Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree
While all of you are much too respectful to admit it, I know I can be a pain. I know - I'm the typical grandparent who wants to stay all up in your business. But that’s what good grandparents do, because we want to help you to avoid the many pitfalls that hampered us in life.
While every generation is, and should be, superior to the one that preceded it, your parents and I have the experience and insight to enhance your intellect. We endeavor to teach you to connect the dots. That’s why I'm constantly leaning on you. While I'd be a fool to assume that my mind is as efficient as yours, I do have the experience and knowledge to help sharpen your sword, and help you to avoid the unnecessary stumbling blocks that I encountered in my journey through life. Thus, what would ordinarily take you years to learn, I can teach you in a ten minute discussion.
You see, I’ve already been where you hope to go, so I see it as my responsibility to teach you just how special you really are. I want to teach you, for example, that the intellect you take for granted is head and shoulders above the vast majority of people, so you should ignore those who carry themselves like it's a forgone conclusion that they're your superior, because you don't have any superiors.
I ran into many college professors who fell into that category. So through having to deal with them I learned how important it is to never give anyone else's ability to think priority over my own, regardless to who they are. If you accept anyone to be intellectually superior to you, that only serves to diminish your self-concept, and that's not a good thing, because you are what you think. But that isn't to say that no one has more knowledge than you, but knowledge and intelligence are two different things. So, if you come across someone who's clearly more knowledgeable than yourself, you should absorb that knowledge, but always connect the doubts for yourself, because anyone can collect knowledge, but there's a big difference between knowledge and intelligence. Having knowledge is simply collecting facts, but intelligence is having the ability to utilize knowledge once it's obtained, and each one of you are brilliant in that regard. That's how I know the true power of your intellect, and it's my job to make sure you understand that.
Due to my experience with so-called professionals throughout my life, I've learned that we generally assume that people with titles, a reputation for brilliance, and a string of letters behind their names, are the most intelligent among us. But that's not true, and embracing that fallacy will cause you to doubt your own abilities. I've had the opportunity to deal with such people on a one-on-one basis, so I know that in many cases while they have the knowledge, they lack the intelligence to utilize the knowledge they've obtained.
The same is true with titles. Many people are willing to follow Donald Trump to the end of the Earth, for example. The reason for that is because they've made the mistake of believing that because he carries the title of President, he's brilliant. But the fact is, the man's a world-class idiot who just stumbled upon his position. He didn't actually win the presidency, Hillary Clinton lost it. Trump just happened to be standing in the wings at the time. He could have just as easily been Me. Magoo. Cornel West is another idiot who's fooled people into believing he can think based on the title of "Doctor" before his name. So you should always ignore titles and degrees and assess every individual on his or her actual ability to think.
Now, think about that. In spite of all your intelligence, it might have taken you years to come to that conclusion, but I was able to give you the benefit of my experience in just a few seconds. That's the advantage of listening to your parents and grandparents. It's not that we think that we're smarter than you, or that you're dumb, but we know how much value there is in experience.
I picked that piece of knowledge as a young paralegal when I was doing legal research and writing legal briefs for attorneys. When I first started, I assumed that the attorneys were much more intelligent that I was. After all, they were certified attorneys, and they knew much more about the law that I did. But I was soon to learn the difference between knowledge and intelligence. As time went on, I recognized that while they had more training in the law than I did, in many cases they lacked the ability to manipulate the law and connect the dots like I did. And then later, as I began to learn more about the law and legal precedents through all the research I was doing, it became clear to me that a lot of them were actually dimwitted. That caused me to understand that just because a person sat up in school and obtained enough facts to become an attorney, that had nothing to do with their level of intelligence. Donald Trump's attorney, Rudy Giuliani, is a perfect example of that. No bigger fool has ever walked the Earth, yet, he was the mayor of New York, and now the principle attorney of the President of the United States. So, never take anyone else's word for what constitutes truth and reality. Always, always, make your own assessment of what's true. I obtained that knowledge through my dealings attorneys, then and applied to life in general, and now I'm passing it along to you. So, take heed, because it'll be one of the most valuable piece of knowledge you'll ever learn. It'll help you to accurately assess others, to see what life's really about, as opposed to what you're told it's about.
