, and was forced to pay $3.78 million in restitution and damages. She's also the reason he changed his permanent residence from New York to Florida, but that’s not gonna help him a bit. His base of operation when he was committing many of his crimes was New York, and unless he flees to Russia, she’s gonna burn him for every one of them that comes to light in her intensive investigations. Trump has even gone so far as to filed a lawsuit against Ms. James, personally, to try to get her off his ass, but she’s not the least bit fazed. So Trump is desperate.
Just to demonstrate how desperate, “Trump told governors during a teleconference recently that they should ‘seriously consider’ reopening their schools and CONFIRM his suggestion at the evening news conference, noting the virus doesn't impact young people as badly. . . “I think it would be a good thing. Because as you see coming in terms of what this vicious virus goes after, young people seem to do very well. Young people seem to do very well. So, I know that there are some governors that aren't necessarily ready to open up states, but they may be ready to open up school systems." In other words, he suggested, they didn't have to risk the entire state, just a few children. 
So there’s a reason for all of Trump’s craziness, like trying to get people to ingest Lysol and stick lightbulbs up their asses – he’s running scared.  
Now, with regard to that murderous cop he said,  the news saddened him, and he is asking the FBI and Justice Department to investigate (He's taking credit for the investigation; bad news for the cop). He told reporters, a report is coming tomorrow, and the FBI said, a "robust criminal investigation into the circumstances surrounding the May 25, 2020 death of George Floyd", and then adds that the investigation is their top priority. So that cop’s gonna get hung-out to dry – but not because Trump gives a damn about the murder, but because it’s in Trump’s personal best interest.  
So, again, due to Trump’s self-serving nature, that cop picked the worst time in the world to kill him a niggrah. He's forced Trump to have to deal with Letitia James, and that's bad news for everybody but Letitia. So under the current circumstances, if it’s left up to Trump, that cop's gonna get the firing squad, "good ole boy" or not. 

Eric L. Wattree
Religion: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020



South Korea (population 51 million) and the United States (population 328 million) were both made aware of the Coronavirus at the same time.
OK. Let that just sink in.
The leadership of South Korea immediately and aggressively jumped full force on this issue.
The President of the United States, Donald Trump, downplayed the issue, held rallies, and played golf.
As of Tuesday, May 26, 2020, South Korea has suffered a total of 269 Coronavirus deaths.
As of Tuesday, May 26, 2020, the United States has suffered a total of 100,228 acknowledged Coronavirus deaths, but there’s good evidence that that is underreported and is likely over 200,000 dead by Coronavirus.
Just let that marinate.
The United States has 6.4 times the population of South Korea but the United States has 372.5 times (and perhaps 744 times) the number of Coronavirus deaths as South Korea!
Yes. Take South Korea’s death total and multiply it by at least 372.5, and perhaps as much as 744.
One could say, under certain definitions of the term, that Donald John Trump’s ineptitude and indifference in the face of facts clearly evident and ignored, constitutes nothing short of mass murder.

