Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree
At the very outset I'd like to point out that I’m a passionate man of God. I don't go around "testifying" to everybody I meet about how much I love Jesus, but I’m one of the most spiritual people you’ll ever meet. On the other hand, I'm just as passionate in my complete disdain for religion - ALL religions. .
Religion cloaks man's evil in the name of God. Behind the humble and benevolent smile of Christian charity lies the racist noose of vicious intolerance. It epitomizes the self-serving attempts of man to further his own selfish needs. That’s why I have the courage to tell you what I’m about to say, because I'm completely uninhibited by fear of the Bogeyman dragging me off to the pits of Hell. That's the kind of malevolent, Dracula-type scenario that you feed children in order to scare them into submission. It's designed to threaten them into accepting the pure, unadulterated, nonsense of walking dead men and talking snakes.
I too had to struggle with my beliefs, because like most of us, I too was taught to believe in Mother Goose and the Bogeyman as a child. But as I grew into an adult and began to embrace independent thought, it became clear to me that the only way to know God’s will was by what he has done, not through the words of man. And what God has done, is blessed us all with the capacity for common sense. And through the common sense and logic that God bestowed upon man alone, God speaks to us. So if we truly believe in God, and have more faith in what God has done than what man tries to insist that we believe, God has made it perfectly clear that he's NEVER created a walking dead man, or a talking snake - and neither, by the way, has he EVER created a man who can part the sea. All of that is complete nonsense invented by man to control your mind.
That's why the concept of "faith" is such an important part of religion. Man knows that he's asking you to believe something that God has created you to recognize as nonsense, so man threatens you with Hell and damnation if you follow the common sense that God bestowed up you. Thus, if you've forced yourself to believe in walking dead men and talking snakes, you're not believing in God, on the contrary, you're believing in the word of man OVER the wisdom of God.
I know, the first thing that's jumped into your mind is that I'm an agent of the Devil who's trying to weaken your faith, but you've been taught that by man as well. It's another threat by man to keep you from using your common sense. But consider the following. If religion is indeed from God, why are there so many of them? There are over 4200 different religions on Earth. But if God gave us religion, there would only be one.
So anyone who has allowed themselves to believe in talking snakes and walking dead men have, by definition, obviously ignored God’s blessing of common sense, and have, through superstition and fear, embraced the ignorance of man instead. But I’m speaking out nevertheless, for the benefit of those who may still possess a glimmer of the common sense bestowed upon them by God.
So let me start by giving you my definition of God. God is whatever entity, process, or being that is responsible for what we consider reality. In fact, God, Nature, and the Universe may be one and the same, and he, she, or it has absolutely nothing to do with religion. So once again, and I can't say this enough, religion is a malevolent creation of man, not God.
So now that we have my position in a nutshell, the following rationale is what has caused me to come to my conclusion:
That message is destroying Black people, just like it was intended to do. We fail to realize it, but it's exactly that message that makes us so quick to kill one another. The White establishment knows that and they approve of it, because they can't afford to have a nation filled with well-educated Barack Obamas walking around the country. What would that do to their power and control? That's exactly why the White Evangelical above is calling Christians who don't support Trump morons. So religion is not about God at all. The establishment simply uses the name of God to maintain power and control. The same is true in every country.
That's why education is so important. It gives you the confidence to think for yourself and not allow others to think for you. Never allow yourself to assume that others are privy to a source of knowledge that you don't possess, because it's not true. If you don't know something, look it up and connect the dots for YOURSELF. Knowledge is free, so ALWAYS, educate yourself. I learned when I was in college to take notes on what the professor was saying, and then go and research it for myself - and I've busted more that one professor following that rule of thumb. Because what most professors do is try to slip in their opinions between the facts.
We must ALL - especially Black people - become independent thinkers. Because no one man corners the market on either knowledge, wisdom, or intellect, so what I don't know, you might. So we must educate ourselves as individuals, and then begin to educate one another, because we all see with a unique clarity our own piece of the puzzle of knowledge. And we should never try to compete against one another. There's only one mature and productive of competition, and that's to compete against the person you were yesterday.
Just because you see something that I don't see, that doesn't make you superior to me, it simply means that you're unique in your vision of the world, just as I am. While I see what I'm currently telling you with complete clarity, I have to hire somebody else to change the oil in my car, so we all specialize in our own area of knowledge.
When I was in college I had a friend name Murphy, and we got through college together. I was good at writing, and he was a whiz at math, so we helped one another in those areas in which we had a special expertise. Neither one of us was any smarter than the other, we simply had different areas of knowledge in which we excelled. We all have these areas of knowledge, that's why it's important that instead of becoming followers, we come together to educate one another. So we should never give anyone else's ability to think priority over our own. Moving forward is a group effort. Thus, when we follow the mind of just one man, we limit the scope of our knowledge. We don't need one voice speaking for millions, we need millions speaking with one voice. We should seek to be one collective voice that's been informed by the entire group.
Clear evidence of that is while Black people claim to love their brothers and sisters, some of us have allowed White attitudes in this country to influence our thinking to the point that we’ll kill each other without giving it a second thought. In addition, many of these people feel absolutely no shame in calling the very womb of our culture “bitches”, “hoes”, and "tramps." That’s because they're followers instead of independent thinkers, and in this case, they're following the White man, even with respect to his negative attitude toward they're own people. That's what keeps Clarence Thomas from recognizing the wisdom of standing firm with his own people. That man would stab Barack Obama in the back for a mere pat on the head by a White security guard. That's become he's been brainwashed to the point of insanity, because he's never learned to be an independent thinker.
