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There's ample evidence of the Clinton's gross disrespect for this nation's laws, and thus, the people of this country. Their Blatant flaunting of the of the Voting Rights Act in Massachusetts and in other parts of this country are a case in point, and the many allegations of election fraud (with lawsuits pending) also highlights their flagrant disregard for this nation's laws. Their attitude seems to be that laws are for the "little people." Bill Clinton's pardons while in office also clearly demonstrates the double standard that they adhere to with respect to the law. So as I've said many times before, contrary to the belief of many people, I'm not against the Clintons because I'm a Bernie Sanders supporter; I'm a Bernie Sanders supporter because I'm so passionately against the Clintons.
Marc Rich - A fugitive who had fled the U.S. during his prosecution, was residing in Switzerland. Rich owed $48 million in taxes and was charged with 51 counts of tax fraud, was pardoned of tax evasion. He was required to pay a $1 million fine and waive any use of the pardon as a defense against any future civil charges that were filed against him in the same case. Critics complained that Denise Eisenberg Rich, his former wife, had made substantial donations to both the Clinton library and to Mrs. Clinton's senate campaign. According to Paul Volcker's independent investigation of Iraqi Oil-for-Food kickback schemes, Marc Rich was a middleman for several suspect Iraqi oil deals involving over 4 million barrels (640,000 m3) of oil.[23] Longtime Clinton supporters and Democratic leaders such as former President Jimmy Carter, James Carville and Terry McAuliffe, were all critical of the Clinton pardon.
Susan McDougal - Who had already completed her sentence, was pardoned for her role in the Whitewater scandal. McDougal had served the maximum possible 18 months, including eight in solitary confinement, on contempt charges for refusing to testify about Clinton's role.
Mel Reynolds - A Democratic Congressman from Illinois, was convicted of bank fraud, 12 counts of sexual assault, obstruction of justice, and solicitation of child pornography. His sentence was commuted on the bank fraud charge and he was allowed to serve the final months under the auspices of a halfway house. Reynolds had served his entire sentence on child sex abuse charges before the commutation of the later convictions. Jimmy Carter said the pardons were "disgraceful."
Harvey Weinig - a former Manhattan lawyer who was sentenced in 1996 to 11 years in prison for facilitating an extortion-kidnapping scheme and helping launder at least $19 million for the Cali cocaine cartel.
Roger Clinton - The president's half-brother, was pardoned for drug charges after having served the entire sentence more than a decade earlier.
In March 2000, Bill Clinton pardoned Edgar and Vonna Jo Gregory, owners of the carnival company United Shows International, for charges of bank fraud from a 1982 conviction. Although the couple had already been released from prison, the prior conviction prevented them from doing business in certain American states. First Lady Hillary Clinton's youngest brother, Tony Rodham, was an acquaintance of the Gregorys, and had lobbied Clinton on their behalf.[14] In October 2006, the group Judicial Watch filed a request with the U.S. Justice Department for an investigation, alleging that Rodham had received $107,000 from the Gregorys for the pardons in the form of loans that were never repaid, as part of a quid pro quo scheme.
Again, President Jimmy Carter said the pardons were "disgraceful."
And then there's whether or not Hillary Clinton engaged in obstruction of justice. Hillary testified before congress that she turned over all of her work-related emails. The FBI says that she didn't, and there's no way of knowing how much of her other "work-related" email was deleted. Out of 62,320 emails she only turned over 30,490. She deleted 31,830. How do we know what was on those emails that she deleted? We don't. If it were you are I and they asked us to turn over our emails and we only gave less than half, we would be charged with obstruction of justice. If she wanted to keep her private email private, she should have used her private computer for her private communications, and the State Department computer for work-related email. But since she didn't see fit to do that, when they asked for her email, she was required to give them ALL of it - in fact, they would have just shown up at our house and confiscated the computer, and server. That was the purpose of her maintaining a private server in the first place, so she could reveal only what she wanted to reveal, and that was a clear obstruction of justice right there.
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The very system that is protecting Hillary Clinton from prosecution has disseminated down to the average street cop, who is the surrogate of the system. It’s allowing the rogues among them to shoot our children down in the street with either complete impunity, or a slap on the wrist. It’s this very same system and philosophy - that there are those who are above the law, and those who just don’t count - that makes Black lives not matter. So America needs to wake up - and especially Black people - because when a child is lying in street gasping for his last breath after his body has been riddled with bullets from the gun of some racist cop with a sense of entitlement, it’s too late to start shaking our fists then. NOW is the time to address this issue, instead of trying to protect the massas’ privilege - “Missy, I don’t know what’s wrong wit dem blind and ungrateful coons. Dey tryin’ to keep us out the White House. I don’t know why dey don’t see how good you been to us! But I sho do.” Well, let me tell you why.
I’ve had Black people tell me that I seem to be obsessed with Hillary Clinton. You’re damn right I’m obsessed. David Duke and the Klan hasn’t done a fraction of the harm to the Black community as Bill and Hillary Clinton, and now, to see uninformed Black people - including the Congressional Black Caucus - rally around Hillary Clinton is a disgusting thing to watch, and I’m not even a militant Black man. I can only imagine how the truly militant among us are looking at the current level of Black stupidity. It’s like we’re back in the 19th Century. I was under the mistaken impression that we were moving forward, but this Clinton episode has convinced me that we haven’t learned a damn thing - it was Black people who put Hillary over the top!!! So it’s no wonder why Black people are simply dismissed in this country. If we don’t have sense enough to protect our own interest, why should anyone else even bother to try?
Once Bill and Hillary Clinton decided they wanted to get back into the White House, Bill went, hat-in-hand, to apologized to the NAACP for his draconian crime bill - a bill that he conceded put far too many Black people in prison for far too long. But what he failed to concede was that he paid the states EXTRA to give these prisoners longer sentences. He also failed to point out that those who were being imprisoned were victims of HIS crime of colluding with Ronald Reagan to flood the Black community with crack cocaine in order to fund Reagan’s illegal war in Nicaragua after congress defunded it with the Boland Amendment. And finally, he failed to point out that the very same prison industrial complex that he created when he became president to incarcerate the victims of HIS crime was one of Hillary’s biggest political contributors - at least, until she decided to run for office. And think about this - he did this AFTER Black people sold blood to get him elected. Black people lovingly referred to him as “Our first Black president.” Oh, Really!!!?
So Black people need to wake up, and begin make being knowledgeable and informed the new definition of what it means to be cool, because just being cool don’t seem to be gettin’ us over. And another thing - we need to stop rolling over and purring to have our tummies scratched by White folks. That too, is a disgusting thing to watch.
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.