Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree
The Donald Trump era was like binging on poorly made rotgut. It's left America with a splitting headache and no desire to ever indulge again. That's bad news for the political class, because Trump has used up whatever leeway for missteps you might have enjoyed in the past. So this is a message for all politicians of every stripe. Consider yourselves on notice. It's time to start changing your ways, because having to deal with the idiocy of Donald Trump's self-serving incompetence has left a bad taste in America's mouth regarding all manner of political chicanery.
The time has past for trying to use deception, political maneuvering, and transparent clickbait schemes to try to gain political advantage. You’re no longer fooling anybody. Regardless of whatever kind of machinations you try to contrive, we've been there, done that. So you have two options, you can either carry out your responsibilities in a responsible and forthright manner, or you can get the hell out of office and find yourself a real job.
It is now clear to us that you don't give a damn about the nation's welfare. We now know it was all about you, and a game you were playing to keep yourselves comfortably employed. If that weren't the case, you would never have tolerated Donald Trump for a minute. We also know your so-called clickbait “surveys" and other deceptions are all designed to get our attention so you can beg for money - again, just to keep yourself comfortably ensconced in office. So it's all been a farce, and all about you, not the people, or the country.
I have yet to fill-out one political survey from any politician that didn’t have a pitch for money at the end. The entire point of your so-call surveys are to incite emotion to make it easier for you to beg. If you were half as creative in legislating as you are at begging, America really would be a shining city on a hill. But instead, due to the political ineptness in Washington for the past four years, America has become the laughingstock of the entire world. Just think about that - in a mere four years America has gone from the most admired nation in the world, to a laughingstock. It took a very special kind of self-service and incompetence to accomplishment that feat.
So in the past four years the American people have been baptized by fire. We've obtained a PhD in political chicanery, and we've become much smarter than the people holding office. We've had an objective and bird's-eye view of a national disaster in the making. We now understand that just because you were elected to office doesn't make you intellectual giants. We've been awakened to that reality in no uncertain terms. After all, we've just experienced a man who was elected President of the United States who was a world-class idiot, so we're suffering under no illusions regarding the limitations of those in the political class . We now know without a doubt that the title doesn't make the man, or woman. The man or woman makes the title.
So, we don't appreciate your assuming we’re so stupid that your political Ponzi schemes are gonna cause us to fall all over ourselves to dance to your music - of course, there are some lingering Trump supporters who might, but they're idiots. After all, they are Trump supporters. But for most of us, you're not only insulting our intelligence, but your behavior is a clear indication that you're all cut from the same clothe. All of you seem to be insincere and less than dedicated egomaniacs. You didn't run for office to serve the people, you ran for office to get on television.
So the voters now understand with a brand new clarity that this is not a game. We understand that you were voted into office to REPRESENT us, not to get into office and assume you’re above us, and it's time that you begin to recognize that fact. If you don't, you're going to find yourselves out on your asses.
In the yellow donation box above, the Trump campaign threatened to "tell Trump that you're a DEFECTOR" if the voter didn't check the box agreeing to give a monthly donation. That clearly shows that their understanding of how the system is supposed to work was turned completely on its head. So it's no wonder that Donald Trump is on his way to the ash heap of history - and probably, by way of the penitentiary. Who gives a damn what they tell Trump? The voter is not beholding to Donald Trump. Trump was SUPPOSED to be beholding to the voter, and that's a big part of the Republican problem.
The Republican congress routinely vote down legislation that's supported by the vast majority of the American people, and after the last election, Trump ignited an insurrection in attempt to throw out the votes of millions of Americans who voted against him. So Republican politicians have clearly demonstrated that they have absolutely no respect for the will of the people. A democracy can't function under those conditions. It's un-American on its face, so it's incumbent upon us to weed these authoritarian-prone conservative Republicans out of our government.
Republican politicians tend to have delusions of grandeur. Donald Trump thought that he could demand that the Presidency be given to him whether he won the election or not; Mitch McConnell thinks he has the exclusive right to control who goes on the Supreme Court and what legislation should become law of the land; Republican legislatures in 47 states have proposed 361 laws to suppress the people's right to vote, and Mo Brooks thought he had the right to disrupt our democracy by telling an angry mob to go to the Capitol and "kick ass, and take names". So it's past time to bring you people down a peg or two and make it clear who's running this country.
You politicians are neither our leaders, nor are you our intellectual superiors; you're our EMPLOYEES, and if you don't understand that fact you need to be working in a carwash. The voters didn’t vote you into office to try to trick us into sending you money to secure your employment; you were voted into office to see to it that the will of the people was given priority over money and influence. That's the way a democracy is suppose work, and if you’re too dimwitted to understand that, you have no business holding public office. So instead of looking down your nose at us and trying to conjure up underhanded ways of getting us to make donations to your campaigns, try doing your job for a change, and focus on finding ways to promote the will of the people.
I seriously doubt that you're going to do that, however - in fact, at this point, I seriously doubt you even know how. So I've got a plan. Until you people manage to open your eyes and truly serve the public, the American people should start primarying every incumbent running for re-election, every election. We need to continue to turn you out of office every election until we find people who knows what it means to serve the people. I know, that sounds outrageous, right? But who knows, the idea just might catch on.
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A democracy can't function while infested with self-serving turncoats, and that's exactly what we have. Our system is overflowing with people who grin in our face before the election, and then start stabbing us in our backs as soon as the vote is counted. So you deadbeats need to start thinking about modifying the way you approach your job - or we're gonna throw you out on your asses, just like we did Trump.
Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.