Wednesday, March 31, 2021


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree 




My friend Eric claims that he is “beneath the spin.” Sadly, he is so far into the spin that he does not even see reality anymore. As for me, where to even begin? I usually write things that are endlessly long, but I will keep this as short as possible.


Right out front, it should be obvious to the reader that sadly, Eric hates President Trump and he openly admits that to me. I admire his candor. I always did. Sadly, hate blinds one to the facts they do not wish to see, and it creates an inability to truly think clearly. Hatred makes us fail as human beings.


With that in mind, let’s just start off with two simple quotes to get off on the right foot. By the way, in a phone conversation, I asked Eric what good things President Trump has done. His response was that he accomplished nothing. Really? Is this a joke? Do me a favor, if you believe that nonsense, please stop reading this and go watch cartoons because there is nothing in this article you want to hear. 

•“Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in the world, but has not solved one yet.” ― Maya Angelou 

•“Let no man pull you so low as to hate him.” ― Martin Luther King Jr., A Knock at Midnight: Inspiration from the Great Sermons of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Now that we have addressed Mr. Wattree’s primary problem, let’s move on. First a few thoughts on President Trump. The only reason that President Trump ran for office was because he watched Barak Obama and Joe Biden spend eight years doing almost nothing. 

Just a few words on Obama and Biden first to set the table here. I will be very short here as this communication is NOT about either of them. Relating to Obama, I saw him as largely useless. He is a man who wanted to be President of the world as opposed to President of the United States. That might be a great role for him to play but that is not the job for which he was hired. He bowed to every tin hat dictator he met and seemed very sorry that he only had one hat to take off at a time to beg forgiveness and apologize for everything and anything that the United States might have ever done. Once again, not his job. 

Now let’s move to Biden.  


I have no gripe with Biden as he is in the early stages of some form of dementia, and this is sad. He is confused and is slowly losing touch with reality. (No research necessary here. Watch the press conference of a few days ago. Watch it and use your brain. I would not let that man watch my kids let alone a country. It is terrifying). This is sad but not nearly as sad as the evil pols on the left who stole the election in endless ways and put this poor guy with a mangled brain in the Oval Office.


Now let’s talk about the old Joe Biden before dementia. He has always been a classic American politician. He kisses babies, tells people what they want to hear and lies to the rest. Please don’t take my word for it, take a look here. "Things have changed" : can Biden overcome the racist legacy of the crime bill he backed?" 

Yes, let me fill you in on a fact that you might not like. Biden is a racist. Always has been. 


If you do not believe me, please find, on YouTube, and try not to be offended by the number of times he uses the word “Nigger.” I am deeply offended by this and I am a white guy. This clown is the President? This is a joke, right? (Don’t even get me started on Harris. She is useless and furthermore, she loves putting blacks in jail. Look at her record). This woman is not a friend to the black community. Never was but she will say anything to achieve power. 
One last thought on the left. They are not friends of the black community. They have run the cities folks live in for 40 years and nothing has changed. How does ANYONE, rehire a man who has failed so miserably to affect any change in the black community. Really get serious here. 

Now, let’s get to the meat of the matter. President Trump. 

I am not here to debate Mr. Wattree on his viewpoints. They belong to him and it is not my job to take them away. On the other hand, his statements are so bizarre, so out there, that I read them, and I just giggle at times. Let’s take my favorite; President Trump is a Russian agent. That bears repeating.  

•President Trump is a Russian Agent.


Let me start by saying that I see President Trump as a very flawed man. He is curt, does not listen and is VERY rough around the edges. But a Russian asset? Really now, Russia, as wonderful as the people there might be, are no longer contenders. It is just the US and China. Russia does not matter. They have not mattered for decades. Doubt me? Research their economy and see what life is like over there. 

Continuing along, as far as being a Russian agent, let me see if I understand all of this. A billionaire several times over, and one of the most successful and powerful men in the world, decides to be a Russian agent? Why at 70 years old, does he do this? Really, are you serious? Has he known Putin for decades? Yes. When you are a private citizen and that powerful, you make it your business to know everyone. Has he had business dealings with the Russians? Yes, of course as he has done business with many foreign governments, Russia included when he was a private citizen. I would have done the same as we are both capitalists.  


