Sunday, June 29, 2014

Boyce Watkins - and the Idiocy of Black Conservatism

Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree
Boyce Watkins - and the Idiocy of Black Conservatism
As a rule of thumb, I try not to ever generalize, or make broad unmitigated statements that don’t provide me some wiggle room to accommodate the inevitable exceptions to my assertions. I only allow myself one exception to that rule, and that’s when it comes to Black conservatives. Because the truth is truth, and the fact is, I have never met a Black conservative who wasn’t either an idiot, or of severely flawed character, i.e., Allen West: Religious coexistence "would give away our country": Herman Cain: "I’m a brother from another mother"; and now Boyce Watkins: "A lot of mothers don't know their kids are being abused by their [Black] boyfriends while they're at work."
But it’s not just statements like the ones above that betray the ignorance of those who profess to be Black conservatives, they’re betrayed by their very mind-set. Since the definition of the word "Conservative" is "A person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes," for me, any Black person who embraces a philosophy that promotes holding on to "traditional values and attitudes in America," is an idiot by definition. Now, let us take a look at that idiocy at work.
Boyce Watkins:
"Dr. Umar Johnson engages in the bold task of trying to raise $5 million dollars for an all-boy's school and a black feminist writer at Madamenoire tries to destroy him for his conservative position on homosexuality. I just wonder if anyone thinks that, perhaps, you can disagree with a person without trying to discredit everything they've worked for. So, thousands of boys shouldn't get a school because people want to nitpick at the founder? If they'd done that to their liberal hero Bill Clinton, he never would have gotten anything done."
We want our children EDUCATED, not indoctrinated, and we want them to learn HOW to think, not WHAT to think. But for some reason that’s seems to be a foreign and unacceptable concept to many conservatives. For some reason many conservatives tend to feel honor-bound to propagate their conservative views, and shove their regressive view of reality down the throat of the rest of America. If they don’t like gays, it’s not enough for them to simply stay out of the company of gay people, they tend to have an authoritarian obsession with preventing gay people from even "liking" one another.
But of course, many conservatives would take the position that liberals also try to shove their views down the throat of America. They’ll often bring up the fact that the teaching of evolution over creationism in our schools constitute the propagation of liberal views. No it is not. That’s a grossly invalid argument. Evolution is science, while creationism is religion - period.
Then,Watkins goes on to say - and this is where the narrow-minded delusions of conservatism is really revealed:
"Dr. Johnson has made the note worthy point that a large percentage of homosexuality in the black community has come out of mass incarceration as well as child abuse occurring in primarily single parent households (a police officer friend of mine worked in the crimes against children unit and explained that a lot of mothers don't know their kids are being abused by their boyfriends while they're at work). So, the black relationship with homosexuality is not the same as that of whites. It doesn't mean that there isn't room for constructive dialogue about gay rights, but I'm concerned about this idea that any black person who isn't in lockstep with the Obama Administration's aggressive push on the gay agenda is somehow an ignorant bigot.

"There are those who have different opinions, and they should not be terrorized for having them. Constructive debate is fine, but it shouldn't devolve into some kind of modern day McCarthyism."

That is the most backward-thinking and bigoted comment that I have ever heard coming out of ANYONE’S mouth, and to hear it coming from the mouth of one Black man, and then signed off on by another, is absolutely disgusting. It not only conflates being gay with pedophilia, but it also suggests that Black men are more prone to be pedophiles than the rest of the population. In addition, in spite of the fact that both men profess to be learned Black scholars, neither offers even one shred of credible evidence to substantiate their outrageously bigoted assertions.
There are several disturbing assumptions here that betray why Boyce Watkins tend to lean conservative - covertly, of course: 1). Gays tend to be perverts and child molesters. 2). Black men can't be trusted.  3). Black men tend to lay around the house molesting children while their women are out in the world working to support them, and 4). White men are different and more trustworthy than Black men. It's this kind of thinking that causes the vast majority of the Black community to look upon Black conservatives with such disdain - Black conservative "bligots" tend to look down upon their own people. And unfortunately, much of this delusional thinking comes directly out of some of our own churches.
"Researchers concluded that the risk of child sexual abuse by an identifiably gay or lesbian person was between zero and 3.1%, and that the risk of such abuse by the heterosexual partner of a relative was over 100 times greater."  Thus, being either Black are gay does NOT predispose a person to being a child molester. In fact, the chances are 100 times greater that a child molester will be "straight."
Both of these gentlemen are an embarrassment to Black scholarship. And since they both possess PhDs, the very fact that they can represent themselves as scholars is an indictment against this nation’s educational system.
Even though I’m not gay, I learned as early as the sixth grade that being gay is not some sort of psychological disorder that you can "come down with"; it’s merely a sexual predisposition. I also learned that the only difference between myself and a person who is gay is that gay people are attracted to the same sex. That's it - and maybe the fact that gays tend to be a little neater than myself. But even in the first grade, and before I even knew what homosexuality was, I recognized that I had a classmate who acted more like a little girl than he did a boy - and it wasn’t because he was corrupted - he was BORN that way. Even as a child that was obvious to me.  A child that age doesn't become effeminate because he was molested. That was his NATURE, or for the religious among us, God made him that way. So who are we to second-guess God?
Research on Homosexual Versus Heterosexual Pedophilia
"In 1988, renowned sex researcher Kurt Freund at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry in Toronto studied two groups of paid volunteers and found that gay men responded no more to male child stimuli than heterosexual men responded to female child stimuli.[6] He later described as a "myth" the notion that gay men are more likely than straight men to be child molesters.[7]
"In 1992, alarmed over claims made during a campaign for an anti-gay state constitutional amendment in Colorado, two physicians reviewed every case of suspected child molestation evaluated at Children's Hospital in Denver over a one-year period. Of the 269 cases determined to involve molestation by an adult, only two of the perpetrators could be identified as gay or lesbian. The researchers concluded that the risk of child sexual abuse by an identifiably gay or lesbian person was between zero and 3.1%, and that the risk of such abuse by the heterosexual partner of a relative was over 100 times greater."[8]
It took about five minutes of eighth grade scholarship to get the above information, so did it escape Dr. Boyce Watkins - "the people's scholar"?
Finally, Watkins says:
"If Dr. Johnson were a rapper or athlete spitting out ridiculous nonsense, he would be everybody's favorite negro. But when he tells black men to empower themselves, he's suddenly a threat. Get out of my face with that crap. You can disagree with the man without undermining his right to educate black boys. Ironically, if he were a gay man, he'd have his five million dollars
Boyce Watkins, you’ve clearly demonstrated that neither of you are qualified to educate either Black boys, or anyone else, for that matter. In fact, what you’ve actually demonstrated, conclusively, in this incredibly regressive and uninformed exercise in backward thinking, is that you and Dr. Umar Johnson are both, in dire NEED of an education, in both, efficient thinking, and scholarly research.
Now, THIS is a Psychological Disorder - Black Conservatism

"George Zimmerman's Father Isn't White - He's Baptist!!!?"

Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.