Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree
Knowledge and character
We’ve got to stop chasing the carrot and start working on self-development. The money game is how this White supremacist society tries to convince themselves, and us, that White people are superior. They use the dollar to measure our relative worth as a people, and if you buy into that game, since the cards are stack against you it’ll have a negative impact on your self-image. Knowledge and character
There are many more important things in life than just trying to be rich. Is Donald Trump more valuable to humanity than was Charlie Parker, John Coltrane, Langston Hughes, or Martin Luther King? Of course not. If Donald Trump had never been born this world wouldn’t have even skipped a beat, but that’s not true of the ones mentioned above.
So all we need is enough money to satisfy our primary needs in life. After that, money can't do a damn thing to increase our happiness or personal value. Proof of that point is, in spite of the fact that Donald Trump is filthy rich, he seems to be one of the most miserable people on the planet, and of next to no value to humanity. Yet, he wants to be loved and admired so badly he’s become delusional, saying things like, “At my inauguration I had the biggest crowds in American history; or, “In my first year in office I’ve accomplished more than any other president in American history.” - Pure bullshit. The man would trade in every penny he's ever made to get the love, honor, and respect of Barack Obama. That's why he's so fixated on him, but it's not going to happen, because Trump lacks the character, intelligence, and class of Barack Obama.
Trump’s only value as a human being is he clearly demonstrates the fact that no matter how much money you have you can't buy the admiration and respect of others, and that's what we all want most. People respect those with the most intelligence, talent, knowledge, and character. We only want money, and a big house and car, because it's suppose to represent those things, but it doesn't. It takes a personal effort to attain knowledge and character, but all that’s necessary to become rich is the willingness to be a crook, as Donald Trump or any drug dealer clearly demonstrates.
Below is Barack Obama proving that point with his customary knowledge, elegance, and grace. On this very night President Obama captured Osama Bin Laden, but he didn't say a word. Trump would have turned the entire night into a celebration of his greatness, or an exercise in the desperation of a wannabe.
Eric L. Wattree
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.
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