Monday, October 06, 2014

This is the Way We Should Teach Our Kids to Fight Back - With Their Minds


The Return of Professor Henschel - For yet, Another Whoppin’

Onofre Gutierrez Jr.:
Lol a blog? NIGGGGGA PLEEEASE!!!! Just another Google search. Your post is just as unreliable than MessNBC.
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Cathleen Connolly:
Onofre your comment reveals your true character--you are the perfect model of the RW extremist..
Like · Reply · 52 mins

Claude Henschel:
Showing gratitude
So as not to appear to be ungrateful, I have to give THANKS to the kenyan muslim in the White House, for allowing the illegal immigrants from Mexico and Central America, and the visitors from West Africa, to bring gifts to the US of A, e.g., entero-virus and ebola.
Like · Reply · 2 hrs
Eric L. Wattree:
@Onofre, @Claude:
Just the caliber of response that I would expect from the intellectually challenged. Claude, I've dealt with you before. You KNOW you're not my intellectual equal, so I'm surprised you'd even want to comment. Because as you know, I just LIVE to demonstrate to bigots that they're intellectually inferior to this coon. It makes my life worthwhile.
Oh, and Onofre, you can call me what you like, but it won't change that fact. Did you really expect me to be devastated because you called me a nigga? I'm a hood rat too.
Scientific Study: Conservatives and Lower IQ
Do Racism, Conservatism, and Low I.Q. Go Hand in Hand?
Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right-wing ideology.
Published on April 22, 2013 by Goal Auzeen Saedi, Ph.D. in Millennial Media
Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice
Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior Writer | January 26, 2012 10:29am ET
Do Racism, Conservatism, and Low I.Q. Go Hand in Hand?
Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice...
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Claude Henschel:
None of those biased studies will beat the data published in the "Bell Curve".............Here from a Yale study......... TEA PARTY AND SMARTS
38Yale Study: Tea Partiers Rank Highest In Scientific Knowledge
October 17, 2013 by B. Christopher Agee
After years of being lambasted by the left as uneducated rubes, a recent study by a Yale law professor proves that members of the Tea Party are actually more likely to understand scientific issues than the rest of the population.
As progressives declare the debate on such issues as global warming and evolution over, it now seems that they could learn a few things from the oft-maligned grassroots organization.
Displaying a respectable level of honesty, Dan Kahan admitted that he expected a completely different result.
Noting he "found this result surprising," the professor said he assumed that he would "be shown a modest negative correlation between identifying with the Tea Party and science comprehension."
He concluded that the scope of his study was sufficient to indicate a wider trend, a fact that must give the perpetually supercilious left a collective migraine.
Like · 1 hr
Claude Henschel:
Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (A Free Press Paperbacks Book) [Kindle Edition]
Richard J. Herrnstein (Author), Charles Murray (Author)
Like · 1 hr
Eric L. Wattree:
Professor Henschel,
I'm not going to even debate this issue with you, because the above study is an OBJECTIVE scientific study, while conservatives have a pronounced propensity to dig up conservative hacks to spew the party line, just like you'll go out and dig up the one Black idiot that's willing to say that it wasn't your fault for being FORCED to lynch Black people - you were simply trying to maintain an orderly way of life. You can ALWAYS find an idiot for the right price.
But with regard to intelligence, consider this. The chances are, EVERY ONE of your Black colleagues are probably intellectually superior to you as attested to by the simple fact that they're your colleagues. You see, they had to compete with you in a marathon where you were spotted 100 yards, and they had to compete in lead boots. Nevertheless, they are in the very same position in life that you are.
And with respect to our personal level of intelligence, I think our many interactions say it all - "I even wrote a song about it" - Don't worry about it, that's an allusion that you're probably ignorant of. It points out the impact that culture has on what you know and what you don't know. But simply because, in all likelihood, you probably know absolutely nothing about the phrase that I alluded to, that says nothing about you're level of intelligence. But the fact that you don't seem to realize that speaks volumes.
In short, I could play with your mind ALL day long, and only use 30 brain cells - and I know you know it. So I suggest that you climb back under your rock before I REALLY decide to reveal your shortcomings in this public forum - and I'm just going to say this once.