Having that knowledge has also allowed me to assess you. Each of you are brilliant at connecting the doubts. That's how I've been able to assess your levels of intelligence. So, while it may seem that I'm interfering in your lives, I'm simply trying to make sure that you don't sell yourselves short. While I'm sure you know that you're not dumb, I'm also sure that I have a better understanding of just how intelligent you actually are. I'm sure you have a pretty good idea of your level of intelligence, but I'm also sure that I know more about your level of intelligence. How can I say that? I can say that because I'm able to compare your ability to think against a lifetime of professionals I've known in the past.
I tend to intervene in your lives because it could take you years to recognize what I can tell you in a couple of seconds. So I'd be remiss to just sit back and allow you to waste your time, or not to tell you how much more you're capable of than what you aspire too. Because what you aspire to now, is influenced by the desires of youth, but later in life, those desires may not be important to you at all. So, yes, pursue your desires. That constitutes experience. But while you're pursuing your youthful aspirations, also prepare yourself for a plan B, because our youthful desires inevitably change in life. So a good rule of thumb is to always focus on intellectual development, because a well-tooled and efficient mind has no problem with adapting to change.
When Eric Jr. was a star basketball player and was considering trying to follow Tracy Murray into the NBA, at his graduation banquet I asked him if he really wanted to bounce a ball for a living. Yes, he could gain wealth and fame, but that's a frivolous pursuit, and it's not what life is all about. God made birds to fly, fish to swim and man to think. So true happiness is about intellectual accomplishment, and helping to move your people forward. That has much more value than getting an NBA ring, and driving a Rolls Royce.
The lesson in that is, why dedicate your life getting a mansion when you can only live in one room at a time? So, why do you need fifty rooms? You only want them to impress others, because you think that by impressing others it will add to your own self-esteem. And why do you need a Rolls Royce, when a VW Bug can get you anywhere the Rolls will, and for far less gas? You want the Rolls for the same reason, just to impress others. But again, that's a childish pursuit. Cut out the middle man and impress yourself through the pursuit of excellence.
To dedicate yourself to the pursuit of wealth and fame is to cater to the pettiness of self-indulgence. And not only that, but chasing the dollar, leaves very little time to enjoy life, love, and family.
Now, don't get me wrong, money has it's place. It can be used to help others. I expect Eric III to become wealthy, but hopefully, I'll be able to teach him not to let the pursuit of money become an end in itself. If you enjoy making money, make sure it's just a hobby, and it doesn't consume your entire life. Take the time to enjoy life, because life should be about the pursuit of happiness and contentment, and the best assurance of obtaining that quality of life is through the pursuit of excellence, and to engage in a constant competition against the person you were the day before.
I'm far from rich, but I'm more financially comfortable than the average person. I don't even keep up with how much money I have in the bank. It doesn't matter, because I'm happy, and whenever I want to make a purchase, the ATM spits out the money required. That's all I need. All I'm interested in is having enough money to send you, if you came up short. So what else do I need? You acquire money by not throwing it away trying to make others think you're a bigshot. You can get just as much admiration from people through competence. After all, that's what money is suppose to indicate, your level of competence. But as the gross incompetence of Donald Trump clearly demonstrates, it's a very poor substitute.
In that regard, Taylor, I often talk to you and Miles about how opinionated your mother is. She's that way because she has a keen intellect. When she was a teenager I used to always get into debates with her, but I never played the "I'm your daddy" card with her, because I was thrilled to watch her mind at work, and your grandmother loved it. Afterward we would go into our bedroom and Nani would fall out laughing and say, "You know you're creating a monster, don't you?" Yes, I did know, and I loved it. And that's why she became president of her union.
And look at what Eric did without even trying while in the military - and the military specialize in recognizing excellence. They can’t afford to play silly games, because it’s a matter of life and death with them, and look what they said about him:
AFB, WA 99011
SUBJECT: Recommendation for Staff Sergeant Eric L. Wattree
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2. Eric continues to lead a stellar military career; his enlisted performance reports speak for themselves. His leadership and experience, especially in contingency environments, remains a vital asset to our unit and wing. As one of my primary Phoenix Raven team leaders, he’s propelled to the forefront of all major deployments throughout the world. He’s repeatedly secured aircraft and crews, supporting a wide variety of missions, in the most austere and terrorist-ridden environments where security is severely inadequate. The diversity of these missions never limited SSgt Wattree’s capacity to adapt to each situation. For this reason, Eric was selected as our 2000 Outstanding Phoenix Raven Member of the Year and the 2001 Air Force Reserve Component Airman of the Year for the 92d Security Forces Squadron.
