Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree
Trump supporters are constantly claiming that "Deep State" is out to get him. Deep State is not “out to get” Trump, they're simply trying to protect America from an idiot. That’s their job. Trump is his own worst enemy, and he has made it clear that he's unfit for office. Even his own staff is disgusted with him, that's why the White House is leaking like a sieve. The only people who care about Trump are a handful of bigots, and even THEY'RE beginning to see the light, because it seems that everything he does and says is immature and stupid. So in terms of getting the people's admiration and respect, becoming president was the very worst thing that could have ever happened to Trump, because it’s placed his immaturity, narcissism, and gross ignorance on public display. White House aides can’t stop talking about President Trump like he’s a toddler.
The real problem is, Putin makes Trump look like the lightweight he is, and that makes the American people look like lightweights. Leaders all over the world know that the best way to get whatever they want out of Trump is to give him a parade, because at his core Trump is an insecure, self-absorbed man-child desperately seeking validation. He’s so emotionally immature that the only thing important to him is self-aggrandizement. That’s why he’s so fixated on the myth that he had the biggest crowds in history at his inauguration. He seems determined to prove that he’s a great man who is adored by the masses, so he doesn’t have time to be worried about little “petty” things like the suffering of the American people or the sorry state of this nation, that’s irrelevant. The only thing that’s important to him is to prove that the American people love and admire Donald Trump, and any evidence that suggests otherwise is “fake news.” The man is absolutely delusional, and anyone who can’t see that is also less than fully grounded - and that’s far more than just an opinion, it's the general consensus of the American people. Read the polls.
The real problem is, Putin makes Trump look like the lightweight he is, and that makes the American people look like lightweights. Leaders all over the world know that the best way to get whatever they want out of Trump is to give him a parade, because at his core Trump is an insecure, self-absorbed man-child desperately seeking validation. He’s so emotionally immature that the only thing important to him is self-aggrandizement. That’s why he’s so fixated on the myth that he had the biggest crowds in history at his inauguration. He seems determined to prove that he’s a great man who is adored by the masses, so he doesn’t have time to be worried about little “petty” things like the suffering of the American people or the sorry state of this nation, that’s irrelevant. The only thing that’s important to him is to prove that the American people love and admire Donald Trump, and any evidence that suggests otherwise is “fake news.” The man is absolutely delusional, and anyone who can’t see that is also less than fully grounded - and that’s far more than just an opinion, it's the general consensus of the American people. Read the polls.
That makes him an extremely dangerous man, because he'll put self before country every time. He doesn't know how to think in any other way. Look at his behavior in the current North Korean nuclear crisis, for example. He's capable of starting WWIII just to raise his poll numbers, but he's so clueless he could also do it inadvertently. Without thinking it through, discussing it with his staff, or even giving it a second thought, he told the North Koreans, "North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen." That was a needlessly stupid escalation of a very dangerous situation. He's playing a game of "chicken," with another egomaniacal lunatic with the lives of the American people. That alone shows that he's completely irresponsible.
His poor judgement and self-absorbed nature could even be seen when he spoke at a Boy Scout jamboree where it is traditional to give uplifting and patriotic speeches to our youth, but his speech was all about Donald Trump: "Boy, you have a lot of people here. The press will say it's about 200 people. It looks like about 45,000 people. You set a record today. You set a record." And then he goes on to say, referring to election night before an audience of children, "But do you remember that incredible night with the maps and the Republicans are red and the Democrats are blue, and that map was so red, it was unbelievable, and they didn't know what to say?" It was so over-the-top that the Boy Scouts of America had to issue a public apology for the conduct of the President of the United States. Politico reported:
“The head of the Boy Scouts of America apologized to the group’s members on Thursday after President Donald Trump delivered a meandering, controversial and frequently political speech to the organization's National Jamboree on Monday. ‘I want to extend my sincere apologies to those in our Scouting family who were offended by the political rhetoric that was inserted into the jamboree,’ Chief Scout Executive Michael Surbaugh said in a letter published online. ‘That was never our intent.’ . . . Surbaugh noted in the letter that the group is nonpartisan and has had a ‘long-standing tradition’ of inviting the sitting president to speak at the event since its inception in 1937. He reiterated that Trump’s appearance at the gathering was ‘no way an endorsement of any person, party or policies.”’