Claude Henschel :
Pretty obvious that you have not read the "Bell Curve", and based on the hot air you are spewing, even if you tried to read it, you would dismiss it with some sort of "RACISM' excuse. As for my colleagues, a few have gotten to where they are, following the path of the clown in the WH, i.e., affirmative action
Like · 17 mins
Eric L. Wattree
Professor Henschel,
English 101 dictates that whenever you make an assertion that you
start documenting it in the following sentence, or no later than the
following paragraph. So please document your assertion that Barack Obama
got through school with the aid of Affirmative Action. I know it will be coming shortly, so I want to thank you in advance.
Like · 40 mins
Claude Henschel:
Nobody gets through school via affirmative action[.] [H]e got into
Columbia via that path. People who have nothing to hide, don't have to
hide their records. Meantime, I hope you enjoy reading the Bell Curve
Like · 36 mins
Eric L. Wattree:
Professor Henschel,
You're obviously accustomed to dealing with people of your own
pedestrian mentality. I didn't ask for obfuscation, I asked for
documentation. Where is it?
Like · 16 mins
Claude Henschel:
Any progress on the "Bell Curve"????? Really not that hard to read!!
Like · 9 mins
Eric L. Wattree:
In other words, you have no documentation. You're just another
conservative gasbag, manufacturing factoids to promote a contrived and
fictional reality that brings you comfort. Why didn't you say that in the
first place? It could have saved us a lot of time.
I warned you to get out while you could still walk away with a little
dignity, didn't I? But I want to leave you with one question. Do you
think it was affirmation action that just dragged your ass through the
Claude Henschel:
LMFAO-----afraid to read the Bell Curve. Of course, it is brutally honest !!!!
Like · Reply · 6 hrs
Eric L. Wattree:
Are you sure you want to get started again? It's fine with me. I don't have a thing to do, and I can use some more material.
Like · 6 hrs · Edited
Claude Henschel:
If the science in the book is giving you trouble---here is a short synopsis.............The Bell Curve contains not only a body of psychometric data and inferences but also an analysis of what the authors refer to as the rise of a low-I.Q. “cognitive underclass,” disproportionately non-white, low-income, violence-prone, and with a high birth rate. Herrnstein and Murray estimated that the mean I.Q. of incarcerated offenders is about ten points below the general population mean. They went on to explore the policy implications of the rapid growth of the cognitive underclass.
Like · 6 hrs
Eric L. Wattree:
You were so big on this book - "The Bell Curve"- in response to your repeated urging I decided to do a little research to see what you were so excited about, and it turned out to be just what I expected - a book filled with unwarranted assumptions, and tending to support the White conservative's psychotic desperation to feel special.
I found the content to be pure racist drivel, and completely in line with what many rabid conservatives would desperately like to believe. But it’s based on pure speculation and assumes many so-called facts that cannot be objectively and/or scientifically proven.
The first and most obvious assumption is that IQ can be measured. There is no evidence to demonstrate that. There is absolutely no substantiating evidence to prove that what we refer to as “IQ tests" measures anything other than an individual’s ability to take a test. There are many in this society who suffer from a condition called “Test Taker’s Anxiety,” where just the pressure of having to take a test causes them to perform poorly. Thus, unless everyone who suffers from this condition has a low IQ, that alone is prima facie evidence that the test is invalid.
Then there’s the time factor inherent in such tests. What evidence can you present that people who think faster, think more efficiently? How can one discount the possibility that the more intelligent a person is, the more options and possibilities he or she takes into account in answering a question, and therefore, the more time it takes for them to complete a test. In such a case, the time element involved in an IQ test would not only invalidate such a person’s score, but the person’s intelligence would actually work against them.
Another unwarranted assumption is that IQ is immutable, and remains constant throughout ones life. There's no scientific evidence of that either. There is the possibility, however, that one’s IQ rises to accommodate one’s growing interests. There’s also the possibility that one’s cognitive abilities are elevated with practice - the more one engages in cognitive activities, the more efficient they become as thinkers.
And then there’s the element of self-concept - the “you are what you think” factor. Pure common sense suggests that one’s expectations may have a profound effect on the results of any endeavor that one engages in. In fact, all of the available evidence suggest that is indeed the case. That's why athletes hype themselves up before a game.
So until these factors are separated out. and we have solid, scientific, and verifiable answers to these questions, books like “The Bell Curve” are nothing more than the unsubstantiated opinion of the author - or in the case of this particular book, a deep seated agenda in search of validation. You're suppose to be bright; you should have recognized these issues immediately.
Claude Henschel:
Eric---While your response is both lengthy and wordy, it is short of supporting evidence. This is a common approach of persons with only superficial knowledge and understanding of a subject!