Saturday, May 23, 2020


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree

Far too many Black people give more priority to going for bad than they do intellectual development. That's what's holding us down as a people. Rather than taking the time to develop our minds many of us would rather indulge in the “Black warrior” myth – and it’s clearly a myth. The mere fact that George Zimmerman and others can continue to walk around talking shit with impunity after the atrocities they’ve committed against the Black community stands as an undeniable testament to the fact that the concept of “The Black warrior” bears about as much of a relationship to reality as a comic book character. The reason for that is quite simple, while Black people like to go for bad, war is not really our thing - showboating is, and the White man has always used that fact against us.
On the other hand, what we so casually refer to as "soul" is nothing short of intellectual brilliance straining to be unleashed, but instead of using it to our advantage, we use it to try to Twerk, talk shit, and sing ourselves to equality one person at a time. That keeps us divided, because it keeps each one of us constantly auditioning for the White man against one another. Thus, we constantly avoid developing our most valuable asset – our minds - in order to put on a minstrel show for the White man. Kanye West and Diamond and Silk are perfect examples of that at work. If they hadn't gotten attention by kissin' ass, they would have presented themselves as warriors to get attention. That's the way it works. It's all about getting the White man's attention, "by any means necessary".
Our intellectual capabilities represent the difference between Boots Randolph and John Coltrane. It’s what makes Black people the people of the future, but instead of developing our intellect, we're wasting it trying to go for bad. Whenever we see Black people online, 99% of the time they’re either singing, dancing, talking shit, or trying to be cool in some way in order to get attention. That’s what’s holding us back as a people. We were taught these behaviors during slavery, and they serve two very important purposes in maintaining White supremacy - first, they keep us thinking on a frivolous level and marching in  place, and secondly, they keep us competing against one another to gain the White man's attention instead of working together to move forward.
The fact is, even being radical is designed to get the White man's attention, because he rewards radicals to keep them under his control. Look at how large Al Sharpton is living these days, and while we haven't heard a word from Jesse Jackson in awhile, I can assure you that, wherever he is, he's not living in poverty. So it’s long past time that we begin to wake up, and I've taken it upon myself to sound the alarm.
Black people weren't enslaved because the White man could beat us up; we were enslaved because he had a knowledge of gunpowder that we didn't possess. So it was a lack of knowledge that led to our enslavement, and it’s a lack of knowledge that’s keeping us enslaved. NOTHING is more powerful than knowledge, and since Black people are only12% of the population, if we ever expect to gain equality in this society, we'd better start focusing our energies on learning to think.
Promoting Hip-Hop, flooding the Black community with Crack cocaine, and mounting an assault on our educational system are all a part of the very same effort - the White establishment's desperate attempt to see to it that the Black community never produces another generation like the one that came out of the 60s.
When I was in college it cost me $6.50 a term to get an education – and that included parking. Now a young person has to go into debt for life just to afford a degree. There’s two reasons for that. The first involves class. The White establishment is maintaining a class system that keeps the “Haves” on top by ensuring that the “Have Nots” won't be able to get an education, because with an education, the White “Have Nots” began to realize that Black people weren’t the only ones being oppressed, so they became a part of the struggle. But now, due to a lack of education, the ignorance of many lower-class Whites keep Donald Trump in office and help to maintain the viability of the Republican Party.
Secondly, when the White establishment began bringing Black people here in 1619, they thought they were merely importing dumb beasts of burden. But as the Africans began to adapt to the White culture, our intellectual brilliance began to reveal itself and the White establishment began to recognize that the very same intellectual creativity that led to what today is commonly referred to as Black “soul”, could very easily be applied to other areas of intellectual pursuit, like math, science, engineering and politics. That made us a clear and present threat to the White man's stature in society.
It was a Black slave who introduced inoculation to White society, which all but wiped out Smallpox and many other virulent diseases that plagued their society for centuries. That knowledge  had completely eluded the White man's great institutions of higher learning. And beyond that, a Black school teacher did the math that made it possible to send man to the Moon – or, at least, made it possible for man to go there and get back safely without being lost in space – and later, a Black man made personal computing possible. In addition, Black music (jazz) serenaded this nation through the “Roaring Twenties” (or what’s commonly referred to as “The Jazz Age”), and helped to inspire this nation's victory over Hitler during WWII.
So, for generations the White establishment has made it their top priority to keep Black people dumbed-down and prevent us from unleashing our powerful and creative intellect – they even made it illegal to teach us to read. But in spite of their most valiant efforts, after the Civil War former slaves walked right out of the fields into the halls of congress, and Frederick Douglass, a self-educated escaped slave, became a confidant of President Lincoln, and one of the most celebrated and sought-after intellectuals of the 19th Century. He was way ahead of his time, and was one of the first prominent intellectuals to address the issue of women's rights.
But in spite of that, the White establishment wasn’t about to give up on their efforts to convince the Black man that he was inferior, so they instituted “Jim Crow” laws and traditions, and promoted anti-intellectual schemes that continue to this day, and the promotion of Hip-Hop is a part of that effort. But they're fighting a losing battle, because what we call "soul" is nothing less than Black intellectual brilliance straining to be unleashed. So the Black community should dedicate all of our efforts towards demolishing all of their efforts to dumb-down our people - and this Black warrior shit is one of them. We're never gonna be able to outfight the White man in this country as long as he controls the military establishment, and he not only knows that, but he passionately hope we try. So the one, and only way Black people are going to move forward in this country is with our minds, so we might as well accommodate ourselves to that fact, and start to build on it. 
But the technique currently being used to obstruct Black intellectual development is brilliant in its simplicity. The White establishment clearly recognized that we are what we think, so they're attempting to influence young Black minds during their early development. Through the use of the corporate media the White establishment is making it possible for a handful of underinformed Black individuals to gain wealth and fame by denigrating our people and referring to the very womb of our culture as “bitches” and “hoes”. They’re also keeping many of our Black youth distracted from developing their intellect through the simple use of vulgar nursery rhymes. In short, they’re indoctrinating many of our youth into believing that being dumb and self-destructive is cool, and that's the Black man's place.
The establishment has convinced many young Black people that ignorance is what it means to be Black, and that trying to embrace intellectual development is "bougie", selling out, and trying to be White. So instead of helping to promote this nonsense it's the responsibility of the older generation of Black people to help our young people to understand that knowledge and intellect are not synonymous with White. 

