Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree
“The flag is a idol. And history will say nothing. They never said we stole America and murdered millions nor admitted their role in the transatlantic slave trade. So what has changed. Nothing. America was founded on racism. Slavery injustices and unequality (sic) . . . They are the same reprobates as their ancestors . . . same white racist mindset . . .”
Richard, don't be ignorant. You're sounding just like the bigots you're criticizing. Just like Black people can't be profiled as being all just alike - look at the two of us - neither can White people. If it were not for the thousands of White men who cared so much for freedom and justice that they were willing to leave the love and comfort of their homes and families to lay down their lives in the most brutal war this nation has ever fought, you'd still be pickin' cotton on Uncle Charlie’s plantation. That’s what the Trumplodytes are mad about as we speak.
Human beings think with their minds, not their skin pigmentation. That's the message that we're fighting so hard to get across to White bigots who sound just like you. So you're on the wrong side of this struggle, brother. So stop being so emotional and use your mind to think. And stop confusing ignorance with standing up for your people. Black people are only 13% of the population, so we'll never be truly free without White allies. So brother, please, stop making the world think that Black people have pus for brains.
There are millions of White folks out in the world fighting for you harder than you're fighting for yourself. While you're out partying, swaggering, and reciting rap lyrics they're out there fighting, and demonstrating, and going to jail in the fight for justice. I know it's considered cool among many to claim, like you are, that all White folks are racist dogs, but the evidence, and history, have clearly shown that's not the case. The mere fact that you can say what you have without being lynched is clear evidence of that.
“The flag is a idol. And history will say nothing. They never said we stole America and murdered millions nor admitted their role in the transatlantic slave trade. So what has changed. Nothing. America was founded on racism. Slavery injustices and unequality (sic) . . . They are the same reprobates as their ancestors . . . same white racist mindset . . .”
Richard, don't be ignorant. You're sounding just like the bigots you're criticizing. Just like Black people can't be profiled as being all just alike - look at the two of us - neither can White people. If it were not for the thousands of White men who cared so much for freedom and justice that they were willing to leave the love and comfort of their homes and families to lay down their lives in the most brutal war this nation has ever fought, you'd still be pickin' cotton on Uncle Charlie’s plantation. That’s what the Trumplodytes are mad about as we speak.
Human beings think with their minds, not their skin pigmentation. That's the message that we're fighting so hard to get across to White bigots who sound just like you. So you're on the wrong side of this struggle, brother. So stop being so emotional and use your mind to think. And stop confusing ignorance with standing up for your people. Black people are only 13% of the population, so we'll never be truly free without White allies. So brother, please, stop making the world think that Black people have pus for brains.
There are millions of White folks out in the world fighting for you harder than you're fighting for yourself. While you're out partying, swaggering, and reciting rap lyrics they're out there fighting, and demonstrating, and going to jail in the fight for justice. I know it's considered cool among many to claim, like you are, that all White folks are racist dogs, but the evidence, and history, have clearly shown that's not the case. The mere fact that you can say what you have without being lynched is clear evidence of that.
Many White people have been brainwashed by the ruling class just like we have. If you'll notice, the Republican Party is made up of three different groups of people with confluent interests - the greedy, which is the ruling class, who don't care any more about poor and working-class White people than they do Blacks; bigots, who are insecure and feel threatened by the flashes of excellence that they see in Black people (like Barack Obama); and the clueless, who the greedy convinces to vote against their own interest in order for the greedy to remain viable. This latter group, the clueless, are the vast majority of the greedy's powerbase, so when Black people talk like you are and antagonize the powerbase of the greedy instead of utilizing their creativity to help to educate the clueless, we're doing ourselves a gross disservice. Enlightened Black, and White people, recognize that fact, and that's what makes them true brothers and sisters.