The fact is, preachers are the most brainwashed of all - that's why he's a preacher in the first place. He's bought into the White man's philosophy whole hog. He has the exact same motives as the White man. If it wasn't for money, prestige, and cute young girls, we wouldn't even be able to draft a preacher. They're preaching for money, prestige in the community, and they're foolish enough to think that they can con their way into Heaven. Thus, they're feathering their own nests. Why do you think he has a bigger car than you, a bigger house you, and he doesn't have to worry about paying his bills? And no, he's not being rewarded by Jesus, he's stealing it from you.
So the bottom line is, any man who claims to be "anointed" by God to tell you what's on God's mind is arrogant and delusional. While one might ask me, "Well, isn't that what you're currently doing?" The answer is an unequivocal no. I'm simply sharing my thoughts on the subject, not standing in a pulpit week after week expecting to be paid to relay messages from God every Sunday. If Black people would just stop for one second and use the common sense that God bestowed upon them, they would immediately recognize the stupidity of such an arrangement.
Black people need to recognize that as a direct result of having to face adversity, racism and bigotry from the time we open their eyes in the morning until the time we close them at night, it has made us MORE rather than less. But when we fail to educate ourselves we tend to assume that "educated people" (meaning White people, for the most part, or Black preachers who were "ordained" to be a messenger of God by authority of the White man ) have a superior intellect, so we tend to discount our own. But there's a big difference between education, being ordained, and intellect. The fact is, we have already demonstrated we have an intellectual capacity that is at the very least, comparable to any group of people on Earth. What we call "soul" is nothing less than intellectual creativity literally overflowing from neglect, and many of the things that White supremacists take credit for in this country are actually the product of Black minds. It was the power of Black intellect that sent man to the Moon, for example, but they'll never tell you that.
Ms. Katherine Johnson did the math necessary to send man into outer space, and then when they invented computers - also largely the product of a Black mind - NASA had Ms. Johnson double-check their calculations before they sent John Glenn to orbit the Earth - John Glenn insisted upon it. And Ms. Johnson wasn't even a scientist, she was a school teacher.
We have, literally, tens of thousands of minds just like Katherine's in the Black community, but instead of developing their intellect, they're wasting their time learning to Twerk and engaged in other frivolous pursuits. They're using the most powerful asset they possess for entertainment - and yes, while we call it worship, church is just another form of entertainment. We pay the preacher to provide us with song, a few uplifting fairytales, and a spoken-word concert every Sunday morning. We're one of the few groups in America who are confusing the American battlefield with a playground. So we need to get up off our knees and recognize who we are. We can say our prayers before we go to bed (like I do), but we need to tell these preachers to either get on their jobs and start preaching Black empowerment, or get out of our lives and stop beggin'. We can establish our relationship with God on our own.
The White man recognized the power of the Black intellect when he had us in slavery. That's what Jim Crow was about, keeping our intellect in check and keeping us from recognizing it at any cost. That's why bigots hated Barack Obama so intensely, because he used the power of his Black mind to play them like a fiddle, and without busting even one sweat bubble - and if you recall, when Rev. Jerimiah Wright's ego got out of control and he tried to weasel in on the act - which they generally do, since most of them are heavily into self-glorification - Obama simply dumped him. Barack was on a mission, so he didn't have time for that self-serving non-sense.
So let me start by giving you my definition of God. God is whatever entity, process, or being that is responsible for what we consider reality. In fact, God, Nature, and the Universe may be one and the same, and he, she, or it has absolutely nothing to do with religion. So once again, and I can't say this enough, religion is a malevolent creation of man, not God.
So now that we have my position in a nutshell, the following rationale is what has caused me to come to my conclusion:
According to the Bible, God doesn't seem to acknowledge anyone unless they're a White male. Open up your Bible and try to find a St. Willie, St. Linda, or St. Chong, or go into nearly any church in America and look at their portrayal of Jesus. If Jesus had been the Scandinavian White man who’s generally portrayed by Christians, and he had been born in the desert, they wouldn't have had to crucify him, he would have died of heat stroke. But ask yourself, would White folks be Christians if Jesus Christ were Black? I don't think so. They wouldn't care what God said.
So right off the bat, I have a problem. The God described in the Bible seems to have a suspicious tendency to suffer from the exact same kinds of bigotry and prejudices as the White Anglo-Saxon male. And if Christians will lie to us while simply describing what Jesus looked like, how can we even begin to believe anything they claim that he said? Chances are, we wouldn't if we'd been introduced to religion as clear-thinking adults, but in this, and most other cultures we're indoctrinated into our religious beliefs as children, and before we've developed the necessary intellect to consider what we're being asked to believe. As a result, when we become adults, nonsense has become a part of our being. So the fact is, we have no more logically objective reason to believe in Christianity than we do Voodoo, because they both involve the walking dead.
