
Okay, had enough?
Now that you've viewed the misogynistic subculture that has all but seized the soul of the young Black male, it has to be clear that any woman who can manage to raise well rounded, productive, and stable children - by herself - in such an environment can do anything.
So, of course a woman can be a good, and even great, president, but I don't count Hillary Clinton among those women. Hillary, and many other so-called "feminists" of her generation suffer from seriously misguided views on what it truly means to be a strong and independent woman. They actually diminish the meaning of womanhood by embracing the position that the only way a woman can truly be strong and independent is by being more like a man, and Hillary has spent her entire life doing just that - trying to show America how much like a man she can be - and to the point where all vestiges of femininity are now nonexistent.
That doesn't promote the competence, intelligence, and insight of the female character; it suggests that women should abandon the "inferior" qualities that make them innately special, and take on the "superior" qualities of men. That's backward thinking. That's like a Black man thinking that the only way he can be equal to a White man is to become Archie Bunker. But Barack Obama has clearly shown that a Black man can be equal to a White man, and more, while remaining true to his nature; and Michelle Obama has demonstrated the very same point with respect to female competence. Let us not forget, Michelle used to be Barack's boss and mentor, but she has no problem with being highly feminine, and highly home oriented. Michelle doesn't feel the need to prove that she's as competent as a man, because she's comfortable in her womanhood, so she knows she is.
But Hillary is an ideologue, and all ideologues (regardless of stripe) are dangerous, because they tend to give ideology priority over truth, and intrinsic to every zealot's passion for justice lies the seeds of tyranny. So with a feminist ideologue like Hillary Clinton as president, I'd be afraid that she might send thousands of young Americans to a needless death just to prove that she can be "just as strong as a man" with respect to wreaking havoc and destruction all over the world.
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Remember Donna Reed? Women of Hillary's ilk tend to look down their nose at women like that, but consider this - there was no such thing as drive-bys on Donna's watch. She created a stable home environment that served to stabilize society as a whole. She did more for society from her family's house, than a Hillary clone could ever do as president from the White House. The problem with the Hillary kind of women is that they fail to recognize that fact. They see women like Donna as "quaint," and out of touch with the new feminist reality:
"One of the things that made me drop the feminist label was how cruel they were to women who said they weren't feminists, I had no problem with women who supported equality even if they didn't use the same label as me and I didn't understand WHY they [feminists] had to act like they [non-feminists] just said 'No, I hate my rights and I wish it was the 1900's again'. They just said they didn't labeled themselves as feminists, big f..king deal, it's like asking someone if they believe in God and then saying 'If you believe in God you MUST be a Catholic' when that person says they're an Orthodox Christian.
"They believe feminism is the truth and if someone is against it they're obviously wrong and deserve to be shunned until they convert, almost like religion. They're like the religious nuts that say that atheists have no morals or worship the devil, the only difference apart from politics and the like is that feminists are taken waaay more seriously than those guys. I used to laugh at the people who said it was a cult and now I think that yes, It's kinda cult-ish, If you say 'wrong stuff' they shun you and treat you like shit, they just lack a 'Feminist Overlord' or any kind of leader and initiation rituals."
Many feminists completely fail to realize that women like Donna are directly responsible for who, and where they are today. So it's not Hillary that I dislike, or her chosen path in life; it's the condescending attitude of Hillary-type women towards homemakers - and I don't think I'm alone. Hillary hasn't personally done a thing to deserve the hostility that she engenders in many Americans. But while much of that hostility is directed at her, it's not about her, it's about what she represents - the degradation of America.
The American people don't have a problem with women seizing the opportunity to express their creativity and potential as human beings, but what they do resent is a handful of ambitious women attempting to further their personal goals by convincing a generation of housewives that they're being less than productive by not entering the workforce to take up arms against men. Prior to these women entering the workforce, one income was sufficient to comfortably support a family. Now, a woman must work, whether she wants to or not, just for most families to survive. The reason for that is, once women went to work and put more money into circulation, the business community simply doubled the cost of living. So what we're left with as a result of this mass exodus of housewives into the workforce is a rise in the of the cost of living, women being forced to juggle family and a full-time jobs, latchkey children, a hoard of incorrigible teenagers, a rise in workplace indiscretions, failed marriages, and skyrocketing crime - a net loss anyway you look at it. This is the culture that women like Hillary Clinton represents - the very mindset that's destroying America.