Thursday, May 06, 2021


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree 






Michael, the reason you’re confused about what’s happened to your Republican Party is because you’re beginning to wake up to the realization that you’ve been manipulated from the very start. The Republican Party has never been what it professed to be, but now it’s become the victim of its own manipulation, because the Trumplodites have taken over and it’s become the Republican Cult. 
The GOP is made up of three factions with confluent interests. The first faction is the rich, or what Alexander Hamilton referred to as the “wellborn”. They previously controlled the modern Republican Party for their own interests. The second faction is made up of White supremacist bigots who the first faction uses as their citizen army. The rich uses their hatred and anger to create division. The third faction is the mainstream conservatives like yourself that both the rich and White supremacist factions use to reinforce their number. 
For decades they’ve been manipulating people like yourself into voting against your own interests by catering to your religious beliefs, patriotism, and the belief that you’re the defenders of “the American way”. The problem with that is, they’ve brainwashed a large portion of the American people regarding what "the American way" entails. You’ve been taught that failing to support the rich constitutes aligning yourself with the Democrats, and those poor and lazy Black people. “After all, you could become rich yourself someday, unless you let those slovenly minorities destroy this great country.”   
You've been taught that unfettered capitalism is the "American way," and "socialism" is un-American. But the truth is, capitalism means to give priority to the rich, and socialism is to give priority to the people. But the rich uses the fact that socialism has been tarnished over the years by its abuse in other countries to convince you that it's un-American to give priority to your own families.

A huge part of conservative propaganda requires that they keep you blind. 
That’s why the Republican Party is anti-intellectual, and why you're currently confused. The Republican Party is dependent on catering to the emotions, so it’s totally dependent on blind adherence to conservative propaganda - or put another way, to total stupidity. The reason for that is simple - their poorly contrived philosophy is so blatantly ridiculous that it can’t survive in an enlightened environment. That's why Liz Cheney is under attack for refusing to accept "The Big Lie" that the big liar, Donald Trump, won the last election. In order to be a "good Republican" you're required to live in a fantasy. 
Conservatives specialize in cutting your throats and then blaming your suffering on your neighbor. That's how they keep us divided. That's also why they fought like hell for a trillion dollar tax cut for the rich, but now that President Biden wants to help the Average American they've rediscovered the "evil" of deficit spending. It's insane, and you have to be totally brainwashed to accept it.



Conservatives have always been known for walking around with flag pins in their lapels and spewing their "bone-spur" brand of patriotism. Going all the way back to the very founding of this nation they’ve always used false patriotism and deception as weapons to promote their self-serving agenda to undermine the interests of the average American. As a result of that attitude, they have always been the most insidious enemies of American democracy. That’s why when our founding fathers speak of American enemies they insert the phrase, “Both foreign and domestic.” 


As I've pointed out previously, when conservatives first arrived on these shores, they brought with them the European notion of class distinction. They have always suffered from the distinctly undemocratic attitude that the only inherent value of the average American is as servants to cater to the whims of the upper class. Alexander Hamilton, one of this nation’s conservative founding fathers, believed that the rich and "wellbornshould be given a permanent share in government. He said: 
“All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are the rich and wellborn, the other the mass of the people…. The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right. Give therefore to the first class a distinct, permanent share in government. They will check the unsteadiness of the second, and as they cannot receive any advantage by a change, they therefore will ever maintain good government.” 
Hamilton supported a lifetime appointment of the President (after being selected by congress, instead of the people). Can you just imagine that, Donald Trump FOR LIFE!!!?  Obviously, Donald Trump could, and that’s what led to the Capitol insurrection. But the founding fathers were brighter than we are, so America dodged that bullet during the Federalist Convention that took place between May 14 and September 17, 1787. 
Since most of the founding fathers came to America to escape the aristocratic class system in Europe, Hamilton’s desire to preserve the class system was resoundingly defeated in favor of an unfettered democracy, but that didn’t mean that people of Hamilton’s point of view would quietly go away. Instead, they became the conservative coalition, and lowered their profile as blatant aristocrats but continued to pursue their agenda by using their wealth, power, and various other strategies to divide the people to achieve their objective. That’s what we see todayThat accounts for why conservatives tend to be specialists in obstructionism and division, and why the American people ALWAYS suffer under conservative governance. And then came Donald Trump. 




Trump suffers from a pathological sense of entitlement. He’s never earned anything on his own merit in his entire life, that’s why he's so incompetent and intolerant of disloyalty. He's never had to actually earn anything in his life. His father simply gave him everything. Even when he wanted to go to college, he just paid someone to take the SAT exam for him, and his older sister did his homework. Then later, his father got a doctor to lie to get him out of the draft allowing him to avoid serving in the Vietnam War. As a result, Trump thinks that's the way life is supposed to work. He thinks he's "The chosen one", and the world is obligated to cater to his desires.  

