Saturday, January 25, 2020


Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree



“On 1/25/20, Scott <> wrote:
Hi Eric L. Wattree, Scott here.

“I'm the Executive Director of the DSCC,
which means I'm in charge of developing the Democratic Party's strategy to flip the Senate in 2020.
“I asked Kati, our Chief Digital Officer, to comb through our Democratic supporter database and select a handful of our most engaged Democrats to interview. And you're on the list, Eric L. Wattree!
“101 of the Democrats we selected in your state have already agreed to be interviewed -- but our data analyst tells me we need at least11 more responses before we can review the results and time is running out for us to lock in our strategic investments to win back the Senate.
“Please, Eric L. Wattree, we selected you specifically. And now, as the Executive Director of the DSCC, I'm asking you: Will you click here to complete your DSCC digital interview?

“Your input is crucial as we finalize our strategy to help Democrats flip the Senate from Mitch McConnell's control in the next election!
“Thanks for all you do,
“Scott Fairchild
Executive Director, DSCC”

Thereafter, the attached “interview”, where they claimed to be interested in my opinion, was not an interview at all. What it actually was, was a list of all the things the Republicans are doing that they KNEW would anger me. In short, it’s was a pitch to get me in the frame of mind to donate - and of course, at the end of the "interview", they provided a donation form with suggested dollar amounts already added in for my convenience. All I had to do was check the box with the amount I wanted to donate, or pick "Other" to donate more. It was such a transparent scam that I was highly insulted that they assumed I was such an idiot. So I sent them the following response:
“To the DSCC,

“I need you to do me a huge favor and PLEASE don't send me any more of this goddamn clickbait. If you're looking for a donation just ask for it upfront and don't waste my time with this transparent bullshit, because it's extremely counterproductive. You're treating me like I'm so stupid that now I not only don't want donate, but I'm reluctant to even give you my vote.
This contact clearly demonstrates that you're just as manipulative as the GOP. What, do you think I stupid!!!? So please take me off your mailing list and don't bother me with this time-wasting bullshit ever again. 
“Sincerely insulted,
“Eric L. Wattree

This is exactly the kind of stupid nonsense that makes many people feel like they can’t trust either party but we’ve allowed it to become the norm. Both parties treat us like we’re children, but that’s exactly why we’ve got to become even more involved in the political process and clean house! We need to replace these people with politicians who clearly recognize that they’re not our leaders, but our EMPLOYEES, and they need to act like it.
And the Republican Party is even worse. Every Republican politician in the senate knows that Donald Trump doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing and that he’s an American disaster, but not one of them is willing to step up to the plate to say as much. The reason for that is simple - they consider their own self-interest more important than America’s welfare, and the United States Constitution. So if we hope to survive as a nation, we’re gonna have to get rid of such people. Watch how Sen. Lindsey Graham describes Donald Trump in the clip below:

But in spite of Graham's distain for Donald Trump, now that the important matter of his own self-interest is on the line, and not just the frivolous interest of America, his political calculus has completely changed.
The minute we see that a politician is putting his or her interest before the interest of the nation , we should get rid of them, and the best way to monitor that is to watch who has the most money coming in. If a politician has tons of cash coming in from special interests, we know that he's not working for us. The fact is, we should get money out of politics altogether, because it guarantees that the only ones country who'll get a fair shake are those with the money to buy it.

You heard what Lindsey Graham said about Trump, but now he's his biggest cheerleader in congress. Can you figure out why? I'll tell you why. Because Lindsey Graham is for Lindsey Graham, so instead of telling Donald Trump to go to hell, as he suggested above, he's found it to his advantage to say it to America. That's not a patriot, that's a self-serving manipulator who's cut from the exact same clothe as Donald Trump himself.

Eric L. Wattree

Religion: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does. 

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