As Black people we must educate ourselves and learn to stop shooting off our mouths and telling the White man everything that's on our minds. We must also stop trying to go for bad, and focus on developing our minds in order to outthink the White establishment instead. And most importantly, Black people must always remember that God made birds to fly, fish to swim, and man to think. That’s why, even though man’s not as ferocious as a lion, he has dominion over the Earth, nevertheless.
And finally, we must remember that the rich, powerful, and educated are never the warriors; only the poor, dumb, and manipulated die in battle. When was the last time you heard of a president's child dying in an American war? And Donald Trump is a perfect example of that - he ran like hell during Vietnam, bone spur and all. So it’s always the people at the bottom who die trying to be heroic and cool, while people with money, brains, or both, sit on the sidelines and cheer the dumb ass heroes on. So the White man has brainwashed Black people into believing that Black people are bad, but there's one thing he didn't teach us - that nothing is as bad as a powerful mind.
And I’m not spewing a conspiracy theory here. The evidence is clear. Look at the video below of Miles Davis and John Coltrane. Look at how different old school music was from the Pablum we listen to today. And notice how dead serious every member of this band was in representing their culture. There’s no struttin’ around, bouncin’ their heads, or acting like damn fools for the benefit of the television audience. They simply put on, without any fanfare, an incredible display of pure artistic genius - and without bustin' one sweat bubble. These brothers portrayed an entirely different mindset than we see today, and it's perfect for showing just how far Black people have slipped down that slippery slope.
Unlike today, Miles and Coltrane simply represented the dignity of their people. They didn’t try to tell the White man who we were, they showed ‘em what Black people represent, and in a very matter-of-fact way. This video was recorded in 1959 when you rarely even saw Black people on television, yet, they weren't fazed a bit. None of them even bothered to look into the camera - in fact, at one point you can see Coltrane even turn away from it. They were so solemn, dedicated, and dead-serious about what they were doing, in fact, that Robert Herridge, the White man who introduces them, whispers their introduction in complete awe, and the White musicians who were fortunate enough to be on stage with them obviously considered it a great honor - and check out their effortless groove! They were laid-back and completely in their zone - their Black zone.
So young people, don’t buy into the bullshit. In the introduction Robert Herridge points out that "There are many ways of telling a story." Well, Miles is telling you yours. He's telling you who you really are, so listen and take heed. You’re not the product of idiots and clowns who have to tap dance, denigrate your culture, and put on a minstrel show for the White man. You’re the product of masters, and true intellectual giants. 



We knew him as Miles,
the Black Prince of style;
His nature fit jazz to a tee.
Laid back and cool,
a low threshold for fools,
he set the tone
of what a jazzman
should be.
Short on words,
and unperturbed, about
what the people thought;
frozen in time, drenched
in the sublime,
of the passion
his sweet horn
had wrought.
Solemn to the bone,
distant and torn,
even Trane could
scarcely get in;
I can still hear the tone
of that genius who mourned,
that precious note
that he couldn't
quite bend.

