Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree
This is exactly why I restrict my spirituality to a love of God, and keep all of man’s religious Voodoo all the way out of my life. Religion is the root cause of 99% of all of the hatred, bigotry, murder, and mayhem in the world - “My god is better than your God, and he only loves people who look, think, and act like me.”
One sister who commented on the above video completely missed the gross bigotry and religious hypocrisy in it and focused exclusively on the bigot’s property rights, and as many of us tend to do, blamed the victim, and said that the video wouldn’t change a thing - as if sitting on her ass would. This is my response:

“Kim, the sister's video was not for the benefit of the bigot, it was to educate people like yourself who take the position that we should just ignore this kind of behavior for another 400 years. Your attitude serves to both accommodate, and validate, the disrespect and abuse of Black people. This bigot thinks his behavior is just between himself and this sister, but she made sure that it wasn't. He may have friends, neighbors, and business associates who will see the video on social media and not appreciate it at all. He may be ostracized by many people whose faces he's grinnin' into every day, and that works for me. How do you know that he doesn't own a business that's dependent upon Black customers? This video wouldn't bode well for either him, or his business. And he's supposed to be a Christian, what is his fellow church members going to think? Even though they may be just like him, at least they have sense enough to maintain the Christian façade.
“So Black people have got to learn to stop just sittin' on our asses and sayin', ‘Oh well, that's just the way it is.’ Yeah, that’s the way it is, because that’s the way we allow it to be. We've got to learn to fight back - but with intelligence, and that's EXACTLY what I intend to do. As we speak, I'm writing an article using this video as a weapon against Trump and his fellow right-wing bigots. While it may not change the way THEY think, it may very well change the way other people think about THEM.
“There are many White people who don't want to be portrayed in this way, just like we don't want to be portrayed as lazy pimps, thugs, and dope fiends, so this very video may cross their minds when they're in the voting booth and have an impact on the way they vote. So I wish ALL Black people would flood the social media with this kind of content, drag people out of their delusions, and help them to see America through our eyes, without all of the whitewash and self-serving spin. American bigots have a vested interest in keeping things like this under wraps in order to maintain the farce that America is ‘A shining light on the hill.’ But videos like this one clearly demonstrates that the only thing great about America is its public relations office, but we do have enough well-meaning people in this country, who really do want America to be great, to change that.
“And another thing, Kim, if you look at the video you'll notice that she was no longer at his door. She was on her way off this man's property and he followed her running his mouth. And you asked what did she get by placing her life on the line. She got this video that we can display to the world as an example of American bigotry and hypocrisy. Don't forget, there are many White folks who claim that racism is a thing of the past - and they believe that, just because it's now considered bad form to lynch Black people in the public square. This video will help to show them that they're living in a fantasy.
“But what's amazing to me, Kim, is how casually you're taking this example of blatant racism. I was so curious about that, that I went to check your profile. Thereafter, everything began to come into focus. You're from Little Rock, Arkansas, so maybe bigotry is so common there that it's just a way of life for you. But Black people from the North don't look at blatant racism in the the way that you do. It's not a way of life for us. What we see in this video is a racist bigot, and a sister standing up and confronting him. We don't see a scared-ass "nigga" who don't have sense enough to run for her life. Most of us were raised to stand firm when confronting a bigot, just like this courageous sister did - and if YOU and your family are ever ALLOWED to "overcome," it's gonna be due to the actions of Black people just like this sister, not from scared-ass "niggas" trying to blame the victim just because she didn't haul ass the minute some old ass bigot raised his voice at her. This sister didn't do a thing wrong, she simply knocked on this bigot's door - which had a huge "JESUS" sign on it - and she probably had a Bible in her hand.
“And finally, did you know that many Southern ministers told Martin Luther King the very same thing that you're saying, and criticized Rosa Parks for not giving up her seat on the bus? They accused them of stirring up "unnecessary trouble." Thus, bigots depend on the attitudes of people just like you to keep Black people on their asses, and 'in their place.'
“This courageous sister obtained one of the best case-closed examples of White hypocrisy that I've EVER seen - a blatant bigot,
being a blatant bigot, with a huge ‘JESUS’ sign on his door. So she performed a public service. I'm just glad it was her on the scene instead of you, because you would have just hauled ass. Then all we would have had to rely on regarding the incident would have been your word, instead of the solid evidence that this sister provided - and nobody would have taken your word for this, because it’s next to impossible to believe that anybody, even an ignorant bigot, would be stupid enough to indulge in that kind of hypocrisy with an oversized "Jesus” sign on his front door.
Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.
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