That's why "faith" plays such a large role in religion. You don't have to have "faith" in the existence of God, you have a universe all around you where everything works in perfect harmony to attest to his existence. You only have to have "faith" in man, and the nonsense he's asking you to believe about God. So when you say you have faith in God, you're faith is not really in God, your faith is actually in what you've been TOLD about God. Thus, all you're actually saying is, "I believe you, White man." Because the fact is, Pope Damasus I (who compiled the Bible from a collection of his favorite writers) fused God, or what we commonly refer to as "The word of God," with his personal opinion about God, and his opinion is no more valid or invalid than the opinion that I'm presenting here. So what we so reverently refer to as "The Scriptures" are nothing more than the superstitious rantings of 3000-year-old dead men - and these men were no more moral, or any closer to God than we are today. They were the Pat Robertsons and Jimmy Swaggarts of their day - and every bit as ignorant. Again, just because they lived 3000 years ago didn't make them any closer to God than we are.
Back then, people were so uneducated and superstitious that if a man passed out in the public square and Jesus brought him around by splashing water in his face, many of the people of that time would think he brought the man back from the dead, or if Jesus was walking along the beach with the setting Sun reflecting on the wet sand behind him, to many of these people it would look like he was walking on water. So many of the stories in the Bible - at least those that were not just purposely made up - are a direct result of pure ignorance. If Adam and Eve were the first people on Earth, where did the people come from that Cain went to live with after he slew his brother Abel?
So when I hear today's religious leaders and so-called men of God spewing this utter nonsense, they strike me as one of two things - they're either mindless idiots, or hustlers.
But there's an upside to that - it has caused me to question EVERYTHING that's said by any man. There's no man - Black or White, living or dead - who's so brilliantly infallible that I take everything he says, or said, at face value. People will often tell me, "But Malcolm said . . .", or "Martin said . . . ." And I'm quick to tell 'em, "But you're not talking to Malcolm or Martin. You're talking to me. Malcolm and Martin can believe what they want to believe, but I think for myself."
We should ALWAYS be independent thinkers, and never allow anyone to make us feel obligated to stand at attention at the mere mention of another man's name. There's no man, or woman, who has ever lived who is any more special, or "anointed," than you are. Man simply claims that God "anoints" certain people as special in order to rob you of your common sense. So if you claim to be a person of faith, start by having faith in your own ability to think.
So right off the bat, I have a problem. The God described in the Bible seems to have a suspicious tendency to suffer from the exact same kinds of bigotry and prejudices as the White Anglo-Saxon male. And if Christians will lie to us while simply describing what Jesus looked like, how can we even begin to believe anything they claim that he said? Chances are, we wouldn't if we'd been introduced to religion as clear-thinking adults, but in this, and most other cultures we're indoctrinated into our religious beliefs as children, and before we've developed the necessary intellect to consider what we're being asked to believe. As a result, when we become adults, nonsense has become a part of our being. So the fact is, we have no more logically objective reason to believe in Christianity than we do Voodoo, because they both involve the walking dead.
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Back then, people were so uneducated and superstitious that if a man passed out in the public square and Jesus brought him around by splashing water in his face, many of the people of that time would think he brought the man back from the dead, or if Jesus was walking along the beach with the setting Sun reflecting on the wet sand behind him, to many of these people it would look like he was walking on water. So many of the stories in the Bible - at least those that were not just purposely made up - are a direct result of pure ignorance. If Adam and Eve were the first people on Earth, where did the people come from that Cain went to live with after he slew his brother Abel?
So when I hear today's religious leaders and so-called men of God spewing this utter nonsense, they strike me as one of two things - they're either mindless idiots, or hustlers.
But there's an upside to that - it has caused me to question EVERYTHING that's said by any man. There's no man - Black or White, living or dead - who's so brilliantly infallible that I take everything he says, or said, at face value. People will often tell me, "But Malcolm said . . .", or "Martin said . . . ." And I'm quick to tell 'em, "But you're not talking to Malcolm or Martin. You're talking to me. Malcolm and Martin can believe what they want to believe, but I think for myself."
We should ALWAYS be independent thinkers, and never allow anyone to make us feel obligated to stand at attention at the mere mention of another man's name. There's no man, or woman, who has ever lived who is any more special, or "anointed," than you are. Man simply claims that God "anoints" certain people as special in order to rob you of your common sense. So if you claim to be a person of faith, start by having faith in your own ability to think.
All religions are merely a form of socialized brainwashing. Every culture does it in order to try to claim that they're somehow special in the eyes of God. That's exactly why religion is the primary cause of 99% of all of the bigotry, wars, hatred and mayhem in the world today. That's also the reason why if a devout Christian who was born in Georgia had been born in Israel, he'd be a devout Jew, or if born in Iran, he'd be a devout Muslim, or if he'd been born in China, chances are he'd a Buddhist. Every culture creates their own version of God, and then place their own version of "You are my chosen people" in his mouth. There are no chosen people. There are just people - some who have common sense, and others who are superstitious idiots - period.
SARAH SANDERS: "It was out of respect for our President that world leaders observed a moment of silence during Vice President Pence’s speech in Munich."
That's complete nonsense. World leaders didn't applaud at the mention of Donald Trump because they view him as a despicable and incompetent creep. But that's why Trump had to find an Evangelical for Press Secretary - he needed someone practiced in lying.
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REV. Robert Jeffress: "These ‘Never Trump’ evangelicals are morons. They are absolutely spineless morons and they cannot admit that they were wrong." . |
Evangelical Minister Robert Jeffress is so pompous and delusional that he's taken it upon himself to personally give Donald Trump "God's authority" to carry out his mission. But who is he!!!? He doesn't have a special pipeline to God, nor does he know any more about God than you do.