Eric L. Wattree

Religion: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.  

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree
In a news conference recently held in the White House rose garden Donald Trump claimed that there were crimes committed by President Obama during the Russia investigation, but he refused to specify exactly what crimes were committed. That was completely out of character for Trump. In the past, if Trump had any evidence - even made up - that President Obama broke the law in any way, both the United States Marine Corps and the entire 7th Calvary combined wouldn’t be able to shut him up about it. But now, for some reason, he wants to keep it under wraps and only allude to it without any substantiation. 
What’s also curious is, if Trump had  any evidence at all to present, why did he bend over backwards to prevent that evidence from coming out earlier? All of the facts of this case could have been brought out during his impeachment trial, but instead of allowing that to happen Trump colluded with the Republican senate to block any evidence whatsoever from seeing the light of day. So maybe it’s time to just open the case back up and let the chips fall where they may. 
Let us not forget that Trump himself fired Flynn based on the fact that he claimed that Flynn lied to Pence. So, if that wasn't true, why did Trump actually fire Flynn if he knew he was innocent?  Did Flynn actually lie to Pence or was that just a cover story? And if it was a cover story, what was the story designed to cover up? In addition, why has Trump been so determined to get Flynn off the hook from the very beginning? We haven’t seen him apply the same kind of determination to get any of his other associates off the hook. Is Flynn holding on to some secret that Trump doesn’t want revealed?
Michael Flynn is clearly at the very heart of the Russian collusion case and he admitted under oath that he lied. That means there are a lot of serious questions that needs to be answered, so let's get to the bottom of all of this once and for all, because we can’t afford to have a Russian agent in the White House. That’s right, I said it, and we shouldn't be hesitant to say it out loud – Donald Trump could be a Russian agent.

The answer as to why Trump would collude with Russia is quite simple. First, he's greedy and he has no moral character, and after going into bankruptcy 6 times, the Russians came to his rescue

when American banks wouldn't touch him. And chances are, even now he's only keeping his head above water because Russian oligarchs are using his name and businesses to launder stolen money. That explains why he's so desperate to keep his taxes hidden. That would also explain why Deutsche Bank is willing to continue to loan Trump money in spite of his long history of defaults. Consider this - maybe the Deutsche Bank continues to loan Trump money because the Russian government is making it good on the other end.
Foreign Policy Magazine ( reported, “Rep. Adam Schiff indicated that ‘We’re going to be looking at the issue of possible money laundering by the Trump Organization, and Deutsche Bank is one obvious place to start,’ he said. A 2017 report by Reuters, citing public documents, interviews and corporate records, also found that at least 63 Russians or people with Russian addresses bought nearly $100 million worth of property in seven Trump-branded Florida luxury buildings.”
In addition, Trump repeatedly lied to the American people all through the 2016 election campaign. He repeatedly claimed that, "I have no business dealings in Russia." But we now know that all while he was making that
claim to the American people, he was in deep negotiations with the Russians to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. He even offered Vladimir Putin a $50 million penthouse apartment in the tower. But there was a problem - the Russian bank, VTB, that was lined up to finance the deal was under U.S. sanctions. That blocked them from taking part in the deal. Could that be why Trump has gone out of his way to remove Russian sanctions?
It is now clear that everything Trump does or says is designed to promote his own private interests and provide comfort to Vladimir Putin and the Russians, and Rudy Giuliani, his own attorney, knows it. That’s why when Trump’s own staff and American foreign service professionals started spilling the beans in the Congressional Impeachment Hearings, Giuliani said, “If I disappear I have an insurance policy. All of the documents on the Bidens are going to be released”. That seems to indicate that Giuliani is not only in fear of legal exposure, but for his very life, and he has good reason to be concerned.
But as deadly serious as the above is, that’s not the worse of it. When you combine Trump’s mental instability with his blind narcissism, and then add to that the fact that he’s being enabled by a Republican Party that’s in a panic over the loss of power due to a rapidly changing demographic, it becomes clear that the very viability of American democracy is in severe jeopardy.

