Sunday, December 27, 2020


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree 




Ever since Donald Trump lost the election, The Real Donald Trump has come to the fore. His desperate need for power and adulation has greatly overshadowed any concern that he claimed to have for the American people, and his greed and obsession with his own self-interest has also stepped forward with glaring clarity. He’s demonstrated a thirst for power and self-interest that’s so pronounced that he’s completely ignored the suffering of the American people and has demonstrated a willingness to commit sedition against America in its pursuit. 


In spite of the divesting impact that the Covid-19 virus is having on the American people – hospitals completely overflowing, not enough medical staff or resources to attend to the sick and dying, and two Americans dying a minute, amounting to more deaths than in any war America has ever fought - Trump is completely missing in action. He’s remaining secluded in his White House cubbyhole, sulking over being rejected for a second term.  
But he’s not just sulking, he’s also conspiring against the American people to overturn our will and punishing us for voting him out of office. He’s clearly demonstrating that he’s much more interested in holding on to power than he is in the lives of the people. For Donald, the American people are just useful idiots, and he only cares about them as long as they can be of use to him. Even as we speak, he’s pulling every lever and twisting every arm in government trying to subvert the people’s will, and true to his petty nature, he’s gone out of his way to make us suffer.   


If he’d put a fraction of the effort into addressing the pandemic as he is trying to hold on to power, he could have saved the lives of tens of thousands of American citizens. But that’s of little importance to him. He’s never once shown one bit of sympathy for all the families who’ll experience an empty chair at the table during the holidays due his poor judgment, selfishness, and complete incompetence in managing the pandemic. The only thing important to Trump is hanging on to power, and he decided that acknowledging the deadly virulence of Covid-19 would shut down the economy and hurt his chances for re-election.  
Donald Trump admitted that he played down the seriousness of the Coronavirus. He claims that he didn’t want to panic the nation. But it went much farther than that. He actually lied about the seriousness of the virus for several reasons. First, he was clueless as to how to address the emergency. Secondly, the virus threatened to shut down the economy, which he was depending on to get him re-elected. And most importantly, the virus was causing his private businesses to lose millions of dollars a day. Thus, his attitude was, “So, maybe a few people have to die – so what? That’s a small price to pay to ‘save America’” - but what he actually meant was, the death of Americans was a small price to pay for his being able to remain in office. 
.  So Trump is totally consumed by his selfishness. But what's just as malignant  as his selfishness, is his self-serving pettiness, and it knows no bounds. As he’s become ever more unhinged over his inability to overturn the will of the people, after his Secretary of Treasury, Steve Mnuchin, and Mark Meadows, his Chief of Staff, spent 6 months negotiating a deal with congress where they insisted on not giving the American people any more than $600 in pandemic relief, and after the bill had been voted on by congress to meet a deadline that would prevent millions from facing evictions and the end of unemployment assistance, Trump steps in at the eleventh hour and insists that the people be given $2000. 
“I’m also asking Congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation and to send me a suitable bill, or else the next administration will have to deliver a COVID relief package,” Trump said. “And maybe that administration will be me, and we will get it done.”
Trump tweeted the above after sitting on his hands and not saying a word as his own administration negotiated the 5000-page bill for over 6 months - and notice he just couldn't resist the opportunity to include a commercial promoting the false claim that overwhelming evidence of fraud may allow him to overturn the results of the election. It never fails - in the end, everything is always about Trump.

This ploy was meant to make it look like Trump was stepping in on behalf of the people, but what he was actually doing was violating the deadline so the people would get nothing, or at the very least, making them agonize over their fate. So, at this point, while Trump is causally golfing at Mar-a-Lago, the American people are in limbo. They’re waiting to see just how cruel Trump’s going to be.  


Trump was also missing in action in response to the Russian cyberattack on the United States. Experts have compared it to the equivalent of the Attack on Pearl Harbor, but Trump was completely silent on the matter for over a week, and then when he finally did speak out on the issue it was only to rush to Russia’s defense. Many have found that extremely curious, especially after he exhibited the exact same pattern after it was revealed that the Russians placed a bounty on the lives of American troops.  

Why has Donald Trump been so unwavering in defending the Russians ever since the day he entered office? He even sided with the Russians against 17 of our own National Security Agencies during the 2018 Helsinki Summit. He also turned his back on our allies by pulling our troops out of Syria, which was also of benefit to the Russians. He seems to be more concerned about protecting the Russians than he is the American people, and that’s a big problem. Yet, he finds it impossible to understand why the American people saw fit to thrown him out of office?  
The mere fact that Trump is clueless about why he was voted out of office is perfect evidence of why we were right to do so. Trump is pathologically delusional. He is so obsessed with promoting his own interests that it’s forces him to live in a world that bears no relationship to reality. His claims of election fraud have been thrown out of court no less than 59 times, yet he continues to cling to conspiracy theories that he has absolutely no substantiating evidence prove. It’s as though he’s trying to turn his delusions into truth through the force of will. That's why he was thrown out of office none too soon. It’s impossible for anyone who suffers from delusions to be an effective leader, so we were not only right to get rid of him in the last election, but we have over 330,000 dead Americans to attest to the magnitude of the mistake we made when we elected him in the first place

Michael Cohen, Trump’s former attorney and “fixer” said, “You have to remember, Trump doesn’t see things the way that you do. He sees things in his distorted reality that benefits him. He’s able to right now embrace that distorted reality because he still wakes up in the White House. But what happens each and every day as he gets closer to not only leaving, but also it comes with a sense of, in his mind, humiliation, right? And he knows that he is destined for legal troubles.” In short, Trump has been so traumatized by his loss that he’s become a presidential zombie and is of absolutely no use to us, if indeed, he ever was. 

The Washington Post reported in a story described as “jaw dropping” that states that ever since Trump lost the election, he’s completely abdicated his responsibility for managing the public health crisis. The article quotes one of Trump's closest advisers as saying, ‘I think he's just done with Covid.’ It goes on to point out that on election night (Nov. 3rd) the United States was averaging 847 daily deaths over a one-week period. But now we’re at more than three times that rate, “with an average of 2,630 Americans dying every day during last seven days. In fact, our nation saw a gruesome new record set Wednesday with over 3,600 Americans dying from Covid—the most lost in a day from the virus so far.” 
So, while Trump is fighting desperately to keep his job, his irresponsible behavior makes it clear that he has no interest in doing the job he’s fighting for, and beyond that, he has absolutely no interest in the plight of the American people. All Trump’s interested in is the power of the office, and catering to his wounded ego. 


But in the end, maybe Trump has done the American people a favor. He’s clearly demonstrated to us just how unpatriotic, corrupt, and weak-kneed "The Republican Party" is. While they’ve claimed to be the guardians of democracy throughout their history, this new aberration of the GOP turns out to be weak-kneed opportunists who are unwilling to stand up for democracy. Their fear of Trump demonstrates that they’re only out to protect their own political careers. They’re very last concern is defending America. They’re primary concern is protecting White privilege, and getting all they can get out of America for their own selfish benefit – just like Trump. 


Eric L. Wattree 
Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA) 
Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.  



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