Once again, there are over 4,200 religions on Earth, and God doesn’t have anything to do with any one of them. If God had created religion, there would be only one, and everybody would be expected to adhere to it. So all these various doctrines are complete nonsense, and regardless of what your preacher tells you, he doesn't know any more about God than you do, and the underlying message that Christianity is sending your Black children in this culture is Black people are ungodly. .
That message is destroying Black people, just like it was intended to do. We fail to realize it, but it's exactly that message that makes us so quick to kill one another. The White establishment knows that and they approve of it, because they can't afford to have a nation filled with well-educated Barack Obamas walking around the country. What would that do to their power and control? That's exactly why the White Evangelical above is calling Christians who don't support Trump morons. So religion is not about God at all. The establishment simply uses the name of God to maintain power and control. The same is true in every country.
That's why education is so important. It gives you the confidence to think for yourself and not allow others to think for you. Never allow yourself to assume that others are privy to a source of knowledge that you don't possess, because it's not true. If you don't know something, look it up and connect the dots for YOURSELF. Knowledge is free, so ALWAYS, educate yourself. I learned when I was in college to take notes on what the professor was saying, and then go and research it for myself - and I've busted more that one professor following that rule of thumb. Because what most professors do is try to slip in their opinions between the facts.
We must ALL - especially Black people - become independent thinkers. Because no one man corners the market on either knowledge, wisdom, or intellect, so what I don't know, you might. So we must educate ourselves as individuals, and then begin to educate one another, because we all see with a unique clarity our own piece of the puzzle of knowledge. And we should never try to compete against one another. There's only one mature and productive of competition, and that's to compete against the person you were yesterday.
Just because you see something that I don't see, that doesn't make you superior to me, it simply means that you're unique in your vision of the world, just as I am. While I see what I'm currently telling you with complete clarity, I have to hire somebody else to change the oil in my car, so we all specialize in our own area of knowledge.
When I was in college I had a friend name Murphy, and we got through college together. I was good at writing, and he was a whiz at math, so we helped one another in those areas in which we had a special expertise. Neither one of us was any smarter than the other, we simply had different areas of knowledge in which we excelled. We all have these areas of knowledge, that's why it's important that instead of becoming followers, we come together to educate one another. So we should never give anyone else's ability to think priority over our own. Moving forward is a group effort. Thus, when we follow the mind of just one man, we limit the scope of our knowledge. We don't need one voice speaking for millions, we need millions speaking with one voice. We should seek to be one collective voice that's been informed by the entire group.

THE BIBLE BELT: Mississippi, Utah, Alabama, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, South Carolina, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Oklahoma.
THE BIBLE BELT: Mississippi, Utah, Alabama, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, South Carolina, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Oklahoma.
Clarence Thomas is a Christian, so all of his life he's been indoctrinated into the belief that God wants him to give the White man priority. After all, they look just like Jesus, so when he looks at the White man, he sees Jesus. And just as bad is, instead of the Black preachers they're following using they're gift of gab to educate Black people, and helping Black people to become aware of the beauty of our culture and our innate intellect, they're following the White man too, and busy promising Black people "streets of gold" when they die, while robbing them of the money that they should be spending on their children while they're still alive - just like the White man. That's because the preacher's primary area of expertise is hustler. Think about it - what good is gold gonna do you in Heaven? The preacher's certainly not waiting until he drops dead to get his cut. He's taking all he can get, right here, and right now, just like the White man..
The fact is, preachers are the most brainwashed of all - that's why he's a preacher in the first place. He's bought into the White man's philosophy whole hog. He has the exact same motives as the White man. If it wasn't for money, prestige, and cute young girls, we wouldn't even be able to draft a preacher. They're preaching for money, prestige in the community, and they're foolish enough to think that they can con their way into Heaven. Thus, they're feathering their own nests. Why do you think he has a bigger car than you, a bigger house you, and he doesn't have to worry about paying his bills? And no, he's not being rewarded by Jesus, he's stealing it from you.
So the bottom line is, any man who claims to be "anointed" by God to tell you what's on God's mind is arrogant and delusional. While one might ask me, "Well, isn't that what you're currently doing?" The answer is an unequivocal no. I'm simply sharing my thoughts on the subject, not standing in a pulpit week after week expecting to be paid to relay messages from God every Sunday. If Black people would just stop for one second and use the common sense that God bestowed upon them, they would immediately recognize the stupidity of such an arrangement.
Black people need to recognize that as a direct result of having to face adversity, racism and bigotry from the time we open their eyes in the morning until the time we close them at night, it has made us MORE rather than less. But when we fail to educate ourselves we tend to assume that "educated people" (meaning White people, for the most part, or Black preachers who were "ordained" to be a messenger of God by authority of the White man ) have a superior intellect, so we tend to discount our own. But there's a big difference between education, being ordained, and intellect. The fact is, we have already demonstrated we have an intellectual capacity that is at the very least, comparable to any group of people on Earth. What we call "soul" is nothing less than intellectual creativity literally overflowing from neglect, and many of the things that White supremacists take credit for in this country are actually the product of Black minds. It was the power of Black intellect that sent man to the Moon, for example, but they'll never tell you that.