Now that has to be a first, for the Boy Scouts to have to apologize for the behavior of the President of the United States. It clearly demonstrates Donald Trump's horrible judgement, the man we’d have to depend on if this nation comes under threat. Are you frightened yet? If not, there’s something wrong with you.
So again Trump has dangerously poor judgement, and he’s completely self-absorbed. More proof of that is he’s allied himself with an historic foreign adversary against 17 U.S. intelligence agencies whose sole job it is to protect the American people. That clearly shows that Trump’s only loyalty is to himself, so his allegiance is not to country, or to his supporters - as Jeff Sessions, Sean Spicer, Anthony Scaramucci, and many other White House staffers are currently beginning to recognize - but to whoever smiles at him the brightest on any given day, and a man like that cannot be trusted. There’s a word for such people - sociopath.
His poor judgement and self-absorbed nature could even be seen when he spoke at a Boy Scout jamboree where it is traditional to give uplifting and patriotic speeches to our youth, but his speech was all about Donald Trump: "Boy, you have a lot of people here. The press will say it's about 200 people. It looks like about 45,000 people. You set a record today. You set a record." And then he goes on to say, referring to election night before an audience of children, "But do you remember that incredible night with the maps and the Republicans are red and the Democrats are blue, and that map was so red, it was unbelievable, and they didn't know what to say?" It was so over-the-top that the Boy Scouts of America had to issue a public apology for the conduct of the President of the United States. Politico reported:
“The head of the Boy Scouts of America apologized to the group’s members on Thursday after President Donald Trump delivered a meandering, controversial and frequently political speech to the organization's National Jamboree on Monday. ‘I want to extend my sincere apologies to those in our Scouting family who were offended by the political rhetoric that was inserted into the jamboree,’ Chief Scout Executive Michael Surbaugh said in a letter published online. ‘That was never our intent.’ . . . Surbaugh noted in the letter that the group is nonpartisan and has had a ‘long-standing tradition’ of inviting the sitting president to speak at the event since its inception in 1937. He reiterated that Trump’s appearance at the gathering was ‘no way an endorsement of any person, party or policies.”’
Now that has to be a first, for the Boy Scouts to have to apologize for the behavior of the President of the United States. It clearly demonstrates Donald Trump's horrible judgement, the man we’d have to depend on if this nation comes under threat. Are you frightened yet? If not, there’s something wrong with you.
So again Trump has dangerously poor judgement, and he’s completely self-absorbed. More proof of that is he’s allied himself with an historic foreign adversary against 17 U.S. intelligence agencies whose sole job it is to protect the American people. That clearly shows that Trump’s only loyalty is to himself, so his allegiance is not to country, or to his supporters - as Jeff Sessions, Sean Spicer, Anthony Scaramucci, and many other White House staffers are currently beginning to recognize - but to whoever smiles at him the brightest on any given day, and a man like that cannot be trusted. There’s a word for such people - sociopath.
In a meeting in the Oval Office (in which he banned the U.S. press) he criticized the director of OUR FBI and gave top secret information (information that was so highly classified that it was only disseminated within our own government on a need-to-know basis) to our Russian adversaries just to show what a big shot he is, and length that he was willing to go to protect his very special relationship with Vladimir Putin. According to the New York Times, He said: “I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.” Can you imagine ANY President of the United States with even the most routine level of common sense ever saying such a thing to a foreign adversary!!!?
I'm a former Marine, and I can tell you without a doubt that the people who fought and died for this country (while Trump was getting 5 deferments to avoid putting his own cowardly life on the line) are rolling over in their graves. If Ike Eisenhower (the last responsible Republican to hold office) was still around, he'd have Trump summarily shot.
That's what's so disgusting about having Trump occupying the Oval Office. His mere presence diminishes the memory of the great men who preceded him. He constitutes nothing less than a smudge on the presidency. That's why it's so important that he be impeached. Trump's impeachment would restore the dignity to the office of the President of the United States, because Trumps very presence suggests to the world that even a treasonous coward can become President of the United States, and that doesn't serve America well. Some of our oldest and most respected allies have all but completely written us off after only 6 months of observing Donald Trump. This guy is so self-absorbed and narcissistic that he would get us involved in a nuclear war just to raise his poll numbers. So we'd better correct this grievous error - and in a hurry!
