Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree
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“Is what we are seeing actually mental illness, or is it a result of being born into a family that requires nothing from the child? Trump was a millionaire at age 7. He was given everything, worked for nothing and learned how to con. I am struggling to see this as mental illness.”
“Is what we are seeing actually mental illness, or is it a result of being born into a family that requires nothing from the child? Trump was a millionaire at age 7. He was given everything, worked for nothing and learned how to con. I am struggling to see this as mental illness.”
Being rich can contribute to mental illness just as easily as poverty. Those very conditions you described can lead to a bratty and dysfunctional personality so pronounced that it led to Trump never having a real friend or anyone who really cared about him in his life. The loneliness and desperation to prove himself worthy resulting from that can lead to his becoming the narcissistic sociopath that he is.
All through life Trump's had to convince himself that people hated him because he’s so brilliantly special that the average person is incapable of understanding him. He HAD to indulge in that delusion just to maintain his self-esteem. That’s why he’s always bragging and promoting himself, because for Donald Trump, the only thing important in life is trying to get the world to embrace his delusional vision of himself, or who he'd like to be - even if he has to bring down America, and the entire world, to do it. That explains his intense hatred of Barack Obama. Barack represents everything he's always wanted to be - and rubbing vinegar in the wound is, he's Black.
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Just imagine going through life where every single person you ever came into contact with hated your guts (the guy's wife doesn’t even seem to like him). He's so arrogant, delusional, and self-absorbed that he's just not the kind of guy that anyone can like or want to be around for any extended period of time. Can you imagine being his friend and having to agonize through endless stories about how wonderful and brilliant he is all night? It must drive Melania absolutely insane.
So, even his so-called supporters and staff don't really like him; they’re simply opportunists like himself - that's why his White House leaks like a sieve. He's just a useful idiot who allows his "supporters" to promote their own agendas - bigotry for some, and power and greed for others. But in private, they talk about him like a dog – an ignorant and incompetent dog, who could either inadvertently, or in an attempt to save face, destroy America and the world.
There are many ways to segregate people, and the color of their skin is only one of them. But what makes human beings human is their intelligence and ability to think, and in the final analysis, that's what bigots are most afraid of. Many ignorant White people see the writing on the wall. They know they don't have the creative intellect to compete with many non-White people so they’re afraid of being humiliated and left behind – that’s why they’re so enthusiastic about building a wall (notice that there's no clamor to build a wall along our Canadian border where White people come into the country illegally). That's also why they hated Barack Obama so intensely, because he proved that White superiority was a myth, and the primary reason they love Donald Trump so intensely is because his ignorance in office is proving that he’s one of them. That's why they stick with him in spite of his proven incompetence. The more incompetent he is, the more they love him.
So, Trump is not simply standing up for White America, he’s standing up for ignorant White America. His reign says, “Attention, all idiots with white skin! I got your back”. It’s the perfect symbiotic relationship. They’re the only thing that keeps Trump’s head above water, and they need him desperately to promote their attempt to hold on to White privilege.
But Trump is so delusional that he's blind to that fact. He assesses himself based on the size and optics of his crowds - "I had the biggest inaugural
crowd in this country's history", clearly another falsehood. So not only does Trump casually corrupt the truth in service of his grandiosity, but he never stops to ask himself why the crowd that he does have is actually there. He can't afford to, because that would force him to face the truth about himself.
The same is true with respect to his so-called business acumen. In spite of his 6 bankruptcies, he’s convinced himself that he’s a “stable genius” who's loved and respected throughout the world, and anyone who challenges his delusion can get prepared for childish spitball attack over Twitter. And again, it is those very delusions that explain why Trump caters so passionately to his dysfunctional base. He's finally found a group that he's convinced himself cares about him. While that's also a delusion, they do serve as enablers who are essential to his ability to maintain his distorted view of reality, and he'll do absolutely ANYTHING to maintain that delusion, so he can drench himself in the "love" he's been seeking all of his life.
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The same is true with respect to his so-called business acumen. In spite of his 6 bankruptcies, he’s convinced himself that he’s a “stable genius” who's loved and respected throughout the world, and anyone who challenges his delusion can get prepared for childish spitball attack over Twitter. And again, it is those very delusions that explain why Trump caters so passionately to his dysfunctional base. He's finally found a group that he's convinced himself cares about him. While that's also a delusion, they do serve as enablers who are essential to his ability to maintain his distorted view of reality, and he'll do absolutely ANYTHING to maintain that delusion, so he can drench himself in the "love" he's been seeking all of his life.
The danger is, Trump has an equally irresponsible GOP egging him on and that’s allowing him to place other corrupt and incompetent individuals in key positions throughout our government. And at the same time the results of the Mueller investigation looms large and the Democratically controlled House is using it to place his back against the wall. As a result, we’re experiencing a constitutional collision. So, Trump literally has to win the 2020 election to both maintain his delusional house of cards, and, to avoid becoming the first President of the United States to end up in an orange jumpsuit, taking his children to prison with him, and losing every penny he's got. That's what makes him so dangerous. He’s not only facing international humiliation, but allegations of governmental misconduct, and both civil and criminal liabilities, including the rape (along with Jeffrey Epstein) of a 13-year-old child.
His only allies are two of the most dysfunctional groups in America - the GOP establishment, and his undereducated and mindless base, and if the 2020 election is any indicator, he's going to lose the GOP control of the senate - and his presidency - in the next election. That's going to leave him completely vulnerable to prosecution, and without anyone to pardon him. That's why speaker Pelosi is dragging her feet with impeachment; she doesn't want Mike Pence around to pardon him. She wants Trump in prison and without anyone to come to his rescue - and Trump knows that. That's why we’re experiencing the most dangerous episode in American history.
In its article reviewing the book, “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump,” Psychology Today pointed out:
“John Gartner, Ph.D. is the founder of ‘Duty to Warn’ an organization intent on warning our country that we are in dire trouble due to our president’s mental instability. More than 60,000 mental health professionals have signed John’s petition, which states:
‘We, the undersigned mental health professionals, believe in our professional judgment that Donald Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States. And we respectfully request he be removed from office, according to article 4 of the 25th amendment to the Constitution, which states that the president will be replaced if he is ‘unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.’”
In addition, he’s a paranoid coward. In spite of all his big and haughty talk here at home, there's every indication that Donald Trump is the very same coward he was as a young man when he dodged the draft in order to avoid going to Vietnam. According to a report in Newsweek, “President Donald Trump has told aides and White House officials that he was afraid to visit U.S. troops in war zones, and didn’t back war in Iraq and Afghanistan. ‘He’s never been interested in going,’ one unnamed former senior official told the Washington Post. ‘He’s afraid of those situations. He’s afraid people want to kill him.’”
So that just about says it all about "President" Donald Trump - he's a narcissistic sociopath who feels that his entire life is under the gun due to "deep state," and so paranoid that he's afraid of being killed if he visits our troops in a war zone. This is the deeply flawed guy that we must rely upon to lead this nation and the world. America is in dire straits.
Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.