Ms. Katherine Johnson did the math necessary to send man into outer space, and then when they invented computers - also largely the product of a Black mind - NASA had Ms. Johnson double-check their calculations before they sent John Glenn to orbit the Earth - John Glenn insisted upon it. And Ms. Johnson wasn't even a scientist, she was a school teacher.
We have, literally, tens of thousands of minds just like Katherine's in the Black community, but instead of developing their intellect, they're wasting their time learning to Twerk and engaged in other frivolous pursuits. They're using the most powerful asset they possess for entertainment - and yes, while we call it worship, church is just another form of entertainment. We pay the preacher to provide us with song, a few uplifting fairytales, and a spoken-word concert every Sunday morning. We're one of the few groups in America who are confusing the American battlefield with a playground. So we need to get up off our knees and recognize who we are. We can say our prayers before we go to bed (like I do), but we need to tell these preachers to either get on their jobs and start preaching Black empowerment, or get out of our lives and stop beggin'. We can establish our relationship with God on our own.
The White man recognized the power of the Black intellect when he had us in slavery. That's what Jim Crow was about, keeping our intellect in check and keeping us from recognizing it at any cost. That's why bigots hated Barack Obama so intensely, because he used the power of his Black mind to play them like a fiddle, and without busting even one sweat bubble - and if you recall, when Rev. Jerimiah Wright's ego got out of control and he tried to weasel in on the act - which they generally do, since most of them are heavily into self-glorification - Obama simply dumped him. Barack was on a mission, so he didn't have time for that self-serving non-sense.
So if Black people want to move forward, we must have confidence in what God has bestowed upon us, and we must always remember that God speaks to us through common sense, not through scriptures. Once again, regardless of what we were taught as children, “The Scriptures” are nothing more than the superstitious rantings of 3000-year-old dead men who believed in talkin’ snakes, and who were no more moral, or knew any more about God than we do today. But you just can’t get that across to some people, primarily because they were snagged as children. They're so afraid of the Bogey man dragging them off to Hell” that they continue to blindly dance to the White man’s bigoted music while completely ignoring his shackles. If they'd simply follow the common sense that God gave us, they'd recognize that fact.
You don't have to listen to the words of man to be Godly. In fact, just the opposite is true. If you want to live a Godly life, simply place your faith in the common sense that God bestowed upon you and completely ignore the corrupting words of man. Man is self-serving, so he preaches what benefits him, not you, or God.
So, believe me, slavery still exists, but now it exists in our minds instead of the brutal cotton fields of Georgia - do you hear me Justice Thomas? That’s why you're falling all over yourself for the opportunity to sing a homage to White supremacy that glorifies the slaughter of runaway slaves who were desperately trying to free themselves. But instead of recognizing that fact, you've been so brainwashed that your attitude is, “I'm with you, boss; I'm with you all the way!" And then you started skinnin' and grinnin' and singin' your tribute to White supremacy - "OH SAY CAN YOU SEE . . .?" Yeah, I see - I see that you're an mindlessly brainwashed idiot.
It's disgusting. But what's even more disgusting is people like Clarence Thomas have been so brainwashed that they can't even recognize how stupid they are. You see, when White people are being patriotic it's a tribute to what they consider their own greatness, but when Black people place patriotism before their culture, it legitimizes their own degradation and oppression. They're saying, "I'm sure glad you wonderful White folks came and rescued us from Africa, boss."
So again, yes, I believe in God, and no, I don’t hate all White people. My true brothers and sisters are not simply those who look like me (like you do, Clarence), but those who THINK like me, whether they be Black, White, or Eskimo. Because God gave all of my true brothers and sisters the common sense to know that the White man and God are two entirely different things. He blessed us with sense enough to know that the very same people who taught slaves about God and are thumpin’ their Bibles the loudest, are also cheering the loudest for Donald Trump. Look it up, it’s a matter of public record.
These people don’t believe in God, they believe in White supremacy, and they use people like Clarence Thomas to validate their belief. They point to him and say, "See, even this spook attests to our greatness." And you just stand there skinnin' and grinin' with patriotic tears streaming down your face. It's a disgusting display of Black ignorance.
But many White people have been brainwashed just like you, Clarence. They've been indoctrinated through their religion with the subliminal message that non-White people are ungodly, but at least they know it. Listen to how Trump refers to Hispanic immigrants - "They're not like us (they only include Black people in the word "us" when they want something), they're rapist, murderers, and thieves." Then watch his "loving Christian" supporters enthusiastically cheer him on in response to his bitter diatribe. The reason for that is because unlike many Black Christians, they know who they are - especially right-wing Evangelical Christians - and they've incorporated their bigotry into their religion; Black people, on the other hand, are worshiping a religion designed to keep them ignorant, subservient, and that teach their children to hate themselves. Yet, they don't even know it.
The reason they don't know it is one of the biggest problems the Black community has in this regard. Most of our so-called Christian leaders are the most gullibly conservative among us. That's why they're preachers in the first place. Listen to the so-called Bishop below. He'll eat pig droppings just to have a White man pat him on the head. But beyond that, even if he saw with unfettered clarity that what I'm saying is true, do you think he'd stop what he's doing? Absolutely not, because he's self-serving. So he would continue doing exactly what he's doing for the notoriety and easy cash. So he's not only a fool, but he's also a hypocrite. Yet many of you are following him, or people like him, so what does that make you?