Republican Sen. Bob Corker: Trump has not shown 'competence' needed to lead
In a meeting in the Oval Office (in which he banned the U.S. press) he criticized the director of OUR FBI and gave top secret information (information that was so highly classified that it was only disseminated within our own government on a need-to-know basis) to our Russian adversaries just to show what a big shot he is, and length that he was willing to go to protect his very special relationship with Vladimir Putin. According to the New York Times, He said: “I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.” Can you imagine ANY President of the United States with even the most routine level of common sense ever saying such a thing to a foreign adversary!!!?
I'm a former Marine, and I can tell you without a doubt that the people who fought and died for this country (while Trump was getting 5 deferments to avoid putting his own cowardly life on the line) are rolling over in their graves. If Ike Eisenhower (the last responsible Republican to hold office) was still around, he'd have Trump summarily shot.
That's what's so disgusting about having Trump occupying the Oval Office. His mere presence diminishes the memory of the great men who preceded him. He constitutes nothing less than a smudge on the presidency. That's why it's so important that he be impeached. Trump's impeachment would restore the dignity to the office of the President of the United States, because Trumps very presence suggests to the world that even a treasonous coward can become President of the United States, and that doesn't serve America well. Some of our oldest and most respected allies have all but completely written us off after only 6 months of observing Donald Trump. This guy is so self-absorbed and narcissistic that he would get us involved in a nuclear war just to raise his poll numbers. So we'd better correct this grievous error - and in a hurry!
Republican Sen. Bob Corker: Trump has not shown 'competence' needed to lead
“I think in spite of the fact that people are polarized in our nation right now, people have to understand that we should hope that (Trump) aspires, that he does some self-reflection, that he does what is necessary to demonstrate stability, to demonstrate competence, to demonstrate that he understands the character of our nation and works daily to bring out the best in the people of our nation,” he said.
Trump also needs “to take stock of the role he plays in our nation and move beyond himself, move way beyond himself, and move to place where daily he’s waking up thinking of what’s best for the nation,” Corker said.
That’s the message that America has got to get across to the handful of true Republican patriots left - that Americans have fought and died for this democracy for over 241 years, and Trump's silly, undignified, and treacherous behavior is a slap in the face of all of those brave American patriots. They didn't give up their lives for this, so by supporting Trump, the modern Republican Party has turned into a party of traitors.
Just based on what we currently know, the entire Trump family should already be in jail, and Trump knows it. That’s why he fired FBI Director Comey, is publically humiliating Attorney General Sessions, is threatening investigator Mueller, and as we speak, he’s already exploring his authority to pardon himself, his family, and associates. He's furious with Attorney General Sessions recusing himself from the Russian investigation because he was depending on Sessions' "loyalty" to sabotage the investigation into his alleged crimes.
The Attorney General is suppose to be independent. His loyalty is suppose to be to the United States Constitution, not to some bratty bigshot wannabe having a hissy fit because he can't have his way over the founding fathers. That's not democracy, that's fascism - but the dangerous part is, I don't think Trump even knows the difference. If he did, he'd know what a fool he's making of himself. So we cannot allow him to pardon himself. We should impeach him FIRST - before he fills our government with Russian agents - and THEN bring criminal charges, and we should impeach Vice President Pence as well for misprision of treason. Donald Trump is his own worst enemy. The man doesn’t even have sense enough not to make himself look guilty, so how can we depend on his judgement to guide this nation? The fact is, we can’t.
It took an act of congress to get Trump to sign off on sanctions against the Russians for meddling in our elections, and even then they had to insert a clause saying that he couldn't reduce them - "I'm sorry Putie. I tried to be a good boy but they won't let me." As a result, Putin spanked him by evicting the United States from two U.S. embassy compounds, and throwing 755 American embassy staff out of Russia. You see, Trump goes for bad toward his subordinates and the press, but he's a weak puppet with respect to Vladimir Putin. That's why he's tried at least twice to establish a "backchannel" (secret) means of communication with Putin outside the hearing of our intelligence community. He's been compromised by the Russians through his private business deals, so there's no telling what he might do to make up for his bad behavior toward "Putie." Trump tweet: "Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?" Those are the words of a weakling. He sounds like a child. Can you imagine Putin ever saying anything like that about Trump? Of course not. Because whatever else he might be, Putin is a serious adult, a trait in which Trump is seriously lacking.
