Friday, May 18, 2018


Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree

I tried to swat a fly the other day but he got away.  Did that mean he was blessed by God for being a good and obedient fly? That may sound like a ridiculous question, but that's exactly the kind of nonsense that religious fanatics would have us believe about our own lives. But since God created both man and fly, what makes man assume that God loves one any more than the other, or that the rules of existence are not exactly the same? God created the fly with all of the instincts he needed to survive, just as he did every other living thing, so, unlike the fly, why does man need  "Holy Men" and a users guide to navigate his way through life?  The answer is, he doesn't.  Just as God gave the fly and all other living things the instincts to navigate their way through life, he did exactly the same thing for man.  It's called "common sense."  Common sense is the word of God, and the word of man is nonsense.
For example, if God loves and bestows worldly blessings upon those who are most obedient, does that mean that he loves White people more than he does Black people and people of color?  Of course not, but whether you know it or not, if you're a devout Christian that's the underlying nonsense that's being fed into your subconscious, because if God bestows blessings upon those who are most Godly, he must deem White folks more Godly than Black people, because they certainly have more.  On a conscious level, or through common sense, you know that's nonsense, because God uses common sense to speak to you directly, but on a subconscious level, that's what's being fed to your subconscious mind through the Voodoo of man.
That's the primary reason why many Black people are often so hostile toward their own people. Due to their Christian indoctrination, they're the only people on Earth who's allowed themselves to be convinced that their own people are ungodly. Jews have convinced themselves that they're "God's chosen people," and that's why they prosper, because you are what you think. But Black people have been brainwashed into believing that the White man is Godly, right down to the White Jesus that we're taught to embrace so passionately. But if we used just the tiniest bit of the common sense that God bestowed upon us we'd asked ourselves, how could a blond haired, blue-eyed, White Scandinavian have been born in the desert? But we don't. We simply have "faith" in what we've been told and become hostile toward anyone who has the common sense to challenge that nonsense. That's one of the major reasons Black people can't come together and move forward.

When I was a kid and learning to play the saxophone, my "God-loving" grandmother used to tell me, "Don't be playin' that Blues in my house." I never understood that, because we used to sit up and watch Spade Cooley singing Country and Western music on television all the time, yet, she never stopped to consider that her attitude was anti-Black.  That's when I first started thinking about the impact that our Christian indoctrination is having on our thinking. It's turning us into Black, White folks - or at least, White wannabes. But by that time I was heavily influenced the brilliance of Charlie Parker, Miles, and John Coltrane, so I didn't wannabe anything but Black, and I wasn't gonna let anyone change that with the threat of Hell and damnation. So I did as the Bible suggested - I "casted the dust from my feet" and left the church behind. I was only 14 years old at the time, and I haven't looked back since. 
If people truly had “faith” in God, they’d have faith in the mind that God bestowed upon them instead the word of the word of man. They'd understand that those who prosper, prosper due to their own efforts, not because God blessed them for having "faith" in the word of another man. They'd also understand that God did his part when he gave us a brain, and thereafter, it's up to us to use it. For anyone who doubts the truth of that simple common sense, test your faith by getting on your knees in front of an oncoming train and pray that God stops the train before it hits you.  If you don't use your God-given sense to get out the way, you're gonna be dog food, and all of the "faith" in the universe is not gonna prevent that. That's the way that life works, not by faith, but through the use of common sense.  So people need to wake up and come out of their fantasy world, and especially Black people, because many of us have been socialized into passionately embracing the very philosophy that was designed to hold us down. When we're told we must have "faith," they don't mean faith in God, but faith in the nonsense they're telling us, like snakes can talk.
Common sense should also cause us to ask, if God created religion to guide man, why are there so many of them? There are over 4,200 religions on Earth, so which one of them is true, and what makes you think that yours is the only true one?  The answer to that question is quite simple - none of them are true; they're merely unfounded beliefs - superstitions - conjured up by man to manipulate other men, just like Voodoo.