Eric L. Wattree
Religion: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does. 

Saturday, May 02, 2020


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree
Kate J Herold Hudson posted a meme saying,
“Just know this...Trump’s ‘Liberate’ tweets and praise of protesters, is a trial run for the Riots & Chaos he’s planning for Nov. 4” 
I’m in total agreement with Kate. In fact, the exact same notion occurred to me over a year ago. I just hope our military and intelligence community is a step ahead of Trump's treachery and is prepared to deal it.

The primary danger of a man like Trump is not only that he’s so self-serving that he’s willing to test the limits of democracy to promote his own interests, but he’s also so uninformed that he doesn’t recognize that there are any limits. That’s why he’s so enamored of the world’s most brutal dictators. He not only admires them, but he envies their unfettered and absolute power. What makes that so dangerous in a man like Trump is he’s also undereducated and not very bright.  Trump’s former Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, is reported to have called him a “moron,” and the late William T. Kelley, who taught Trump at the University of Pennsylvania, said, “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.”
Thus, Trump is so uninformed regarding the underpinnings of America’s democratic traditions, and so self-serving, greedy, and in fear of being revealed for the weak, flawed, and cowardly individual he knows himself to be, that he’s completely untethered to the democratic principles that most of us take for granted. As a result, as we speak, he’s currently testing the limits of America’s willingness to defend our Constitution - and yes, it can happen here.
Trump has casually announced that he intends to change by executive order the 14th Amendment of the Constitution that declares anyone born in the United States a U.S. citizen. He claims he wants to change the amendment to prevent undocumented immigrants from sneaking into the country and creating “anchor babies.” But it was also the 14th Amendment that declared citizenship for former African American slaves, so if his Republican-stacked Supreme Court allows him to tinker with the 14th Amendment, who’s next?  If he could declare all African Americans non-citizens, that would certainly solve the GOP's demographics problem, wouldn’t it?
Any other president in United States history would immediately recognize that just the thought of trying to override the United States Constitution with an executive memo is crazy. But not Trump, and that’s exactly the problem with a dangerous demagogue like him - he’s such a blindly narcissistic and pathological sociopath that he doesn’t view reality like a normal individual. We’ve been warned about him by more than one group of professionals who are ordinarily disinclined to criticize the President of the United States in such a blunt and pronounced fashion, but Trump’s behavior is so glaringly dysfunctional that they felt compelled to speak out. In its article reviewing the book, “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump,” Psychology Today pointed out:
“John Gartner, Ph.D. is the founder of ‘Duty to Warn’ , an organization intent on warning our country that we are in dire trouble due to our president’s mental instability. More than 60,000 mental health professionals have signed John’s petition, which states:
‘We, the undersigned mental health professionals, believe in our professional judgment that Donald Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States. And we respectfully request he be removed from office, according to article 4 of the 25th amendment to the Constitution, which states that the president will be replaced if he is ‘unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.’”
And they wrote the above before Trump suggested that America ingest Lysol as a possible remedy for the Coronavirus, or to reopen the schools and use our children as guinea pigs to test the contagion of Covid-19. After all, he is personally losing over a million dollars a day due to the national shutdown resulting from the virus, but even that, is primarily his fault.