So, not to make this response too lengthy, let me start by simplifying your post. The post centers on the hypothesis that I Q tests are flawed. You would be hard pressed to find anyone that would argue with that assertion.
The fact that the test is flawed, has not kept the test from being used by many institutions, e.g., US Armed Forces, US Universities (SAT, GRE, etc.) as a tool to help predict potential success of the applicants. Here is one of thousands of such studies-------
The reason I chose this study is that it also, points out the racial aspects of IQ test results, as found in the book, “THE BELL CURVE”.
Group Avg. IQ Spatial Verbal
Ashkenazi Jews 1101-1181 982-1053 1172-1253
East Asian 1004-1064 1105 975
Caucasian 1004
World est. 906
African American 854
African 60-806
1. Bachman (1970), Vincent (1966), Brill (1936),
2. Levinson (1960)
3. Levinson (1958), on yeshiva students For an interesting paper on Ashkenazi IQ, see
4. Lynn (1991) [1] (
5. Vernon (1982)
6. IQ and the Wealth of Nations
Here are some other sections from the same study, that address some of your claims of the variability of cognitive skills, relative to aging, etc.
“Furthermore, IQ scores tend to stabilize around age eight and are resistant to moving around much thereafter, in keeping with a relatively fixed level of innate intellectual capacity. And studies of twins and adoptees offer substantial evidence that this capacity has a strong genetic component. The scores of twins (who are genetically identical, more or less) are much more highly correlated than those of regular siblings (who share only about half the same genes). Meanwhile, the scores of regular siblings are in turn much more highly correlated than the scores of adopted and biological children raised together.
IQ scores clearly tell us something of genuine importance. They are a reasonably good predictor not only of performance in the classroom but of income, health, and other important life outcomes.
The claim that a significant portion of the racial IQ gap has an ultimately genetic origin have been advanced by several psychologists, including Arthur Jensen, J. Philippe Rushton and Richard Lynn. The American Psychological Association in a 1996 report stated that the US racial IQ gap was not the result of bias in the content or administration of tests, nor simply reflect differences in socio-economic status, but that no adequate explanation of it had so far been given.”
So, there is a wealth of data in the literature to invalidate much of what you write, however, my intent is not to demonstrate what a ‘BLOW HARD” you are, but to point out that the analysis of IQ results with respect to gender, age, race, etc. is valid, and as reported in the book, is VALID.
Like · 1 hr
Eric L. Wattree:
My responses are lengthy because I'm thorough, and I believe in substantiating what I say, as oppose to just giving a list of the names of people who agree with me. But with respect to your post:
You start from the very outset with a flawed perspective of our relative positions in this discussion, which goes a long way toward clearly demonstrating that you’re far less than objective and have a vested interest in embracing this contrived and racist “THEORY.” You say, “While your response is both lengthy and wordy, it is short of supporting evidence.” As an academic, you should be one of the first to recognize that as the one who is proposing this unproven theory, YOU’RE the one who has to substantiate your position, not I. Thus it is completely ironic that as one who is including himself among those who are intellectually superior, you’ve ALSO repeatedly been the one guilty of flawed thinking.
You say, for example, “IQ scores tend to stabilize around age eight and are resistant to moving around much thereafter, in keeping with a relatively fixed level of innate intellectual capacity.” Prove that, and not with merely a list of names of people who “tend” to embrace your position. I don’t want to see “influential” names, I want to see EVIDENCE.
You also indicate that “They [IQ scores] are a reasonably good predictor not only of performance in the classroom but of income, health, and other important life outcomes.” That’s interesting. Let’s take those one at a time. You say, according to various studies IQ scores are a “reasonably good” (that’s an ass-coverer if I’ve ever seen one) good predictor of income. How does that correlate with the study that shows that a White felon has about an equal chance of being hired for a job as a Black man with a clean record (
If we extend the logic inherent in your study, we must assume that - even though your “studies” also assert that IQ is a valid “predictor” of an inclination toward criminality - that your White felon worker has a higher IQ than the Black man, who is without a criminal record, due to the fact that the felon has a higher income. That’s a direct contradiction.
Now let’s take a look at performance in the classroom. Does your study take into account, or even recognize, the fact that many Black people tend to play-down their intelligence because, due to the Black cultural experience, revealing your intelligence is often perceived as “trying to act White,” and frowned upon? Black people take their level of intelligence as a given, but they tend not to flaunt it - or as many say, “We keep it on the down-low.” After all, we DID have the intelligence not to vote for George W. Bush in huge numbers, didn’t we?
