Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree
While I understand that a writer is begging to be dismissed by being blatantly partisan, I've become so disgusted by the gross unprofessionalism and immaturity of Donald Trump that I simply have to get my inner feelings off my chest.
Dubious Donald has literally brought the grade-school sandbox into the White House, monkey bars and all. He's what a nation gets when it allows itself to become so hateful that competent governance becomes unimportant. It has now become glaringly apparent that Trump serves only one purpose for the GOP and his supporters - he's a form of bigoted payback for eight years of Barack Obama, and in spite of their claims of fierce patriotism, their attitude seems to be, "America be damned".
Draft-Dodging Donnie is a lying, incompetent, and unpatriotic idiot who cares only about himself. He’s also an ignorant, geriatric child whose primary interest is in engaging in spitball fights over Twitter – yet, now he’s the face of a once great nation that he’s managed to make the laughingstock of the world in a mere 2 years. In addition, he’s over halfway through his term as president and he hasn’t even had the competence to staff a functional cabinet, yet, he has the nerve to criticize the running of the city of Baltimore.
Dubious Donald has literally brought the grade-school sandbox into the White House, monkey bars and all. He's what a nation gets when it allows itself to become so hateful that competent governance becomes unimportant. It has now become glaringly apparent that Trump serves only one purpose for the GOP and his supporters - he's a form of bigoted payback for eight years of Barack Obama, and in spite of their claims of fierce patriotism, their attitude seems to be, "America be damned".
Draft-Dodging Donnie is a lying, incompetent, and unpatriotic idiot who cares only about himself. He’s also an ignorant, geriatric child whose primary interest is in engaging in spitball fights over Twitter – yet, now he’s the face of a once great nation that he’s managed to make the laughingstock of the world in a mere 2 years. In addition, he’s over halfway through his term as president and he hasn’t even had the competence to staff a functional cabinet, yet, he has the nerve to criticize the running of the city of Baltimore.
Trump seems to have a genius for seeing everyone else’s shortcomings while remaining blissfully ignorant of his own incompetence. One would think that level of cluelessness alone would be grounds for invoking the 25th Amendment to get rid of this guy, but the GOP is much more concerned with their agenda than what’s in the best interest of the United States.
There’s only two things good about Donald Trump – he’s finally exposing
the Republican Party and the gross hypocrisy of the Christian Right, and he’s gonna single-handedly put President Barack Obama on Mount Rushmore, because compared to his gross incompetence, he makes Barack Obama look like one of the founding fathers.
Trump seems to have a genius for seeing everyone else’s shortcomings while remaining blissfully ignorant of his own incompetence. One would think that level of cluelessness alone would be grounds for invoking the 25th Amendment to get rid of this guy, but the GOP is much more concerned with their agenda than what’s in the best interest of the United States.
There’s only two things good about Donald Trump – he’s finally exposing
the Republican Party and the gross hypocrisy of the Christian Right, and he’s gonna single-handedly put President Barack Obama on Mount Rushmore, because compared to his gross incompetence, he makes Barack Obama look like one of the founding fathers.
If the religious right were truly Godly it would be clear to them that God works in mysterious ways, and that he certainly had a hand in sandwiching Barack Obama between Donald Trump and George W. Bush. It’s the perfect response to the claim of White superiority, and let there be no doubt about it, it is now clear that's exactly what their religious doctrine is solely based upon. If that were not the case, they'd be out protesting Trump in the street instead of nearly 90% of them supporting this mean-spirited, immature and divisive demon, because if there's actually any such a thing as an anti-Christ, he's surely the one.
In addition, any average American who considers themselves to be both a conservative, and a patriot, should open any history book and they'd find that the terms "conservative" and "patriot" are completely antithetical, and it's easier to combine oil and water.
In addition, any average American who considers themselves to be both a conservative, and a patriot, should open any history book and they'd find that the terms "conservative" and "patriot" are completely antithetical, and it's easier to combine oil and water.
When conservatives first arrived on these shores, they brought with them the European notion of class distinction. They have always suffered from the distinctly undemocratic attitude that the only inherent value of the average American is as servants to cater to the whims of the upper class - them.
“All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are the rich and wellborn, the other the mass of the people…. The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right. Give therefore to the first class a distinct, permanent share in government. They will check the unsteadiness of the second, and as they cannot receive any advantage by a change, they therefore will ever maintain good government.”
Hamilton supported a lifetime appointment of the President (after being selected by congress, instead of the people). Can you just imagine that, Donald Trump FOR LIFE!!!? But America dodged that bullet during the Federalist Convention that took place between May 14 and September 17, 1787.
Since most of the founding fathers came to America to escape the aristocratic class system in Europe, Hamilton’s desire to preserve the class system was resoundingly defeated in favor of an unfettered democracy, but that didn’t mean that people of Hamilton’s point of view would quietly go away. Instead, they became the conservative coalition, and lowered their profile as blatant aristocrats, and continued to pursue their agenda by using their wealth, power, and various other strategies to divide the people to achieve their agenda, and that’s what we see today. That accounts for why conservatives tend to be specialists in obstructionism and division, and why the American people ALWAYS suffer under conservative governance .- because it's not designed for their benefit.