That’s the message that America has got to get across to the handful of true Republican patriots left - that Americans have fought and died for this democracy for over 241 years, and Trump's silly, undignified, and treacherous behavior is a slap in the face of all of those brave American patriots. They didn't give up their lives for this, so by supporting Trump, the modern Republican Party has turned into a party of traitors.
Just based on what we currently know, the entire Trump family should already be in jail, and Trump knows it. That’s why he fired FBI Director Comey, is publically humiliating Attorney General Sessions, is threatening investigator Mueller, and as we speak, he’s already exploring his authority to pardon himself, his family, and associates. He's furious with Attorney General Sessions recusing himself from the Russian investigation because he was depending on Sessions' "loyalty" to sabotage the investigation into his alleged crimes.
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It took an act of congress to get Trump to sign off on sanctions against the Russians for meddling in our elections, and even then they had to insert a clause saying that he couldn't reduce them - "I'm sorry Putie. I tried to be a good boy but they won't let me." As a result, Putin spanked him by evicting the United States from two U.S. embassy compounds, and throwing 755 American embassy staff out of Russia. You see, Trump goes for bad toward his subordinates and the press, but he's a weak puppet with respect to Vladimir Putin. That's why he's tried at least twice to establish a "backchannel" (secret) means of communication with Putin outside the hearing of our intelligence community. He's been compromised by the Russians through his private business deals, so there's no telling what he might do to make up for his bad behavior toward "Putie." Trump tweet: "Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?" Those are the words of a weakling. He sounds like a child. Can you imagine Putin ever saying anything like that about Trump? Of course not. Because whatever else he might be, Putin is a serious adult, a trait in which Trump is seriously lacking.
But through the benefit of 20/20 hindsight it's easy to see how Donald Trump got caught up in this. Due to his arrogance, greed, narcissism, and poor judgement, he thought, and he still thinks, he's above the law. But there's only one thing I like about Trump, he makes me appreciate the intelligence, dignity, and statesmanship of Barack Obama all the more. Trump makes George W. Bush look like one of the founding fathers, and he's gonna put Barack Obama on Mount Rushmore single-handedly.
But through the benefit of 20/20 hindsight it's easy to see how Donald Trump got caught up in this. Due to his arrogance, greed, narcissism, and poor judgement, he thought, and he still thinks, he's above the law. But there's only one thing I like about Trump, he makes me appreciate the intelligence, dignity, and statesmanship of Barack Obama all the more. Trump makes George W. Bush look like one of the founding fathers, and he's gonna put Barack Obama on Mount Rushmore single-handedly.
So Republicans better wake up, or they're going down with him. This can rock their boat for decades. When all this begins to sink in on the American people, and they begin to realize that this is more than just a fight between liberals and conservatives, America is not going to vote for anyone who supported a traitor.
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Alexander Hamilton, one of the founding fathers of fiscal conservatism believed that only those who owned property should even be allowed to vote. He said:
"All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are the rich and wellborn, the other the mass of the people.... The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right. Give therefore to the first class a distinct, permanent share in government. They will check the unsteadiness of the second, and as they cannot receive any advantage by a change, they therefore will ever maintain good government." (Debates of the Federalist Convention - May 14-September 17, 1787).
Hamilton's views were summarily rejected by the founding fathers, mainly because many of them left Europe to escape the class system. But those who hold Hamilton's view are still among us, they simply have to remain discreet, and contrive various pretexts to camouflage their agenda in order to remain politically viable. Today, these people are called fiscal conservatives, and their agenda is clearly visible to anyone who's not so blinded by hatred and self-interest that they take the time to see. The fiscal conservative agenda is simply being disguised and hidden within the fabric of purposely instigated racism, sexism, xenophobia, and other forms of hatred, bigotry, and division. But anyone who takes the time to be objective will immediately recognize that the GOP specializes in using emotion to circumvent clear thinking, and thereby, the will and best interest of the people.
The only reason they call the Affordable Care Act "Obamacare" is to remind racist bigots that regardless to whether it is helpful to them and their family or not, it was enacted by an "uppity" Black man, Barack Obama. And that's the primary reason they're so determined to appeal it - even the lucrative tax cut to the rich is just sweetener, because they're so rich they don't really need it.