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I've also seen your attitude reflected in the silly debate over interracial marriage. With all of the real problems we have in this world, you’d think that people would realize that becoming fixated on who's marrying who is just plain dumb. If you don't like race mixing, simply don’t marry anyone of a different race and mind your own business. When two people fall in love and get married, it's nobody's business but their own. Yet, in spite of the fact that most people don’t have a firm grip on their own lives, they want to try to control everyone else’s. Life could be so sweet and simple if we’d just learn to mind our own damn business. But the fact that we just can’t seem to do that is causing much of our misery.
We're currently in a class war, so if the poor and middle class don't stop this nonsense, recognize that fact, and come together we're doomed. The establishment has Blacks against Whites, straights against gays, citizens against immigrants, and Christians against any and everybody who doesn't look, think and act like themselves, and it's killing us, because as we fight among one another, the corporatists are cutting all of our throats. That's how we got stuck with Trump, instead of minding their own business, people voted their hatred and anger. Now many of them are threatened with having their badly needed healthcare taken away just to give the rich a tax cut. But they didn't think that far in advance. All they wanted to do was erase Barack Obama's legacy from history. They voted to hurt people they didn't like, but what they didn't consider was their votes would come back to haunt them, because they're of the very same class as the people who they're voting against. That's the way hatred and bigotry works. It invariably backfires, because it's the enemy's most effective weapon against the people.
Thus, this foolish backlash against interracial marriage only serves to undermine the people as a whole and promote the interest of our most insidious enemy, the corporatists, because hatred and bigotry divides people who should be allies in the war to save the poor and middle class. And trying to block love is fruitless in any event. You can't put up barriers to love, because love is nature's way of perpetuating the species and forging humanity into what we are destined to become. So these loving couples are going to roll right over any attempt to keep them apart, and they have God, nature, and the evolution of mankind on their side.
We're currently in a class war, so if the poor and middle class don't stop this nonsense, recognize that fact, and come together we're doomed. The establishment has Blacks against Whites, straights against gays, citizens against immigrants, and Christians against any and everybody who doesn't look, think and act like themselves, and it's killing us, because as we fight among one another, the corporatists are cutting all of our throats. That's how we got stuck with Trump, instead of minding their own business, people voted their hatred and anger. Now many of them are threatened with having their badly needed healthcare taken away just to give the rich a tax cut. But they didn't think that far in advance. All they wanted to do was erase Barack Obama's legacy from history. They voted to hurt people they didn't like, but what they didn't consider was their votes would come back to haunt them, because they're of the very same class as the people who they're voting against. That's the way hatred and bigotry works. It invariably backfires, because it's the enemy's most effective weapon against the people.
Thus, this foolish backlash against interracial marriage only serves to undermine the people as a whole and promote the interest of our most insidious enemy, the corporatists, because hatred and bigotry divides people who should be allies in the war to save the poor and middle class. And trying to block love is fruitless in any event. You can't put up barriers to love, because love is nature's way of perpetuating the species and forging humanity into what we are destined to become. So these loving couples are going to roll right over any attempt to keep them apart, and they have God, nature, and the evolution of mankind on their side.
As nations go, The United States is in its infancy. It’s only 241 years old among nations like Iraq that’s been around for thousands of years before the birth of Christ. So we’re destined to become one people just like in more ancient civilizations. Considering the way that people are coming together and intermarrying, in another couple of hundred years or so to be an American won't simply be a nationality, it’ll to be an ethnicity, and there's nothing we can do to stop that, because that’s the way the world, and nature, works - and the social media is rushing that day forward even faster, because it's teaching people who ordinarily wouldn't even come into contact with one another that beneath our skin, we're not really that different. If you'll notice, the internet is not divided by race. People are now grouping based on interests, and worldview, just as they should be. Because the bottom line is, there are only two types of people in this world, those who are enlightened, and those who are unable to adapt to a changing environment.
