Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree
Conservatives Claim The GOP 47 Aren't Traitors Because They Didn't Send The Treason Letter By Mail
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Their latest affront to our common sense is in an article written by Deroy Murdock for the National Review. Mr. Murdock say's the following:
"Cotton got 46 other senators to sign this letter in ink. “Because it was an open letter, it was not sent to Tehran but rather posted on Senator Cotton’s website and social-media accounts,” Caroline Rabbitt, Senator Cotton’s communications director, explained to me last week. Cotton & Co. never even dropped an envelope in the mail . . . Agree or disagree with that point, here is the inescapable truth: Tom Cotton and his Senate colleagues never contacted anyone in Iran. That fact alone should turn the Left’s fluttering “GOP = Treason” banner into a wet rag.(
Could this gentleman possibly be serious!!!? Does he REALLY think that the American people are so stupid that we'd buy into as weak an attempt of trying to justify a treasonous act as that - that even though, in this age of mass communication, the Republican 47 posted their treasonous attempt to sabotage an ongoing United States negotiation on an official United States Senate.Gov website that these 47 traitors should be vindicated because they didn't buy a stamp!!!? This simply a variation on one of the weak defenses that's already bombed: "Oh, the letter was only addressed improperly. No big deal. My bad." And there's one other thing. The defense is so disingenuously asinine that implicit within it is the admission that if the letter WOULD have been sent by mail, it indeed WOULD have been treason.
If there hadn't been such an explosive outrage over their treasonous stupidity these 47 senators would be struttin' around like peacocks. For the GOP, life is not about what's proper, it's about what you can get away with - and we DEFINITELY shouldn't let them get away with this, because the next time they'll do something worse. These people are without limits, so they're constantly testing ours.
So if Mr. Murdock truly believes that his latest concoction of a defense is gonna fly, we need to send the DEA over there to the National Review because they've GOT to be on drugs. perhaps someone over there has gotten into Rush Limbaugh's Oxycontin stash.
The Republican 47 didn't avoid sending their treason letter directly to Tehran because they were trying to observe any sort of protocol, or trying to avoid violating the law - they posted it on an official United States Senate.Gov website, and on official United States Senate stationary. In addition, the title makes it abundantly clear who it was addressed to: "AN OPEN LETTER TO THE LEADERS OF THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN." These 47 Republican senators posted their treasonous and ill-conceived letter online for two reasons - first, they wanted to embarrass President Obama; and secondly, in their stupidity, and bad judgment, they thought they were going to get a slap on the back and that the American people were going to give them brownie points for it.
The action of these 47 Republican senators was not only stupid and ill-conceived, but also treasonous and threatens world security. It's a perfect example of why for the past one hundred years, EVERY time the Republican Party is trusted with any kind of power, they drag America down a rat hole. The only exception to that was President Eisenhower's administration, who was a Republican in name only (a Rino), and as his very last act of office, warned America about the Military/Complex, and neocons just like these.
Tom Cotton, the freshman senator who was the initiatior of this letter is the protege of Bill Kristol, one of the primary neocons who led us into the Iraq disaster. So either the 46 senior senators who allowed themselves to follow in lockstep behind this wet-behind-the-ears kid - who's only been in the senate a matter of DAYS - have incredibly bad judgment, or there has to be a malevolent agenda afoot. So there needs to be a thorough congressional investigation into this matter. We owe it to America, we owe to our troops, and we owe it to the world.
sweet patriot, square of jaw, and demeanor of firm command,
how fearlessly you stand in defense of America,
and the savior of all God’s chosen men.
Anointed by God as his personal envoy
to all men, corrupt and blind,
and charged with the
swift and brutal destruction
of all "heathens" of other kind.
You stand vigilant against all our enemies,
both foreign and imagined within;
You vigorously guard against all that is evil,
and all that you see as sin.
You define God’s needs and precious values,
in the most unambiguous tones,
and never once have you erred on behalf of truth,
to reveal "God’s values" as indeed your own.
You lead our troops in fearless glory,
challenging Death to "Bring it on!"
Never once thrusting your sword
on the field of battle,
you fearlessly lead the charge by phone.
sweet patriot, square of jaw,
and demeanor of firm command,
how selfless your will to guard America,
while hating the pillars upon which it stands.
Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
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