The reason there are so many religions is because every society establishes it’s own belief system to accommodate the people's selfishness, greed, and need to feel special. Religion allows the people of every society to convince themselves that they're special and God loves them more than he loves "the heathens" of other religions.  That's why 99% of all wars have religion at their root.
People feel justified in killing those who they consider "ungodly," and therefore, less than themselves, and that’s exactly how bigoted White people feel about Black people and other people of color. According to their way of thinking, they have God's permission to abuse and/or kill the ungodly, or those who they feel are less than themselves. That mindset led to Europeans killing over 100 million Native Americans to steal this land. The doctrine of "Manifest Destiny" dictated that since the Native Americans were "ungodly heathens," God made it the White man's destiny to eradicate the heathens and bring God to this sacred land.  But what the Manifest Destiny actually was, was an excuse to murder, ravage, and steal.
Most Black Christians don't even know about the Doctrine of Discovery. That's a Christian doctrine that says that if they show up on the shores of a land where the people who's lived there for thousands of years are not Christian, they had the God-given right to take it. Yet, many Black people are worshipping that gross hypocrisy. That philosophy also accounts for Black kids being shot down in the street by rogue cops with complete impunity.
Religious bigots in the United States feel like it's their God-given destiny to correct the mistake of infesting this land with ungodly Africans, so they are determined to either domesticate Black people or exterminate them, and by any means necessary.  Due to public outcry, however, they've recently renounced the public lynching of Black people as a means of “holy cleansing,” so now they’ve turned to lynching by bullet on the street, and even in a victim’s backyard. Yet, many Black people are running around talking about "have faith." In what!!!? Being rewarded after you're dead? That's the White man's game as well.  Why isn't he willing to wait until after HE'S dead to be rewarded?
  Instead, he's robbing people blind TODAY, just like many Black preachers, and that's exactly why I have very little use for them. 
The exact same thing is currently going on in Israel. It’s “Manifest Destiny” 2.  In 1948, just after WWII, the Zionists went into Palestine, took over Palestinian land, and then relegated the Palestinian people to an open-air prison in Gaza with poison water and limited electrical power. In addition, they instituted a blockade around Gaza to prevent the rest of the world from lending assistance to the Palestinians with food, medicine, and the other necessities of life.  So they’ve placed the Palestinian people in a position where they would slowly perish, and all because the Zionists claimed that "God wanted them to have the land" that the Palestinians have lived on for thousands of years - and that's in spite of the fact they'd been crying over how brutally they themselves were treated during the Nazi holocaust.  But the reason they felt free to commit such an unjust atrocity is because they've convinced themselves that it's "God's will," he loves them more than he does the Palestinians - and it's all based on their religious myth that they are “God’s chosen people.”
But while one would think that after the atrocities committed against the Jews by the Germans during WWII that they would demand and takeover a piece of Germany as their homeland, but obviously, in spite of their religious beliefs, they knew that their claim of being God's chosen people wouldn't fly with the White people of Germany, so with the able assistance of United States bigots, they chose an easier target. The entered into a long-term quid pro quo arrangement with the United States - Israel would gradually takeover the land in the area, and the United States will takeover the oil beneath the land, and all in the name of God. So the turmoil in the Middle East, and the deaths of poor and middle-class American troops, is just beginning in the area.
So based on a religious myth, the Zionists are committing the exact same kind of genocide to the Palestinian people that the Nazis tried to commit against them, but in order that it wouldn’t be so obvious, instead of building concentration camps, they’ve turned Gaza into an open-air prison, and instead of using gas chambers to exterminate them, they’re allowing the Palestinians to slowly perish by depriving them of the necessities of life.  And the exact same kind of atrocities are being committed by religious fanatics all over the world. They're using the name of God to justify the very worst kind of murder, brutality, and mayhem against others.  But when looked at with a clear and unpolluted mind, it becomes clear that it doesn't make any kind of sense that a loving God would be a part of that.
The very same thing is true of the Evangelicals here in the United States. Nearly 81 % of White Evangelicals voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 election, and that’s in spite of their claim to be following the teachings of Jesus Christ. The fact that Trump is a crook, a philanderer, and undoubtedly one of the most evil men walking the Earth doesn't seem to bother them a bit. The reason for that is ,their so-called religious beliefs are not based on God at all, they're based on self-service, greed, and mean-spiritedness.  Think about it, do you think Jesus would support an evil and corrupt lunatic like Trump for a minute, a man who referred to homeless immigrants as animals!!!? I don't think so. But the Evangelicals voted for him nevertheless, so he could "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN."

Thus, all of the atrocities being committed in the name of God makes it abundantly clear that religion is evil, and it has absolutely nothing to do with God. Man merely uses the name of God as a justification for murder and greed. Consider  what "Make America Great Again" actually means. It means maintaining White supremacy by any means necessary.  Yet, many Black people have passionately embraced the very religious philosophy that makes that possible. You don't have to believe in walkin' dead men, talkin' snakes, or attend expensive spoken-word concerts every Sunday morning to prove you love God; all you have to do is live a good and loving life.  And just because a man likes to run his mouth and doesn't want to get a job doesn't mean he's been "anointed" by God; it means he's anointed himself - to rip you off.  So many Black preachers are using the techniques designed to oppress Black people to victimize their own people.


So all of the atrocities being committed by man in the name of religion makes it crystal clear that religion is evil, and it has absolutely nothing to do with God - man merely uses the name of God as a justification for murder and greed.

So once again, God has absolutely nothing to do with religion. Religion is the "word of man," not God. So anyone who chooses to believe in walking dead men and talking snakes over the common sense that was bestowed upon them by nature (or God), has chosen to give the word of man priority over God.  Evil men came up with all this nonsense to promote their own interests.  And again, that's why in spite of the fact that there's only one God, there are over 4,200 religions in the world, because every group comes up with their own version of God to support their particular interests. So which religion is the true religion?  Let me tell you - NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM.

Considering man’s limited intellect, there's only so far man can go in trying to understand the concept of God. We don't even fully understand the laws of nature, much less God.  We don't understand the nature of time and space, relative proportion, or even how a subatomic particle can be in two places at once, yet, we know through science that it happens. So if we're so limited in our intellect that we can't wrap our heads around those simple concepts, how can we even hope to embrace the concept of God?
For all we know, our entire universe may only be a speck of dust under the toenail of some gigantic being. So again, we're simply not equipped to deal with the concept of God. Thus, we're limited to using our logic to try to understand reality (or God), and my logic tells me that nothing that functions with the precision of our universe just happens haphazardly - that's God speaking to me through his medium, common sense and logic. But then, I run into people who think it’s chic and sophisticated to be atheists, and who jump up and down because I refuse to accept their “Everything came from nothing” fanaticism. Their thinking is just as ridiculous as Pat Robertson's.  Religious fanatics - which includes both atheists, and Christians, Muslims, and Jews - are different sides of the same coin.  Neither one of them know what the hell they're talking about. They’re just repeating what some other man has told them - and any man who blindly follows another man is a mindless, unthinking idiot, who instead of having a brain, their skull would be put to far better use as a grape juice container.
Eric L. Wattree
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.

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