Friday, August 07, 2020


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree



There’s been a debate raging over the race of Jesus for as long as I can remember.  But it never really interested me, because as far as I’m concerned, it really doesn't matter, because regardless to what  race Jesus was, he was just another man. The only reason there’s a debate at all is the Bible claims that Jesus was the son of God. But unless we consider us all the sons and daughters of God, that’s complete nonsense.
The people who wrote the Bible and other religious books didn't know any more about God than we do today, so we really shouldn’t take them so seriously. They were simply the Pat Robertsons of their time, so the Bible merely constitutes the superstitious rantings of 3000-year-old dead men, and not, as we’ve been told, “the word of God”. It’s the word of man, regarding God, and that’s it.
What makes many assume that the people who wrote the Bible were any closer to God than we are today has always eluded me. I suspect that the primary reason that many believe that is because they’ve reasoned that since the people who wrote the Bible lived 3000 years ago, they might have been on a more friendly terms with God. But 3000 years is only the blink of an eye in terms of cosmic time, so it’s not like they met God while he was at work. But based on the way some people place all of their faith in the Bible, you would think the book was actually dictated by God to the people in real time. Well, it wasn’t. The Bible only reflects what people believed about God, but they had absolutely no evidence that what they believed was true.
The universe is 13.8 billion years old, so 3000 years is just a drop in the bucket in terms of the age of the universe.  So all those 3000 years really mean is that the people back then lacked the education that we have today. Today, if we see a man walking along the beach on the wet sand as the Sun is going down, we see it for what it is, a man walking on wet sand. But 3000 years ago the people would mistake the illusion of the wet sand as part of the ocean and think the man was walking on water. Or, if a person passed out in the public square and Jesus sprinkles water in his face to bring him around, 3000 years ago people would have thought Jesus brought him back from the dead. So one of the reasons they reported so many “miracles” back in those days was due to their ignorance and lack of education.  
So we have to be careful what we accept from the Bible, because those people lacked knowledge and sophistication. As a result, when you follow the Bible, you’re following people who lacked the understanding that we have today. So don’t let man mislead you. There’s nothing un-Godly about questioning the word of man. God expects it of us. That’s why God gave everyone their very own brain and the capacity for logical manipulation, to prevent us from being the mindless victims of stupidity.
Man uses the Bible to try to get other men to think that he speaks for God. But a literal belief in the Bible is like trying to rely on somebody who rode around on a donkey all their life to teach you how to operate your brand-new Cadillac. If you turn on the radio they’ll think it’s God talking to them. So you can’t base the decisions in your life on the attitudes of people who lived 3000 years ago. You must always think for yourself. That’s God’s will – the fact that he gave you your very own private brain attests to that fact.
Think about it. I wonder who taught Black people that “God’s only begotten son” was a White man with blue eyes and flowing blond hair who could walk on water and never die? And who taught us that God gave White folks a book that told them exactly what he wants us to do, and that should replace all manner of common sense? Think about it. Who taught us that, and what makes us big enough damn fools to believe it?

I recognized as a here teen that one of the biggest mistakes that a person can make in life is to listen to other people instead of connecting the dots yourself. Even the most intelligent people have a tendency to cherry-pick facts and bend reality to fit what they want to believe. So once you get the facts, you should ALWAYS connect the dots for yourself. So I learned early in life that anything I can't figure out for myself should simply go unanswered until I can. Because man has a proven record of being stupid, and I didn’t want to go through life following stupidity. That's why we have so many problems, and it’s also why we have people like Donald Trump running our government.
Washington, D.C. is filled to the brim with some of the most pronounced idiots in America. They’re self-serving lunatics who are more interested in influence and personal power than they are the American people. That’s why Donald Trump is trying to get America to sacrifice it’s children to the Coronavirus just so he can be re-elected. But, of course, that’s just a completely selfish man acting in his own self-interest. There’s nothing unusual about that. But what’s frightening about is the number of people stupid enough to sacrifice their children for him.  


So for all of the reasons above, I’ve become what I call a devout Cognivist. That is, I’m a firm believer in logical cognition. I don’t believe in walking dead men, talking snakes, or any human messengers from God, because God doesn’t need messengers. I believe in one thing - the holy power of common sense - because common sense is our one, and only, connection with the creator.
Having “faith” has absolutely nothing to do with God. Having faith simply means that you “have faith” in what you’ve been told by other men. And since I have absolutely no confidence in anything either written or said by man, faith is not my thing. I only have “faith” in one thing - common sense - because common sense was bestowed upon me by God himself, so I don’t have to worry about the credibility of any self-serving preacher, politician, or middle-man. 

Eric L. Wattree

Religion: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does. 

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