In my article, A Sensible Response to White Supremacy, I point out the following:
“The root of the problem that we’ve traditionally had in the Black community is our attitude toward knowledge. As a direct result of our history of slavery, we’ve developed a sort of aversion to knowledge. We tend to equate the pursuit of knowledge with selling out. We see knowledge as part of the White man’s domain, so we look upon Black people who have a love of knowledge with disdain, because we see them as "trying to be White."
“The reason for that is simple. During slavery the only Black people we knew who spoke anything close to proper English were the "house niggas," and many house niggas had a tendency to look down their noses at those of us who worked in the field. As a result of that experience, today, even highly intelligent Black people will often try to hide their intelligence, because, ironically, over the years we’ve developed an attitude where many feel that we have a moral obligation to remain ignorant in order to prove that we take pride in being Black. Think about that. Isn't ironic that many of us embrace ignorance as a sign of Black pride? That's why you hear educated young Black people going around saying things like, "What it is?" or "What it be like?" They know that's improper, but they see it as giving credibility to their pride in being Black.
“That’s one of the weapons that’s being used against President Obama by many envious Black intellectuals. They’re trying to convince the Black community of the following:
“‘I’m cool - see my long, wooly Afro, how cool I act, and how I can quote Lil’ Wayne when I’m on stage? I’m one of y’all. I just have enough intelligence to speak the White man’s language, so I’m keeping an eye on him for the people. But that Obama, he’s not like us. He don’t have no Afro, he don’t never quote Lil Wayne, and he’s obviously much too intelligent to be trusted as a genuine Black man ("'
So the obvious question is, if you can't even measure your own intelligence with any degree of certainty, how can you even hope to measure the intelligence of people that you don’t understand - at all?
Finally, you say, “The claim that a significant portion of the racial IQ gap has an ultimately genetic origin have been advanced by several psychologists, including Arthur Jensen, J. Philippe Rushton and Richard Lynn. The American Psychological Association in a 1996 report stated that the US racial IQ gap was not the result of bias in the content or administration of tests, nor simply reflect differences in socio-economic status, but that no adequate explanation of it had so far been given.”
There you go name-dropping again, but I have only two words for you in response - PROVE IT! So far you haven’t proven a thing. All you’ve done is put forward a theory that you want with all of your heart to believe in. But in this case, you have one mighty hurtle to overcome - our own relative levels of intelligence tends to contradict everything that you’ve put forward. And that’s not a theory - that’s a fact.
The Conservative Mentality, As Oppose to Independent Thought
The conservative problem is, they define people in the wrong way. Nature designed birds to fly, fish to swim, and men to think. But due to conservative insecurities, they tend to want to group people according to what color T-shirt they were born in. That allows them to embrace the belief that regardless of their personal limitations, they can take comfort in the fact that they have some sort of innate value just by virtue of the fact that they were born in the "right" color T-shirt.
But liberals recognize that their brothers are those who THINK like they do. Liberals also believe that your value as an individual is based on your personal capabilities. That’s why bigots hate liberals just as much as they do minorities. It stems from their sense of survival. The liberal philosophy is a direct threat to those with limited capabilities, because they know that without their sense of group entitlement, as individuals, they are nothing. That fully accounts for their "angry White man" sensibilities, and their hostility toward anyone who don’t look, think, and act, just like they do.
That also explains the mentality of "Professor" Henschel. With his glaringly limited insight and intellectual capacity, he probably should have been a plumber. On the other hand, there are undoubtedly many plumbers who probably should have been professors. That’s how a bigoted society destroys itself. It tends to squander its natural human resources. Many of the young minds that are being wasted in this country today, could be the very minds that could solve many of the world’s problems tomorrow. Barack Obama is a perfect example of that.  If he hadn’t been able to squeeze through the cracks, this nation, and probably the world, would undoubtedly be in the midst of a second Great Depression at this very moment.
So it's important that we drive this point home to our children. We have to teach them to be self-defining and independent thinkers. Knowledge is free, so they can’t be deprived of it. You have to CHOOSE to be ignorant in today’s world. So regardless to what you are, or what your station in life, never let it retard WHO you are. And in the final analysis, only YOU can define who you are. I was a mailman for 28 years. But while I made my living as a mailman, I never allowed it to make me BECOME one. Delivering mail was merely a job, not a definition.
Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.

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