But as deadly serious as that is, that’s not the worst of it. When you combine Trump’s mental instability with his blind narcissism and fear of going to prison if he's thrown out of office, and then add to that the fact that he’s being enabled by a Republican Party that’s in a panic over the loss of power due to a rapidly changing demographic, it becomes clear that the very viability of American democracy is in severe jeopardy.
The Republican party has clearly demonstrated that they’re just as recklessly unstable as a group as Donald Trump is as an individual, and that they're completely oblivious to  
limits as well. They’ve already broken all of the rules of democratic normality to literally SHOVE what all the credible evidence shows is a criminal felon down our throats as the newest Supreme Court justice - and when I say “felon” I’m not simply engaging in hyperbole. Newly elected Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh clearly committed several instances of perjury before the United States Senate, and beyond that, the Republican-controlled Senate literally left no stone unturned to ensure that the credible evidence of Kavanaugh’s alleged attempted rape of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford was blocked from being thoroughly investigated. So essentially, the GOP has gone to ridiculous lengths to place a criminal on the highest court of the land.
So now all of the chips are in place. The GOP controls two branches of the government, including a reliably conservative Supreme Court to protect Trump from criminal liability. They are now in a position to validate any and all of their radical assaults on the Constitution. So now the final phase of the conservative conspiracy to take over America begins:
Trump is already talking about an “immigrant invasion” of the United States, and he’s already predicted “there will be violence” if the Democrats win the 2018 election - which they did. So now, all the conservatives have to do is send in Trumplodytes to incite violence - which now seems to be the case, with hordes of mindless Trump supporters, armed to the teeth, converging on our streets and state houses in response to the Coronavirus shutdown instituted to protect public health. Now, any instance of violence will give Trump all the justification that he needs to declare martial law and suspend the Constitution. He then instantly becomes the Vladimir Putin of the United States - possibly for life. 

So America shouldn’t take this threat lightly. It’s time for Americans to stand up and fight this attack on our democracy with just as much passion as we fought WWII, because while the battle we currently find ourselves in is not simply against the guns and bombs of an outside invader, we’re now fighting the guns and bombs of a domestic enemy, and the threat to our way of life is just as severe. Could that be why Trump is currently disrupting the operations of Homeland Security?  Think about that for a moment.
I've written extensively about how conservatives tend to be mindless followers, and we saw a perfect example of that during the NFL controversy. The American flag is a symbol of American values, and the freedom of expression is the very FIRST Amendment of the United States Constitution. And as a former United States Marine I can tell you for a fact that the Marines who died for this country didn’t die for either a piece of cloth, a song, or the opinion of a cowardly draft dodger like Donald Trump. They died for what that beautiful  piece of cloth represents - the right for Colin Kaepernick to do exactly what he did. Without that right both the American flag, and the National Anthem, would be totally meaningless. But many conservatives don’t possess the intellect to see that.
As a result, Donald Trump has convinced his mindless conservative minions that it's wrong and unpatriotic to exercise the rights guaranteed under the Constitution. For them, while it's fine to brag about the rights guaranteed under the Constitution - especially the right to be armed to the teeth with assault weapons in public - it's grossly disrespectful to the flag to actually demand their rights guaranteed under the Constitution, unless those rights are fully consistent with Donald Trump's personal interests, and the blind promotion of the conservative agenda - and his mindless minions obediently follow his lead. So the fact is, those who follow Draft-Dodging Donnie and who are jumping up and down about patriotism and how the flag is being disrespected, these are the people who are actually disrespecting our flag and the troops, not Colin Kaepernick.
These people are trivializing the very values for which our Troops gave their lives. They’re allowing a draft-dodging coward like Trump to manipulate them into promoting bigotry and stupidity in an attempt to tear this nation apart, and thereby, escape the consequences of his own criminality.  So to allow themselves to become complicit in that effort is what’s actually un-American, and it takes a complete idiot not to see that.


With regard to the recent spate of domestic terrorism that has been overtaking the country of late, Trump claims that it's not due to his hateful rhetoric, but the unfairness of the press in asking about it. Well, ABC news did a little research into the matter, and here's what they found:

So if all of this sounds far-fetched, according to a 1990 Vanity Fair interview, Ivana Trump once told her lawyer, Michael Kennedy, that Donald Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches near his bed - and as we all know, Trump doesn’t like to read, yet, he found the inspiration to read Hitler. Thus, as has been repeatedly stated, when fascism comes to America it will come wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross, and considering that over 81% of White Evangelicals "Christians" support Trump's criminality, that seems to be exactly what is happening.
So yes, it can happen here, and let there be no doubt about it, anyone who supports Donald Trump is the domestic enemy of the United States. So as a former Marine, I'm grievously insulted by any Trump supporter who calls themselves a patriot - it's a contradiction in terms on its face - and the Founding Fathers must be absolutely spinning in their graves.

Eric L. Wattree
Religion: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.