Alexander Hamilton, one of the founding fathers of fiscal conservatism believed that only those who owned property should even be allowed to vote. He said:
"All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are the rich and wellborn, the other the mass of the people.... The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right. Give therefore to the first class a distinct, permanent share in government. They will check the unsteadiness of the second, and as they cannot receive any advantage by a change, they therefore will ever maintain good government." (Debates of the Federalist Convention - May 14-September 17, 1787).
Hamilton's views were summarily rejected by the founding fathers, mainly because many of them left Europe to escape the class system. But those who hold Hamilton's view are still among us, they simply have to remain discreet, and contrive various pretexts to camouflage their agenda in order to remain politically viable. Today, these people are called fiscal conservatives, and their agenda is clearly visible to anyone who's not so blinded by hatred and self-interest that they take the time to see. The fiscal conservative agenda is simply being disguised and hidden within the fabric of purposely instigated racism, sexism, xenophobia, and other forms of hatred, bigotry, and division. But anyone who takes the time to be objective will immediately recognize that the GOP specializes in using emotion to circumvent clear thinking, and thereby, the will and best interest of the people.
The only reason they call the Affordable Care Act "Obamacare" is to remind racist bigots that regardless to whether it is helpful to them and their family or not, it was enacted by an "uppity" Black man, Barack Obama. And that's the primary reason they're so determined to appeal it - even the lucrative tax cut to the rich is just sweetener, because they're so rich they don't really need it.
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So as a direct result of this conservative subterfuge we have the second faction in the Republican Party, the social conservatives - or bigots. They serve as the fiscal conservatives' storm troopers. They keep the people divided so the controlling faction of the Republican Party won't suffer the same fate as Alexander Hamilton during the Federalist Convention.
Social conservatives, or bigots, tend to be the mediocrity of White society, so they try to use the fact that they were born White to define themselves and to compensate for their lack of personal value. Their entire sense of self-esteem is based more upon group association than individual value and accomplishment, and their entire claim to personal significance is, "Well, at least I'm better than them."
That's what drove radical conservatives so crazy about President Obama - he's walking, breathing, evidence that they cannot claim superiority by virtue of the color T-shirt they were born in, and that simple fact alone has caused them to suffer a severe attack of cognitive dissonance before the eyes of the entire world. That's also why they're so determined not to allow President Obama to be seen as the great president that he was, even if it means destroying the country - and international corporatists are using the social division inherent in those sentiments to lower the standard of living of the American people - and our hatred, division, and ignorance is playing right into their hands.
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So this entire nation, and the future of our children, is being threatened by the desperate attempt of a handful of insecure bigots to maintain their delusions of superiority, and as far as they’re concerned, if the country has to be sacrificed for that cause, so be it . . . thus, Donald Trump.
So Trump's call to "Make America Great Again" is actually racist code for taking America back to when bigotry was the law of the land, ignorant and undereducated White boys were honored and looked up to, and women were kept barefoot and pregnant. Thus, what we're Currently witnessing in America is not the GOP's attempt to improve the lives of the American people, but the GOP'S desperate attempt to erase Barack Obama from history (by any means necessary), and an effort to resuscitate Jim Crow from the final vestiges of his dying gasp.
This nation has NEVER lived up to the myth that the American flag is suppose to represent. During the "Manifest Destiney" era (when Europeans came here and claimed that "God wants us to have this land"), after being welcomed here by the Native Americans, they responded by presenting them with disease-infected blankets, and then bringing in their army to eradicate them. We condemn the Nazis for killing 6 million Jews, but in the end American settlers killed as many as 100 million Native Americans in order to take their land. Thereafter, they moved on to either kill are make the lives of millions of African slaves miserable. Then after slavery, there was the Jim Crow era in which millions of African-Americans were discriminated against, brutalized, and in many cases murdered. And during that same time the nation was involved in WWII where Japanese-American citizens had their property seized and entire families were placed in concentration camps. In addition, the United States dropped not one, but TWO atomic bombs on the innocent men, women and children of Japan - and since they were noncombatants, that made it THE MOST horrendous act of terrorism in ALL of human history. But “America the Beautiful” still wasn’t done - it went on to kill 3.1 million Vietnamese (2 million of which were innocent civilian men, women, and children), and then did the very same thing to the people of Iraq (they were more compassionate with Iraqis, however - they only killed a million of them), and for no reason whatsoever, other than they didn’t like the cut of their jib. So in which era of atrocities was "America Great" the first the first time, Mr. Trump?