So with regard to maintaining "racial purity" African Americans have already been mongrelized beyond description. Yes, we have African roots, but pure-blooded Africans we’re not - we're AFRICAN AMERICANS, a unique and separate group of people, with our own traditions, background, and culture. I’ve had people remind me that Barack Obama is part White, and I tell them, yes, that means he’s African American, and 99.9% of all African Americans are part White. My great grandmother, Miss Cassie, looked like a White woman with big lips, and my great grandfather was German. Now that I’m getting older, I can’t even wear a natural anymore, because my hair has reverted back to being straight for some reason. So as Afrocentric as I've always tried to be all of my life, some White boy deep in my ancestry is having the last laugh - He's saying, "Hey Homie, peek-a-boo.” My mother used tell me that my natural looked like a carpet, so if somebody had told me 20 years ago that one day the wind would be able to blow my hair out of place I would have told them they were out of their mind, but that day has come. Thus, if racial purity is our goal, it’s far too late for that, so we might as well stop whining about it. We'd be much better served to focus our efforts on bringing the poor and middle class of the various races, and every other division, together to work toward our survival.
So with regard to maintaining "racial purity" African Americans have already been mongrelized beyond description. Yes, we have African roots, but pure-blooded Africans we’re not - we're AFRICAN AMERICANS, a unique and separate group of people, with our own traditions, background, and culture. I’ve had people remind me that Barack Obama is part White, and I tell them, yes, that means he’s African American, and 99.9% of all African Americans are part White. My great grandmother, Miss Cassie, looked like a White woman with big lips, and my great grandfather was German. Now that I’m getting older, I can’t even wear a natural anymore, because my hair has reverted back to being straight for some reason. So as Afrocentric as I've always tried to be all of my life, some White boy deep in my ancestry is having the last laugh - He's saying, "Hey Homie, peek-a-boo.” My mother used tell me that my natural looked like a carpet, so if somebody had told me 20 years ago that one day the wind would be able to blow my hair out of place I would have told them they were out of their mind, but that day has come. Thus, if racial purity is our goal, it’s far too late for that, so we might as well stop whining about it. We'd be much better served to focus our efforts on bringing the poor and middle class of the various races, and every other division, together to work toward our survival.
But again, if racial purity happens to be your thing, instead of worrying about other people's marriages, you should be focused on many of our young brothers, because they're a huge stumbling blocks to that effort. They’re killing each other, going to jail, becoming dope fiends, and failing to educate themselves, while the National Center for Education Statistics has reported that "black women are now the most educated group in the United States." According to the report, "between 2009 and 2010, black women earned 68 percent of all associate degrees awarded to black students, as well as 66 percent of bachelor’s degrees, 71 percent of master’s degrees and 65 percent of all doctorates awarded to black students." The report goes on to say, "By both race and gender, a higher percentage of black women (9.7 percent) are enrolled in college than any other group, topping Asian women (8.7 percent), white women (7.1 percent) and white men (6.1 percent)." On the other hand, here's what far too many of our young brothers are doing:
What these brothers are engaged in all but insures that if things continue as they are there’s going to be a lack of suitable Black mates for Black women. So if we really want to slow down race mixing, we need to stop hating and do something constructive about this - and in a hurry. We need, somehow, to get these brothers to grow up, because 47 year-old teenagers don't make good fathers.
What these brothers are engaged in all but insures that if things continue as they are there’s going to be a lack of suitable Black mates for Black women. So if we really want to slow down race mixing, we need to stop hating and do something constructive about this - and in a hurry. We need, somehow, to get these brothers to grow up, because 47 year-old teenagers don't make good fathers.
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The fact is, many Black men have a lot of opinions about what it means to be Black, but unfortunately, none of them seem to have anything to do with improving themselves and moving forward. Most of their opinions have more to do with trying to be cool, macho, rappers, and driving big cars. On the other hand, Black women are moving forward at an unprecedented rate. So while Black women have been renowned for their love of Black men and their willingness to stand by them under the most trying circumstances over the centuries, for a highly educated and intelligent woman to have to put up with what is essentially a child with whiskers who refers to women as "bitches" and "hoes", is going to prove more than even they can bear (although, in fairness, sometimes the reverse is also true, where we have upwardly mobile Black men connected to foot-dragging women. I've also known that to be the case). But the point is, if we want to enhance our culture we shouldn't be wasting our time worrying about who's marrying who, because we have some serious work to do on our own lives.