My problem here is not Mr. Wateree’s accusations and delusions. My problem is with his sources because they are worthless. Let me just list three real fast as he seems to have a gift from getting information from organizations that are losers and can’t be trusted because they are part of the media hatred of President Trump.


1.CNN (Really now, stop reading if you still fail to understand that CNN is in the left’s pocket. Matter of fact, look at their numbers since about 2018. They are dying because they lie).


2.Joe Scarborough (Little to say here. Perhaps the dumbest news guy who ever lived. A walking embarrassment.) 

3.FBI and the CIA. Both organizations weaponized under Obama and as such, are worthless. Doubt me? Read it and weep. My problem is that I fail to understand how a smart guy, I mean a REALLY smart guy, probably smarter than I am, eats these lies up like candy and calls them fact. Honestly, he is too smart for that and I intend to save him. 

Let’s close with a simple picture that was sent to me by Mr. Wattree and discuss his grips one by one. 

•A billionaire without seeing his taxes. (No one shares this information. It is very private. I would not share it either). 

•A “genius” if they hide their college grades. (Who said that he is a genius)? Not me.


•“A great businessman if they bankrupted casinos” I am unaware if Mr. Wattree has any real business experience but bankruptcy is a PART of doing business. I would have done exactly the same thing. 


•“A philanthropist if their charity was shut down” (Is he saying that President Trump’s only charitable work was done through this one charity? If so, how does he knows that? Surely, not from his research. 

•“A Patriot if he dodged the draft.” I fail to even understand this. Draft dodging is not legal. If he committed a crime here, bring him to trial or remain quiet.  


•“A Christian if they do not go to church). Once again, I have no clue how Eric knows this. As an aside, MANY Christians do not go to church for endless reasons. Is that not their right?) Does Mr. Wateree get to decide who is a Christian? How often do YOU go to church?


•“An innocent man if they refused to testify.” This is well within his legal rights. This is a freedom we are all afforded as American citizens. I fail to see the problem here.  


Bottom line here is simple. President Trump exposed the evil of American government, the sloppy greed and cronyism. You need look no further than Bidens son who is a lowlife of STUNNING proportions. He exposed the endless swamp that live off of your tax dollars. He showed the criminality and weaponization in almost every significant government agency and the left does not like that. He embarrassed them, put America FIRST, and for that they will hate him forever. I guess that is the essence. As a President, if you do not put us first, you do not get my support. 

As for me, I am coming to believe that the left has stolen its last election in a long time. They have lied, embezzled and cheated for decades. They are terrified of 2024 and they should be. BIG change coming. 




Howard, you've got to be kidding! I'm going to post this as promised, but now I understand why you're so gullible. You're a deeply flawed and superficial thinker, my friend - especially for a writer and author.  