So in the true tradition of American hypocrisy, Trump doesn't care anything about "Making America Great Again," because it's never been great; it's all a bunch of patriotic hype. What he actually wants is a return to the status quo where the rich are free to become richer regardless to who they have to abuse and/or destroy to accomplish that goal - and in this global economy that includes the American people. So in spite of all of their preaching, pronouncements and evangelizing, it's not simply Obamacare that they're desperately trying to repeal, they're trying to repeal Obama and his legacy, even if it means taking away the healthcare of 22 million Americans. So that's what we're currently dealing with in this country - ignorant bigots being controlled by the rich who are willing to cut their own throats, and the throat of the nation, because they're too uninformed to see the big picture, and too angry to care. And due to that very same ignorance, anger and selfishness, these people are easy to control by simply inundating them with a constant drumbeat of disinformation - thus, FOX News.
But there is hope, because the third faction in the Republican Party are traditional and legitimate conservatives. These are Eisenhower conservatives - many of my neighbors are such people, and they're beginning to see the light. These people simply believe in love of country, low-key ideals, and living reasonable and responsible lives, so Trump is much too over-the-top for them - and they don't understand his love affair with Russia at all. These are the people who can kick the legs out from under the Republican corruption of this country, because they are part of the Republican base. If Trump loses them, his approval ratings will dip into the low twenties, and Republican politicians will abandon him in droves. So these are the people that progressives should be speaking to. We've got to bring an end to this tendency to simply talk to ourselves. Instead of always being so combative, we've got to educate, because all people of good will have simply got to come together. This is not a liberal versus conservative issue. This is an American issue, so we better wake up..
So Trump's call to "Make America Great Again" is actually racist code for taking America back to when bigotry was the law of the land, ignorant and undereducated White boys were honored and looked up to, and women were kept barefoot and pregnant. Thus, what we're Currently witnessing in America is not the GOP's attempt to improve the lives of the American people, but the GOP'S desperate attempt to erase Barack Obama from history (by any means necessary), and an effort to resuscitate Jim Crow from the final vestiges of his dying gasp.
This nation has NEVER lived up to the myth that the American flag is suppose to represent. During the "Manifest Destiney" era (when Europeans came here and claimed that "God wants us to have this land"), after being welcomed here by the Native Americans, they responded by presenting them with disease-infected blankets, and then bringing in their army to eradicate them. We condemn the Nazis for killing 6 million Jews, but in the end American settlers killed as many as 100 million Native Americans in order to take their land. Thereafter, they moved on to either kill are make the lives of millions of African slaves miserable. Then after slavery, there was the Jim Crow era in which millions of African-Americans were discriminated against, brutalized, and in many cases murdered. And during that same time the nation was involved in WWII where Japanese-American citizens had their property seized and entire families were placed in concentration camps. In addition, the United States dropped not one, but TWO atomic bombs on the innocent men, women and children of Japan - and since they were noncombatants, that made it THE MOST horrendous act of terrorism in ALL of human history. But “America the Beautiful” still wasn’t done - it went on to kill 3.1 million Vietnamese (2 million of which were innocent civilian men, women, and children), and then did the very same thing to the people of Iraq (they were more compassionate with Iraqis, however - they only killed a million of them), and for no reason whatsoever, other than they didn’t like the cut of their jib. So in which era of atrocities was "America Great" the first the first time, Mr. Trump?
So in the true tradition of American hypocrisy, Trump doesn't care anything about "Making America Great Again," because it's never been great; it's all a bunch of patriotic hype. What he actually wants is a return to the status quo where the rich are free to become richer regardless to who they have to abuse and/or destroy to accomplish that goal - and in this global economy that includes the American people. So in spite of all of their preaching, pronouncements and evangelizing, it's not simply Obamacare that they're desperately trying to repeal, they're trying to repeal Obama and his legacy, even if it means taking away the healthcare of 22 million Americans. So that's what we're currently dealing with in this country - ignorant bigots being controlled by the rich who are willing to cut their own throats, and the throat of the nation, because they're too uninformed to see the big picture, and too angry to care. And due to that very same ignorance, anger and selfishness, these people are easy to control by simply inundating them with a constant drumbeat of disinformation - thus, FOX News.
Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.
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Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.