Then after his father died, and his gross incompetence sent him into bankruptcy and every American bank turned their backs on him, that's when Putin stepped in and took his father's place. That accounts for Trump's unwavering loyalty to Vladimir Putin. The Russians, literally, saved Trump from financial disaster - and they may still be propping him up to this day. That's undoubtedly why he's been so secretive about his financial records. Trump is such a braggart that if he didn't have something to hide, and if his business acumen made him look good instead of the incompetent illiterate that he is, he'd have his financial documents highlighted in strobe lights in Times Square. 

So Putin knew that as a direct result of Trump always having the road paved for him throughout his life, he never had to develop the character, intellect, or fortitude that most of us are forced to develop just to survive. That made him a severely flawed individual, easily manipulated, and the perfect puppet.


The Guardian reported that Yuri Shvets, sent to Washington by the Soviet Union in the 1980s, was quoted in the book, American Kompromat, by journalist Craig Unger, that Trump came onto the Russian radar in 1977 when he married his first wife, Ivana Zelnickova, a Czech model. During that time, Trump became the target of a spying operation overseen by Czechoslovakia’s intelligence service in cooperation with the KGB." He went on to say, “Trump was the perfect target in a lot of ways: his vanity, narcissism made him a natural target to recruit. He was cultivated over a 40-year period, right up through his election.”


So with Putin's help, Trump began to formulating “The Big Lie” months before the 2020 election, because even though he would never admit it, Trump fully recognized his shortcomings as President. But in spite of his incompetence, Trump was desperate to hold on to power, both because he was cognizant of the legal challenges that awaited him outside the White House gates, and also because his fragile ego was much too weak to tolerate a loss. A loss would validate everything that Trump had dedicated his life to hiding - that he's a fraud, a daddy's boy, and an incompetent wimp. But worst of all, it would mean that he couldn't standup to the former subordinate of that "uppity" Black man, Barack ObamaThat’s why Trump couldn't conjure up the class to attend President Joe Biden's inauguration, and even to this day, he’s still claiming that he won a landslide victory – and that’s in spite of over 60 (SIXTY!) losses in court before judges that he appointed, and his former attorney, Sidney Powell, admitting the claim of election fraud was a lie. 





Just prior to his 2016 election Trump stumbled upon his White supremacist base, and they were his mirror image. They were also arrogant, narcissistic, and insecure, and they too had been  given their stature in society - not by wealth, but by virtue of their White skin - and both they, and Donald, were desperate to hold on to their life of entitlement by any means necessary - and neither wanted to ever be forced to compete on a level playing field. 


These people had been in revolt mode ever since the election of Barack Obama. And Obama's success as President angered them even more. Then Trump's inability to measure up to President Obama made the situation intolerable to them, because their self-image was based on their delusion of innate superiority rather than personal accomplishment, and Barack Obama's excellence contradicted the very foundation of White supremacy.  

The fact is, Trump's inability to compete with Obama led to "The Big Lie", the insurrection, the growing attacks on non-Whites throughout the nation, and the over 361 voter suppression laws proposed by Republicans in 47 states. It's a simple matter of radicalized conservatives lashing out in fear and desperation. 
In the eyes of bigoted conservatives, Trump's inability to compete with Obama was intolerable. It not only debunked their claim of White superiority, but it constituted the ultimate assault on the nation’s White supremacist tradition - and the fact that Trump lost the 2020 election to the former subordinate of Barack Obama only served to poured salt in the wound. 

So Donald Trump and his radicalized conservative followers formed an unshakable bond, because they were both the products of desperation, a sense of entitlement, and insecurity. Like Trump, as a direct result of society paving their way throughout life, they never had to develop the knowledge, competence, and common sense that most of us had to develop just to survive. That resulted in their becoming insecure, intellectually deprived, and highly flawed individuals just like Trump – and they knew it. So like Trump, their entire lives have been dedicated to desperately hiding their shortcomings, which accounts for their braggadocious and over-the-top personalities. So also like Trump, everything about them is a fraud. 
So these diehard Trump supporters suffer from the very same insecurities and fear of the loss of entitlement that Trump does. And both Donald, and his followers, are desperate to avoid having to compete on a level playing field, because then, their many shortcomings would be revealed. Clear evidence of that insecurity is reflected in their chant that "You won't replace us."
As a result, Trump and his supporters have managed to take over the Republican Party from the rich due to their numbers, symbiotic relationship, and unshakable bond. And they’re both desperate to hold on to an undeserved stature in society, and willing to do anything - including staging a revolt against the United States government to do it. 

Having to compete on a level playing field, and possibly not being able to measure up to non-Whites would be a fate worse than death for these people - Trump knew that for a fact, due to his experience with Barack Obama. So Trump and his followers have a common cause, to promote White supremacy, and while Trump is unwilling to give-up his own life (because he's a coward), he's more than willing to fight to his supporters' last breath in defense of their cause. That's what makes them so dangerous - Trump is ruthless, and his supporters are dumb. For that reason, it's absolutely necessary to indict Trump for inciting insurrection, and send him to prison for life. That's the only way we can send an unequivocal message to his cadre of idiots that this is America, so What you smell ain't cookin'. 


Eric L. Wattree 
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA) 
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does. 

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