What you sent me wasn't a reasoned statement of facts, it's was a mindlessly emotional rant. You’ve simply taken a long list of Fox News talking points, strung them together, and left them dangling in outer space without a shred of substantiation. Seasoned writers learned in 6th grade English that WHENEVER they make an assertion, they should start backing it up with facts in the very next sentence, or no later than the following paragraph. But you completely ignored that rule. Thus, what you've presented here is nothing more than a trough filled with unsubstantiated opinions.
And further, you quoted Maya Angelou and Rev. Martin Luther King as though quoting their words would influence my opinion. But all you've managed to do is insult my intelligence with such a tired and transparent tactic. It completely escapes me how you could fail to recognize that it's a racist assumption to think you can get through to me through quoting Black icons. All Black people don't think alike, so I find your attempt to use the words of King to try to influence my thinking as not only racist and condescending, but grievously insulting. Do all White people think alike? I don't think so, so what makes you think that Black people are any different? People think with their minds, not their pigmentation - at least I do.
While I have much respect for the accomplishments of both Ms. Angelou, and Rev. King, I don’t allow them to do my thinking for me. I view their opinions as just that – opinions, and nothing more. I don't give anyone's ability to think priority over my own. It doesn't matter to me whether they're Black or White, or if it's Martin Luther King, Maya Angelou, or Malcolm X. Martin had his opinions and I have mine, and I have no reason to believe that the opinions of such people, as illustrious as they are, are any more valid than my own. 
No matter how much I admire a person, I NEVER Allow anyone else to speak for me. I learned to avoid that pitfall in college when various professors used to try to fuse their personal opinions in with the facts. So I learned to consume what they had to offer, but I ALWAYS researched what they had to say, and then connected the dots for myself. All I was interested in was the facts they had to offer, not their opinions.
That's exactly why I view your blind acceptance of the conservative party line a flaw in your thinking. That's undoubtedly why you're a conservative in the first place, because you've never stopped to consider the nonsense you've allowed yourself to consume. You've clearly demonstrated that you fail to scrutinize the words of people you admire. You simply take their words at face value. That presents a serious obstacle to your ability to objectively assess reality - especially when it comes to Donald Trump, because if there’s anything he’s renowned for, it’s lying. In fact, the Capitol insurrection was the direct result of one of his lies – a lie I’ve personally heard you repeat on several occasions. Thus, that renders both your credibility, and judgment, highly suspect. With every comment that you make, one has to wonder if it's your own considered opinion, or are you simply regurgitating something you heard on Fox News.
I've heard you complain about "the election fraud" on several occasions, for example. Yet, you had no evidence of fraud whatsoever, other than Trump's word that the election had been stolen from him - and you insisted on holding on to that myth in spite of the fact that Trump's claim has been thrown out of court over 60 (SIXTY!) times.
And the logical flaw in your thinking can be easily demonstrated. Now that Trump's former attorney is being sued by Dominion Voting Systems for $1.3 billion, Sidney Powell - the attorney who Trump wanted to put in charge of investigating the thoroughly debunked “election fraud”-  has now admitted in court that it was a lieSo what does that say about your ability to assess reality, Howard?
Law & Crime reported, “Facing more than $1.3 billion in liabilities over her post-election conspiracy theories, lawyer Sidney Powell told a judge that the defamation lawsuit Dominion Voting Systems filed against her earlier this year should be dismissed because ‘no reasonable person’ could believe that her well-publicized comments about an international plot against former President Donald Trump were “statements of fact.” In other words, she's basing her entire defense on the fact that the people who believed Trump's claims of election fraud had to be stupid. So why should anyone believe anything you say without the most rigorous substantiation?  
But I don’t know why I’m surprised, because that’s exactly what your hero does. Trump specializes in making wild and outrageous comments without ever bothering to back them up, which seems to be a conservative trait. That accounts for why most conservatives tend to be anti-intellectual, and why educated people don’t take conservatives seriously.
Logical thought is the enemy of conservative philosophy. For that reason, most conservatives have a hostility towards logical thought and consider it 'elitist'. They're forced to take that opinion because logic is inconsistent with their distorted view of reality.  As a direct result, most of conservatives tend to be recklessly inefficient thinkers. They tend to specialize in bitchin’, whining, and conjuring up wild conspiracy theories, and then try to pass them off as facts.
I mean, what kind of twisted thinking does it take to turn the need to wear a mask during a pandemic a civil rights issue? According to the twisted logic of conservatives, they have a RIGHT to go around spreading a deadly disease to others. Just think about that. God placed us here on Earth naked, and I may have a yearning to feel the wind against my balls, but does that give me the RIGHT to walk around nude? No it doesn't.
If conservatives were the least bit logical they'd recognize that we routinely sacrifice individual rights for the benefit of society. Many in society may not want to see my balls, so it becomes necessary for me to sacrifice my desires for the greater good. But conservatives don't understand that, because they tend to be illogical. Much like Donald Trump, they think everything in life should bend to their comfort. That's why they're so dedicated to Trump, because they suffer from the exact same delusions. That's also why it takes people who share their world of delusion to even begin to take them seriously.
Conservatives are like petulant children, always bitchin', moanin', and complainin'. But there's a reason for that. Demographics predict that White people are about to become a minority in America. So now that their numbers will no longer give them an advantage, they no longer have any use for democracy. That makes conservatives dangerous, and the domestic enemy of the American people. Is that you, Howard? I don't think it is. 
Yet, THIS is what you claimed I should be shaking in my boots over? REALLY!!!? If this is the best you can do, it's no wonder conservatives feel so threatened by others. Based on what you've written, you have much to be concerned about, because there's a group of Black and Brown young people coming up today who are not gonna tolerate your mindless bullshit for a minute. It's no longer good enough to simply be White to have a leg up in society. In today's world you're gonna have to be knowledgeable, competitive. and bring something of value to the table to prove how special you are.  
So as I see it, the flaw in your thinking is you tend to take conservative talking points at face value without giving it any thought, scrutiny, or contemplation. Instead of following truth wherever it leads, you're trying to contort truth into a configuration that conforms to what you want to believe. There's a word for that - delusional. You remind me of the people who drank Lysol because Trump suggested it as a possible cure for Covid-19. You're much too intelligent to embrace that kind of thinking. I don't even believe you're a true conservative. If you were, it would have been impossible for us to become friends. You're a victim of conservatism.
Now, I don't want to imply that you’re an ignorant man; again, I think you’re very intelligent. That’s one of the reasons I like you, in spite of your politics. But you’re undoubtedly hopelessly brainwashed. So, let this "lowly" Black man give you an education in efficient thinking, and teach you the difference between validated facts and manipulative lies. There's a big difference between the two, and with just a little bit of thought and objectivity I'm confident that you have the intellectual acuity to recognize the difference. Just click on the link at the bottom of this page, and take note of the difference between our two statements - one, a string of unsubstantiated talking points, and the other, truth validated by facts.  