3. Whether operating under peacetime or contingency operations, Eric easily assumes control and tackles every situation with meticulous tenacity, a quality highly desired in our Air Force officers. Requested by name, Sergeant Wattree, provided security for presidential Banner missions throughout Greece, Peru and Viet Nam. While deployed to Afghanistan, he flew numerous combat missions in our nation’s pursuit to eradicate terrorism through Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. Additionally, he provided round-the-clock force protection for aircraft in other high-threat environments including Uzbekistan, Pakistan and Oman.
4. Sergeant Wattree motivated his personnel during the worst conditions and raised the level of esprit de corps to integrate personnel from other Air Force specialties into a cohesive team. His leadership, integrity and devotion to our Air Force play an integral part in our future leadership. Eric has what it takes to become a commissioned officer and earns my full support to attend Officer Training School.
USAF Operations Officer
Eric has excelled in life because he’s your grandmother’s son, so just like you, he has excellence in his blood. Proof of that is, just like Eric, his son Eli, walked through the door being honored by the military. They don't know how to be anything else but, excellent. That's the way you were raised. Your Nani dropped out of college so I could go to school, yet she was the only Black person I’ve ever known where corporations were reaching out to her to offer her a job - and then, they gave her 3 months to consider their offer. They were asking to pay her for her excellence.
This woman who was so casual about her abilities, and who dropped out of college, rubbed shoulders with generals, and had people with advanced degrees looking up to her. She didn’t even have to open the many manuals required to do her job. She could quote them by heart. Yet, just like you, she took her brilliance for granted. But her brilliance wasn’t lost on the people at Rockwell International, Hughes Aircraft, or Raytheon, they knew what she represented. I once worked on a project with her for Raytheon and they even offered me a job, just based on the fact that I was her husband. I guess they figured her brilliance might have rubbed off on me.
So, we’ve been blessed. There’s not a dimwit or fool among you. You’ve all been blessed with your grandmother’s level of excellence, so don't let life pass you by without taking full advantage of it. Don’t settle for just doing well – shoot for the stars, and if you fall short, you can always land on the Moon.
Taylor, I can’t tell you how impressed I am with your degree in Biology. When I was in college, science scared me to death, but you’re your Nani’s granddaughter, and you were born with her innate intellect. You’re following in power footsteps. I was a union flunky who specialized in litigation, but my baby girl, your mother, became the President of her union. You’re the offspring of two powerful women, and nothing is beyond your grasp, so don't get irritated with me when you speak to me of your passions and I suggest that you can do much more. I'm a brother out of the 60s, so I feel like a woman who's been blessed with your intellect has a responsibility to not just do well, but to contribute to the enhancement your people, and your grandmother would have felt the same way. When she was in college, she was the President of the Black Student's Union, and she dumped me for a year to convince me to pull my head together.
Eric III, I expect you to head for Wall Street and use your degree to help make the Wattree family rich. How many people can claim that their university had enough confidence in them to let them invest the school’s money? That's saying something. You should also use your intellect to help
pull your people forward.
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Byron and Miles, while you have yet to decide upon your niche in life, I’m going to see to it that all of the family’s resources will be dedicated to the development of your powerful intellects as well. I’m going to see to it that that’s all you’ll have to focus on. Why should you have to struggle through school? Me and your Nani did your struggling for you.
So, I hope you'll all just bear with me. I'm just trying to get you to take advantage of your full potential. At this point in my life, you represent my contribution to mankind. You're my entire life, my way of saying to the world that "Eric was here!" It's through you, that I'll become a bigshot. So, my life is dedicated to making sure that you all shine, just like your Nani tried to make me shine - and considering what she had to work with, she did a pretty good job. But I never did quite live up to the man I saw reflected in her eyes, but then, no man could. But nevertheless, I'm still trying, by getting you to meet that standard. She expected all of you to accomplish great things, and she left me behind to see to it. And this time, I have no intention of letting her down.
Love, Poppi
Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.