"Listen, you been blessed already, and you don't even know the Lord. The Lord made it where you don't have to worry 'bout a thing. I feed you, I put clothes on yo nasty ass, and I give you a shed to sleep in, and all you have to do is whatever the hell I tell you to. Do you know how blessed you are?"
"Oh, indeed I do, Massa. You take good care of me. I's so happy."
"Now, listen real good 'cause dis impotant. God said, thou shalt not steal from me, thou shalt not kill (unless I tell you to), thou shalt not stick another coon's wife (unless we tryin' to make some mo niggas), and nigga, whatever you do, thou shalt not even look like you want to stick a white woman, or we gon lynch yo black ass. You here me, nigga?"
"Oh yes, Massa. We know dat! But Massa, I thought you said thou shalt not kill?"
"Dat means people, fool - real people! Dat don't go for niggas. God wants us to keep you in yo place."
"Dat's right, Massa. We sho gotta keep niggas in dey place. No tellin' what a happen if we let dese niggas git loose. God so smart."
"I said shut up, nigga, and listen to the word."
"The next thing you got to learn is, whatever happens on this plantation is God's will bein' done. And if you listen to me, you'll get to live like I do when you die and go to Heaven."
"Live like you, massa? A nigga ain't got no business livin' dat good. What a Po nigga like me gon do with all this? You know I ain't got sense enough to run nothin' like this."
"Just shut up, nigga!" When you dead you gon get some sense - the lord gon give it to you. The Lord can do anything, even give sense to a nigga. And he gon give you all the other niggas you gon need to help you in the fields, too."
"Massa, you so good to me! Thank you for tellin' me all dis. I'm gon be a good nigga - the best nigga you ever seened. Look, I'm gon pray for you right now, and thank the Lord for givin' me so good a massa."
"Shut up and get up off your knees, ya dumb nigga! The fields need tendin'! You pray to the Lord on your own time. God don't won't you talkin' to him when you s'pose to be workin'."
"A couse, Massa. What I been thinkin'? I's so dumb. I don't know why you put up with me, Sir."
"How many times I got to tell you to shut the hell up, nigga?"
"Yes Sir, I's a shuttin', Massa. I's a shuttin', right now."
"Now get yo ass out there in that field and let's get some work done around here . . . Oh, and Toby, have yo woman meet me in the barn. I need to tell her 'bout the Lord too."
"Yes sir, Massa."
"And another thing, Toby, if my momma come a lookin', tell her I'm playin' in my tree house."
"Why you gon go fibbin' to yo momma, Mr. Tommy? She knows you like to sit wit Lou Ann."
"Just shut up, nigga, and do what I said! And tell Lou Ann to wear that pretty dress I like, cause we gon be talkin' 'bout the Lord, so it's gon be like chuch."
"Yes Sir, Mr. Tommy." . . . "Whaaaaaaat a friend we have in Jeeeeesus . . ."
The bottom line is this - any man who lets ANY other man tell him about God is an idiot, and Black people are complete fools to buy into it. All you're doing is allowing WHATEVER man you're following to promote his own agenda. And since the creator went out of his way to bless you with the common sense NOT to follow other men, it's a slap in the face of God. It says that you have more faith in the word of man than you do in what God has done. God has already given you life, and all man is giving you is a lot of empty promises, the meaningless rantings of 3000-year-old dead men, and ridiculous tales from Mother Goose.
So, wake up Black people! Get up off your knees and educate yourself!!! God created you with the ability to answer your own prayers. So, if you don't do it, that's your fault, not God's.
So, how do I know all of this? I know it because it was whispered into my ear by God - but since I'm just another man, you shouldn't believe me either. Just listen carefully when God whispers into your ear. If you do, he'll tell you in no uncertain terms, that Snakes don't talk.
Eric L. Wattree
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You don't have to listen to the words of man to be Godly. In fact, just the opposite is true. If you want to live a Godly life, simply place your faith in the common sense that God bestowed upon you and completely ignore the corrupting words of man. Man is self-serving, so he preaches what benefits him, not you, or God.
So, believe me, slavery still exists, but now it exists in our minds instead of the brutal cotton fields of Georgia - do you hear me Justice Thomas? That’s why you're falling all over yourself for the opportunity to sing a homage to White supremacy that glorifies the slaughter of runaway slaves who were desperately trying to free themselves. But instead of recognizing that fact, you've been so brainwashed that your attitude is, “I'm with you, boss; I'm with you all the way!" And then you started skinnin' and grinnin' and singin' your tribute to White supremacy - "OH SAY CAN YOU SEE . . .?" Yeah, I see - I see that you're an mindlessly brainwashed idiot.
It's disgusting. But what's even more disgusting is people like Clarence Thomas have been so brainwashed that they can't even recognize how stupid they are. You see, when White people are being patriotic it's a tribute to what they consider their own greatness, but when Black people place patriotism before their culture, it legitimizes their own degradation and oppression. They're saying, "I'm sure glad you wonderful White folks came and rescued us from Africa, boss."
These people don’t believe in God, they believe in White supremacy, and they use people like Clarence Thomas to validate their belief. They point to him and say, "See, even this spook attests to our greatness." And you just stand there skinnin' and grinin' with patriotic tears streaming down your face. It's a disgusting display of Black ignorance.