The hate crimes against Asian-Americans are directly attributable to Donald J. Trump, and it's as un-American as un-Americanism can get. It clearly demonstrates the danger of allowing a self-serving sociopath to run loose in a society filled with weak-minded and unthinking followers. But what his blind followers, like yourself, fail to realize is, Trump doesn’t even like you. You're just mindless tools to help him promote his own personal agenda. He just had to repay $122.7 million to supporters like yourself that he bilked out of campaign donations.
According to a New York Times report, Trump emailed campaign donation forms to his supporters with a prechecked box that made what they thought was a one-time donation, recurring. So if a supporter thought they were making a one-time donation of a hundred dollars, their credit card was charged a recurring donation of a hundred dollars a week. You don't do that to people you respect. Donald Trump is a pimp, and you're his hoes. It's as simple as that.

Trump Campaign Reportedly Forced To Refund More Than $122 Million To Donors (   


Further evidence of Trump's attitude towards his supporters is what he said about them after he began to get negative blowback after the Capitol insurrection. In order to save himself, he said, "The demonstrators who infiltrated the Capitol have defiled the seat of American democracy. To those who engaged in the acts of violence and destruction, you do not represent our country. And to those who broke the law, you will pay."
So Trump threw his own followers under the bus - and that's in spite of the fact that he spent weeks riling them into a state of insurrection. And thereafter, he left them to rot in jail, while he went out of his way to pardoned his bigshot cronies. What a self-serving creep! That's why I told you I hated his guts - because he's the kind of person who would throw his mother under the bus to save his own ass.


So the fact is, Trump is the one who's defiling American democracy by attacking every democratic institution that doesn't dance to his music. From Trump's point of view, anyone who places the Constitution before "The Donald" is committing an unforgivable act of treachery. That's why he fired former FBI Director Comey, because Comey refused to pledge his allegiance to Trump. Donald has to operate in that manner, because a crime boss can't afford to have people around him that respects the rule of law.


In addition, Trump has normalized hatred in order to promote his own self-serving agenda. And for exactly that reason, it's incumbent upon us to send his ass to prison - FOR LIFE. 
So again, Howard, click on the link at the bottom of this piece and observe how to make a point and reinforce it with facts. Pay special attention to substantiation, and take note of the difference between our two statements. I fully substantiate every assertion I make, while you, on the other hand, are merely spewing 
conservative talking points that anyone can hear on Fox News on a daily basis.


You said, for example: 

"I have no gripe with Biden as he is in the early stages of some form of dementia, and this is sad. He is confused and is slowly losing touch with reality. (No research necessary here. Watch the press conference of a few days ago. Watch it and use your brain. I would not let that man watch my kids let alone a country. It is terrifying)."
What evidence do you have that Biden "
is in the early stages of some form of dementia?" Absolutely none. So, again, please click on the link below and learn not only how to substantiate a claim, but how to think efficiently. Any clear-thinking person would immediately recognize that in his response to the pandemic alone, President Biden has done more for the nation in two months than Trump did in four years. In fact, the only thing Trump did in the four years he was in office - other than alienate our allies, suck up to Putin, play golf, and embarrass America - was give the rich, and himself, a windfall tax cut. 


Eric L. Wattree 
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA) 
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.