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Due to our failure to address Black issues on a community level and clearly define who we are and who we aspire to be as a people, as Black individuals we're growing, or failing to grow, at very different rates. We have both absolute brilliance and absolute stupidity coexisting in the Black community. As a result, many among us are seeking companionship on emotional and intellectual levels rather than by race. After all, we are what we think, not what we look like, and you can only trust a person who looks like you some of the time, while you can trust a person who thinks like you all of the time. So when looked at in that way, it makes perfect sense for an individual to seek out and marry a person who's more like themselves by disposition, worldview, and intellect than they are by skin color. When we begin to recognize that we are what we think, the color of a person's skin becomes irrelevant.
People are beginning to realize that they don't have to go through life miserable by passing up their soulmate just to prove that they love their people. If I woke up tomorrow and my woman was White, it might take some getting use to, but it wouldn't mean a thing to me, because I love her because of who she is, not what she is.
As an example of that, if two people were drowning and I could only save one, I'd save Bernie Sanders long before I'd even think about saving Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, or Allen West, because Bernie thinks more like I do, so as far as I'm concerned, he's my brother. While those others may look like me, they're "brothers from another mother," and many Black people are choosing their mates by using that very same rationale. Thoughtful Black people recognize that if they truly hate bigots, they should never allow themselves to support the philosophy and mindset of one. If they do, that makes the bigot their brother, and they're simply on the opposing team.
People are beginning to realize that they don't have to go through life miserable by passing up their soulmate just to prove that they love their people. If I woke up tomorrow and my woman was White, it might take some getting use to, but it wouldn't mean a thing to me, because I love her because of who she is, not what she is.
As an example of that, if two people were drowning and I could only save one, I'd save Bernie Sanders long before I'd even think about saving Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, or Allen West, because Bernie thinks more like I do, so as far as I'm concerned, he's my brother. While those others may look like me, they're "brothers from another mother," and many Black people are choosing their mates by using that very same rationale. Thoughtful Black people recognize that if they truly hate bigots, they should never allow themselves to support the philosophy and mindset of one. If they do, that makes the bigot their brother, and they're simply on the opposing team.
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So haters are spitting in the wind. In the very near future the term "American" is going to mean a people of mixed heritage born in the United States. America is, literally, becoming a "melting pot," and that's a good thing. So as Black people, if we really want to preserve what it means to be Black, we must preserve our Black culture - and not Black culture as filtered through the eyes of undereducated rappers, but the very best of what it means to be Black - Frederick Douglass, Langston Hughes, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, etc. Because it is also essential that we educate ourselves and use our natural creativity to promote enlightenment, and due to the many adversities that Black people have endured over the centuries, there's nobody in this country more qualified to do that.
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So instead of using our natural creativity trying to be the coolest and most "fly" people in society, we need to follow the example being set by our sisters and focus on becoming the most educated, and most brilliant people in society - we must begin to focus our attention on owning the race track, instead of becoming the horse. And finally, we need to stop walking around hating on people who are loving one another, raising families, and trying to be productive, because they're doing what they're suppose to be doing to enhance society and to promote the evolution of humanity.
Nature gives us only two options, to either evolve, or perish. So we shouldn't allow our ignorance to make us the new Neanderthals. Instead, we should dedicate our creative energy toward working on our cultural dysfunction - and that goes for Blacks and Whites alike. Our failure to do that is what’s killing us as individuals, as a culture, and eventually, it's going to kill us as a society.
Nature gives us only two options, to either evolve, or perish. So we shouldn't allow our ignorance to make us the new Neanderthals. Instead, we should dedicate our creative energy toward working on our cultural dysfunction - and that goes for Blacks and Whites alike. Our failure to do that is what’s killing us as individuals, as a culture, and eventually, it's going to kill us as a society.
So if you're a hater - Black or White - your attitude betrays three inescapable facts about who you are as a person - you're ignorant, you lack insight, and you're a burden on society. And if you're a Christian bigot, you're also a hypocrite who's destined to bounce off the walls of Hell.
Eric L. Wattree
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.
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Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.