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The reason they don't know it is one of the biggest problems the Black community has in this regard. Most of our so-called Christian leaders are the most gullibly conservative among us. That's why they're preachers in the first place. Listen to the so-called Bishop below. He'll eat pig droppings just to have a White man pat him on the head. But beyond that, even if he saw with unfettered clarity that what I'm saying is true, do you think he'd stop what he's doing? Absolutely not, because he's self-serving. So he would continue doing exactly what he's doing for the notoriety and easy cash. So he's not only a fool, but he's also a hypocrite. Yet many of you are following him, or people like him, so what does that make you?
I got a bird's eye-view of how Christianity worked as a kid, because for my grandparents, Sunday was "The Lord's Day." So every Sunday I used to spend ALL DAY in church - from Sunday School early in the morning, to evening services at night. And I was a precocious kid, so I used to listen to the elder Christians when they thought no one was listening - they didn't pay me any attention, because I was a child. So I used to watch them grinning in a person's face and then talk about the person like a dog the minute she walked away - especially if she was young and attractive - "I hear Deacon so-and-so is gettin' all of that he wants."
I also had my pastor's number. He was a bigshot with the Southern Baptist Convention, and he was always on television with the Evangelicals. I used to watch his wife sitting up in church on Sunday mornings watching him preach with adoring eyes. But the minute she died he married another woman before her body even got cold. But I wasn't surprised, because he was also messing around with one of my mother's non-Christian girlfriends on the side. Then, one night he had the nerve to criticize the young women for wearing short skirts and Natural hairdos to church (he was a Black conservative). He actually wanted them to STRAIGHTEN their hair. What did that have to do with God? I guess being Black was a little too militant for him.
So while I love God, and I try to live a good life, I've never been under any illusions about this Christian non-sense. For me, it's just me and God. I keep man all the way out of my spiritual life. Most people don't even know how spiritual I am; they just know that I'm there for them when they're in need. Because if you love God, you don't talk about it, you just live it. You simply keep your mouth shut, and praise him by the way you live your life.
Now, I'm not a rich man, or even what most people would call well off, but as I write this piece I have nearly $4 thousand loaned out. I know that I may, or I may not get it back, because I told the people involved to repay me when they can do it without putting themselves back in the same condition that led them to have to borrow it. But I also know this - whenever I see the people that I loaned money to still in their house, or still driving their car to work, I'm paid in full, and I know it's the best money that I ever spent. And there's one other thing I know. I know that money went to a far better use than if I had given it to some preacher for giving me a spoken-word concert on Sunday mornings. In that case, I definitely wouldn't see that money again. So whenever people start telling me how much they "love the Lord," and testifying about what "The Lord" has done for them, they're diminished a bit in my eyes, because I know it's all about them and what they think they can bribe God into doing for them. If such people thought they could live forever in relative comfort, the churches would be empty.
Well, that was more hypocrisy than I could take. I was only 14 years old, but I got up on the spot while he was still preaching, and left, and that was the last time he ever saw me - at least, in the church, and there was nothing my grandparents could say to change my mind. Actually, that was a watershed moment in my life, because it was the very first time that I didn't bend to my grandparents' wishes. So thereafter, the only time I ever showed up in church again was at funerals - and to this day, my family is under strict instructions that when I die to just cremate me and pour my remains off the Venice Beach Pier. I don't want no preacher getting paid to lie over me.
.So while I love God, and I try to live a good life, I've never been under any illusions about this Christian non-sense. For me, it's just me and God. I keep man all the way out of my spiritual life. Most people don't even know how spiritual I am; they just know that I'm there for them when they're in need. Because if you love God, you don't talk about it, you just live it. You simply keep your mouth shut, and praise him by the way you live your life.
Now, I'm not a rich man, or even what most people would call well off, but as I write this piece I have nearly $4 thousand loaned out. I know that I may, or I may not get it back, because I told the people involved to repay me when they can do it without putting themselves back in the same condition that led them to have to borrow it. But I also know this - whenever I see the people that I loaned money to still in their house, or still driving their car to work, I'm paid in full, and I know it's the best money that I ever spent. And there's one other thing I know. I know that money went to a far better use than if I had given it to some preacher for giving me a spoken-word concert on Sunday mornings. In that case, I definitely wouldn't see that money again. So whenever people start telling me how much they "love the Lord," and testifying about what "The Lord" has done for them, they're diminished a bit in my eyes, because I know it's all about them and what they think they can bribe God into doing for them. If such people thought they could live forever in relative comfort, the churches would be empty.
And finally, my brother and sister-n-law are devout Christians - they're probably praying for me now. They pay into the church "religiously" every Sunday, but about 15 years ago they ran into some tax problems and had their assets attached. So my brother went to his minister and explained his situation and asked was it possible for him to get a short-term loan from the church, and the preacher told him, "We don't do that." What!!!? If a "heathen" like me can loan money to casual friends, why can't the church reach out to give a helping hand to one of it's loyal members? My brother's young family could have been thrown out on the street, but that wasn't this "man of God's" problem.
My brother didn't know it, but when he told me about it that solidified my attitude toward preachers, and as must be obvious, I'm still pissed-off about it (I know it's ungodly, but I tend to hold grudges. There's a place for grudges - they help you rid yourself of dead weight). But like with anything else, I'm sure there are a few sincere preachers out there (I knew one once. A snapshot of his ministry is Linked below), but collectively, I look upon preachers as a bunch of pompous, self-serving, hypocrites. If I'd been the preacher, even if it wasn't church policy, I would have given him a loan out of my pocket - even if I had to take out a loan myself to cover it. Yet, that preacher's Godless attitude didn't challenge my brother's "faith" at all. People like my brother are hooked. Go figure it.
