Friday, September 15, 2017


Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree


Rita, we're very dear friends, and I’m noticing that people who I thought would be around forever are dropping like flies. While I fully expect to outlive everybody I know, just in case I’m gone tomorrow, these are a few things I want you to always remember:
*Ignorance is the root of all evil, because it is ignorance that gives money priority.
*A conservative is one who is dedicated to "conserving" America's racist traditions.
*A compassionate conservative is one who cuts your throat with tears in his eye
*"Faith" is choosing to believe in what man says over the common sense that you KNOW God gave you.
*Religion is the belief in man over God.
*A man of God is a pimp who only works on Sundays.
*A politician is one who has chosen to embrace a life of self-service, lying and deceit.
*Patriotism is the belief that God loves the lies that we tell more than the lies of others.

* Think as a way of life, not just as a hobby.
* Never think about what all the people are doing, think about all the things they are NOT doing.
*You must recognize who you are, to visualize who you can be.
*Never seek recognition. Always seek excellence, and allow recognition to seek you.
*You are what you think, so if you refuse to think, you're nothing.
*Seek to own the race track, not to become the horse.
*Waiting on circumstances to make you happy will insure an unhappy existence. So be happy now, regardless of your situation.
*The only mature form of competition is to compete against who you were the day before.
*Never give anyone else's ability to think priority over your own - including mine.
*Never become so enraptured by the thoughts of others that you fail to formulate your own.
*Heroes are for kids, because kids don't have bills to pay.
*Seek to become your own hero, and never allow anyone to remove your cape.
*An unexamined life is a waste of skin.
*Ignore hostility and haterism, because they’re the product of weak and frustrated minds.
*There are only two kinds of people in this world - good people, and bad people - and ignorance is the dividing line between the two.
*Without mistakes you would never grow, so you should never mourn your mistakes; you should celebrate your growth. 
*We can't out-scream 'em because they control the media, and we can't out-fight 'em because they control the military and police, so our only option is to out-think 'em, and we can do that if we'd just come together and think as a class.
*Efficient thought requires that you first, see life as it is, and only then, as you would have it.
*Intelligence is not static. It rises to accommodate your level of curiosity and your desire for accomplishment.
*The subconscious mind doesn't deal in self-assessment, so what you tell it you are, it believes, and begins to work under that assumption.  So always think of yourself as the world-class diva that you are, and never doubt yourself for a second.
*Don't tell people who you are, show 'em.
*Friends are at their best while embracing your mutual failure as their comfort zone, but if they succeed beyond you, you’ll soon find that many weren’t friends at all.
*True love is always having your lover's back, and knowing you don't have to worry about your own.
*Some of the greatest minds I've ever known held court while sitting on empty milk crates in the parking lot of ghetto liquor stores, so never discount their wisdom.
*Never confuse credentials and the sign on a person's door with intelligence.
*Never assume that an academic receipt for knowledge is valid.
*Before you point your finger at someone else, always smell it first.
*Adversity is the Harvard University of the hood, and it's graduates are just as distinguished.
*Wit without wisdom is a waste. 

*Man's innate thirst for knowledge will someday overwhelm his passionate lust for stupidity, so remain optimistic.
*Show me a man who believes that Moses parted the Red Sea, and I'll show you a man whose grip on reality can't be relied upon, so season the words of ALL fanatics with a box of salt.
*There's no such thing as a walkin' dead man or a talkin' snake.
*More often than not, the happiest moments in your life didn't cost you a dime, so remember that while seeking wealth and fame.
*Every experience is a source of knowledge, so having to endure adversity makes you more, rather than less.
*You should take great pride in being the product of adversity, because your mere survival provides you with unassailable credentials, and it adds lyrics to your song.
*If one can’t find happiness in poverty, wealth will prove to be an ineffective mentor.
*We say that we’re Black and we’re proud, but for far too many of us, that's only until we escape the adversity of being Black.
*We must buy a license to marry, but we're free to hate with impunity. Consider that.
*Always follow truth, regardless to where it leads, or whose ox it gores.
*A personal observation: Older women aren't quite as frisky as young ones, but at least I have someone to talk to when I'm done.
*Another personal observation: Older women are capable of stimulating the mind as well as the body, so always celebrate your growing maturity. 
*The perfect woman: One who only tells me to go to Hell half the time.
*A personal epiphany: A man knows he's aging when he's got the hots for the lady in the Depends commercial.



Eric L. Wattree
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.

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