In spite of all of the flag waving and talk of how much they love this country that conservatives love to indulge in, how many children of the rich actually go to war and die for this country? Very few, and Donald Trump made damn sure that he wasn't one of them. After I was discharged from the Marine Corps and went to college in the 70s, I only had to pay $6.50 a quarter - and that was for parking. Today, young people have to barter away their entire future just to get an education, and once they graduate have to become indentured servants to the business community just to payoff their debt. That's a conservative device to keep the poor in their place, while keeping the "well born" at the top of society.
The conservative penchant for being anti-intellectual and hostile towards education ensures that there are fewer thinking people with the education to see through their insidious machinations. That's essential for their survival, having a society filled with a populous that's motivated by emotion rather than thought, because They NEVER want another generation like what came into being during the 60s.
.Conservatives don't ever want another generation like mine, filled with people who can not only see through their self-serving nonsense, but who are literate enough to point it out to others. They want a generation of people who may know that something's wrong, but can't figure out why, or what to do about it. Under those conditions conservatives can convince the people that their misery is the fault of their fellow victims.
So they want a generation of people who simply scream and throw their fists in the air, and thereafter, go back and sit in the corner with their lips poked out while hating the people who should be their allies. That's how White supremacy sustains itself, but it's not just White supremacy, it's class supremacy, but they keep the people too dumb to see that. Just because a person is Black, White, or an immigrant doesn't make them the enemy. You can only identify the enemy one person at a time, and only by the way they think; and just because a person looks like you doesn't make them a friend.
So there's a serious flaw in conservative short-sightedness. As clearly demonstrated by Donald Trump,
just because a person is born to wealth, that doesn't mean he was born with intelligence, and it is intellect that keeps a country great. So investing in the people is a nation's most important investment. How do they know that the young child that a rogue cop shoots down in the street is not the very one with the intellect to cure cancer? And don't forget, many of the scientists that developed the atomic bomb that ended WWII were run out of Nazi Germany. So the Axis was defeated by the very people who Hitler ran out of the country.
"Beginning in the 1930s, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis actively persecuted Jews, those of part-Jewish descent, and political opponents, including those in prominent academic positions. As a result, many leading scientists, philosophers, and thinkers fled to the West. Many refugees later joined the Manhattan Project in England and America. Among the scientists who fled Europe were Albert Einstein, Hans Bethe, John von Neumann, Leo Szilard, James Franck, Edward Teller, Rudolf Peierls, and Klaus Fuchs."
After WWII the United States became the greatest nation on Earth, and it established the highest standard of living the world has ever known. That wasn't because of its military might, it was because after the war the nation began to utilize veteran's benefit to educate its citizens, and a nation's brain-power is its most valuable asset. But Conservatives and the GOP consider that asset a threat, because the people's ability to think is a threat to everything they represent. They don't want to compete with others for their stature in society as laid out by the founding fathers, they want to maintain their status through birthright, but their social inbreeding is a detriment to the nation's survival.
But the people's ability to think constitutes a direct assault on the
entire agenda. While investing in knowledge is essential to a thriving nation, keeping the nation stupid is in the best interest of the GOP. That's why even as we speak - and suffer - the GOP is telling us that climate change is a myth. In spite of the fact addressing climate change is essential to the quality of life and even the survival of our children in the long term, it's preventing the rich and greedy from making an extra dollar in the short term, so they're dead set against it, because as I pointed out earlier, just because a person is born rich doesn't mean they were also born bright.
So don't allow the GOP to get you so emotionally worked up over your fellow Americans that it short circuits your intellect - and that goes for Black people as well as White. Regardless of what conservatives try to tell you, God created us to think with our brains, not our skin, or emotions. So let there be no doubt about it, it's climate change that's about to wipe us out, not Mexican immigrants. Think about that.
The GOP swore to us that if we gave the rich a $1.5 trillion tax
But the people's ability to think constitutes a direct assault on the
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So don't allow the GOP to get you so emotionally worked up over your fellow Americans that it short circuits your intellect - and that goes for Black people as well as White. Regardless of what conservatives try to tell you, God created us to think with our brains, not our skin, or emotions. So let there be no doubt about it, it's climate change that's about to wipe us out, not Mexican immigrants. Think about that.
The GOP swore to us that if we gave the rich a $1.5 trillion tax
They claim that the debt is due to our having too many "socialist" programs. But, of course, they call everything that benefits the average American "socialism", while they didn't say a word when the American taxpayer was forced to pay $700 billion to bailout the Wall Street banks during 2008 financial crisis. But as far as they're concerned, that's the natural order of things. After all, we're used to struggling, and the deserve to live in luxury, because we're not as deserving as they are.
So it's time for Americans to start thinking, and stop allowing others to think for us - and especially ignorant grifters like Trump.
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Eric L. Wattree
Religion: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.