My brother didn't know it, but when he told me about it that solidified my attitude toward preachers, and as must be obvious, I'm still pissed-off about it (I know it's ungodly, but I tend to hold grudges. There's a place for grudges - they help you rid yourself of dead weight). But like with anything else, I'm sure there are a few sincere preachers out there (I knew one once. A snapshot of his ministry is Linked below), but collectively, I look upon preachers as a bunch of pompous, self-serving, hypocrites. If I'd been the preacher, even if it wasn't church policy, I would have given him a loan out of my pocket - even if I had to take out a loan myself to cover it. Yet, that preacher's Godless attitude didn't challenge my brother's "faith" at all. People like my brother are hooked. Go figure it.
"Come here nigga and let me teach yo crazy, animal ass about the Lord. The first thing you got to learn is to Love thy Neighbor . . . especially me."
"Yes sir, Massa. Why would anybody not love you, Sir? You so good to me, Massa. Anybody don't love you needs to have dey ass beat real good, Massa."
"Shut up, nigga. I'm talkin'."
"Yes sir, Massa. Why would anybody not love you, Sir? You so good to me, Massa. Anybody don't love you needs to have dey ass beat real good, Massa."
"Shut up, nigga. I'm talkin'."
"Listen, you been blessed already, and you don't even know the Lord. The Lord made it where you don't have to worry 'bout a thing. I feed you, I put clothes on yo nasty ass, and I give you a shed to sleep in, and all you have to do is whatever the hell I tell you to. Do you know how blessed you are?"
"Oh, indeed I do, Massa. You take good care of me. I's so happy."
"Now, listen real good 'cause dis impotant. God said, thou shalt not steal from me, thou shalt not kill (unless I tell you to), thou shalt not stick another coon's wife (unless we tryin' to make some mo niggas), and nigga, whatever you do, thou shalt not even look like you want to stick a white woman, or we gon lynch yo black ass. You here me, nigga?"
"Oh yes, Massa. We know dat! But Massa, I thought you said thou shalt not kill?"
"Dat means people, fool - real people! Dat don't go for niggas. God wants us to keep you in yo place."
"Dat's right, Massa. We sho gotta keep niggas in dey place. No tellin' what a happen if we let dese niggas git loose. God so smart."
"I said shut up, nigga, and listen to the word."
"The next thing you got to learn is, whatever happens on this plantation is God's will bein' done. And if you listen to me, you'll get to live like I do when you die and go to Heaven."
"Live like you, massa? A nigga ain't got no business livin' dat good. What a Po nigga like me gon do with all this? You know I ain't got sense enough to run nothin' like this."
"Just shut up, nigga!" When you dead you gon get some sense - the lord gon give it to you. The Lord can do anything, even give sense to a nigga. And he gon give you all the other niggas you gon need to help you in the fields, too."
"Massa, you so good to me! Thank you for tellin' me all dis. I'm gon be a good nigga - the best nigga you ever seened. Look, I'm gon pray for you right now, and thank the Lord for givin' me so good a massa."
"Shut up and get up off your knees, ya dumb nigga! The fields need tendin'! You pray to the Lord on your own time. God don't won't you talkin' to him when you s'pose to be workin'."
"A couse, Massa. What I been thinkin'? I's so dumb. I don't know why you put up with me, Sir."
"How many times I got to tell you to shut the hell up, nigga?"
"Yes Sir, I's a shuttin', Massa. I's a shuttin', right now."
"Now get yo ass out there in that field and let's get some work done around here . . . Oh, and Toby, have yo woman meet me in the barn. I need to tell her 'bout the Lord too."
"Yes sir, Massa."
"And another thing, Toby, if my momma come a lookin', tell her I'm playin' in my tree house."
"Why you gon go fibbin' to yo momma, Mr. Tommy? She knows you like to sit wit Lou Ann."
"Just shut up, nigga, and do what I said! And tell Lou Ann to wear that pretty dress I like, cause we gon be talkin' 'bout the Lord, so it's gon be like chuch."
"Yes Sir, Mr. Tommy." . . . "Whaaaaaaat a friend we have in Jeeeeesus . . ."
The bottom line is this - any man who lets ANY other man tell him about God is an idiot, and Black people are complete fools to buy into it. All you're doing is allowing WHATEVER man you're following to promote his own agenda. And since the creator went out of his way to bless you with the common sense NOT to follow other men, it's a slap in the face of God. It says that you have more faith in the word of man than you do in what God has done. God has already given you life, and all man is giving you is a lot of empty promises, the meaningless rantings of 3000-year-old dead men, and ridiculous tales from Mother Goose.
So, wake up Black people! Get up off your knees and educate yourself!!! God created you with the ability to answer your own prayers. So, if you don't do it, that's your fault, not God's.
So, how do I know all of this? I know it because it was whispered into my ear by God - but since I'm just another man, you shouldn't believe me either. Just listen carefully when God whispers into your ear. If you do, he'll tell you in no uncertain terms, that Snakes don't talk.
Eric L. Wattree