Friday, August 23, 2019


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree


I’m a passionate believer in God. I pray before every meal, and before I go to bed every night, but I have absolutely no respect any organized religion of any kind.  Organized religions are filled with ignorant, pompous, and closed-minded people who are much more interested in shoving their particular beliefs down the throats of others than they are God. They simply use the name of God to promote what they want you to believe, and use the Devil as an adult version of the Bogeyman designed to scare grown men and women into complying with their nonsense. Thus, every one of them constitute a ridiculous assault on our common sense and intelligence.
There are over 4200 different religions on Earth, and God doesn’t have anything to do with any of them, if he did there would only be one. Religion was created by man to manipulate idiots. You don’t have to believe in talkin’ snakes to prove you love God, all you have to do is live your life in a way that honors his creation, which involves paying your tithes to the homeless, treating your fellow human beings with dignity and respect, and not killing children or putting them in cages.
The fact is, following any religion is a slap in God’s face. God didn’t create you to be stupid, so believing in walking dead men only shows that you have more faith in man’s Mother Goose tales than you have in the common sense that God blessed you with. And if you're basing your belief on the so-called “Holy Scriptures”, they're not the word of God, they're the word of man. All they represent are the superstitious rantings of 3000-year-old dead men. Just because these men – and they were all men - lived 3000 years ago doesn’t mean they knew any more about God than you do – which is absolutely nothing. You can only know God by what God has done, and God made birds to fly, fish to swim, and man to think, not to believe in the Bogeyman, or to praise demagogues. So, falling for this evangelistic nonsense is absolutely idiotic.

What kind of God would tell you to honor Donald Trump? I mean, come on!!! Anyone who believes he would is a fool by definition, and they should begin to question all their other beliefs. But they won't, because they're idiots, and Trump validates their bigotry. But religion has something for everybody.  With respect to Black people, it tells you that all you have to do is pray and God will do all the heavy lifting.  But that's not true either. God did his part when he gave you a brain, so you better get out there and organize, and educate yourself, and vote. The White man loves seeing you on your knees, because that assures him that he can keep you right where you are. You don't honor God by being humble, you honor God by being excellent - like he is.
So again, religion is an attempt by narrow-minded bigots to shove their beliefs down the throats of their fellow man. That’s why 99% of all of the hatred, bigotry, murder, mayhem, and wars on Earth have religion at their root. A loving God wouldn’t set that kind of plague upon man, at least, not the God that I believe in. According to the Ten Commandments God says, "Thou Shall no Kill", and "Love thy neighbor", yet another scripture says the following:
"This is what the Lord Almighty says ... 'Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.' " - 1 Samuel 15:3
And look at what’s going on in the Middle East. They’re killing one another in
droves over a disagreement on the placement of a comma in the “Holy Koran”. A Muslim man cut a woman’s lips off because she had the audacity to try putting on lipstick. Women are not allowed to drive, and a woman can go to jail for showing her ankles in public. In India, a truckdriver was forced off the road and nearly beaten to death after being accused of transporting “sacred cows”, and here in the United States, they used to burn women at the steak as witches just for being educated and having more knowledge than ignorant men could understand. So all religions are primarily the ignorant bigotry of man being carried out in the name of God.

The religious mindset can easily be explained by recognizing the fact that as a group (there are always a few exceptions), the most deeply religious people in the world are invariably either the most backward and ignorant people in the world, or the most greedy. As a result, you can't get through to the former, and the latter have a vested interest in ignoring you. Notice that here in the United States, what we call “The Bible Belt” is in the South. The reason for that is, they also used religion to justify slavery.
Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear and sincerity of heart, just as you would show to Christ. And do this not only to please them while they are watching, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart.…” – Ephesians 6:5
And finally, have you ever wondered why there’s not one book in the Bible that was written by either a Black man, a woman, or an Asian; or why women are not allowed to be Priests, Bishops, Cardinals, or Popes in the Catholic Church?  I’ll tell you why – because the Bible was written by bigots, and God is not a bigot, men are bigots. After all, a woman raised Jesus. Thus, she had to possess some kind of wisdom, so why couldn’t we hear what she had to say? The reason for that is quite simple - the chauvinist bigots who compiled the Bible thought that women were irrelevant. They felt that God only spoke to men. They were ignorant, closed-minded and backward. So how are ignorant men like that suppose to teach mankind how to live our lives? One would think that if God did want to speak to us through other men, he'd, at the very least, find people with some sense.

"I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, she must be silent."1 Timothy 2:12
When I was in the 3rd grade, a woman, Ms. Lady Lee, had a huge influence on my entire life. She prevented the principal from placing me in the "Dunce Brigade" for slow learners, and she taught me the value of knowledge. When she was done they skipped me a year in school. Instead of going into the 4th grade, they placed me into the 5th.

And later, another woman, Ms. Immel, taught me to write. I can still hear her in the back of my mind whenever I write anything - "Eric, you say absolutely nothing more eloquently than any student I've ever had.  If you expect to get through this class, every time you make an assertion I expect you to start backing it up in the following sentence, or no later than the following paragraph." I also think of her every time I hear Donald Trump making unsubstantiated claims. Having "faith" in people like Trump is what makes evil possible, because what we call "evil" is actually ignorance. So it is not having "faith", but using common sense that is Godly. Snakes don't talk!!! - and if you believe they do, you're not a "child of God", you're a damn fool.
So, whenever a preacher comes up to me talkin’ about the Bible, I know right off the bat that I’m dealing with a witch doctor and a fool who lacks the ability to think. So I completely dismiss anything he has to say. His voice simply becomes background noise to me – and I not only dismiss his thoughts on religion, but on any other subject, because I know I can’t trust the thinking of anyone who's so dimwitted and allergic to common sense that he's allowed himself to embrace the validity of Voodoo.
"Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear and sincerity of heart, just as you would show to Christ. And do this not only to please them while they are watching, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart.…"
Ephesians 6:5
I've read this a thousand times, and I don't like it any more this time than I did the first time I read it. God didn't say this. This was written by a 3000-year-old idiot who didn't know any more about God than we do - which is absolutely nothing.  

Eric L. Wattree
Religion: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does. 

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